Culture Conquers Foreign Worlds

Chapter 204

Chapter 203 Future articles: 15 floors

Rather than saying that the 15th floor is a library, it is better to say that it is a data warehouse containing mainly books.

This layer of convention is equipped with a smart light ball guide, and there is a cabinet in front of the light ball. When Triss came in front of it, she was prompted to wear a pair of white gloves before she was allowed to touch the things inside.

Triss came to the first row of bookshelves and saw many old books on the bookshelves. She fixed her eyes on a crudely bound book. The black cover just read “Frozen”, and there was no information.

She carefully took down the book and opened it, and whispered in disbelief, “This is a sample of the novel of Frozen!?”

“The “Frozen” novel by Harvey Adrian was never officially published in that era. The “Frozen” novels that have been circulated are all pirated at that time, and the sample of the novel is Harvey Adrian. There were only eight reference samples provided to the painter of the comic book “Frozen” at that time.”

“”Frozen” was the first animated film of that era, which promoted the birth of new musical forms of songs, and was also regarded as a representative work for the liberation of women.”

“Remember that six years ago, a sample of “Frozen” novel was auctioned for a sky-high price of 150 million Barrons!”

“There is still a copy here. It’s no wonder that the security level is so high.” Holding an artwork worth 150 million Barrons, Triss, a core member of the Cromwell family, feels a little guilty for fear of being careless. Tear the paper with force. If she damages the book, the Cromwell family will indeed compensate for the loss for reputation considerations, but the assessment of Triss will drop to a freezing point and even be deprived of her surname.

Triss carefully closed the book and continued to walk around. She saw a crystal still fixed on the bookshelf, and there was a nameplate in front of it introducing the information crystal: “Nature and Magic, issue 76, this The period records the principles of making photographic crystals published by Harvey Adrian at that time.”

She walked around for a while, and finally found a familiar object, a classical artwork placed in the corridor for decoration. She hugged her hands and muttered to herself: “This was the first hand sold by the Cromwell Chamber of Commerce at the time. I also have a rocking gramophone in my own home, but my father usually doesn’t work well. I really don’t understand it. It is obviously troublesome to operate, troublesome to maintain, and the sound quality of the playback is also poor.”

When Triss wandered around at random, a woman in a white coat appeared behind her and asked with a smile: “It’s spectacular, this layer is entirely to preserve the proof of a person’s existence. A total of 43,000 are stored. There are six hundred and twenty-six books, each of which involves the name Harvey Adrian, and the information crystal and other props related to this name are even more numerous.”

Triss stopped and looked at the woman with short hair and a white coat, recognized her as Esther Gaskell, one of the college’s senior teachers, stepped back and lifted her skirt to salute: “Est. Teacher Gaskell, why are you here.”

Esther chuckled softly: “I am the manager here, but you, this level is not a place where anyone can come.”

“I have obtained permission from the director.”

Esther smiled as expected: “It is impossible to appear here without permission. After all, it is a member of the Cromwell family.”

Triss is not disgusted with the praise of her family.

“It seems that you still don’t know. The reason why you are allowed in is not because of the Cromwell family. The significance lies in the surname itself.”

Triss was taken aback and frowned in confusion: “What do you mean?”

“follow me.”

The two came to a bookcase, Esther picked up a book and gave it to Triss.

“The Memoirs of Pulan, Pulan… I remember it was one of the largest publishers in the kingdom at that time.”

“Page 131, you turn it over.”

Triss turned to that page and read out: “I attended Mr. Harvey Adrian’s wedding that day. It was a small wedding. Mr. Harvey Adrian only invited a small number of friends. I am honored to include me in this. The wedding was held in an old house. It is said that this was originally the residence of the Adrian family. Oh! Perhaps it was the arrangement of fate. Haidée married the earl. It was a happy one. In the end, I sincerely wish Mr. Harvey Adrian and Ms. Diana Cromwell…”

“Diana Cromwell!” Seeing this name, although Triss was the first time to learn this information, she was not surprised at all. She had already guessed what her family had with Harvey Adrian. Associated.

“Haidee married the Count. Does this sentence refer to the novel of “The Count of Monte Cristo”?” Triss pondered the information in this sentence.

Esther heard her murmur and chuckled: “Ah, this sentence, of course you don’t understand it, do you remember the first phantom in the world mentioned in the history book?”

Triss nodded: “I remember that it was the adaptation of “The Earl of Monte Cristo”, which caused a sensation in Norton society at the time, but because the age was too old, at that time Spellnet could only provide basic spellcasting functions and store the magic crystals of this movie. Basically everything is damaged.”

“In fact, there is still an illusion crystal left, right here, do you want to see it?”

“Related to this sentence?”

“Of course, because the actor of the Earl of Monte Cristo is Harvey Adrian himself, and the actor of Haidée is Diana Cromwell.”

Triss stayed The book in her hand fell to the ground without holding it firmly, but fortunately, it was lifted by an invisible force when it was about to fall to the ground.

“Sorry!” Triss hurriedly apologized, carefully putting the books away.

The first movie in the world, and it is also starring the legendary Harvey Adrian and the Cromwell Chamber of Commerce. How can this information not shock Triss!

Esther saw her panicking and shook her head and laughed: “Don’t worry, there is a protective magic circle with time backtracking. Although every activation requires a lot of energy, it is worth protecting this place.”

The two came to another counter where the items were displayed, and Esther took off a photographic crystal.

“The method of making this photographic crystal is quite old. It originally required supporting tools to play it.” Esther introduced, came to a blank wall, sent the photographic crystal forward, and the photographic crystal automatically floated into the air, streaming light. The color is overflowing, and a vertical beam of light converges from the inside of the crystal and is projected onto the wall.

Esther smiled expectantly: “I really like this Phantom. It is the purest Phantom without the messy visual effects of the current Phantom.”

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