Culture Conquers Foreign Worlds

Chapter 127

Chapter 127 Desolate Abyss

The endless sea, you can only see the half-arc water and sky at a glance, the sea is shimmering, and occasionally a few fierce waves sway with the gale, and the cries of seagulls sound in the sky very comfortably.

Whether the earth or Harvey is in the world, the oceans are the most important plates that make up the planet’s surface. The world’s oceans occupies about three-fifths of the planet’s surface. The vast sea area has aroused infinite reveries of mankind, and the mystery of the ocean has never been explored. . The deep sea is a terrifying area that humans can’t avoid. Even the experienced navigator in Harvey’s world dare not rush into the real deep sea area. It is a territory of ancient marine life, and it often appears more than an island. A bigger deep-sea monster.

After nearly a month of returning to the voyage, the alien siren group finally brought Lily back to the island of the siren.

A huge island that retains its original appearance. From the sky, most of the island is covered by dense virgin forest. The sharp reef group surrounds the whole island and is hidden by some fog. It is difficult to explore the specific situation. On the reef sits a charming and beautiful girl. The woman is grooming her hair, and her willow waist is uniformly shaped like weird fish tails.

In addition to the siren, there are various sunken sailboats in the reef group. The scales and styles are different. There are simple-structured merchant ships and some luxuriously decorated ancient noble ships. It can be seen that it is some years old.

The alien siren group climbed up the reef to log on to the isolated island, and saw their fish tails secrete white mucus and gradually split, the scales shrank and disappeared, and soon the wide fish tails turned into white and slender jade legs. They seemed to be used to it. Walk on the ground.

The sea monster with a look similar to Lily carried Lily into the isolated island. After crossing the virgin forest, he went to a town. The town’s buildings have a medieval style, mostly piled of stones, but they can see some human aesthetics and aesthetics. Using traces, obviously these buildings were not built by Kraken.

One after another crowds came out of the house, knelt down on both sides of the street, trembling and waiting for the alien siren to pass, maybe they should not be called humans.

They are dressed in ragged clothes and have styles of different countries and times. At the same time, their bodies still retain most of the unique characteristics of marine life. Some people’s skins have become smooth octopus skins, their heads have become octopuses, and their chins have become bundles. Creeping octopus tentacles. Some people’s skin is covered with a layer of smooth fish scales, their hands and feet have grown webbeds, and their bodies have completely turned into monsters, their backs are protruding bone spurs, their heads are like fishes, and dead fish’s eyes do not see the slightest light.

When Lily passed by, they all knelt on the ground and muttered vaguely.

Soon, Lily was taken to the center of the island, a circular deep well that was immersed in water larger than a football field. The deep well was made of strange stone materials, the surface was smooth and flat, and the magic circle pattern surrounding the deep well resembled A huge eye. The deep well is so big that even direct sunlight can’t touch its bottom, like a door through the abyss.

The other alien siren stopped at the mouth of the well. Only the leader and Lily jumped into the well. Lily, who had a special physique, couldn’t help but chill when they touched the well water.

The well was very deep, and it dived for a long time until no more light was seen. The sharp eyes of the sea monster could see an exit, and the light that lit up was the only dawn in the abyss.

“Wow ”

The world turned upside down, Lily and the others who broke through the bottom of the well came to a whole new world, an abyss.

There is still a ray of light in the distant sky. With the faint glimmer of light, the whole world of the abyss reveals the tip of the iceberg. Lily and the others are still standing around the well head exactly as the entrance, but this well head that is bigger than the football field is in this abyss world. It’s not worth mentioning, surrounded by huge tentacles that squirmed through, tens of kilometers in length and breadth. The huge body only needs to twitch lightly to crush an island.

By the mouth of the well, there is a composition of sarcoma and tentacles. The glimmer can’t give the full picture of the sarcoma. The surface and a heart are beating slowly, and the dull and powerful voice makes the siren leader pale. The humanoid body quickly appeared the characteristics of the sea monster.

Lily seems to be accustomed to this scene, her little head soaked in the water, gurgling and puffing out bubbles, looking up at the huge giant in front of her.

A hint of scarlet emerged from the inside of the sarcoma, and a tentacle stretched out to touch Lily’s small head.

Lily seemed to be complaining for a while, and then giggled again and again, waving her hands and communicating with the indescribable monster in front of her. The leader siren next to her was already soft and panting in the water, just staying in this place. It is a torture to her body and soul.

“huh hu ah…”

She struggled to hold up her body, her eyes blurred and staring at the scene in front of her, what she saw was a scene completely different from the others.

Lily is indeed a hybrid of Siren and humans, but there is one thing she didn’t explain to Harvey. Lily is a product of her blood and human blood made by the ancient existence in front of her The existence in front of her has already been lost. People forgot the name and couldn’t communicate. She searched the entire island of the sea monster to find scattered information about the existence in front of her. It was originally the **** worshipped by the sea monster, and she personally created the sea monster species and gave the language of song. This existence has a formal title-Desolate Abyss, a great existence that breeds infinite deep sea creatures and is called the **** of the ocean.

After a while, the tentacle took the illusion crystals that Lily handed over and played with it. The illusion crystal began to play modern songs recorded by Harvey. The tentacles seemed a little surprised, and they listened for a long time before returning to Lily.

The tentacles continued to extend and point on the well water. The icy water of the well was stained with black, and then it boiled and spread into a pool of ink. In the ink, there were many eyes and tentacles. Then the pool of ink collapsed in the well water, and the flow was unknown. The depths of the name. For a while, the tentacles trembled, the area of ​​ink pollution became larger, and the place where the ink collapsed showed the scenery of another world.

The human world, a border kingdom, Elroy, the mansion where Harvey lived.

Desolate Abyss is looking for Harvey’s traces, but no matter where the tentacles extend, it can’t find the human being depicted by Lily. It is surprised and even shocked. Lily’s description is correct but it can’t find the human being depicted by Lily, no doubt. Can find the traces of the human existence again, the bizarre vision stopped in front of a closet, the rolling eyes gradually closed, and the well water became clear again.

It hesitated, whether it should continue to search for that human information, but it didn’t want to let go of this rare opportunity.

Tentacle communicated with Lily for a while. Lily puffed up her face and waved her arms and shouted something. The tentacles gently patted her head and retracted it, and everything was calm again.

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