Culture Conquers Foreign Worlds

Chapter 179

Chapter 178 Chamber of Commerce Workshop

On the outskirts of El Roy, a carriage drove slowly. The exquisite decorations of the carriage aroused the interest of the surrounding children. After seeing the badges belonging to the Cromwell Chamber of Commerce printed on the carriage, they immediately followed it with joy.

The carriage was parked in front of a large warehouse, and William got off the carriage and carefully moved a metal box.

“Brother William, do you want me to help?”

“William, what is this?”

“William, let me see what this is, a metal box? It’s weird…”

The children who followed the carriage gathered around them and asked curiously. Most of their clothes were in tatters, and obvious patches could be seen on the clothes. The patches were not fabric, and most of them were cut out for bags such as grain and flour. Of burlap. Most of the residents in the outskirts are poor class, and even the problem of food and clothing cannot be solved. Naturally, the clothes worn by children cannot be better.

The huge warehouse in front of you is the magic workshop of the Cromwell Chamber of Commerce, which is used to research all kinds of things that have something to do with magic. Almost every large chamber of commerce will set up a magic workshop to research new products and improve technology. If necessary, it can also crack the product production technology invented by other chambers of commerce. Most of the members of the magic workshop are workshop apprentices who have difficulty even casting spells. Learn workshop knowledge from the instructor, the goal is not to become a spellcaster but a mentor in charge of a magic workshop.

William held the metal box with both hands and shook his head: “This thing is not a toy, it’s a very important commodity.”

“Next to you.” William told the groom sitting on the roof of the car. The groom jumped from the roof seat and skillfully took out the candy from his pocket and distributed it to the children. The child was satisfied when he got the candy. Eating.

The rich sweetness alone is an extremely precious luxury to them.

It is still necessary to establish a good relationship with the surrounding residents. When the Magic Workshop first moved here, things would be thrown away every other time. Maybe the children just thought it was fun to steal it, but the trouble caused to the Magic Workshop actually caused the damage. The Remwell Chamber of Commerce suffered heavy losses.

William had no choice but to declare to the public that if something similar happened again, it would be handed over to the security team to deal with it seriously. On the other hand, he helped the surrounding residents by the way and bought the children with candy.

After going back and forth, the magic workshop finally no longer happened.

William enters the magic workshop through the iron gate. The inside space of the magic workshop is very spacious, about three or four basketball courts. Inside, there are all kinds of weird devices and equipment, and the steam can be heard from time to time. The hissing sound, the steel brackets are connected to each other, and the continuous operation is driven by steam power, and the dull rumbling noises continue to be heard inside the equipment. The magic workshop is more like an automated factory.

In the magic workshop, there are dozens of apprentices who are busy carving magic arrays, making parts, or operating equipment. Some of them are local children. They will learn skills from the workshop apprentices and look forward to becoming qualified craftsmen one day. The salaries of the mechanics in the Magic Workshop are not low, and after a few years of work, they can buy a house in the city and live a good life.

“Mr. William.” A foreman saw William coming and hurriedly took off his dirty hat and put it on his chest to salute.

“Is Mr. Lawrence here?”

“The tutor is in the research room, do you need me to take you there?”

“No, thanks.”

William continued to walk into the depths of the workshop, where there was a research room dedicated to the master and tutor of the workshop. He knocked on the door and heard a dull response: “What’s the matter?”

“It’s me, William.”

The door opened, and William smelled a strong smell of tobacco and alcohol without entering. The interior is a small house with ample space, but the owner of the house obviously doesn’t like to tidy up. A large table is placed in the center and occupies most of the place. There are all kinds of parts and tools. There are also wrenches and pliers hanging on the wall of the room. What is different is that a table is filled with various empty wine bottles.

William knew this was the hobby of the workshop mentor Lawrence, he liked to drink, and preferred to collect empty wine bottles.

He sat on the chair and the fat old man shook his head and said, “Mr. Lawrence, are you lazy again?”

Lawrence is very old and has half-white sideburns. However, because of drinking all the year round and eating well, he has a fat body. Coupled with short limbs, he looks chubby and funny. If you reduce the proportion of his body, then Just like a dwarf.

“What is laziness? I am drinking, can drinking be considered laziness?” Lawrence blew his beard and stared dissatisfied.

“It’s working time. Your behavior is laziness.”

“Damn, this is my magic workshop. I can decide when to rest and when to work. Even your father dare not speak to me like that.”

William glanced at him, and responded indifferently: “Of course, this is your workshop, this is your site, and you are the omnipotent master, aren’t you?”

The plain tone implies acrid irony, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Lawrence was a little depressed, looking at the metal box in William’s hand and muttered: “You and Diana have learned the same bad things as your mother. What are you doing here? It has something to do with the stuff you have?”

“Mr. Harvey gave me this.”

“Oh Harvey Adrian, the Harvey Adrian who wrote “The Count of Monte Cristo” and researched the phantom technology?” Lawrence’s eyes showed a curious look.

William nodded and put the metal box in his hand on the tabletop.

“That guy is traditional, no, the technique of making photographic crystals is not too difficult…” Lawrence mumbled and came to William’s side, leaning down and looking at the metal box from all angles while scratching his head: “This iron What’s the use of pimple?”

“Mr. Harvey called this equipment a photo processor.” William took out a palm-sized metal box from his pocket and took a picture of Lawrence.

“Crack !”

The sudden flash frightened Lawrence, and saw William take off the photographic crystal from the metal box in his hand, then lifted the lid of the large metal box and put it in.


“and then?”

“Mr. Harvey said that he needs to wait twenty minutes until he hears the beep. This is the finished product, that is, the photo.” William took out a photo from his pocket and handed it to Lawrence. The photo shows Harvey and William. Group photo at Cromwell Manor.

Lawrence looked at the photos again and again with the novelty The texture is hard, the image clarity is not bad, and he nodded with his chin: “The effect is good, and the clarity is about to catch up with the picture taken by the photographic crystal. What’s the problem? Production, you are here to confirm this answer. The complexity of the production process determines whether this thing can be made into a commodity.”

William took out a wooden box from his pocket and opened it, and placed an information crystal in it: “Father is also very interested in this device. This is the information crystal that Mr. Harvey gave me. It contains detailed production records and principles.”

“It’s not written in star text, I don’t understand that stuff.” Lawrence patted his head and looked suspiciously at this information crystal. The magic workshop is more secular, and rarely uses information crystals such as spellcasters. Props that will only be used.

William deliberately or unintentionally said: “Mr. Harvey has considered this. He said that as long as he is a qualified workshop instructor, he will definitely be able to see it.

“Damn, I always feel that you talk differently, just say what you want to say, and I will definitely be able to understand if you don’t say it.” Lawrence cursed, took the information crystal and placed it on a display panel to study it.

William smiled and sat aside to wait for the result.

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