Cultural Invasion In Different World (Cultural Invasion into Isekai)

Chapter 256 - Weapons (4000 words)

Nolan, Hearth Tavern.

“She is my assistant.”

Qiao Xiu faced her question from the elder sister and naturally gave her an answer.

“Assistant… If you don’t have a manpower, Joe can provide it to you and you can trust it.”

This reply made Joe Xiu do not know how to answer, and Qiao Xiu really lacks people.

However, the manpower that Qiao Xiu really lacks is a ‘programmer’, and Qiao Xiu feels that there should be few people in the world who have lighted the skill of ‘programming’. Even if it is really lit, it is only the level of entry.

“Thank you for your concern. At present, I am not lacking any manpower. I will inform the Dean of the College of Higher Education that you have introduced the news of the new students entering the school. I will start to solve the problem of Wangcheng famine.”

After Qiao Xiu gave the answer in a formulaic way, Shirley also gave a reply to ‘I hope everything went well’.

Qiao Xiu waved his finger to close the interface of the magic net, and looked at the Greek who was eating dinner.

“What’s wrong?” Hilary noticed the sight of Qiao Xiu, and he raised his head with a spoon in his mouth.


Qiao Xiu shook his head and sat back on the desk and then unfolded the interface of the magic net. This time, in front of Qiao Xi’s eyes, it was not the news that the newsletter kept popping up, but the inscription that was so complicated that even Qiao Xiu had some headaches. Code.

Even if Qiao Xiu’s thinking speed and body reaction can multiply after entering the meditation state, the workload in using the inscription ‘programming’ is still so large that Qiao Xiu wants to stumble on the sofa and say, ‘I am almost for the waste. ‘.

Joe’s correction is only a pixel game. In the future, a large game with dozens of g and development time of one or two years is almost impossible to complete by one person.

“Sure enough, the programming course at the High School of Magic is a must?” Qiao Xiu picked up the invitation with the owl wax on the table.

Now, Qiao Xiu can only hope that Nolan, a talented city, will have one or two programming geniuses like ‘Bill Gates’ or ‘Linnas Benedict.

At present, Qiao Xiu knows that he may be called the title of ‘genius’, of course, the magician who has the name of Nolan Sage.

Qiao Xiu spent some time editing a newsletter and sent it to the gray-clothed person, indicating that he would visit the Nolan High School tomorrow and hope that there will be several news that the Mozu wants to enter the school.

After the newsletter was issued, Qiao Xiu quietly waited for the reply of the sage.


An owl fell in front of a gray mage tower, and the dim green light flashed… This owl instantly became an elf.

This is one of the many beast forms that the elders of Safaen have learned, and it is also the form of a beast that he first realized.

He looked up at the seemingly dilapidated mage tower, and several owls sitting around the mage tower seemed to be monitoring the dynamics of the uninvited guest.

The Master Tower was originally a symbol of Nolan’s glory, but this Master Tower can be said to be the most inconspicuous of the seven towers of Nolan.

Elder Safyan pushed the wooden door of the Master Tower into it, but it looked much cleaner than the outside.

He glanced at the tower with the vision of the Black Wood Elf, but did not find the owner of the tower.

In the darkness behind him, a fork slid silently on the neck of Elder Safain…

“Not allowed to move.”

The elf elders sounded a strange sound behind them.

The guard of the Master Tower… No, this familiar atmosphere.

Elder Safran has been very sensitive to the ‘taste’ of this group of scorpions since he had played against the heresy.

The heresy court destroyed the tree of the world of the Black Wood Elf and slaughtered his people. These elders were already unforgivable enemies to Elder Safyan.

Elder Safane did not wait for the other person to say the next sentence. A lot of green vines suddenly spread on the ground. These vines forced the other party away from the elder Safran.

“Why are you cruel invaders here?” Elder Sefane turned and saw the figure in the dark.

The judge’s appearance looked extremely young, with a little cream on his cheeks, and his mouth seemed to be chewing something… and the weapons she held were forks and knives.

“This question is what I should ask? Elf!” She swallowed the contents of her mouth and said loudly to Elder Safran.

Elder Safran was not confused by her young appearance, and the pale green inscription appeared in his hands. A lot of spiked thorns suddenly appeared on the wooden boards of the tower.

“Stop… two, I don’t think you have the meaning of a struggle.”

The door of the tower was pushed open, and the gray-clothed man returned to the tower to look at the jealous judge Xie Lier and the elder elder Safane.

“Rursk, she is the executioner from the heresy.”

Elder Safyan shouted out the name of the gray-clothed man and warned the dangers of the people in front of him.

“That was only once, now this little girl should be regarded as a writer, Sefain, I know that you have a lot of questions to ask me, come with me.”

The gray-clothed person seems to have already met the arrival of the black wood elf, and he slowly walked onto the top of the Master Tower.

Elder Safyan glanced at the ‘weapon’ held by the judge, and the knife was still stained with cream. It didn’t look like a prop for killing.

The strong self-control made the elders of Safamin crush the anger of the judges and keep up with the gray coaters.

“The calculation time should have been seen for almost 30 years, Sefain… The life of human beings is really short-lived. When I first saw you, there was basically no change in the time.” The gray-shirter said.

“I remember that you were still a magician studying in Nolan,” said Elder Sefane.

“Don’t mention things that I can’t remember, Serfain, this time you left the forest to find revenge for the church’s heresy court?”

The gray coater quietly looked at the elf Druid.

“Part of it is for the hatred of my people, and the other part is why the heresy court destroyed the tree of the world, not for the sake of my ethnic group to disappear into the world…”

Elder Safyan looked around. It is the highest level of the Master’s Tower. Although it seems to be covered by dust and debris, it is full of powerful magical enchantments. If anyone rushes to touch any of them. Books, he will be turned into ashes in an instant.

“What about that long time?” The gray-shirter waved his hand in the bookshelf and a long-lost book fell into his hands.

The surface of the book is covered with dust, and even some spider silk sticks to it.

The gray-clothed person opened this ancient book. The above text is not the words used by human beings now, but a complicated and incomprehensible text.

This is the text that can be seen on the broken buildings in the remains of the Nolan underground, and these words constitute the symbols of the various inscriptions.

But only a handful of casters can understand all the content written above, and the Greys are one of them.

“I would rather believe that the things written in this book are just a fantasy written by a madman,” the Greys said.

“But this is true.” Elder Sefane stared at the gray-eyed man’s eyes and said, “I met a dark elf in Nolan, an elf who has disappeared into the world for a long time, and she told me…their family The tree of the world was also destroyed by the heresy court, and a frost elf suffered the same disaster, but the girl was very fortunate, and the world tree of the Frost Elf family had hopes of rebirth, just like us.”

“The regrettable Nolan casters are free, they don’t take orders from anyone, Sefain.”

The gray-clothed person knows why the black wood elf came to him.

Nowadays, the blackwood elves who have been hit hard to defeat the sacred country must find a reinforcement.

“Don’t be depressed, maybe I can’t order all the casters of Nolan to be enemies with the kingdom of the Holy Spirit, but there is one in Nolan.”

“The demon named Joe Xiu?” Elder Safyan guessed what the gray-clother wanted to say. “The devil showed me everything that really made me unimaginable, but I still can’t believe a demon can Let so many humans take orders from him.”

“Not obeying, Serfain.”

The gray-clothed person waved again, and the pure white inscription appeared in his hand. The picture of the judge, Cheryl, and the nun, Dinisha, enjoying the dessert appeared in front of the elder Safran.

“This is Shelly, she is a defector, betrayed the heresy, and fled the country of the Holy Spirit with her friend to the Nolan through the portal.”

“The defector, did the heresy trial let them go?”

Elder Safran looked at the two people on the screen, and the original anger also subsided a little.

He was not blinded by hatred.

Although the younger girl looked like a **** executioner, Elder Sefane was sure that the girl in her nun was not contaminated by anyone’s blood.

The judges and the judges are also different from each other.

“No, they carry the heresy that conceals the secrets of the world that they don’t know for many years. They were chased by the heresy judges who were rushed, and they were once forced into desperation.”

At first, the gray-shirter watched the live broadcast of the live on the caster forum, so the tone of the story was quite immersive.

“You saved them?”

Elder Safran can only guess this possibility, otherwise the two defect judges will not be in the Master’s Tower of the Greys.

“I just saved one of their casters, and there were dwarves among the aiders at the time.”

The screen of the magic net appeared in front of the gray-clothed person. He landed on the caster forum and entered the division of the ‘no-moving library’.

The caster forum has no search function for a while, and the gray-clother can only start to post historical posts according to the memory.

At this time, the gray-clothed person once again realized the convenience of the caster forum. No matter how long the post is not lost due to time, it is enough to find it only takes some time.

The post of the library is not much less than the daily study and magic research.

As a senior member of the caster forum, the gray-clothed man turned over ten pages with memory and found the Sister Stantan, who was sent by Xie Lier.

The Greys showed the record of the reply below this post to Elder Sefane.

In the opinion of Elder Safane, this post can already be regarded as an operational meeting…

In order to save the battle meeting of Sister Stantan, and everyone at the meeting did not know each other, they all chose to lend a helping hand to the stranger who had never seen each other.

“How did it happen?” Elder Safran could not understand the motives of these humans and dwarves, and finally had to ask questions.

“Maybe because this Stantan Sister wrote an interesting story.”

The gray-clother closed this post and went directly to the first page of the immovable library, opening a post that had nearly seven or eight thousand responses.

This is the “Digitator’s Diary” written by Sister Skotan.

“I have read this diary.”

When Elder Safran used the caster forum, he also hoped to find the intelligence of the heresy court. This “Digitator’s Diary” almost told him everything about the judge.

“This is an interesting diary. There are many people who like diaries.” The Greys did not praise themselves.

“Unfortunately, Rusk, I can’t understand human preferences.”

“That’s because you didn’t see the end. For those who like this diary, it’s absolutely impossible to imagine the pain of never seeing the latter part, and the death of the author will lead to this result, and the dwarves I will help, I think it is because of the game called Hearthstone.” The Greys said.


When Sefane heard a brief thought for a moment, he was able to understand what the gray-clother wanted to express.

“It was the devil who created the magic net. It was also the game he created the Hearthstone. Do you want to say that it was all contributed by him? Rolsk.”

The gray-clothed person waved his hand again, and a book with a history of the world on the bookshelf flew into his hands.

“After many years, the missionaries of the Holy Land traveled all over the world. They used their own language and the text of the Gospel to render the demon into a cruel monster, an enemy of mankind.” The history of the show was given to Safane and then said.

“Why can’t a demon now rely on the magic net he created, the voice of Nolan, so that the film tells the real face of the heresy of the people of the Holy Father? This is his weapon, Sefain… far more than magic The army, the long sword and the weapon of terror.”

“But it takes time for this weapon to show its edge… There are not many trees in the world that can be used as ‘locks’,” said Elder Sefain.

“It won’t take long.”

When the gray-clothed person said that he just received a newsletter from Qiao Xiu, he read the contents of the newsletter and smiled on his face.

“Sefane, why not go with me tomorrow to see how much influence the demons have in this city?”

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