Curing My Loneliness by Becoming a Summoner in Another World

Ch. 56 – Making Plans

Making Plans


The Goddess Verana stood in front of her peers, starting to nervously sweat at the silence she was being given. She had just presented her plan to lower the requirements to be a Goddess to the rest of the Goddesses, but she could tell from their faces it didn't go over well.

Finally, one of them spoke, “So you want us to lower our standards just because you don't want to work hard.”

Verana winced, “That's not-” she started, however, she was soon drowned out by other Goddesses complaining.

After a few moments of this, the Head Goddess snapped her fingers, echoing around the chamber. Everyone looked at her, then quieted down. “Thank you, Verana. Was that the only thing you wanted to bring up today?”

Verana blushed slightly. “Yes, I have another plan, but I need to do more research first.”

“Oh, so you're researching these plans instead of helping!?” someone said, which started a new murmuring of complaints.

The Head Goddess snapped her fingers again. Once everyone quieted down once more, the Head Goddess stood up. “Thank you, Verana. We will now vote on who wants to implement this plan.”

No one from the crowd raised their hand. Only Verana....and the Head Goddess.

“Head Goddess, you really support this nonsense? You're the one who came up with the standards!” one of the younger Goddesses asked.

The Head Goddess looked at her and gave a soft smile. “I want us to complete our job effectively and efficiently. Of course, I'm not going to implement this change if it would be unpopular.” She turned to Verana, “Sorry, Verana. You can submit it again next meeting if you'd like. And whenever you finish the other one, you can present it as well,” she said, which caused a bit of groaning from some of the more vocal Goddesses.

Verana smiled. “Thank you, Head Goddess.”

The Head Goddess's face turned more stern. “However, I expect you to only work on it when you're caught up on clients...”

Verana gulped and nodded. I'll need to try and work quickly, then...


Feya sat in the room she shared with Kara, comparing two different dresses in the mirror. “Kaykay, which one should I wear?”

Sighing, but not bothering to protest her nickname anymore, Kara looked over. “Why are you asking me?”

Not answering the question, Feya turned around. “This one makes my tan stand out more,” she explained, holding up a stark white dress. “But this one shows off my boobs more,” she said, holding up a blue one with a deep v-cut in the center.

Kara blushed, “I don't know. Whichever you think will make Damien happier?”

Feya nodded, “You're right.” She looked at each, “I bet he wants to see my boobs, so I'll wear this one,” she said, setting aside the blue one and hanging up the white one. “Now I need to figure out how to do my hair. Maybe some curls...” she then looked over at Kara. “Why aren't you getting ready?”

Kara blushed, “My date with him isn't today. Yours isn't even today!”

Feya gave a small 'tsk, tsk'. “You need to prepare though. Don't you want to impress him?”

Kara blushed deeper. “I....” I know I resolved myself to do something, but I'm still nervous.

Feya shook her head. “If you're not sure, try on some dresses and I'll choose for you.”

Kara shook her head back. “I don't have any dresses.”

Feya took a moment to register what she said. “Wha-what!? How do you not have any dresses?”

Kara shrugged. “I never had any reason to buy one.”

Feya nodded. “That's fair. You need one now, though!”

“I don't need one,” Kara said, somewhat indignantly. “I'll just wear my normal clothes.”

Feya put her fingers up to her forehead, sighing. Kara was thrown off a bit at the abnormal showing for Feya. “Kaykay, you can't just brush this off, you need to look your best.”

Kara blushed slightly, “I can't afford a dress anyway.”

Feya grabbed her purse and walked over, grabbing Kara's arm. “I'm buying you one.”


Kara couldn't protest the strong grip Feya had on her, and got dragged to the nearest dress shop. Looking at the prices, her eyes popped out slightly. “You're gonna buy one of these?”

Feya thought for a moment. “Good point, we should buy you two instead, so you have a backup.”

“That's not what I-” Kara started, before getting a dress shoved in her face.

“Here, this one matches your eyes,” Feya explained, looked from around the emerald green dress.

Deciding it wasn't worth arguing anymore, Kara sighed and took the dress. “Okay, let's just get this one.”

Feya looked at her weirdly. “What? You have to try it on first. Come on, I'll help you.” She then dragged Kara into one of the dressing rooms. She pulled off her shirt and shorts, before pulling off her bra too.

Kara covered herself, blushing. “What are you doing?”

Feya looked at her weirdly again. “You don't wear a bra with a dress...”

Kara blushed harder. “Why not?”

Feya shook her head. “It will look weird if you do.” She stared intently, “Hmmm...are you C-cup?”

Kara averted her gaze. “I think they're D.”

“You really cover them up.”

“Of course! I can't run right if they're bouncing around.”

Feya nodded. “Well, we can use that to your advantage. He won't be expecting your boobs to be so big, so we need to show them off.”

Kara covered her face with her hands. Is this really necessary?


Carleen was riding her horse along a dusty road, a tall stone wall on one side. Up ahead, she could see a gate approaching that would allow entrance through. Her armor clanked slightly as her horse clopped down the to road, kicking up even more dust with each step. She had been wearing her full armor, including helmet, since she didn't want to be recognized in her house's territory.

As she approached the gate, she pulled the reigns to stop her horse.

One of the gate guards approached. “Hello, Sir Knight. Do you have business on our estate?”

Hopefully they don't recognize my voice. She tried to make her voice slightly deeper, saying, “Yes, I've come to see Lord de Chello.”

The guard nodded. “And who, may I ask, is visiting him?”

Ergh. “I...don't wish to give my name.”

The gate guards both got suspicious, the one still near the gate gripping his spear slightly. The one talking to her said. “Sir Knight, I cannot allow an unnamed person to come in. Please provide your name so I may see if our Lord will see you, or kindly vacate the premises.”

Carleen sighed. Grabbing her helmet, she took it off.

The guard near the gate gasped, while the one talking to her raised an eyebrow.

“Lady Carleen!?” the gate guard said. “What are you...I thought you were sick,” he said, walking up.

The other one held up his arm to stop him. “Hold on, how do we know this isn't an impostor, sent by a rival family to infiltrate? Or maybe even assassinate Lord de Chello.”

Carleen took off one of her gauntlets, reaching into her breast armor and producing a ring on a leather strap. “Are you not going to let someone with their signet ring onto the estate?”

Both of the guards gulped, then nodded. They opened the gate, and she led her horse through it.

Taking a walk down the path to the manor, she steered clear of the few servants out in the field currently so as to not attract attention. Once she got to the front door, she jumped off her horse and tied it to a post.

At the top of the stairs, in front of the door, a lady in a maid outfit bowed to her. “Lady Carleen, it is good to see you.”

Carleen smiled, “You too, Sil.”

Sil was the head maid of the household, and one of the people who would know that Carleen wasn't actually sick inside, but had run away. Partly because she had told Sil herself, since Sil was one of the people she had gotten along with the most before she had departed.

“Have you come to see your father? He's currently in his study. Your mother is away visiting her sister right now,” Sil explained.

Carleen nodded. “Yes. And that's probably for the best.”

Sil bowed again. “Yes, your mother would probably try to physically prevent you from leaving again if she saw you. I think your father will be a bit more level headed.”

Carleen followed Sil up the stairs and down the hall, knocking on the door.

“Sil? Is someone here to see me?” came a voice from inside.

Father sounds as gruff as ever.

“Yes, your daughter, Carleen.”

She heard a slight laugh from inside. “You're not usually one to jest, Sil.”

Sil decided the best option would be to just open the door.

Her father was there, looking a bit shocked. He looked the same as she remembered, if a bit longer of a golden beard.

Carleen walked in. “Father?”

Her father jumped up, coming over and hugging Carleen, despite her armor. “Come, sit down.”

She nodded and sat down on the chair across from her father sat back in his chair. “Sil, make sure we aren't bothered.”

Sil bowed and walked out, closing the door.

Lord de Chello looked across at her. “So...” he seemed unsure what to say. “Why did you return?”

Carleen, a bit surprised, asked, “I thought you would be more upset.”

Lord de Chello sighed, leaning back in his chair. “I was, but at a point I lost the will to be upset. I was just worried my daughter had died to some monster.”

Carleen blushed. “You weren't tracking me?”

“We were, but our investigator lost track of you a while after you started going on Adventurer's Guild requests. I guess if you were walking around in armor like that, it's not surprising.”

Carleen blinked a couple times. Well, now I feel awkward.

Her father smiled. “Were you expecting to have an argument with me?”


He chuckled. “If you wait a few days for your mother to return, you can have your argument. She has not mellowed out on the topic as I have.”

Carleen shook her head. “Well, I don't plan on staying that long.”

Her father leaned forward. “Then that goes back to my question, why did you come back?”

Carleen gripped her helmet. “Father...I plan to be married soon.”

Her father was taken aback for a moment, but then grinned. “Is it a noble?”

Carleen raised her voice, “Father, you really-”

Her father raised his hand. “I jest. I've long since realized my error in forcing you to marry a nobleman you don't like. So? Is it a fellow Guild member?”

Carleen blushed over having gotten upset, and nodded. “Yes.”

Her father nodded. “Do you at least plan on having a proper cathedral wedding?”

Carleen nodded. “Yes.”

“Good. I shall attend,” he started, before pausing. “Unless you'd rather I didn't.”

Carleen looked down. “If you want. I'd be happy to have you.”

Her father smiled. “Carleen...I just want to see my daughter again. If you want to marry some Guildmember commoner, I'll support you.”

Carleen smiled. “Thank you, father.”

Her father's grin got bigger. “And I'm glad to see you smiling again.”

Carleen nodded. Guess now is as good a time as ever. “ be willing to help us purchase a house?”

Her father chuckled. “Did you come all this way just to ask for money?”

Carleen blushed slightly. “Partly.”

Still chuckling, he nodded. “Sure, I can give you some.”

Carleen slapped the desk, standing up, not having expected to convince him that easily. “Really?”

“Of course. I mean, this will be cheaper than what I would have spent on your marriage to a noble anyway.”

Carleen sat down. “I never thought of it like that.”

Her father grinned, leaning forward. “So, tell me about this man who managed to woo my hard-headed daughter.”

Carleen blushed. “How do I even start...”

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