Cultural Invasion In Different World (Cultural Invasion into Isekai)

Chapter 282 - Back pit

“You can choose to sell this legendary card. If I remember correctly, Dr. Yu’s legendary card, even ordinary ones can exchange 800 to a thousand gold coins.”

It was not a good suggestion that Xie Lier gave Messai a good one.

Messi successfully launched a legendary card from the card package, which made her a calm mindset.

But after the Messiah became the attendant of the virgin Herriot, the gold coin has become a thing of its own.

The knight is now a veritable penniless state, and even if she carries a few silver coins with her, she can’t buy such an expensive card.

“This is… very stupid behavior, and I am not going to continue.

Mi Sai shook his head and closed the card box, intending to use this method to cut off their strange thoughts.

“Yes, this legendary card must be kept for your own use, but Messia! I have another way to make money… or to make a card pack.”

Shelly didn’t know that she took out a leaflet from there and handed it to the Messiah.

“The singer of the world… this name…”

Messi glanced at the content written on the leaflet, then raised his head and looked at the projection screen that was repeatedly played in the corner of the pub.

“It is a singing-based competition recently prepared by the Voice of Nolan. It is said that anyone in Nolan is eligible to sign up.”

“I know.”

Messia returned the leaflet to Cheryl, and there seems to be no interest.

“But it has nothing to do with me. I am not here to play in Nolan.”

“A little relaxation after work, and I know, Mi Sai, have you been in the choir for a while?”

As a predecessor of the heresy court, Xie Lier suddenly said a black history of the horsewoman in front of him.

It’s just that the expression on the face of Mi Sai has not changed, and it is still very indifferent.

“That was something many years ago.”

“This also proves that you have the potential to sing in Messia.”

Shelly’s arduous hope that Messi can be on the stage of “The World’s Singer”. The reason, of course, is that her evil taste is at work.

“Missue you don’t need to win the championship, you just need to go through the so-called ‘sea election’. The rewards of several places will be replaced by a large number of card packs. The last one has 30 packs. Card package rewards.”

To some extent, Hearthine Cards has become one of Nolan’s ‘hard currency’.

And Cheryl’s Amway behavior is nothing less than the viciousness of a devout Christian to attend a concert hosted by Satan.

The Mi Sai is obviously not going to be pitted by the old girl. She put her own box and stood up. There is no intention to stay in this pub.

“Sorry, I should leave, I still have a mission.” Messai said.

“If you have time, maybe you can go and join! Messia!”

When Messiah walked out of the tavern, the last thing he heard was the words of Cheryl.

The singer of the world.

Mi Sai walked on this commercial street and could see the poster of this ‘match’ on the wall as soon as he turned his head. It seems that the organizers are very keen on this competition.

It seems to be ready to make it the world’s largest… music event.

But the Messia did not forget who the owner of the Voice of Nolan, the chaotic demon!

That is to say, the behind-the-scenes manager of the “Singer of the World” game is a demon.

The Messiah has not been able to indulge himself as before.

This time with the Holy Woman Herriot to Nolan to carry out the mission, the Messia must adhere to his faith in the loyalty of the Holy Light, and always protect the safety of the Virgin.

Instead of running over to participate in a game held by a demon!

Once she did this, she was known by the Holy Lady Herlia or the bishop she was accompanying, and her final shelter in the Kingdom of the Holy Spirit would disappear.

It is not going to do this stupid thing against the Lord’s faithful and unchanging Messiah.

The thoughts of Messia were completely interrupted when she returned to the little church in Nolan. When she entered the church, she heard the shout of the accompanying Dalco.

“Lia’s adult! I have sent someone to check it out. It is a ritual planned by the devil. There must be some terrible conspiracy hidden inside.”

The voice of Bishop Dalko sounded terrified.

After hearing this sentence, Mi Sai stood directly outside the door, and even the hand that opened the door stopped in midair.

Competition… It’s hard to be a saint, she… already know?

Messia quietly listened to the movement inside the door, and soon I heard the voice of Herlia.

“Bishop Dalco, if you have never seen a demon before you even see it, you are so afraid of them. What are you going to face and those demons in the future? Is my bishop so weak?”

“No… No, Lia, I have never feared anything in the dark, just, you must not be involved in the ritual of the world’s singer. The master behind this ritual is one. A dangerous chaotic demon!” The older voice of Dr. Dalko became more and more tense. “If you get involved, you will encounter unimaginable danger.”

The saint, she is going to participate in the world’s singer?

The thinking of the Messiah suddenly fell into chaos… but soon she calmed her inner confusion and pushed the door open on the doorknob.

In the hall of the church, two heads of the army from the holy army stood on both sides of the church and said nothing, only the Dalco bishop was discouraging the saint from doing so dangerous.

“Missay, you are coming… Dalco Bishop, I believe my personal knight will protect my safety under the threat of demons.”

The figure of the female knight was reflected in Heron’s pupil, and Misha’s lips moved and did not know how to answer.

The two officers in this mission, whether in the qualifications of the Holy Father, or the strength is far more than the Messiah.

In the face of a dangerous chaotic demon, the two heads of the army can definitely protect the safety of the virgin Herloa better than her.

“Lea adults…” Dr. Dalco and the Messiah had the same idea, but what he wanted to say was interrupted by a gesture from Heroliya.

“No matter what you say, I have already decided. Messiah is my knight. Do you want to try to pick up what you did when you were young?”

The Virgin Herriot reached out to Messiah.

What she said was the experience of Messiah in the choir. It was not the choir in the Cathedral of the Holy City, but a small group in the monastery where the Messiah lived.


The heart of the Messia has always resisted contact with the chaotic demon. This resistance is not disgust, but fear.

Some of the things that the chaotic demon showed to her were too ‘good’, such as Hearthstone, or the Hearthstone pub itself, which gave Messai the illusion that ‘this place is better than being in the Holy City.’

Therefore, the Messiah is trying to stay away from the chaotic demon and the creations he created.

This time to protect the safety of the saint.

“As you wish.” Messiah took a knight to the saint and gently placed her hand on her palm.

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