Culture Conquers Foreign Worlds

Chapter 38

Chapter 38 trace

After testing the power of the newly activated spell, Harvey got some dead branches and burned all the two hapless ducks and half of the canopy with a fire. Although he is a magician, Harvey feels that he should try to expose his identity as little as possible when it is not necessary, especially since the movement of the Elroy family is unknown, and it is not clear whether it is with Adrian. The family was once related to the magic family.

It should be mentioned that the caster was once brilliant in ancient times, but hundreds of years ago, the status was comparable to a religious witch. At that time, including the Kingdom of Barron, the caster was wiped out. Suppressing magicians was originally an activity in the religious sense. They preached magic as heresy, stealing the power of gods to do the devil’s activities. However, at that time, the rulers of the kingdom also believed that magicians were a threat to the ruling class and thus catered to religious suppression activities. .

In the past 100 years, with the civilization and enlightenment, the cognition of magic has gradually cleaned the demonized image in people’s hearts, and traces of magic can often be seen in daily life. For example, the street lamps on the streets are mostly made of a special crystal material. The energy is not electric energy, but a magic circle engraved on the base of the street lamp.

The destruction of the corpse is complete, Harvey clapped his hands and left the deserted suburbs.

Half an hour after he left, a black carriage stopped nearby. An old-faced man got off the carriage. He looked around carefully and found the ashes left by the burning. He took out the white glove belt from his arms. On, twisted up the ashes and sniffed. He didn’t care that the soiled white gloves continued to search in the ashes, whispering to himself: “Generally, it takes a lot of time for flames to burn the corpses of creatures into ashes. It should be the use of some strange spell to increase the temperature of the flame.”

His judgment was correct. Harvey used the [tiny miracle] to extract oxygen from the air to support combustion, and the duck’s carcass was burned to ashes in ten minutes.

The old man muttered a few complicated spells, his cloudy eyes were covered with a layer of blue light, through which he could see things that ordinary people could not find.

“Judging from the remaining spell traces that one is a first-order spell [Poisonous Bite], the other one…”

The old man’s wrinkled and bark-like cheeks moved, showing a very surprised appearance. He continued to mutter words. Soon the blue light of his eyes almost burst out before he hurriedly closed his eyes. When he opened them again, his eyes had returned to normal. Looks like, but the whites of his eyes are covered with bloodshot eyes and become extremely hideous.

“What kind of spell is this! It turned out to be a residual negative energy!”

He muttered to himself and his face was incredible. In his cognition, the spells that can mobilize negative energy are all high-level spells, and only those who dominate the apex of the spellcaster can control it. His complexion changed drastically and he got up and left here. From the beginning, he felt the spell fluctuations, but he didn’t dare to approach rashly. Only after Harvey left did he want to come and explore one or two. The negative energy was far beyond his control. range.

The old man hurried back to the carriage, opened the iron gate and got in.

The coachman sitting on the top of the carriage turned his head and asked strangely, “Master Calvin, what happened?”

“Go! Go! Get out of here!” The old man hurriedly waved and urged.

The groom didn’t know why, but he knew Calvin was a spellcaster, so he didn’t want to use his whip to slap the horse’s ass. The dark horse rushed out with a neigh, and Calvin in the carriage fell directly because of inertia. Instead, he was leaning on the seat and looking around in shock, for fear that some strange magic attack would suddenly burst out.

Peeping at others to cast spells is taboo for most spellcasters. No one wants his own magic to be cracked. If his actions were noticed by the caster himself, he would not have the confidence to escape from the spellcaster who can mobilize negative energy.

The old man took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead: “An unidentified powerful spellcaster entered the city of Elroy and must report this to the earl.”


Since this day, Harvey seldom leaves the mansion, and focuses on “Count of Monte Cristo” and studying spells. His research on spells is basically based on his knowledge and simple attempts. He has no basic knowledge of spelling, of course. Unable to verify any useful conclusions, he never gets tired of it.

Very quickly, plus the progress of the previous serialization, the number of words in the “Count of Monte Cristo” has been written to 400,000, which is about half the length of the entire novel, enough to publish the first half of the volume.

Good news came from the reviewer Pulan. A nobleman who had read “The Count of Monte Cristo” praised the novel and was willing to fund Harvey’s self-financing publication. At the same time, he contacted a publishing house and only waited for Harvey. Complete the novel.

Harvey is not in a hurry about this, he is making the final revision of the “Count of Monte Cristo”.

Since Diana obtained the manuscript of his novel, she has been very interested in some self-created sentences in his novel. Although she rarely visits in person, she will send letters to Harvey almost every day. Whenever Harvey mails the completed novel manuscript to She would receive an opinion letter steadily the next day. The content of the envelope seldom mentioned the plot of the novel, and it was more to help Harvey improve the background of the novel and the question of wording and sentence formation.

Diana is different from Harvey. She has been reading books since she was a child and has more knowledge in this world than ten Harveys combined. Her opinions are more like refining the content of the novel and filling in holes and omissions.

In addition, Harvey is not in a hurry to publish “The Count of Monte Cristo” for another reason.


Shirley is sitting in Harvey’s simple study room, where there is already a temporary workbench that belongs to her, and the workbench is covered with a piece of white paper and some painting tools. She is still wearing that classic maid dress, the white apron is slightly yellowed, and she sits upright, even the conservative dress design can’t hide her proud figure, and her rigorous and serious eyes move with the tip of the pen www . Her pen is not words, but an exquisite sketch. The style has changed drastically from the early days. The realistic style of sketching is still popular in this era, and Harvey directly asked Shirley to try another style based on the impression in his mind, which is very close to modern beauty.

“Master, is this all right?” Shirley gave another completed illustration to Harvey for review. It was the part of the meeting between the Earl of Monte Cristo and the former fiancee Mercedes. Sedes and Albert focused on the description, followed by detailed descriptions of the surrounding buildings, delicate and exquisite.

Shirley’s white right hand has been dyed black with ink, and the sleeves are also stained with indelible black.

Because Harvey paints at the level of modern illustrations, this illustration has undergone more than a week of alteration since its completion. The superb painting skills and advanced style give this illustration an unparalleled visual experience, and of course it is also based on this world. As a benchmark, it can only be regarded as ordinary in modern times.

Harvey put down the envelope in his hand and took the illustration handed over by Shirley to examine it for a long time, and pointed to Mercedes’ eyes inside and muttered: “It’s better to draw some drooping corners of the eyes here. The eyes should be opened slightly to highlight her surprise Expression, but the problem is not big, it is qualified.”

Shirley relaxes her eyes when she hears Harvey’s words, and pulls up the skirts on both sides to give Harvey a bow and judiciously: “Thank you.”

Shirley returned to her position, and Harvey stood by her to guide her to draw the next illustration. Shirley has shortsightedness and is hard to control the architectural details and sense of space. Harvey plays her eyes to plan the environment and space. sense. It is estimated that it will take another two weeks to complete all the novel illustrations, and it also gives Harvey time to edit the first half of the “Count of Monte Cristo”.

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