Cultural Invasion In Different World (Cultural Invasion into Isekai)

Chapter 271 - World singer

Blackwood Elf Luvita fled the Squirrel Street with Lilly, and by the physical strength of the Blackwood Elf family, she spent nearly half an hour running back from the edge of Nolan to the Foulsi Mansion.

The attendants in the mansion are wearing a long sword and guarding the periphery of the mansion. The entire mansion has completely entered the state of martial law.

“You are late, Lucita.”

Elder Safyan was arranging the ‘watching species’ on the outskirts of the Foulsi mansion, and the monitors at the main entrance of the Foulsi Mansion saw the rushing Luvita.

“Elder Sefane, in the end… what happened?”

“The holy tree is about to usher in a new life,” said Elder Sefain.

“Oops! Riley! I have to leave first!”

Lucita instantly understood the importance of the matter. She let go of the Mozu girl and quickly ran into the Falosi mansion.

At the moment of entering the mansion, she felt the vitality of the tree from the world.

When Lucita rushed to the indoor garden in the center of the Farosi Mansion with anxiety and joy, she found a giant magical array inside the interior garden.

The barrier constructed by the magic array blocked her, and even the situation inside could not be seen.

“Olanka Priest!” Lucita shouted the name of the chief priest loudly, but did not receive any response.

She slowly stepped back a few steps and realized how much mistake she made when she sneaked out…

The birth of the sacred tree is even more important to them than to life.

She could already think of how the Oranka priest would punish her in the next… The emotions of uneasiness and resentment were filled with the young elf priest.

Just as she thought about what method to use to remedy, a strange voice suddenly sounded behind her.

“Don’t shout, this magic array seems to be soundproof.”

Lucita immediately turned her head and saw the human beings who had moved a chair in the indoor garden…or…the devil?

“Would you like a piece of biscuit?” Joe repaired the box in his hand and handed it to the blackwood elf who was overwhelmed.

In order to meet the arrival of the Devil’s Envoy, Qiao Xiu missed his lunch time, so when he went to the Foulsi Mansion, Qiao Xiu found some sweets to satisfy his hunger.

“I…no appetite now.” Lucita shook her head and refused Joe’s feeding.

“Well, it’s just that the tree of the world is sprouting. It’s too grand to prepare a complex magical array.”

Joe Xiu continued to lick the biscuits while looking at the Falosi Mansion, which was shrouded in a huge magical array.

The barrier formed by this magical array is strong enough to withstand the impact of a dragon.

“The birth of the holy tree is far more important to our family than life!”

Lucita raised her tone and said to Qiao Xiu, but she suddenly remembered something that had caught her forehead.

“But… I missed it…”

“Nothing, you will have a chance to make up later.”

Qiao Xiu tried to make this black wood elf spirited.

“The opportunity to make up…”

Lucita raised her head and she remembered that she would come to the city just to see the existence of the ‘can let the sacred tree grow faster.’

After coming to Nolan, Carolyn has proved that what she said is true, and Qiao Xiu really did speed up the growth of the holy tree.

It took only a few months for the sacred tree that took decades to re-emerge.

Lucita listened to the Oranka priests and said, ‘The growth rate of the sacred trees is far from being limited to this, as long as they can also help. ’

“What can I do for the holy tree?” Luvita asked.

“About this… I will give you an answer after this magical array disappears.”

This sentence of Qiao Xiu is like a prediction for the future, when the voice has just fallen.

The magical array in the center of the indoor garden gradually disappeared, indicating the end of the welcoming ceremony held by the Black Wood Elf priests.

At this time, Qiao Xiu had an inexplicable kind of ‘the feeling of waiting for a pregnant wife outside the delivery room. ’

The scenery inside the garden has become completely different. The grass on the original local surface has grown to the height of the calf under the influence of the vitality of the world tree, and the trees have blossomed.

The priests of Oranka slowly walked out of the garden and came to the face of Qiao Xiu and Luvita.

Qiao Xiu felt that the news that the Aurangas priest would say next was definitely the peace of the mother and the child.

“Luevita, about your training, I will talk about it later.” The Oranka priest looked at Qiao Xiu and once again taught Joe a most ceremonial ritual of the Blackwood Elf.

“Thank you, the son of Chaos, the sacred tree gave birth to a new shoot, and we felt the vitality.”

“When it’s not happy now, germination is only the initial stage, and then we need to let it grow faster.” Qiao Xiu said.

“The growth of the sacred tree is far more ‘nutrient’ than the germination, the son of chaos… please tell us what we can do for the growth of the sacred tree.”

After the arrival of Nolan, the Oranka priest began to accept the extraordinary growth rate of the sacred tree. If she returns to the Blackwood Forest now, she will not be able to accept the slow growth of the world tree.

“I wanted to tell you about the plan after I had finished building my new network, but I will tell you in advance that there is also a preparation.”

After Joe Xiu took a look at the priests of the Oranka, the other seven elf priests and Carolly came to the priests of Aurangka in turn.

Carolly’s hand holds the tree of the newly sprouted world. Qiao Xiu is determined to rely on the joining of this world tree to make the magic network do video transmission, but Qiao Xiu has at least broadcast.

“I am going to host a competition.” Qiao Xiu said, “A race that all residents of Nolan can participate in.”

“The game… our family doesn’t like disputes, but if…”

“Reassure, the content of this game is not a fight, but a sing. In short, it is a program like the daytime news. I tentatively set it as the “singer of the world.”” Joe Xiu glanced at those Elf priests, they still have difficulty understanding the concept, so Qiao Xiu continued to give a supplementary explanation: “You will show your voice on the stage I provide, and all the audiences of Nolan are judges, they will vote. The right to decide your stay.”

“It sounds like an assessment. I also experienced this kind of thing when I was at the Academy of Drama.” Carolly seems to understand the purpose of Qiao Xiu.

“You can also understand it as an assessment, and it is not only you who participate in this assessment, but also people from all over the country who are very confident about their own voices, so if you want to get more for the tree of the world. With more nutrients, you need to conquer the audience of Nolan by your own voice!”

Qiao Xiu’s explanation was enough, and Carolus raised his little hand and waved it.

“Can I participate?” Galloway listened to Joe’s plan and immediately became interested.

“It’s cheating to go to Miss Caroline’s fame, but you can be a member of the judges.” Qiao Xiu said.

“Our family has absolute confidence in their own voice, the son of chaos.”

The priests of Oranka did not seem to think that singing would lose to those human beings.


Qiao Xiu still understands the principle of the Great God in the folk. This is a huge project and plan, in which Qiao Xiu will also have some necessary shady.

For example, a devil player who has a hard life but dreams is on stage to perform…

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