Cultural Invasion In Different World (Cultural Invasion into Isekai)

Chapter 285 - run

Ruhrsk High School of Magic.

The prophet came to this higher school of magic with her apprenticeship.

She glanced at the sheepskin reel on her hand, and the reel was sealed by a wax seal with an owl mark.

This scroll is the admission certificate of the Ruhrsk High School of Magic. Joshua succeeded in making the Prophet and her apprentices a member of the High School of Magic through the back door of the Greys.

“Guide, is human being sent to college when he was young?”

The apprentices of the prophet walked side by side with the prophet on the tree-lined path of the college, and on the road met several casters who seemed to be only about ten years old.

“Those are the colleges of the Elementary Department. Whenever human beings reach their age, their parents will send them to the Magic Academy as much as possible to learn new things.”

The prophet also had some research on the social structure of human beings. She looked at human beings whose appearance was almost the same as her, but the heart was heavy and terrible.

“I… I can only help my father to care for those hellhounds when I was young.” An apprentice said something lost.

“There is no formal college at all in the devil world, and your racial ability is hundreds of times stronger than humans. Even if you are not trained, you can become a qualified fighter.”

The Prophet glanced at the four apprentices under his command. In addition to one of the apprentices with succulent bloodlines, the other three apprentices could become a weaker than the lower-level caster, relying on the talents and abilities of their own race. warrior.

Just because the devil is above the human body, it has caused many demons to think that human knowledge and magic are useless.

Perhaps this view can still have some effect a hundred years ago, but today, a hundred years later, the human magical machinery has completely surpassed the devil’s physical ability and talent.

“The knowledge you have learned, after returning to the devil world, will have a decisive influence on the future of the devil world, so I hope that you will stop playing in the human world in a state of play.”

The prophet had just finished his four apprentices in a serious tone, but she felt that the surrounding air suddenly became restless.


The prophet looked behind her, and she heard the intensive footsteps approaching her.

“Enemy…the enemy?”

The spirit of the four apprentices tightened up and leaned together. The prophet made a decision after picking up the glasses and seeing the distant figure.

“Give way,” said the prophet.

The apprentices are still in doubt, and the prophet is only very lightly on the side of the road.

Her apprentices quickly understood the meaning of the mentor and ran to the side of the prophet, just as they had just stood firm on the side of the prophet, and there was a hurricane behind them.

This is not a spacious road that was occupied by humans in the blink of an eye. Their goal is consistently running toward the other side of the road. The number is so large that if the four apprentices are still standing in the middle of the road, it is very likely Will be stepped into a ‘devil sandwich’, or mint flavor.

“He… what are they doing? Escape… Escape?”

The lesser of the four apprentices has been frightened by so many humans who have swarmed.

Judging from the costumes of these human beings, they are all students of this high school of magic, and the prophets have also keenly captured members of other colleges.

“I don’t know…” The prophet shook his head. If Joe Xiu is here, he will definitely make a simple and incisive answer to the ‘canteen meal.’

But in fact the destinations of these students are the opposite of those of the Ruhrsk High School of Magic.

“Maybe you can collect this information from a human being.”

The prophet waited until the end of the crowd, and a few girls with poor physical strength walked on the tree-lined path. The prophet saw a girl who seemed to speak very well.

“Hello there.”

The prophet looked up at the girl with silver-gray long hair, and her face of the prophet always felt where she had seen it.

“Hello… the face you haven’t seen, are you in the Elementary Department?” The girl leaned over and looked at the Prophet.

The prophet did not give her an answer, but the sheepskin scroll that sealed the owl wax chapter was shown to the girl, which also proved her identity as a freshman.

“It turned out to be… new life, at this time? Oh… my name is Herlan Lloyd and I welcome you to this college.”

Herlan extended her hand to the girl who was only able to reach her belly.


The prophet also extended his hand to tell Herlan’s own code, and she rarely told the outsider her real name.

“Prophet… strange name.” Herlan did not go into this, she looked up and down this special new student “Are you also going to see the interviews between Belle and Lyon?”

“Interview… talk?” After the prophet came to the city, it was not the first time I heard some strange words.

“It is in front of this road. On the magic arena of our college, it seems that a magical machine called ‘television’ was installed yesterday. It seems that the machine can see the way Belle and Lyon talk.” Herlan pointed to the end of the road.

All the students who ran on this road were to grab the position in the arena.

Because of her physical fitness, Herlan can only walk slowly.

“That is the Belle and Lyon, you should know! It is the hero and heroine of “This demon is not too cold” and “Beauty and Devil”.”

Behind Herlan, another girl came out. The girl’s eyes were shining, and the prophet kept seeing back.

The prophet in her sensed the breath of the light… The person in front of him is undoubtedly a believer in the kingdom of the sacrament.

“She is Sansa, my friend, sorry to scare you, will you have to go to the arena together?”

Herlan sent an invitation to the younger-looking younger generation, and the intellectuality of the prophet inexplicably made Herlan feel very close.

“about this…”

In the face of Herlan’s invitation, the prophet was in hesitation. At the beginning, Qiao Xiu ran over her ‘not to be strangers.’

During the hesitation, the prophet suddenly heard the sound of the horseshoe falling on the ground.

“Be careful!” The prophet responded in an instant, pulling Herlan and Sansa to the side of the road.

In just a few seconds, a unicorn-like creature with a lightning inscription ran through the front of the prophet. This creature was still sitting on a back with a girl who was a little older than the prophet.

When the unicorn was running, it could vaguely hear the sound of thunder and lightning, and it didn’t look like the kind of ‘moderate’ horse.

“The unicorn that was taken care of by the **** of thunder, isn’t this the Warcraft of the Crowhill School of Magic?”

Herlan instantly recognized the source of this Warcraft, she really did not understand why the leader of the next college would ride such a dangerous World of Warcraft in this college.

“Missy… please don’t ride in… college…”

When the unicorn ran, a servant came back from behind, panting, and the words he stopped in his mouth had not finished, and the unicorn disappeared at the end of the road.

“I think she may also come to see this ‘interview’.” The prophet pushed his own wooden frame glasses to draw a conclusion.

“The dean of the Crowey School of Magic seems to have rejected the proposal to introduce the magical machinery, so will it come to our college?”

The news of Herlan is very well-informed. After all, it is in the higher magic school next door. For them, the students of the college are more competing opponents.

“Ah! Here is our site, how can we be robbed by other colleges!” Sansa only woke up at this time, wanting to pull Herlan to the arena.

“It’s too late to go now.”

Herlan breathed a sigh of relief, and for her major in mechanics and order inscriptions, her physical strength could not match the wild mage sister.

“Maybe we can go to the seniors who are majoring in the prophetic system. The ‘eye of omniscience’ they are showing should be able to see the picture inside the arena through the crystal ball,” Herlan said.

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