Cultural Invasion In Different World (Cultural Invasion into Isekai)

Chapter 221 - Withering (on)

The uneasiness of Carolelli’s heart was verified, and she was on the brown bear Etter… I heard the sound of the forest crying.

This is not a metaphor. Carolyn can feel the sadness and anger that the forest passes to her.

Perhaps it is because she was chosen as the priest of the tree of the world.

The brown bear Ette came to the square around the tree of the world with Galloway, and gathered thousands of black wood elves in the square. They had entered the state of readiness with their longbows in their hands.

“The elders of Sefaun! Flames… The trees around the forest have been swallowed up. I saw a monster burning in flames, the demon… must be a demon!”

A young elf with a serious injury was helped by his companions and walked to the elders of the elves who were headed. His spirit was awkward and even out of control.

I must have seen a terrible illusion before being seriously injured.

“Devil… Why do the demons attack the forest?”

“What do they want to get to burn the forest?”

This remark made the surrounding elves fall into an anxious discussion.

Today is undoubtedly a day of disaster, far more dangerous than the blackwood elves have been intriguing with humans for more than a decade.

“Don’t be blinded by anger, the devil’s territory is in the frosty country thousands of miles away… If it’s really a demon, tell me… where you were attacked.”

Standing in the middle of the center, Elder Safyan extended his hand, and the shining green light overflowed over his palm to heal the injury of the young elf.

While Elder Sefane was taking care of the wounded, other elders had begun to arrange a plan to meet the enemy.


As a human being, Galloway should have believed what the young elf said, but during the filming of “This Demon Is Not Cool”, the stage of Carolyn and the chaotic demon named Qiao Xiu time.

She found that the devil is not as cruel as the church said. On the contrary, Qiao Xiu is very humorous and has talents. It is not only the script of “This devil is not too cold”, but the invention of the magic net is enough for him to load. An annals of human civilization.

Carolly jumped from the back of Brown Bear Etter, and she was about to tell Elder Sefane what she had just met, and Brown Bear Etter once again made an angry roar.

This roar attracted the sight of all the elves present, and Etter rushed toward one of the elves. When the elves thought that the brown bear was out of control, the ‘elf’ swiftly pulled out the dagger on the side and wanted to resist. The impact of the brown bear.

But the slap of a three-meter-old brown bear is enough to destroy any steel-cast shield.

The ‘elf’ attacked by the brown bear Etter was overturned by the huge power of the brown bear. After the whole person rolled a few laps on the ground, his appearance suddenly changed from an elf to a black robes. Figure.

“Morocca! Damn… what happened to Moroka!”

It seems that someone knows the elf attacked by the brown bear, but unfortunately his familiar friend has disappeared and replaced by a despicable pretender.

Looking at this scene, Carolyn instantly remembered a novel she had seen in the immovable library section of the Caster Forum, a novel called “The Heretic Judge’s Diary”, in which a piece of content appeared clearly in Inside her mind.

‘The most despicable ability of the judges is that they can become the appearance of any human or humanoid creature, even if the world’s best mages are exposed to the insights and discriminating techniques that can not be seen, I used this ability to disguise as assassination. The target’s wife, under the greeting of the target smile, a sword pierced the heart of the target… I don’t like these memories. ’

Judges… heresy court, church.

“Elder Safran! Attacking this forest is the heresy of the Holy Land! They have the ability to change into the appearance of others!”

Galloway shouted loudly at the elder Safran, who stood in the middle of the square.

Her voice replaced the brown bear Et, once again becoming the focus of the entire square, at this moment, Carolyn heard a subtle sound.

The dangerous premonition suddenly rose in her heart, and the arrow that a bow shot shot at her.

Carolol had nowhere to hide. She closed her eyes but did not feel the pain. When Carolus opened her eyes again, the brown bear named Ette was in front of her.

“Et, you… is it okay?”

Carolly saw an arrow plunged into the forefoot of Et, and the brown bear snorted and said that he had no problems…

The judge who was originally photographed by the brown bear climbed from the ground and took the staff from the black robes.

The tip of the staff is inlaid with the pupil of an unknown creature. Just looking at the pupil makes people feel extremely disgusted.

When the judge was ready to release a spell, a large amount of vines and roots were placed on the ground to hold him tight, directly letting him lose his ability to act.

“Why did the church’s heresy judges invade this ancient land?”

The pale green inscription on the hand of Essay’s elder is shining. He used magic to imprison the judge. The roots with thorns directly scratched the hood over the judge’s head, revealing his original Look like that.

When I saw the true content of this judge, the elves present showed a disgusted expression.

The appearance of this judge has lost the way humans should be, the skin of the body began to show traces of scales, and the mouth was stitched up by something, unable to say anything.

But Elder Sefane had not received any information from the judge, and a tentacle composed of magic suddenly protruded from the ground… These tentacles rushed to the elves gathered in the square.

Most of the elves immediately chose to evade, but a small number of elves suddenly pulled out their carry-on weapons and waved to their compatriots.

This sudden change was not even anticipated by Elder Sefane, but when he saw the tentacles made up of magic, he realized that things would not be so simple.

The light made up of the emerald green inscription flashed in his hand, and the other elder elders also struck the ground with a heavy stick.

The whole forest was shaking, and Caroling turned back and found that the tree behind him had grown his face and arms and stood up directly from the ground. He lifted the arm made of trees and waved at the attacking compatriots. Elf.

After a brief panic, the black wood elves gathered in the square also began to organize resistance against the invaders.

Can really make Carolie feel desperate… It is the fog that suddenly hits in the distance, and… There are more and more black robe judges around the forest.

Finally, the straw of the whole camel was overwhelmed. It was the roar of the brass dragon inside the tree of the world. It was not a roar of anger, but a kind of hysterical roar.

At this moment, Carolyn suddenly understood that these judges from the heresy were not suddenly attacked, but had already been prepared. For this attack, they might have been preparing for the last ten years or even hundreds of years.

In this long time, they not only used some means to corrupt the guardians of the world tree, but even a large part of the judges disguised as black wood elves mixed into the ethnic group.

Even the camouflage that the world tree can’t find…

The gray fog covered the entire forest. At this moment, the thought in the mind of Carolyn was somewhat regretted that he did not join the reminder of the “Digitator’s Diary”.

Otherwise, maybe she can read from the Hered Judge’s Diary about the reason the judges invaded the Elven Forest, but everything is too late, even if the author of the Heresy Judge’s Diary is slow to update, it has no effect. .

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