Culture Conquers Foreign Worlds

Chapter 148

Chapter 148 Feast

After the film in the afternoon was played, the audience reluctantly left. Taking advantage of the transition to the night screening, Count Henrietta took Harvey and the others to the back hall of the cinema. When they arrived, there were already a dozen guests present. All dressed in formal attire, whispering and talking with champagne, Harvey’s eyes naturally focused on him when he entered the venue, with admiration, surprise, and curiosity.

The opening speech of the movie “The Earl of Monte Cristo” let everyone know the identity of this young man. After this day, Harvey is already a rising star in Norton’s social world.

The back hall is luxuriously furnished, with three crystal chandeliers illuminating every corner of the banquet hall. The white gauze curtains on the dome converge from the corners of the room to the center, which is more hazy under the light. Statues and flowers are placed on the walls of the living room. , As well as oil paintings by famous artists, guests can enjoy these works of art in their spare time.

Most of the seats are placed on both sides of the room, and the large area in the middle is for guests to perform ballroom dancing or socializing.

The guests who can be invited to the back hall are basically the group with the highest status in the audience.

Harvey can also recognize a few of them, Susie Terrence, the president of the Magic Association, a woman who seems out of place here, wearing an old-style witch robe, with dark circles in her eyes and giant pandas, plus With her sickly gray skin, the surrounding nobles would shun her for fear of being cursed if she was not careful.

The princess Eleanor Windsor, the first heir to the kingdom, is a mature woman in a fire-red dress. Standing in the crowd, her enchanting figure attracts the attention of male guests all the time, but because of her identity, she does not dare to look more.

DuPont Arnold, head of the Royal Spellcasters Association, an old and awkward old man, standing there gives people a feeling of no anger and authority.

When a group of people entered the hall, William took Jared and they naturally sat on the seats of the guests. Although they were one of the producers of the film in name, the guests present were probably only interested in Harvey alone, and they reluctantly joined It’s only self-confessional. There are social rules in the social world, and the difference in class is naturally destined to be different in the circle.

Introduced by Count Henrietta, Harvey greeted these distinguished guests one by one.

“Mr. Adrian, I am very surprised to be able to meet you here. It is rumored that you don’t like social activities. You have not even seen you at the award ceremony of the “Count of Monte Cristo” novel.” Elena Windsor took off The red glove smiled and groaned. As a traditional etiquette that has been circulated for a long time in the social world, the kissing ceremony is generally only done by men to women, which means that they are close to each other. Generally, royal family members will not take the initiative to let others kiss the hands. This is a great honor for the nobility.

Harvey bent down to support her jade hand, kissed it, and straightened up and smiled after the salute: “You are serious, I hope “The Count of Monte Cristo” did not disappoint you, Princess Eleanor.”

“I am very satisfied. This is an unprecedented novel experience for me. I have to marvel that the story of “Count of Monte Cristo” is indeed wonderful. When the Phantom is over, I can see the female audience in the auditorium on the first floor. Excited eyes. Although their shouts were drowned in applause, I believe that tomorrow, all Norton newspapers will give praise for the birth of the Phantom.” Princess Eleanor praised, and the male guests around him nodded in agreement. .

“Princess Eleanor, you look as beautiful as ever.” A handsome man came over with champagne and bowed to Eleanor first. He looked at Harvey with emotion: “Mr. Adrian, you are more than I imagined. The middle age is much younger. I thought that the author of the novel “The Count of Monte Cristo” must be a wise scholar. He can only be a middle-aged person with a rich life experience or an old man. In addition, the Count of Monte Cristo you played It’s great. I almost wonder if you are really the Count of Monte Cristo. After all this, I wrote such a work.”

“Thomas, I thought you would have other purposes when you came here.” Princess Eleanor pulled up the hem of the bright red dress in return.

“The Count of Monte Cristo” alone is enough. I am grateful that you recommended this novel to me so that I did not miss a day of witnessing history.” The man held up the champagne and drank it.

“My name is Thomas Turner. I am honored to meet you here.” He put down the glass and shook hands with Harvey, then smiled and said, “Mr. Adrian, please forgive my abrupt request. I don’t know if I can Bring your work back to my country for translation? I think “The Count of Monte Cristo” is a very good novel. It deserves to be admired and seen by all readers who like novels.”

There was a need for relevant insiders to explain the identity of the man to Harvey quietly, but Count Henrietta was socializing with others.

Harvey didn’t know his identity or smiled and nodded: “Of course, it’s better to say that this is what I want to see.”

The three talked, and Harvey knew the identity of the handsome man in front of him, the son of a prince of the duchy, and he was not inferior to Eleanor Windsor in terms of status and status. He came to Norton specifically for the phantom of “The Earl of Monte Cristo”. .

Harvey went to talk with other guests again. The president of the Magic Association seemed to be uninterested in him, and after politely greeted him, there was no chance to talk. It is Dupont Arnold, the minister of the Royal Spellcaster Association, who values ​​Harvey more. He will ask some questions about the spellcaster and discuss and seek Harvey’s opinions.

I don’t know if spellcasters like to wear long robes to show their status and mystery. DuPont Arnold wore a modern style of magic robes. The style is like a combination of black suits and robes. Many places are embroidered with mysterious golden patterns. I can faintly feel the fluctuation of magic power, which should be the constant defensive spell on this robe.

DuPont Arnold had an old face and his white hair was neatly combed, giving a kind of gentle impression, but his eyes were stern and rigid, which made people avoid him unconsciously.

The old man in front of Harvey has three identities. The first is the president of the Royal Spellcasters Association, the second is the Royal Mage Advisor, and the third is the Royal Minister of Magic. In general, the spirited old man in front of Harvey is Barron. The nominal leader of all spellcasters in the kingdom.

“Mr. Adrian, what do you think of modern magic?”

Modern magic?

Harvey didn’t expect DuPont to ask such a vague question, and he thought about it briefly: “As far as I know, modern magic is still a relatively general term, and it is not accepted by mainstream spellcasters.”

DuPont’s eyes were complicated and said: “Modern magic is a compromise made by the gradual worsening of the spellcasting environment. The former spellcasters did not bother to study those spells that benefit ordinary people. I think the illusion crystals developed by Mr. Adrian belong to the modern era. magic.”

“Do you mean that the magic that can affect people’s lives is modern magic?”

“You know, UU reading www.uukā is not all.”

Harvey pondered for a moment, “In my eyes and regarding the division of modern magic, I think magic is a way for humans to perceive the changing laws of the universe. The only difference is how to use it. If modern magic refers to technology that can make people’s lives better. Or magic, then it is worthy of being sought after and studied.”

DuPont nodded in satisfaction, his eyes loosened when he looked at Harvey, and nodded: “Very objective answer, Mr. Adrian, if you are interested in this one day, you can come to me at any time. There are very few in the kingdom. There are casters who are as good as you and who have an objective view of modern magic.”

Harvey smiled calmly: “Actually I am preparing to publish a magic paper on photographic crystals.”

DuPont Gujing Wubo’s face fluctuated, and he twitched at the corner of his mouth. Don’t take a deep look at Harvey: “It seems we need a deeper conversation.”

The Royal Spellcasters Association runs an academic publication called “Nature and Spells”, which is only sold in the Kingdom of Barron and the Magic Association. It is not the branch of the Magic Association of the Kingdom of Barron, but the Association of Magicians in another continent. The headquarters, of course, the publications are only mediocre. There are no more than a thousand readers in the kingdom of Barron. It is estimated that it is useful to stand on the table on another continent.

Harvey intends to publish the principles and some of the techniques of photographic crystals, enough for some casters with professional knowledge to make imitations. The photographic crystal production process he researched by himself will certainly not be easily announced.

The Cromwell Chamber of Commerce has shown enough sincerity to cooperate with him. Harvey married Diana and received 40% of the Cromwell Chamber of Commerce shares. He couldn’t make it by himself if he didn’t do anything. Forty percent of the income of the Remwell Chamber of Commerce will also fall into his pocket.

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