Cultural Invasion In Different World (Cultural Invasion into Isekai)

Chapter 200 - bid farewell

Hearthstone Tavern.

Qiao Xiu dealt with the riots brought by the Judge’s attack, including compensation for the golden legend of the Prince of Caos from the country of steel.

When the time was near the early hours of the morning, Qiao Xiu had time to return to the study.

“His Royal Highness…”

The watcher Pesette had already waited in Joe’s study for a long time. The blood stains on her clothes had disappeared. She could only see from the traces of the watcher’s clothing that she had experienced a bad battle a few hours ago. .

“You are not going to stay for a few days?”

Qiao Xiu glanced at Pestle’s abdomen. There were two injuries to her life that could endanger her life. One was the left hand that was cut off, and the other was the scar near the tear.

Under the amazing self-healing ability of the blood family, the clothes on her abdomen ruptured to reveal a skin with almost no blood color, and even a little scar was not left.

“Thank you for your kindness, I must bring the letter you wrote to His Highness Sehari as soon as possible.”

After Peseter learned that Qiao Xiu had dispatched a ‘professional’ to destroy the transmission array at the bottom of the church, she knew that it would be meaningless to stay here again.

If the church wants to continue to send heretics or a whole holy army to attack Qiao Xiu.

They need to spend more than three months on foot from the holy country to Nolan. The three months are enough for Joe to do a lot of things.

“At least change a dress before you go?”

Qiao Xiu knew that there was no way to retain the Miss Watcher, so she pointed to the monitor’s abdomen, white to some sick skin with a perfect waist, and other broken positions, not too small for men. Enticement.

“Nobody cares what a bat wears.”

Pesce made a rare joke to Joe, in Nolan… or the atmosphere in the Hearthstone Tavern was very different from the King of the Devil.

The lively atmosphere in the hearth tavern was slightly infected with the cold watcher, but for her own mission, the same loyalty and admiration for the two kings urged her to return to the devil as soon as possible.

“Okay… Say hello to my sister for me, and give this to her by the way.”

Qiao Xiu took out the original spar carrying the magic net, and the leaves on the tree of the world, still fresh.

With the increasing number of listeners of the Voice of Nolan, the speed of the growth of the world tree has really entered the level of one thousand eight per mu, at least in terms of leaves, it will no longer be as embarrassing as before.

Compared with the previous ones, I was ready to find Joe’s dry frame, and now I can naturally accept the fate of hair removal.

“Magic net… Shouldn’t it cover only in Nolan?”

Under the mask of Pestel, I stared at the original spar in the heart of Joe’s hand. The post about the ‘network connection’ introduced from the caster forum has already explained that the effective range of the magic net is limited to Nolan. Inside.

“This is the leaf of the tree of the world. Even if you leave the tree of the world and keep connected with the body, you can understand it as an information base station, a router and the like.” Qiao Xiu said.

“With this leaf, can you use the magic net in the devil?”

The last sentence of Qiao Xiu said that Pestel could understand, what information base station, router and the like are completely strange words.

However, she quickly understood the use of this leaf.

“Theoretically feasible.”

Qiao Xiu handed the leaves and the original spar carrying the magic net system to the monitor lady.

Pesce took the leaves, and when she touched the leaves, she felt the vitality of the leaves.

If Pesce remembers correctly, the leaves of the World Tree are rare alchemy materials for any alchemist, and are generally used to refine healing potions.

In addition to letting Pestle, who is a **** family, have some conflicting life, there is… she feels that her connection with the magic net is smoother.

“After my sister has access to the Magic Net, please pass this sentence to her.”

Joe Xiu looked at Pestle’s scarlet pupil, and at this moment Pesce suddenly realized that she finally felt on the face of the demon prince who was always sleepy and wanted to sleep… a kind of ambition s things.

“The scope of the magic net coverage is only temporary in Nolan, and one day I will let the magic net cover the whole world!”

“I… will be relayed to Master Searley.”

Pesce only used a magic net for a day or two. Her knowledge of the magic net only stayed in the use of the ‘caster forum’, but the caster forum was enough to attract her to spend a little time in the forum. Water post.

“Then Joe, then, I should leave.”

After receiving the gift before Joe’s departure, Pesce walked to the window and finally practiced a ceremony to Joe.

She became a bat and flew out of the window, disappearing into the night of Nolan.

Shortly after the watcher Pesett left, Hili held the ‘night and night’ tonight, two enough to make people drooling honey barbecue to come to Qiao Xiu’s office.

“You are not going to return to the Devils with her?”

Hiri put the barbecue on the table, the Hearthstone Tavern opened 24 hours a day, and the staff on duty will also rotate, so Hili has become accustomed to go to the pub kitchen to find something to eat while staying up late.

“There is noland in the Devils…and I don’t have time now.”

Qiao Xiu picked up a preliminary manuscript of several movies on the desk.

After the transfer of the Nolan Chapel was demolished, the heresy court wanted to come to Joe to trouble, and it took a long journey to travel from the state of the Holy Land to Nolan for two or three months.

Qiao Xiu now has plenty of time to develop his next plan.

The Dark Elves have returned to Nolan. The News Department of Nolan’s Voice has already taken shape. Qiao Xiu will consider whether to officially apply for several actors and painters to officially expand this ‘Entertainment Association’.

“Hili, do you need a few assistants? Help you draw the original painting together.” Qiao Xiu asked the best painter of his own.

“Assistant? This doesn’t matter… I want to take a few days off.”

Hili’s cheeks were smeared with oil on his lips.

“Of course, no problem, I was going to give you a holiday, or your body might be completely destroyed.”

Qiao Xiu went to Shirley’s side and looked at her. When she first met the female magician, Hili still had some thin girls, and now… still very thin, or slim.

“I usually have exercise too! There is also this leave, I am going to test the five-level caster proof, and in your words, it is time to add a level of combat occupation.”

Heli was wearing a loose robe, and Qiao Xiu could only judge the figure of the magician from her arm, but in order to prove that she did not have any excess meat, Shiri directly grabbed Qiao Xiu’s hand and let it I put it on my waist.

This action of Hili inadvertently brought Qiao Xiu directly, and Qiao Xiu was holding the female magician at close range, and smelling the aroma of her roasting meat, so that Qiao Xiu suddenly remembered I haven’t eaten dinner yet.

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