Culture Conquers Foreign Worlds

Chapter 84

Chapter 84 Assignments

What is montage? The so-called montage is the transliteration of French Montage. It used to be an architectural term, meaning architectural space structure and composition. With the development of visual art, words have extended to the film industry. Montage has existed since the birth of film. The term montage in film science is not complicated. It is visual art, and in general, it is the use of lens.

Push, pull, up, down, long shots, gradients, overlaps, wide-area shots, etc. are all montages.

The use of lens has a profound impact on a movie, representing the director’s own ability and views on the film. The use of different montage shooting methods for the same plot of a movie will achieve completely different effects. Simply understand, the use of lens is equivalent to the movie. A literary writing.

There are also some directors who insist on using depth-of-field lenses and long lenses to maintain the purity of the film. They believe that only the most primitive films can resonate with the audience. However, the development of the modern film and television industry for so many years has almost eliminated such directors. Therefore, if you want to shoot a movie, it is necessary to learn montage.

Once he decides to shoot a movie, Harvey’s time has changed from ample to urgent, and he must race against time to complete everything on hand.

There are no movies in this world, so basically everything needs to be arranged by Harvey himself. To put it bluntly, the success or failure of the world’s first movie depends on Harvey himself. Harvey needs to write a movie script, learn about film shooting skills from the [Endless Library], and at the same time continue to improve [Photo Crystal], at least research the auto-accurate focus function before the official shooting begins.

Harvey’s arrangement for the Brenda Theatre Company is to find suitable actors as soon as possible. Although the Brenda Theatre Company is large, it is not yet capable of shooting a movie. Dramas and movies are essentially different, and Harvey does not Determine whether the theater actor can play a good role in the movie.

The theater was originally intended to play a publicity role, and Harvey also assigned part of the work to Jared when the manpower was short.

After returning, Harvey stayed up all night and focused on rewriting the novel “The Count of Monte Cristo” into a movie script. Compared with the novel and movie script, the creation of the script is much simpler, simplifying the important information in the novel, including time, place, characters, and events. It can let the actors know what they should do when they perform, what expressions they show, and what lines they say.

One night, Harvey wrote the first half of the screenplay of “The Count of Monte Cristo”. The script stopped at the scene where the Count of Monte Cristo re-encountered his unmarried visit to Mercedes. Harvey is accustomed to using spells to write text, coupled with the novel as a reference, the speed of film script creation can be described as appalling.

In the early morning, the sky is getting brighter, and Harvey listed various things that need to be prepared on another white paper based on the completed first half of the script, mainly arranging the actors of the Brenda Theatre Company.

“The makeup technology of this world is not as superb as modern. It is very important to choose an actor who matches the appearance and temperament.”

“The Count of Monte Cristo, Mercedes, Haidée, Um…”

“Haidee is the daughter of Governor Ali, with a noble birth and excellent appearance. In the novel, she is assumed to be not the type of eldest lady. She can express her love for the Count of Monte Cristo with enthusiasm and frankness. Eva’s actor Christie Esser The sub-temperament is very suitable.”

“Mercedes is next?” Harvey’s consciousness moved, and the schedule floating in front of him automatically fell to the table, and he began to meditate to find a suitable actor for this role. He already had the best answer in his mind. When he wrote “The Count of Monte Cristo”, every time he wrote about Melcedes Harvey, he didn’t consciously think of his maid Shirley.

is gentle and elegant, adding a bit of intellectual beauty after wearing glasses.

But Shirley has no acting foundation, and Harvey doesn’t plan to let his maid appear in public.

After several ideological struggles, Harvey still couldn’t find the best actor of the Earl of Monte Cristo and Mercedes. Maxwell, the owner of the Brenda Theatre Company, is a senior drama actor himself, and his temperament appearance has many similarities with the Earl of Monte Cristo who was imprisoned for more than ten years, so he can be listed as one of the candidates.

Harvey is considering whether he should play himself, directing and acting himself. He has no acting foundation but has rich knowledge and experience. Now he has changed his previous frivolous image and is more than Maxwell in playing the young Earl of Monte Cristo. Have advantages.

The point is that he himself is a bit uncomfortable. As the author of “The Count of Monte Cristo”, a spellcaster turned out to be an actor.

Harvey looked at the plan in front of him, and the black writing on the white paper gradually faded into other content: “If you are the Count of Monte Cristo, Christie Isiah can play the role of Merseydes in the teenage years, and Shirley will play Mersey. After Tess got married, the actor of Haidée···Diana···”

Harvey patted himself and shook his head with laughter, dispelling this thought. Apart from anything else, Diana’s arrogant character could not agree to be a drama actor.


In the evening of the next day, members of Harvey and Brenda Theatre Company met again at the theater. Harvey simply handed over the list of “Earl of Monte Cristo” to Maxwell and asked them to choose suitable actors. Maxwell was taken aback when he saw the cast. The protagonist and supporting roles totaled more than a dozen or so, and there were also a variety of dragon roles, the scale of which was beyond his expectations.

Harvey gave a translation of photography knowledge to the middle caster Kenneth Randolph. Kenneth is proficient in illusion and has a deep understanding of visual perception, and has been exposed to modern lens art knowledge, and is fully qualified to become a person. Professional photographer. After watching Harvey’s summary of lens applications and shooting techniques, Kenneth looked at Harvey’s eyes and looked at monsters. He was about to believe in the legend about the Adrian family. Harvey must have exchanged knowledge through demons.

Inside the meeting room

Jared stood up and asked, “Harvey, what should I do?”

Seeing that everyone else has an important division of labor, as a representative of the theater, he is also a little unbearable, rubbing shoulders and preparing for a big fight.

Harvey picked up a suitcase he brought with him and put it on the desktop to open it, UU reading revealed the colorful Barron pounds inside, and the large amount suddenly made others look straight. Harvey took out a part and gave it to Maxwell: “Mr. Brenda, these are the funds for the activities of the Brenda Theatre in advance, and the rest is for you, Jared.”

Jared looked at the dozens of thick stacks of Barron pounds and swallowed. He really hadn’t seen so much money when he grew up. He trembled and stammered one of the stacks: “I said…ha Wei, this…how much money is there.”

He can’t count how much money he has, but he doesn’t know whether there is one-tenth of the total income from a performance in the theater! Remembering that Harvey is the author of “The Count of Monte Cristo”, I feel relieved that Harvey can spend so much money.

“You pay 50,000 barrons to the Brenda Theatre Company, and you pay 150,000 barrons to the Evan Theatre.”

How did Jared say he was of noble origin. After being dazzled by Barron’s eyes, he calmed down and asked carefully: “Well, what do I do with so much money? Let’s talk about it first, I will sell everything except life!”

“I didn’t say it yesterday. The money is for shooting expenses. If you want to talk about what it is used for, you first need to prepare the costumes of the Augustine Kingdom, and secondly rent a medium-sized wooden sailboat, prepare wedding props, etc. Anything in it The cost of one item is a lot, and all of them may have exceeded 150,000 Barrons. So for now, you only need to consider preparing the props that you need to use in the early stage of the plot.”

Harvey touched his chin and muttered to himself: “All in all, let’s try a trailer first.”

trailer! ?

Others figured out the meaning of the word in their hearts. Everyone in the meeting felt Harvey’s determination. It would be harder to say that hundreds of thousands of Balen pounds were in front of him.

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