Cultural Invasion In Different World (Cultural Invasion into Isekai)

Chapter 225 - Preacher

North of Squirrel Street, Klia Station.

Morgan took a walk from the carriage and took a look at the station. Compared to other stations in Nolan that were operated by the Kelly firm, the station was too cold.

There are only about three carriages parked next to the station, and the driver has been stunned for a long time without guests coming.

It seems that the heat brought by “this devil is not too cold” did not blow from the south of Squirrel Street to the northern part of Squirrel Street.

“Master Morgan!”

Sir Bai Jinghua just walked out of this station and saw Morgan, who was standing on the other side of the station. He immediately went up to meet.

“You have finally arrived, I have found a place to stay in Squirrel Street.”

Sir Bai Jinghua pointed to a two-story building next to the station.

This time, the singer of the white jingle was not as extravagant as the wife of Mr. Nishizawa. Every day, a special coaching team took the actor from the Black Swan Theatre to travel from the Farosi Mansion to the studio.

Sir Bai Jinghua directly asked the actors to find a place near the studio.

“Kelman, have you bought this station?”

Morgen looked at the station around him, even if he was calm, the attendants who worked in this time station should still be there, but in addition to the driver, the attendants in the station had already left.

“Yes, according to Mr. Qiao Xiu’s order, I talked with the people of Kelia’s business. They planned to rebuild one at the southern end of Squirrel Street, so I just bought 50,000 gold coins to buy this station.” Sir Bai Jinghua Say.

“This… it’s too extravagant, it’s enough for me and my tutor to prepare for a few stage plays…”

Fei Meisi, who had been with Morgan, heard the number that Sir Bai Jinghua said, and could not help but exclaimed.

Although Morgan is a legendary performer in Foulsey, his performances have never conquered the audience by the extravagant stage effect, so Morgan’s usual life is also very frugal.

Even Fiumes is used to living a life of saving.

And the production of this film has not yet started to consume so many gold coins… Fei Meisi instantly emerged the words of the defeated family.

“This is a necessary investment, Miss Femes.”

The voice of Qiao Xiu rang behind her, scaring her to squat like a cat, and even the hair on her ears went into a fluffy state.

“I think this is also the difference between a film and a stage play.” Morgan said that he seems to have long felt the arrival of Joe Xiu compared to the panic of his disciples.

“Yes, there are more places between the film and the stage than you think.”

Qiao Xiu did not know the origin of the old actor named Morgan. From the reverence of Sir Bai Jinghua, his identity must not be simple.

“Can Mr. Qiao Xiu introduce me to me? I hope to understand this new art more clearly.”

After arriving at the studio of “Faithful Dogs”, Morgan became a apprentice with a strong desire for knowledge.

The film is a brand new performance art for him. He hopes to learn more about movies in Qiao Xiu.

“About this… Master Morgan, if you are now a manager of a well-known troupe, you have to go to a city to perform a masterpiece. Before that, what preparations do you need to make?” Qiao Xiu asked.

“You need to hire a whole carriage, spend a period of time in the city, prepare people and clothing, and rehearse…”

Morgan seems to have guessed why Qiao Xiu asked this question.

“Every show takes a lot of money and energy.”

“The screening of a movie does not require these troublesome steps.”

Qiao Xiu took out a blank original spar and showed it to the old stage actor.

“Only this original spar is needed. Enter the magic inside and find a flat wall. This is the step that the film needs to be prepared! In this way, I can play at the same time in all the theaters around the world.” The picture of this demon is not too cold, even… After the death of the movie stars, the images of their performances will remain in the world and be enshrined as classics by the world.”

The last sentence of Qiao Xiu made a little movement on Morgan’s face.

Morgan’s old appearance is not disguise. He has played many well-known plays in his life, but these plays will be sealed in history forever as he dies.

There may be a latecomer who will play the same role again instead of his position, but the charm can be more than one and a half.

This also caused many well-known dramas in Farosi to become ‘past-style’ with the death of the starring performers. Even if someone remake later, the popularity is not as good as before.

A good actor in Faroci’s position is almost the same as a national treasure.

“Mr. Qiao Xiu, please allow me to return to my homeland with a raw spar carrying a movie image after the end of the performance.” Morgan asked in a tentative tone.

At first, Morgan was chosen for Joshua’s script and curiosity about the film, and then chose to participate in the filming of “Faithful Dogs”.

Originally, the master of Morgan was also carrying the idea of ​​’the first world of Farosi’s stage play’, but after the young devil described the advantages of the film.

Morgen suddenly realized that the torrent of this revolution will eventually make the stage play the stage of the peak of history.

“Falosis is supposed to be the leader in this world in art,” he said slowly.

“no problem.”

Qiao Xiu remembered that Mrs. Nishizawa was proposing that “This demon is not too cold”.

From the newsletter sent by Galloway, the Duchess has not only encountered extremely troublesome troubles in the promotion of the film, but even life safety may be threatened.

The church has already begun to work on the blackwood forests in Farosi. Once the church pushes the sins of the black wood forest to the devil’s head, it will inevitably aggravate the disgust of the whole people in the upper and west of Felosi.

The influence of Magic Net will not be able to cover Farosi after all.

Therefore, Qiao Xiu can imagine how difficult it is for Mrs. Nishizawa to promote the film “This devil is not too cold” in Farosi. In one sentence on earth, it is ‘political—correction.’

The actor, who was called “master” by Sir Bai Jinghua, went to Fuloxi to promote the film, and he would become a strong reinforcement for Mrs. Nishizawa.

“Master Morgan, after the filming, I hope that you can post something to the people of Farosi.”

Galloway has sent the testimony of the heresy to the caster forum, but it takes too long to reach Farosi, and it is still in the form of a highly untrustworthy ‘flow.’

Qiao Xiu does not hope that under the instigation of the church, the country that is hostile to the devil will have one more Flosi.

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