Cultural Invasion In Different World (Cultural Invasion into Isekai)

Chapter 238 - Opening

The Oranka priest followed a group of people into the auditorium.

She was a bit uncomfortable… Sitting with so many humans, the other eight elves priests sat on the other side of the Aurangas priest.

“I checked the surroundings and it was safe.”

Elder Safyan slowly walked to the other side of the Oranka priest and sat down with her voice, which only the priests of Auranga could hear.

“It seems… our forest girl is really lucky.”

The Oranka priest was slightly relieved. She had never relaxed since she entered the human city. Elder Safane has been vigilant around.

After entering the dimly lit auditorium, and a group of humans staying in such a small space, this kind of vigilance has directly climbed to the top.

But now the priests of Auranga feel that their vigilance seems to be superfluous.

“Elder Sefane… Do you think human-made movies are really interesting?”

The priests of the Oranka looked at the humans in a row behind them, and they concentrated their attention on the front screen.

Not only these humans, but also other young elf priests on her side, the Auranga priests read the emotions of expectation and joy in their eyes.

This is because after the blackwood forest was burned down, the priests of the Oranka rarely saw their sisters on the road so happy… happy.

“I can’t understand, maybe we are old, Auranga.” Elder Sefane sighed at the problem.

Elder Safyan belongs to the type that has no fluctuations in the heart after reading “This demon is not too cold”, and even some sleepy.


The priests of Oranka did not continue to talk, because the screen was already lit up, and the sparse talks around it gradually stopped.

The opening picture of the movie is a blackboard used for teaching in the School of Magic. The title written on the blackboard is ‘My Hero’.

My hero… This is the only answer that the Aurangas priest can give is the holy tree of Narushi. The tree of the world raises the people of the black wood elves. It is no longer possible to use heroes to describe them, but God.

The answer given by the little boy standing on the podium in the movie is a pet raised by his grandfather, a hound named ‘Little Eight’.

The film gradually unfolded in the story of the little boy, and the busy scenery of the Klia Station in the north of Squirrel Street was presented to everyone.

“I think… this puppy has a familiar feeling.” Carolyn said suddenly.

“It is the pastoral hound of the Eastern Kingdoms, and the blood of a quarter of the Mullahro wolves… I know who you think of, the daughter of the forest, but… this should be unlikely.” Elder Sefane whispered Sitting on the side of Galloly said.

Taking a wild animal as the protagonist did touch the heart of Elder Safran, not only him… but also Carolly remembered the brown bear who died not long ago according to the name ‘Little Eight’.

At the beginning of the film, the Aurangka priests and the elders of Sefarn mentioned the spirit… They hope to find any advantages and fun in this movie, so that when they negotiate with Qiao Xiu, they can use this film as a talk, not to talk about it. Make the conversation too stiff.

But… the Auranga priest found that she was somewhat disappointed with the film.

It’s not about the quality of the film. As an elf, she likes the warm and calm town atmosphere created in the movie. Everyone gets along well.

But harmony means that there is no wave. This movie is too dull compared to “This demon is not too cold”, and there is no ups and downs in the plot.

Basically, it only tells the story of the little boy’s grandfather Parker and the little dog named Xiao Ba.

The priests of Oranka faintly heard the voice of yawning around who seemed to be more than her… even the humans around seemed to feel bored because of the previous plot.

The most deadly thing is… movie music is really good, the background sound played by unknown instruments makes people feel very happy, and… comfortable.

The Oranka priest guessed that someone had heard that she wanted to go to sleep. She glanced at the other elf priests sitting next to them. They were teased by the accidents that occurred when the ‘Little Eight’ in the movie met Professor Parker.

These warm scenes may be the only driving force that supports everyone to watch.

Oranka priests who like animals themselves, still think that this is a very good movie, but it is not fun at all.

The priests of Oranka did not raise the hounds, but they were like pets such as elk, squirrels and white birds.

“Do you have a garden hound in your home waiting for you to come back to the station every day?”

“The stinky boy will only come to me when he eats bones every day…”

Just then the ears of the priests of the Oranka captured two human arguments. The film had progressed to the point where Professor Parker was in a carriage and returned to his hometown. He saw that Xiaoba was waiting for him at the station.

Xiao Ba can do this without letting the Oranka priests be surprised. The elves are born with the ability to communicate with nature… It is very easy to have a hound waiting at the station every day.

Story… Is it over here?

The priests of Oranka have no concept of the film at all, nor do they know how long the normal movie should be.

But she feels that the story of this movie has been pushed to the end of this story. The loyal country hound is waiting for his master to return every day. This is indeed worthy of the title of the dog.

A very warm story, the Oranka priest remembered what Carolyn had said to her before, and the film saw that she had to admit that she really liked this plain story.

But some of the surrounding humans were not interested in nature. The Oranka priest vaguely heard the sound of dozing, but the dozing audience was quickly woken up by the people next to him.

It’s over… The ending of the story is perfect.

The Oranka priest looked at the film and Professor Parker was once again ready to go to the station to take the carriage, but the performance of Xiao Ba was somewhat abnormal.

No… The story should end here, and the Oranka priest hopes that the film will remain flat at this moment.

It turns out that the director of the film never writes such a ‘simple’ story.

“It seems to have seen death in its eyes.” Elder Safran suddenly said softly.

“No, the woman of the forest said that the movie is just fictional, that hound…not supposed to…”

The heart of the Oranka priest had a soothing heart suddenly tightened at this moment.

The film did not greet a dull and happy ending as she wished. After the little eight eyes sent his master professor Parker to leave the station in a carriage, Professor Parker suddenly stopped his chest when he was teaching in a magical school. On the ground.

The students in the film made a shout of horror, and the priests of the Oranka heard some of the same voices from the audience.

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