Culture Conquers Foreign Worlds

Chapter 216

Chapter 215 Book carrier

One second to remember 【】, to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

In the early morning, the sky was shining brightly and the breeze on the face made people feel very refreshing. At this time, the fairs in Elroy were bustling, mostly vendors, hurriedly transporting goods to prepare for the next busy.

Huntington Williams was sitting on a simple cart, driving the cart slowly. He sniffed and couldn’t bear the spoiled taste of seafood, meat, vegetables and fruits in the vegetable market. His eyes carefully passed from him. Everyone passing by saw those sneaky actions and raised their whip as a warning.

He is a book transporter who specializes in buying goods from publishers at lower prices, and then reselling them to other bookstores to earn the difference in the price, which can be regarded as a kind of trader.

Generally speaking, bookstores that are not directly affiliated to the publishing house will purchase the goods at a 40% discount, and the book carrier will purchase the goods at a 50% or lower price, and then resell it to the bookstore. To put it bluntly, it is a third-party salesman. You must have a keen business sense and ability to read words to do this business. This is not an exaggeration. If Huntington buys a large number of books from publishers and no bookstore is willing to buy them, then they can only be rotten in the hands of the book carrier. , Or sell it at a very low price and barely get back the cost.

In general, a book transporter is a high-risk and well-rewarded profession, and there is no need to travel between several cities like a trader.

With the development of time, the number of book transporters in Elroy has been much less. First, the risk is too great. Second, many regular publishing houses have established contact departments with bookstores and will actively contact major bookstores before publication. , The only use for book transporters is to relieve the pressure of some publishing houses that have not been established for a long time or are small in scale.

Huntington Williams is also an experienced book transporter. He has been in the book transport industry for at least 20 years. At the peak of his life, he even bought a beautiful house in the city center. However, Goddess of Luck did not always favor him. He almost lost all his fortune in a big bet. That big bet was also related to the books he was shipping now. At the beginning, he received internal news from Leonard Press. Purchased a large amount of the novel “Wild Rose” written by Kathy, the second son of the Elroy family.

Huntington knew that Kathy would definitely win the essay call, and it is no surprise that Leonard Press would even praise “Wild Rose.”

Ten thousand steps back, even if “Wild Rose” is of poor quality and mediocre content, the authorship and publisher’s intentions alone are destined to make this work a best-selling novel in Elroy, and Huntington himself has read the novel. , I think the writing is not bad, but the gamble that should have been won has caused Huntington to lose even his house that he bought for ten years of hard work.

Huntington has a big appetite and bought a large inventory of “Wild Rose” novels. It did sell well at the beginning, but at that time he was not greedy and wanted to sell it at a higher price for a period of time. The rooms of “Rose” are like piles of gold and silver mountains.

Half a month later, when he smelled bad breath, it was too late. Leonard Press declared bankruptcy overnight, and “Wild Rose” became a book that no one cares about. He rushed around and finally bought it. Only half of the price can be sold.

The house he bought for more than ten years is gone. He has fallen from a decent person to a poor class. He can only rent in a dilapidated old house. The culprit of all this is Harvey, the author of the books he transports. · Adrian, and the “Count of Monte Cristo”.

Huntington was not dissatisfied. He was convinced that he lost. The book transporter or the trader was essentially a gamble that required skill. At that time, he was blinded by profit and could not tolerate works other than “Wild Rose” until he re-read. When opening the “Count of Monte Cristo” and watching the “Count of Monte Cristo” phantom in the square, all the complaints in his heart disappeared.

He had many opportunities to look back, but he never grasped it once.

Now, Huntington is betting everything on Harvey. The book pulled by this carriage is the “Frozen” picture book comic he bought with his life savings and borrowed money. A collection of pictures? Or a novel? Huntington doesn’t know how to define these commodities, but there is no doubt that there is a huge room for experimentation, and it is accompanied by the same risks.

“The purchase price is five barrons for a book!? This is crazy! No! It definitely can’t! Who would be willing to spend eight barrons for a book, my God! This is not a necessities of life, can it make people? Don’t you eat or drink for a week!?” After listening to Huntington’s quotation, the bookstore operator looked at him like an idiot, spat out, and waved him away impatiently.

Huntington nodded with a smile on his face and drove the carriage to find the second bookstore. The bookstore was the last thing the book carrier could offend.

As the bookstore operator said, although Harvey’s reputation is very big among young people today, who, except the nobles, would be willing to spend eight Balen pounds to buy a book? The price is ridiculously expensive, several times or even ten times the price of ordinary books. Huntington bought the books from the Puran Press at the price of four barrons. At that time, he was suspected by his companions that it was so crazy because his head was flooded.

The risk is too high! It is so high that the average book transporter can’t bear it. If you win, you can make a lot of money. If you lose, it is likely to mean bankruptcy.

Huntington drove the carriage around Elroy for a whole day. The horse was tired, fed some hay and carrots and didn’t want to go anymore. He reluctantly pulled the horse rope to drive the horse back. I didn’t get anything for a day. Most bookstore owners were very excited when they heard that it was Harvey Adrian’s new work. Then when they read the book titled “Frozen”, and then looked at the high pricing, they lost out. Let him leave with a cold face.

“Frozen”? Isn’t it the fairy tale novels that came out a few days ago? What’s the selling point of a story written for children? What’s more, “Frozen” novels have been ruined, and you can buy one at a price dozens of times lower from book sellers. Why buy a hardcover version if you know the content of the novel?

Huntington got out of the carriage, his wrinkled old face was not very good, he sat in a daze on the carriage for a long time before he sighed slowly moved the books behind the bookshelf into the house, and he was almost busy. When he was young, he fell to the ground and rested. The books were all wrapped in oiled paper, so there was no need to worry about the dampness of the books.

These are only the parts he drags out to sell, and there is still a lot of inventory in his room.

Huntington traveled all over the city of Elroy and asked more than half of the bookstores, but none of them were willing to buy it.

Was his decision really wrong?

“No bookstore is willing to buy from myself. I am old and have entered a dead end? All the experience I have accumulated and the savings of my life are all lost because of my own impulse.”

Huntington was confused in his heart. He sat in front of the oil lamp and took a picture book of “Frozen” and read it. The paper is very peculiar. It feels smooth to the touch like oil paper, and each picture is colored, all from Artwork by the artist’s hands.

There are more than 200 beautiful illustrations in a book. From Huntington’s point of view, the “Frozen” picture book comic is definitely worth the money. It can only be said that it shouldn’t appear here, and it’s worthy of being filled by a large number of residents. A full-bodied city. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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