Cultural Invasion In Different World (Cultural Invasion into Isekai)

Chapter 262 - expedition

The prophet returned to the bureauhouse on the ground floor of Wangcheng with her half-high ancient books. Here is her ‘laboratory’.

Any experiment related to magic, she is directly in the underground of Wangcheng.

Although the lighting in the basement of Wangcheng was a little dark, the books on the bookshelf were placed neatly and there was no way to find traces of dust or cobwebs on the books.

The Prophet has an extraordinary attachment to clean and tidy, referred to as obsessive-compulsive disorder…

Although every time I packed up and moved back and forth between the bookshelves, the prophet never threw the book to the ground like a demon prince.

The prophet put the heavy “Devil’s History” back to its original position as usual, and then took out a raw spar wrapped with special materials from the desk drawer on the side.

This original spar is the only successful invention of the demon prince, and it can record the sound as long as it is activated.

“This is the 72nd record since the invention of the soundstone. The date of the devil’s calendar is 1525, and the prophet is recorded.”

The prophet put the original spar on his mouth and said softly.

She developed the habit of writing diaries when she was engaged in magic research, but since she learned how to make this kind of original spar that can record sound, she found that it is too cumbersome to use a diary to record the process of exploring the unknown. Instead, it took a record with sound.

The prophet held the ‘reverbine stone’ in his hand and came to the depths of the basement.

Here is a cage built by high-strength transparent dragon spar. It was built a week ago to monitor the construction of the square by the few craftsmen who had ordered the only realist in the demon world. The cage that built this cube was almost spent in the city. All the dragon spar.

As for the creatures held inside…

The prophet opened the gray cloth shrouded in his hand, and the creature hiding in the depths of the cage felt the light, and immediately screamed at the light, but it hit the transparent dragon spar wall. .

“The water element that has been distorted has not changed to normal over time. It has been completely replaced by some kind of crazy impulse, and it will endlessly attack the living creatures in sight.”

The prophet stared at the water element behind the transparent wall, which could not be called a water element.

Although the water elements served in the king city are not self-conscious, they at least maintain the appearance of the chaotic demon, but this water element has lost its proper shape and turned into a thick gray liquid.

From time to time, this liquid can also form a spike against a transparent wall, just like tearing a petite body into pieces.

“In the last trial, I tried to use purifying to dispel the strange substances that were hosted in it, but it seems to have failed, and the water element remains extremely aggressive.”

The prophet said this… I looked at the water behind the transparent wall and was still attacking her, and sighed slightly.

“The reason for letting this water element out of control is probably similar to the reason why the field crops around Wangcheng turned into ashes, but I have tried more than twenty methods and finally failed. I can only listen to His Royal Highness. The proposal to completely destroy this water element.”

The prophet said that there was a hot inscription on the hand. After touching the surface of the transparent dragon crystal, the internal temperature rose sharply until the core of the water element was evaporated, so that it completely disappeared. Inside the vision of the prophet.

The prophet who had done all this went back to his desk and took out a backpack for a long journey.

After a short hesitation for a while, she began to stuff some of the items on the desk into the backpack while continuing to record what was being done today.

“Shirley hopes that I will go to Nolan to learn human magic. I can’t deny that human beings are far ahead of our family in the magical creations. Going to the magical capital of Nolan to learn or find ways to prevent water from getting out of control, but…”

The prophet said that the movement in his hand paused. She picked up the phonic stone that was recording her voice, and reflected her scarlet pupil on the crystal clear surface of the original spar.

“I can’t believe that human beings will really accept the devil. I have seen the most despicable side of mankind and their hatred of demons, so I suspect that this may be a plot by the Three Princes with the help of human power… but I have already thought of it. The way to deal with it.”

The prophet put down the sound stone in his hand, and then took off the wooden frame glasses on the bridge of the nose. Her original scarlet pupil quickly turned dark, and the sharp corners of the race representing the demon gradually disappeared.

Now the Prophet looks like an ordinary human little girl.

“I hope that this small transformation of the body can come in handy.” The prophet put on the wooden frame glasses again, packed up the contents of the backpack, and wanted to carry the backpack back.

But the height of the backpack filled with things is enough to match her height. She just lost her balance and sat down on the ground.


The prophet who sat down on the ground helped to lift some of the glasses that had been smashed. Then she straightened her calf and used all her strength to get up. Several consecutive attempts ended in failure.

“This body can’t afford such a heavy backpack, and it will relieve some of the burden.”


In the Firefly Garden in the center of Wangcheng, the prophet who packed up the luggage came to the center of the garden. The four apprentices who had followed her had long been waiting here for a long time.

“His Royal Highness Sheryl has already explained the destination of this mission to you,” said the Prophet.

“Can… the mentor, is it possible for Nolan’s human beings to accept us?”

The apprentice who asked the question is a mixed-race child born by a horned demon and a succubus. It is extremely rare for a demon of different races to appear mixed. He is one of the lucky ones.

When the prophet was carrying out his mission for Tesheli, the one who had been repelled became one of his apprentices.

“No way to know, so you need to be vigilant at all times.”

The prophet heard the excitement of the apprentice’s tone, and it seems that he is very yearning for the human world, or the legendary magical capital of Nolan.

It is a pity that the sharp corner of his forehead is destined to be unable to integrate into human beings. Even in the human world, it is very likely that he will be expelled by the caster because of the devil’s identity. What is even worse is the commission. The soldiers are hunting as objects of bounty.

The other four apprentices of the Prophet were more or less characteristic of the devil, but what made the Prophet feel the most difficult was her servant…

“Zelu, is the portal ready?”

The prophet looked at the huge figure standing in the garden, like the product of the combination of a lizard and a lion. The light green flame that spewed out from the gaps of the scales was enough for any human to pick up the weapon.

Her servant is a sinful demon.

If other disciples hide the characteristics of the devil a little and can still be active in the human city for a while, this sinful demon will enter the city almost as soon as he enters the city, and will be surrounded by a large number of human soldiers. .

“It is ready, the prophet is an adult.” The sinful demon said.

The prophet knows that going to the world of mankind with a sinful demon is definitely a wrong choice.

But in order to ensure the safety of her and her apprentices, the prophet had to make this wrong choice, even if surrounded by a group of human soldiers, the prophet also confidently rely on the power of this sinful demon to escape the encirclement and return to the devil.

The next place they go to is the shadow forest. The forest that is filled with the undead is as dangerous as the Yanyan Mountains ruled by the Duke of Black Dragon.

If the four Dukes of the Devils are ranked according to the degree of ‘not speaking,’ the first place is definitely not the cruel Duke of Black Dragon.

Even if the Duke of Black Dragon is so cruel, as long as there is enough gold glittering in exchange, he can always make a compromise.

The Duke of the Skull, which inhabits the Shadow Forest, is a really troublesome guy. There are very few creatures in the Devil’s World that can walk out of the forest.

So for the sake of insurance…

“Zeru, come with me.”

After the prophet left this sentence, the first one stepped into the open portal.

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