Cultural Invasion In Different World (Cultural Invasion into Isekai)

Chapter 267 - Quote (4000 words)

The prophet had just arrived in Nolan and soon experienced the ‘hospitality’ of humanity here.

But their ‘hospitality’ is too enthusiastic!

The prophet took all the strength to squeeze out the encirclement of more than 20 girls. She just breathed a sigh of relief, only to find that the crowd around her was gathering here. If she didn’t leave, she would once again be crowded. Engulfed.

In the end what happened?

The prophet carried a few steps back with his backpack, and the four apprentices who followed her were also freed from the human encirclement and ran to the prophet.

The prophet looked incredibly at the crowds who came from all directions, and finally looked at his sinful demon servant.

She understands… these humans are all coming for her sinful demon!

Moreover, these human beings are not only afraid of this sinful demon, but the prophet also heard the admiration from the cheers of the human females.

“Guide… Mentor, what do these humans want to do?”

The apprentices of the prophets have been scared by the swarming humans who have never seen so many humans in this life.

And these young demons are more or less suffering from certain ‘human phobias’ in the demon world.

This is like some human beings who are afraid of powerful demons.

“I don’t know, maybe… is a religious believer who believes in demons, and simply believes in the religion of the evil spirits?”

The prophet knows that there are still some devilish churches in the human world. These churches are called ‘cultivists’ by the state of the sacred religion. If they are placed in the kingdom of the sacred religions… all of these demonic admirers will be sent to the guillotine.

But Nolan’s ‘cult” has gone far beyond the expectations of the prophet. At this time, there are more than 30 human beings around the sinful demon, which makes the sinful demon named Zeru appear extremely extreme. disturbed.

“Did the Three Princes establish a religion that believes in demons in Nolan?”

The prophet guessed what the three princes had done in Nolan, so that these human females would be so obsessed with the sinful devil’s palms and ears.

“Zeru keeps smiling, don’t attack those humans, and slowly come out.” The prophet said to the sinful demon who was in extreme tension, referred to as the state of frying.

Although the prophet marveled at the sacred devotees established by the Three Princes, it was terrible, but the Prophet did not believe that this ‘religion’ covered the entire Nolan.

Someone will recognize that her subordinate is a dangerous sinful demon, not a cat that can smooth the pinball!

His huge body standing on the station square is really conspicuous!

The prophet began to appease the sinful demon’s emotions and let him try to break away from the human encirclement.

“Instructor Master… I… I seem to have seen the emblem of the Kingdom of the Holy Spirit.”

Suddenly an apprentice whispered to the prophet.

Before entering Nolan, the prophets had a lot of ‘absolutely inaccessible humans’ to the young devils of these ****, including the missionary costumes of the sacred country and the knights with the national emblem of the sacred religion on the armor, all They are all ‘high risk’ levels.

Basically, I saw that I could run away and run away. Never stay too much.

The prophet looked at the other side of the station square in the direction pointed by the apprentice. There were three knights who printed the national emblem of the saints on the shoulders and were rushing here.

“Trouble.” The most undesired situation of the prophet finally appeared. The huge body of the sinful demon really attracted the holy sect of the sacred country.

“Please stay away from the demon! He is very dangerous!”

Three holy saints knights rushed to the side of the station and saw the sinful demon surrounded by the crowd. They did not want to pull out the long sword directly at the waist.

One of the saints had no faceguards on his face, and the prophet on the side could see the knight’s frightened and distorted expression.

And their hands holding the sword kept shaking.

This is what human beings should have when they meet the sinful demon… The prophet does not know why this idea has emerged.

The sinful demon is an extremely dangerous monster on the battlefield. An ordinary holy sect is absolutely unable to defeat this dangerous monster. Only the senior sacred army has the ability to fight the sinful demon.

But these three seem to be the ranks of the recruits.

“Ladies, please hurry away from the demon!”

One of the saints’ knights once again shouted at the crowd surrounded by Zelu, but no one responded to him at all.

“Be careful, I don’t just feel this demon here.”

After the leader of the sacred army glanced around, the line of sight quickly locked an apprentice around the prophet.

“Guide… Mentor.”

The apprentice was stunned by the sight of the Holy Seener and suddenly retreated.

At the moment when the saints of the saints pulled out the sword, the sinful demon felt that his master was being threatened. He used some rude ways to push the humans who surrounded him and then stopped in front of the prophet. .

“Leave them away! Humans.”

The sinful demon Zerro screamed at the threat of the three holy sects, and the screams of the sinful demon made the hands of two of the holy sects holding the swords tremble.

It seems that the sinful demon is still deterrent to humanity.

What the prophet could not understand was that after several human women around saw the sinful demon in front of her, it seemed to be more exciting.

Is the religious belief of the ‘religion’ established by the Three Princes so religious?

“Go to rule the bishop.” The commander’s knight made a wise decision at this moment, and then he shouted out to the crowd around him. “Please leave you quickly! It is a cruel sinful demon! He is likely to cause great damage.”

Some people around the crowd watched the warning of the Cavaliers and quickly left the right and wrong place, but a small number of people remained.

“Please leave here quickly!” The Cavaliers continued to yell at those who did not want to leave.

He can’t understand why a dangerous sinful demon will appear in a human city, but once the demon is raging, it will definitely cause great casualties.

“Zeru, let’s go.”

The prophet is not going to wait for the support of these holy saints to come, she is ready to flee.

But at this moment a group of people wearing white robes suddenly appeared around the Klia station, they began to evacuate the crowd, and one of them came to the sacred knight to ask him what happened.

Not… the support of the Holy Army?

The prophet had not reacted to what had happened. A carriage drove slowly from outside the Klia Station to her.

The carriages were slowly opened, and the three princes of the Devils, Joe, corrected to sit in them.

“Prophet, you are ten minutes earlier than the agreed time, but it is not too late, get on the bus.”

“Get on the bus? Those holy sects?” The prophet found that the holy sects were entangled in the white robe, and they seemed to be Nolan’s law enforcers.

“They won’t cause us trouble, but the sinful demon behind you is likely to cause traffic jams near the Squirrel Street. Now there are many people in Nolan who are looking at the sinful demon behind you.” Come here,” said Joe Xiu.

After listening to Qiao Xiu’s reminder that the prophet did not hesitate too much, he sat directly on the carriage. Her four apprentices also sat in the carriage very successfully, and the sinful demon squeezed in a little hard. In the narrow space of the carriage, I can only look at my head.

The carriage began to travel slowly toward the destination that Joshua said.

The prophet came to the window of the carriage and looked at the scenery outside by the petite advantage of his body. As Joshua said, the saints are constantly explaining to the law enforcers the danger of the evil spirit of sin. .

But those law enforcement officers still did not let these holy schools to hunt down the carriage.

Although the prophet felt incredible, the city’s law enforcers actually stood on their side?

The prophet regained the position of the carriage and looked at Qiao Xiu, who was sitting opposite.

I haven’t seen the demon prince for a long time, and the temperament of his body has not changed. In the eyes of the prophet, it is the kind of temperament that reveals a sloppy temperament.

Simply put, it is difficult to become a temperament…

But what the three princes did in Nolan, let the prophet put away his contempt for him.

“His Royal Highness, you really did the people of Nolan… worship the devil?”

Before the Prophet came to question, ‘Nolan was able to accept the devil’, but what happened to the station just now made the prophet have to believe that the people of Nolan accepted the devil, and even liked the devil.

“Worship? It’s not that way. It’s just a small change in their perception of us, but it’s still a long way from ‘fully accept’.”

Qiao Xiu shrugged and said that the people of Nolan had not yet been able to accept the foreign community unconditionally.

“But after my servant Zeru exposed his true identity at that station, human beings not only did not fear, but also showed admiration.”

The prophet glanced at the sinful demon who was squatting in the carriage. Even though the space inside the carriage was large, it could not fully accommodate the huge body of this sinful demon.

“Oh… your servants are only a little special. Those people may mistake him for another sinful demon, that is, my attendant Zenas, his words at Nolan… um… very popular, especially for Some girls.”

“very popular?”

The prophet never heard that humans would use popularity to describe this demon.

“The specifics are a bit hard to explain. I will tell you everything after the destination, and although the Nolan residents can accept most of the demons, your servants are still ‘extremely dangerous’ demons for Nolan’s authorities. So he can’t stay in the city for too long.”

Qiao Xiu admits that the appearance of the sinful demon is quite… cute, but Qiao Xiu can’t ignore their strong fighting ability and ability to shuttle through time and space.

Now, Qiao Xiu is equivalent to transporting a fully armed cat-shaped weapon to the center of Nolan.

Even if the hair on the claws of this cat-shaped weapon is so soft, how comfortable the meat ball is, the seven sages of Nolan will not allow a demon that can threaten thousands of people to appear in the center of the city.

This is mainly because of the appearance of the appearance, for example, a dragon can enter the human city in human form, but if he passes the city over the original posture, then the city’s rulers will not hesitate to choose resistance.

“His Royal Highness… Are you not the leader of Nolan?”

The prophet thought that Qiao Xiu had successfully entered the Nolan’s right class, otherwise his ‘demon religion’ activity would not be so smooth, and just mobilized so many law enforcement officers to block the holy army, no matter how you look at it. What a power can do.

“Nolan’s system of rights is not so simple. I do know a sage, but I don’t have any real power in my hands. As for those law enforcement officers…” Qiao Xiu saw the young demon who asked for appearance. The reason for the problem “Let those law enforcers choose to cover up with you because it is not because of any high-level orders.”

“what is that?”

“Is it because those human beings are willing to take the initiative to protect us?”

The two apprentices of the prophet couldn’t help but intervene in the conversation. Listening to what they really said that day, Qiao Xiu couldn’t help but laugh.

“How is it possible, the devil is not a giant panda, I rely on this.”

Qiao Xiu’s left hand instantly snapped up. When he held the fist again, a shiny object appeared in the gap between the fingers. It was a gold coin.

“I gave the law enforcement officer in charge of Squirrel Street a price that I could not refuse. In short, I bribed the law enforcer.” Qiao Xiu said.

“It turned out to be the case.”

The prophet heard this answer somewhat disappointing, but it was also expected.

Human beings are not good creatures. They are indifferent most of the time, not to mention other races.

“I have arranged the residence for you, but your servant Zeru must return to the devil world. After all, this is a human city.” Qiao Xiu said with some regrets.

The carriage did not drive to the center of Nolan, but stayed outside the city of Nolan.

Even if the fans of “Beauty and Devil” like the sinful demon, this can’t change the decision of the Nolan seven sages. They will not allow a demon with time and space to stay in the city.

This will only pose an unpredictable threat to the entire Nolan.

Although Qiao Xiu is changing the impression of human beings on demons, Nolan has not established any alliance with the Devil.

“I know.”

When the carriage stopped, the prophet opened the carriage door and walked down the carriage.

“You can let your servant go to the village where Zeruz is located. I think the villagers in that village are happy to accept another sinful demon.” Qiao Xiu gave him a new place.

“Zeru, you will meet with your compatriots according to the advice of His Highness, and pay attention to not conflict with anyone on the road!”


Under the command of the prophet, the sinful demon left the carriage and left in the direction of the forest. The prophet had been watching his back disappear into the depths of the forest.

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