Culture Conquers Foreign Worlds

Chapter 54

Chapter 54 Express mail

How long does it take for an express letter to travel from Elroy to Norton, the capital of the Kingdom of Barron?

The answer is less than one second. Just put the envelope in a black box and activate the device to send the envelope to a place thousands of miles away within one second. This was established by the royal mage of the Barron Kingdom hundreds of years ago. A set of long-distance communication system, in order to stabilize domestic politics and increase the means to fight against foreign enemies, has now passed the turbulent era. This set of top-secret contact information at the time was officially publicized and civilianized.

Of course, it can only support the transmission of some lighter-quality materials, and it needs to pay a lot of usage fees.

“Ding Ding Ding.”

Inside the post office in Norton, the capital, a pleasant bell rang. The young messenger who was looking for the letter looked a little surprised at the place where the sound was made. The sound came from a metal box placed on a separate platform. He knew this thing, every time he used it. All need to pay hundreds of Barron pounds for express delivery devices, and the specific principles are only understood by mysterious spellcasters.

Even though it is the most prosperous capital of the Kingdom of Barron, I don’t know if this thing can ring once a day.

Soon, the post office staff who heard the news were responsible for recording the information of this letter and then handing it to the messenger for delivery. The young messenger was sure that he was favored by the goddess of luck this day, and the salary for sending an express letter was worth the price. Work with him all day.

“Address: Rose Manor, Recipient: Earl Devon Henrietta.” The young deliveryman couldn’t help but uttered a low voice when he saw the message in the envelope. A noble earl is amazing even in the capital of the kingdom with a lot of nobles. The big man, not to mention that the Earl of Devon Henrietta belongs to the well-known existence of Norton people.

Count Devine Henrietta is a representative of the up-and-coming nobles from the university and the vice president of the Barron Kingdom Literary Association. He has published many well-known collections of poems and is known as the “Poet of Norton”, and thus won the Queen His praise, his status in the social world is not even inferior to that of the royal family.

Express mail is generally only allowed to be delivered to me. The young messenger is excited to think that he has the opportunity to see this legend with his own eyes. This is an amazing display of capital.

“Ding Ding Ding.”

After the young messenger left, there was another sound of express mail arriving in the post office, and several express mails were sent out one after another. The recipients were all Count Divan Henrietta.


“The fifth copy, it looks like it should be the last one.”

Divin Henrietta received the express letter from the messenger and signed his name. The envelope was thick, and there were at least dozens of pages in it. It seemed that he received five express letters in a row because he couldn’t send them all at once. Send all the letters.

“Able to pay for five express letters, that guy should have a good life.” He glanced at the name displayed on the letter: Scott Adams, the two used to be good friends in college. He was also very obsessed with literature. After graduation, although he went to different things, he still used letters to contact him. After so many years, he received an express letter from Scottrade for the first time.

Going back to the study, his dedicated study is spacious and luxurious, with bookshelves as high as three people stand on two walls, and a huge floor-to-ceiling window leading to the outside balcony. The beige roller shutters hanging on the ground are full of delicate patterns. Every centimeter is a masterpiece hand-woven by a craftsman. The only way to remove the books from the high places of the bookshelf is to rely on the large movable bookshelf ladder on the ground. There are desks for office use and a leisure salon in the study. The servants clean up the tableware meticulously, and the metal spoons can shine through the shadows.

On the table in front of the sofa are several plates of snacks and fruits, followed by another letter.

is also a letter sent to him by Scott Adams, but this is not an express letter. It just arrived in his hands this afternoon. The thickness of the envelope is no different from that of an ordinary book.

After    was all taken apart, Divine got a bound novel, a modified copy of the novel that had not yet been bound, and a letter.

“Is this a novel? This part is not even marked with the number of pages, it can only be arranged according to the order in which it was sent.” Devon Henrietta smelled an extraordinary smell. What caused the Scottrade. So eager to send this novel to myself.

He opened the envelope attached to the non-express letter and read it carefully. It tells the dilemma that Scottrade encountered. He encountered a very good novel, which was full of praise. However, the situation of the novel was not good, because some The complicated reason was blocked by the largest local publishing house, and Scott wanted to know the possibility of this novel being published in the capital of the kingdom and even in the entire kingdom.

“A good work is indeed worthy of praise, but he should know that I will not abuse my power because of personal friendship.” He put down the envelope and muttered to himself, picking up the novel and seeing the peculiar cover at first glance. The gentleman dressed in formal clothes is in sharp contrast with a depressed prisoner. The title of the book “Count of Monte Cristo” is written on the right.

“Brooey and pets.” He frowned and commented. Although the cover is really good-looking, he pays more attention to the content of the novel. If the content of the novel does not satisfy him, the gorgeous cover will definitely make him even more angry.

opened the novel and read it for a while, his expression gradually became focused.

Soon, the content of the novel dispelled his negative thoughts about the novel cover. He was a little bit reluctant to put down the novel in his hand, went outside to prepare a cup of espresso, and ordered the servant not to disturb his reading even when it was time for meal.

He must be fully prepared to evaluate this novel well.

In just ten minutes, he has understood what his friend said in the letter. This novel does show the potential of being an excellent work.

“The setting of the story is set in the Augustine Kingdom hundreds of years ago, but the author certainly has not studied the political trends at that time in depth, and the nobles are not monolithic. Well, the background of a novel does not need to be investigated. “He flipped through the novel and continued to comment, and he was fascinated that he didn’t even move the cup of coffee.

Continue to scroll down, UU reading, he saw another feature of “The Count of Monte Cristo”, the illustrations drawn with peculiar painting techniques, the scenes match the content of the previous page of the novel.

“She seems to fit her identity and personality very well. It can be seen that the painter should have studied the cultural field of the Augustinian Kingdom. The architectural style and the details of the costumes are very good.” Devon Henrietta looked at Mersets. Silk’s illustration lightly nodded, this part of the illustration is one of the results of Harvey’s consultation with Diana.

After reading the first half of “The Count of Monte Cristo” that made him breathless, he turned his attention to the original manuscripts of the second volume that had not been processed.

The first half of this novel proves Scottrade’s praise alone. If the quality of the second half can be maintained, it will definitely become another classic in the literary world of the Kingdom of Barron.

“A novel with an innovative nature! The use of vocabulary is very novel, the meaning of those punctuation marks is also concise and easy to understand, and the content of the novel is fascinating, I can expect it to be popular with readers, even I want to watch it all at once. Go down. Scott must know this before sending the contents of the second half by express mail.” He closed the “Count of Monte Cristo”, stroking the cover of the novel with his right hand and looked exhilarated and praised. It has been a long time that he has not seen it. Forget about time works.

Time unknowingly arrived at night, looking at the unprocessed manuscript of the novel under the dim light made Devon Henrietta’s eyes feel uncomfortable, but he devoted himself to the novel to interpret every character or every plot of the novel.

If the first half of the book depicts the depression before a storm, the second half is a chaotic storm that destroys the world, involving all his reason and all emotional impulses. His thoughts follow the current, and he forgets. After all the reality, he replaced the identity of the Count of Monte Cristo to complete his feast of revenge.

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