Cultural Invasion In Different World (Cultural Invasion into Isekai)

Chapter 242 - the difference

At night, the Fallowsi Mansion.

After Gallo returned to Nolan, Qiao Xiu returned the key of the mansion to Carolly.

She lived in the mansion with the black wood elves, and now the time is approaching late at night, the Oranka priest sits alone in the indoor garden.

“Are you still thinking about the day?”

Elder Safyan walked out of the shadow of the garden, his hand overflowing with a pale green inscription, a spiked seed appeared in the hands of Elder Sefane, and then fell into the ground and quickly opened a strange Flowers.

This is a method used by the Black Wood Elf to lay out the eyeliner. As long as a stranger passes through the position of the flower cultivation, the flower will warn the elder Safane.

Although this mansion is all the places of Galloway, the black wood elves still can’t put down the most basic vigilance in the human city.

“Is the famous human being referred to as prestigious in humanity?”

The sight of the priest of Oranka looked at the palm of his hand, and he was quietly sleeping in the original spar with a pale white glow.

This is a small gift that Qiao Xiu gave to the priests of Aurangka and Elder Safyan when he left, carrying the original spar of the magic net system.

The explanation given by Qiao Xiu is ‘the medium that establishes contact with the Frost Tree’s world tree.’

“It is admiration, just like our feelings for the holy tree.” Elder Safyan corrected the wrong view of the elf priest.


The priests of Oranka are not rejecting the tree of the world to accept the faith of mankind, and now it is the time of life and death of the ethnic group. As long as the tree of the world can grow rapidly, no matter who’s faith, she can accept it.

“Let humans admire an elf…” The priests of Oranka spoke out what they really worried about inside. “Humans have always been hostile to us, whether in Farosi or in this city.”

Although the relationship between the elves and human beings is not at the level of the enemy, there are still some gaps. The elves are extremely distrustful of human beings and firmly believe that human beings always have some hostility towards the elves.

In this case… wanting to let humans admire an elf seems almost impossible in the Olaka priests.

“The original spar in your hand can answer your question, Auranga.”

Elder Safyan was in contact with humans all the year round. His views were of course different from the priests of Auranga, so when Joshua gave this original spar to him, he crushed the original spar under the curiosity trend. ,

The magic net is presented in the world of his mind, so that Elder Safran felt the shock that had not been seen for a long time.

“Connecting to another world tree?”

The priest of Oranka was hesitant, as the most loyal service of the sacred tree, Narushi, and the connection with another tree of the world would give her a feeling of betrayal.

“The sacred tree of Narushi’s boarder, Galloway, has already been linked to another world tree, Olanka… The Frost Elves are also our compatriots,” said Elder Sefane.

The Oranka priest seems to be a little shaken. She is also curious about the growth of another dead and resurrected world tree, and the ‘the other world’ that Galloway once mentioned.

After hesitated for a moment, she was persuaded by Elder Safane to crush the original spar in her hand.

A large number of order-ming cultures poured into her body for the light, and when the priests of Oranka opened their eyes again, a strange interface appeared in her sight.

But the priest of Oranka could not feel the connection with another tree of the world, no… she felt it, right before her eyes.

“This is the world constructed by the Frost Tree’s world tree.” Elder Safran came to her side and began to guide her on how to use this new ‘world’.

Under the guidance of Elder Safran, the priest of Olanka opened the voice of Nolan, and then her most familiar ‘Elf Psalm’ slowly rang in her ear.

“This… is the song of the Frost Elf?” The priest of Olaka recognized the voice of Tylin.

“Yes, this special magic uses the tree of the world as a medium to connect everyone together.” Elder Safran’s finger pointed to a ‘listening number’ at the bottom right of Nolan’s voice.

At this time, the number of people who have listened to has reached more than 27,000…

“There are so many people listening to the elf poems that the Frost Elves sang?” The voice of the priests of Oranka brought an incredible tone, and Elder Safran gave a nod answer.

“These humans only need to stay at home, rely on the link established by the tree of the world, open the voice of ‘Nolan’ to listen to the song of the Frost Elves.”

“More than 27,000 human beings, even if we have no one in the family, the world tree can get so many humans every night… ‘Blessings’?”

Some of the priests of Oranka could not believe it, because only the emotion of admiration for the tree of the world can be turned into a tree for the world of nourishment. She does not believe that there are so many humans in the city who like an elf.

Elder Safran did not answer, he directed the priests of Oranka to land on the Caster Forum, one of the divisions of the Voice of Nolan.

The Oranka priests took a look at the posts in this section, removing some of the strange things like discussing what ‘Shenzhen’ ‘Crystal Shoes’ ‘What is the price of today’s alchemy market?’

The rest of the content is basically to praise the Frost Elves.

‘Who, does anyone know when Miss Tailin’s new song is on sale? ‘Poster: Ancient.

‘Mr. Tailin’s voice has cured my insomnia for many years! Post: The deep cave miners.


The priests of Oranka did not click into it. They only looked at one comment after another. The mood was very complicated. She also sang the sorcerer poem, and even confidently sang better by the young Frost Elf…

But unfortunately, the tree of the world she served can’t get the ‘blessings’ of these people.

The Oranka priest withdrew from the division of Nolan’s Voice. When she saw a post on the front page, she did not consider directly pointing in.

The beginning of that post was ‘the judge of the Church’s heretical tribunal burned the blackwood forest…’

She began to browse the contents of the post. After reading a photo, her fists clenched a point, and her heart was full of irresistible anger and hatred.

The pictures in the post clearly record the scene of the heresy trial to kill her people!

The painful memories kept echoing in her mind, and finally became anger that could not be calmed down.

When the Oranka priest browsed behind the post, she suddenly discovered that it was not just that she felt anger at what the heresy did.

‘What do the church’s heresy trial want to do! Why should you lead the blade to an innocent elf? ‘Respondent: Black Iron Long Sword.

‘Disaster… This is not only the disaster of the Blackwood Elf family, but also the disaster of our humanity… We cannot let this group of executioners continue to arbitrarily. Respondent: Gray owl.

‘Blackwood Forest! My hometown is near that! I think I should return to Flosi. ‘Respondent: Bard.

‘What happened to these elves? I saw children on the pictures… are they safe now? “Respondent: North and South traders.

The Oranka priest silently read one comment after another, and finally her tears appeared in the corner of her eyes again.

In the caster forum, a group of strangers who are not familiar with each other are concerned about the safety of their families. The Oranka priests always have a prejudice against the human race.

“Sometimes there is no difference between humans and elves…even demons,” said Elder Sefain.

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