Culture Conquers Foreign Worlds

Chapter 145

Chapter 145 When fate comes knocking on the door!

In 1829, a well-known Belgian physicist proposed the [Persistence of Vision Principle], based on this principle, a magic disc was produced, marking the film’s entry into the scientific experiment stage.

In 1834, the American Horner’s “active video disc” experiment was successful.

With the advancement of photographic technology, photosensitive materials are constantly being updated. Just like Edison’s invention of electric lights, the electric light materials used in the initial stage can only support lighting for less than a few hours. The successive advances in photosensitive materials have enabled photography technology to take off. “The concept was born from this.

In 1853, General Von Uchot Oss of Austria used a slide show based on the above invention to show the original animation.

In 1872, someone argued over whether the horses were running with their limbs in the air or always having one foot on the ground. This was verified by Edward Mubridge, a photographer in San Francisco at the time. After several years of preparation, Edward used 24 cameras to shoot the flying. A group photo of the disassembled action of the running horse, which proves that the horse always has one foot on the ground when running.

Inspired by Edward Mubridge, in 1882, French physiologist Marais improved the method of continuous photography, invented the “photographic gun”, and made the “activity” based on the “rotating camera” invented by another inventor. Negative continuous camera”.

From 1888 to 1895, all western countries experimented with cameras and projectors. The Frenchman Renault trial-produced the “optical cinema machine” and used this machine to shoot the world’s first cartoon “A Delicious Beer”.

In 1895, the French brothers Auguste Lumiere and Louis Lumiere combined Edison’s invention to develop a motion camera, which can shoot and project at a speed of 16 frames per second. The world’s first film “Lumiere “The Gate of the El Factory” was born and made a stir in Paris.

Development In 1912, the film developed rapidly from being invented and put into practical use and being sought after by people.

spanned a hundred years! Collecting the wisdom of inventors from all over the world, it took countless time and effort to make the film develop to its infancy.

At the end of 1930, movies were mostly black and white silent films, with no sound. Because of the problem of the photography mechanism, the flickering between the pictures was very easy to cause eye fatigue. The black and white silent film era was also called the “screen era” because the screen was almost always in silver at that time. White state. The most representative works of the silent film era have been talked about so far, and Charlie Chaplin has become the most representative actor of that era.

Even if the movie has no Hollywood special effects, no sound or even color, it was a novel and popular art in the era.

In this world, Harvey shortened the time of the film’s birth. The important knowledge that the earth has developed over hundreds of years is in his hands combined with the illusion crystals of this world to give birth to photographic crystals. Not only that, but also on the phantom of “The Count of Monte Cristo” Harvey also used the essence of the film history of the next century. Those shooting concepts that have gone through countless movies and researched by countless directors are “lens art.”

Even if “The Earl of Monte Cristo” is put into the modern era, it still has the qualities that stand out in many period dramas in Hollywood.

The “Count of Monte Cristo” movie is not a product of this era. It is a work that can only be filmed when the film technology is approaching maturity.

The movie screen is clearer than the blue light, with bright colors, music in line with the context, tempered photography techniques, comparable to Hollywood-level special effects, and advanced photography concepts.

The car technology in this world has just started, using steam technology, and “Country of Monte Cristo” is like a Lamborghini that suddenly broke into this era. The technology and style are completely different from the current car technology, but “Country of Monte Cristo” is still in this field. The first work in.

For the audience in this world, this is tantamount to a devastating storm of sight, hearing, senses, and thinking!


Even if it was the opening of a movie that Harvey could not have seen, it is an extremely shocking scene before the eyes of the cinema audience at this time.

They “really” saw the sea! I saw the boundless blue ocean in a movie theater! Hearing the sound of the wave, the projection screen is like opening the door to another world. They watched all this with a peculiar vision. Some viewers who have watched the “Count of Monte Cristo” promo are about to stand up when they are excited, and they relive the touch of the time from this picture.

The auditorium remained subtle and quiet, and all the audience’s attention was taken away by the movie screen at the first glance. The sleepiness of the audience who was still bored was swept away. They sat upright, raised their heads and stared curiously at the projection of the screen. Picture.

The movie is still very long and very long, and it is not that the few pictures can fully show the whole content.

When the audience’s attention is taken away by the “Count of Monte Cristo” movie, by the story inside, by the bright and colorful pictures or the sweet music, everything is irreversible, everything is just the beginning.

Movies can be divided into many things, including pictures, colors, music, shots, special effects, actors, plots, etc. In other words, movies are a comprehensive art that combines all the above, and attention is taken away by one of them. Walking is like sinking into a vortex, sinking into the deep sea that twists everything together, especially for those audiences who don’t know what the movie is, it has a more deadly attraction.

In the cinema, the audience forgot about the loss of time and abandoned the complicated ideas of the outside world The mood was ups and downs with the experience of the Count of Monte Cristo.

The Count of Monte Cristo is ready to welcome his beautiful life, and the audience who have read the novel are worried about what will happen to him afterwards.

The Count of Monte Cristo was taken away by guards, and the comforting words he gave to his fiancée Mercedes before leaving made the audience weep. They knew that this was almost the “Farewell” of the Count of Monte Cristo and Mercedes.


Harvey and his party sat in the exclusive VIP room, and William, who watched the “Earl of Monte Cristo” movie for the third time, suddenly said: “It’s a shame that Mr. Griffin didn’t come!”

Jared sitting on the sofa stared at the movie. He touched the fruit on the table with both hands and replied: “I can’t think of why he refused. This is a good opportunity to meet the world. Do you know the reason?”

“You think everyone is like you, Mr. Griffin is one of the highest level musicians in the kingdom.” Harvey joked.

Maxwell nodded and replied: “I have talked with Griffin. He is going to prepare for the concert three months later. He said that he has got the permission of Mr. Harvey to use those songs in the “Earl of Monte Cristo” Phantom. When the soundtrack was in a concert, he became enthusiastic about the music and said that it would change the entire music world. I don’t know if he is joking.”

William closed his eyes, held his hands and nodded slightly: “I understand.”

“Ah!” Jared answered, as if he understood something.

The scene of the movie is projecting the story of the Count of Monte Cristo falling into despair in prison. Jared, who has watched it several times, knows that the next peak is the first peak of the movie. There will be a completely different soundtrack.

Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony-“Symphony of Destiny”

piano music, violin accompaniment.

When fate comes knocking on the door!

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