Culture Conquers Foreign Worlds

Chapter 157

Chapter 157 intend

Helen, who learned of this incident, returned from the Fairy Township and told Harvey what had happened.

Harvey himself felt inexplicable. He didn’t expect that the game he poured into the game maker’s maliciousness could help the gem fairy so much. He went to [the automatic factory of the fairy], and the factory manager was replaced by another fantasy fairy. , The function is not affected much.

Theoretically, Harvey can also use [Fairy Auto Factory] without a fantasy fairy, but whether it will operate is another matter.

“Isn’t it good? Amethyst specially prepared a thank-you gift, and said that if Mr. Harvey has any needs, please don’t hesitate to mention it.” Helen sat on Harvey’s shoulders and shook his head with a smile, shaking her feet. The mood is quite happy.

The so-called gratitude gift is an amethyst. Harvey doesn’t need this. The previous part of the gem gratitude was used to process precious jewelry and serve as the treasure props in the “Count of Monte Cristo”.

Harvey weighed the amethyst in his hand. It was much heavier than regular gemstones. There was a slight flow of light inside. These gemstones have excellent magic transmission ability. In theory, they should be a very good spellcasting material. But now Harvey couldn’t find other usages.

Put the amethyst away, and Harvey took out the constructed biological core from the alchemy workshop.

“Helen, is there such a gem in Fairy Township?”

Harvey used alchemy equipment to identify the core, and found that the core crystal should be purified from a certain material. It has a very peculiar nature. It is called constant magic by construction scholars. There are two states of affirmation and negative for the so-called magic. The state is then deduced by the magic circle to enable the construct creature to generate basic intelligence.

In short, this thing is almost equivalent to the silicon crystal of the magical world. It is a semiconductor for magic and ether elements. The affirmation or denial of magic is equivalent to the basic switch of CPU calculation, representing 0 and 1.

The extremely complicated production process can be deduced to the extreme with one [Construction Enlightenment]. Harvey who came to this conclusion can’t help but lament the “black magic” of this world. power.

Harvey is excited about his ideas. Once confirmed, the world can easily enter the era of intelligence that the earth sciences dream of, and all his strange ideas can be easily completed.

It cannot be said that the magic tree (tech tree) of this world is a bit crooked, but the caster has not conducted in-depth research in this field and explored what kind of impact this type of technology will have on ordinary people, precisely because it is in the magic world. There are more magical spells that are more magical than this kind of technology.

Potions can make people immortal and immortal, and what a mere artificial intelligence can be.

Harvey stretched out her left hand to act as a platform to catch the body of the diamond goblin Helen. She jumped onto Harvey’s right wrist holding the core crystal, curiously looking at this core crystal, closing and quickly feeling the material structure inside the core crystal, foam With her hair fluttering slightly, Helen shook her head and said, “There is no similar substance in Fairy Town, but the structure of the ore can be felt from this crystal.”

“That’s it.” Harvey touched his chin and showed disappointment. Now the Kingdom of Barron does not have the technology to make this kind of core crystal, and it is difficult to use only one for various experiments.

“Harvey, don’t be discouraged, as long as it is an element belonging to the earth veins, there is more or less a way. Can you give me some crystals of the same type? If you care so much, it will be worth trying.” Helen softly comforted.

Harvey was surprised and happy: “What do you mean?”

Helen’s slender body was sitting on Harvey’s hands, smiling sweetly and explaining: “Although there is no substance of the same type in the Fairy Township, there is an earth vein crystal in the place where the gem fairies settled. In theory, as long as it belongs to the earth, it includes metal minerals. Elements such as gems and gems can be multiplied and activated by the power of the earth vein crystal.”

“Okay! Then I will trouble you to do this. I will cut a part from this crystal and take it back for you.” Harvey stretched out his hand and gently touched her cold colorful hair with a relieved smile.


Helen went back to the Fairy Township. Harvey took advantage of his free time to tease the little sea monster Lily he raised. Lily crawled out of the water tank and shook her blue hair. Harvey’s clothes were suddenly wet by water. Lily chuckled and slipped into Harvey’s arms. Harvey picked her up and put her on his lap, and gave Lily a special game controller to play Tetris in PVP mode.

“Don’t be silly if you lose, if silly won’t give you food tonight.” Harvey squeezed her face and tugged. The little guy is very competitive, and he will suffer every time he is about to win a game with her. To do everything possible to obstruct.

Lily’s physique is nothing if not eating for half a month, but it’s just gluttonous, which is not okay. Harvey is shocked when he counts. So far, Lily’s food expenses have far exceeded that of Lily who eats diamonds.

“@#¥#% !” Sitting on Harvey’s lap, Lily pouted in dissatisfaction, seeming to defend herself.

While playing the game, Harvey is still thinking about other plans.

Harvey has a lot to do, more than when he didn’t make the “Count of Monte Cristo” movie.

The first is that the marriage is near, and Harvey, as the groom, naturally can’t let go.

The second is his second novel, “Dark Age”, which is truly his original work, will be published in Elroy. Harvey has more high hopes for this novel than “The Earl of Monte Cristo”. The structure and plot of the novel refer to the “Lord of the Rings Trilogy”, adding more fantasy elements and structures. UU Reading lays the foundation for the future production of board games.

The third is about the extension of photography technology. On the earth, photography technology is an extension of photography technology. Because there are magic crystals in this world, it is easy to skip this part, but photography technology also has very good practicality. Harvey intends to use magic crystals as The basic reverse development of photographic technology.

Ordinary photography technology is of course very simple. The problem is how to save it. Not everyone buys a phantom crystal to act as a camera, and when it comes to cameras, photos are essential. Harvey wanted to develop cheap and practical photosensitive materials to make films and photos.

In addition, Harvey is still working on the phonograph at the same time, but Harvey has promised Desolate Abyss to train Lily as an “idol”, so the phonograph that promotes the birth of modern music is indispensable.

Both technologies are based on illusion crystals, and finished products are already available. Harvey’s research purpose is to reduce the production cost of these two technologies and make them civilians.

The fourth is Harvey’s constructive creatures. This technology has a very bright future in Harvey’s eyes. The appearance of the “black magic” version of the computer is just around the corner.

Fifth, Harvey also needs to write a thesis of photographic crystals for submission to the publication “Nature and Magic” run by the Royal Spellcasters Association.

“The research on constructing creatures is still not in a hurry.” Harvey considered today’s schedule, distracting him greatly, unable to beat Lily in the game, Lily, who had won the Tetris duel several times, suddenly smiled. He raised his face and looked like waiting to be praised.

Any one of them requires a lot of energy from ordinary people to complete. Harvey, relying on his current mental strength, only meditates for an hour in the [Crescent Tower] every two days as sleep. The entire time is divided into these tasks in an important degree. on.

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