Culture Conquers Foreign Worlds

Chapter 315

Chapter 312 The way the caster fights

The smoke cleared, and Harvey stood in the back position as before, with colorful glowing light shining around him.

The contract with the diamond fairy blocked this fatal blow.

Flicking the dust off the clothes, Harvey stared at Joan not far away. The elegant and luxurious black evening dress was burning, and the burned embers formed black armor, covering her body, making her awe-inspiring.

Harvey had to admit that after all, she underestimated her. What she used was not the power of magic. The strange flame appeared out of thin air, and the traces of the etheric element flow could not be felt.

Bloodline knights or spellcasters need to store ether elements in their bodies to transform them into magic power, and then transform them according to established rules. To put it bluntly, the spellcaster uses the power of the world. In areas without ether elements, the caster is no different from ordinary people.

The flame used by Joan of Arc originated from herself.

This is the strength of the church side, and Joan was not blindly close just now, she has a wealth of fighting skills and experience.

All this shows that Joan does not rely on the ether element called the universal element to exert his combat power. This makes Harvey more difficult. The thin ether element belongs to the common shackles of the caster here, but this layer is unlocked. Harvey can only be restricted to one person.

Harvey said slowly: “I’ve heard that there is a kind of ascetic monks called substitutes in the church. They are good at exercising their bodies. They think that their spirit is superior to their bodies. Become the sharpest weapon, I can’t think of a day when I can really see it.”

“Compared with the substitutes, I only learned the fur.” ​​Joan shook the armored right hand, and there was a creaking sound from steel rubbing. She was adapting to her current physical condition. Long silver-white hair was scattered, her face was filled with excitement, and a black long sword burning with flames appeared when she swung her right hand horizontally.

Is this Joan really not a berserker?

If it is normal, Harvey can be sure that he is not the opponent of the saint in front of him. The church used to be a huge power to contend with the Magic Association. The existences named as saints belong to very high standards in the church. The caster’s class, every saint or saint must have the strength above the title caster.

“Huh.” Harvey snorted coldly, his mouth squirming out a complex spell. Behind Harvey, the magic circle protecting the manor displayed the prototype, and dozens of layers of magic circle with a radius of nearly 100 meters above the manor were lit up. , Alternately overlapping, rotating, the inscribed complex star texts follow Harvey’s setting to devour the etheric element of the void wildly.

The starlight is gorgeous, and the pillar of light cuts through the night sky and poured into the manor’s magic circle. The visual effect is very shocking. This is the magic circle that the magic circle is pulling in the outer world, that is, the magic contained in the atmosphere. Although the ether element is intangible, its distribution There are rules to follow.

The gems that Desolate Abyss gave Harvey are equivalent to precision parts. With those gems, Harvey can freely set up some high-level magic arrays that are called magic projects.

Like heaven and earth, the magic circle of this size also moved Jeanne.

Harvey’s body floated in mid-air, and dozens of magic circles of different sizes lit up behind him. Each magic circle was swallowing a huge amount of ether. Following the structure of the magic circle, it sucked in, compressed, transformed, and became A very destructive light of death. If you carefully observe the center of the magic circle, you can see that there is a magnificent ruby ​​the size of a rice grain in the center of each magic circle.

The soil is tumbling, and the heavy silver water that has just been blasted melts into the interior of the earth, and the passages transformed into ether elements form a special magic circle. This is the real function of the heavy silver water. The heavy silver water is called a construction. The highest masterpiece of learning is not because of its freely changing form. The heavy silver water itself is an all-powerful magic circle, which can freely transform all the materials it comes into contact with into constructive creatures.

The heavy silver water has turned into a dozen mud-like constructs, and the tumbling mud is immune to all physical attacks.

At the same time, the magic circle is also helping Harvey analyze the information of the enemy in front of him. The battle of the caster is not purely destructive, but more importantly, intelligence.

“The mental strength cannot be ascertained, and it is not expected to work.”

“The maximum speed is about 130 meters per second. It is unclear whether there is a higher limit.”

“The destructive power of the flame is second-class, and the contained energy index and nature cannot be determined. If the flame directly touches the magic circle, it may cause a collapse.”

The etheric elements absorbed by the magic circle are continuously transformed into the magic power used by Harvey. This is the terrible power that a spellcaster can exert in his own territory. Now Harvey has endless magic power and can show his own intellectual power as he wants. .

“Interesting, I haven’t seen a real scorner for a long time, you alone can afford this title.”

Chastity is weak in German evaluation, the greater the momentum of the burning flame around, the closer the construct creatures are directly scorched by the high temperature, covering a layer of charred black.


A bullet-like stone struck at Joan’s head. She turned her face slightly to avoid the attack, but her silver hair was shaved off by the stone.

Hundreds of small stones appear on the surface of sludge-like construction creatures. Their bodies are made of mud, which can continuously replenish body loss. The attack method of mud is very simple. The inside of their bodies is made of mud. A special high-pressure cavity, which is said to be a pistol, is not suitable. It is more like an explosive grenade. They can freely control the body to eject gravel comparable to bullets.

Every stone has a terrible lethality equivalent to a sniper rifle. It is estimated that the body of the average person will be torn to pieces when hit.

The tentative attack of the mud puppets angered the saint. The heroic sword brows were upside down, and when the right hand covering the armor was swung horizontally, flames were produced out of thin air, roasting the surrounding mud into scorched earth. These flames temporarily did not destroy the power of heavy silver , So no matter how high the flame temperature is, the heavy silver water is slowly reshaping the muddy body.

“It’s useless, unless you burn the entire kingdom to scorched earth.” Harvey sneered while observing from above.

“Papa Papa !”

The machine gun-like noise rang out, and hundreds of stones were shot at Joan, blocking all her dodge space.

” ”

The air kept screaming bullets breaking through the air, but there was no high-speed jetting stone that could get close to Joan’s body. The moment the stone touched her armor, it was burned by the flames, leaving wisps of white smoke.

“These flies are really annoying, anyway, as long as you kill the caster, they will collapse.” Jeanne raised her head and stared coldly at Harvey in the air.

The black sword turned into a spear, and the tip of the spear ignited a black flame, which was then suddenly thrown out by her.


However, her thoughts fell through. The flame of the muzzle was designed to penetrate the magic circle protecting Harvey’s body, but the spear accidentally passed Harvey’s body and disappeared into the night sky.

phantom! ?

Jeanne’s pale golden narrow pupils shrank for a while, and the saints of the church basically have the ability to see through the flow of etheric elements. However, in her eyes, Harvey, who stands on the void, is indeed the same person.

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