Curse back: With the time ability activated, am I invincible?

Chapter 44

The door was kicked open, and the assembly hall fell into silence.

Lian threw the man in her hand with force, and his body flew over the heads of the crowd and hit the wall at the end of the trajectory. Due to the great impact, a deep dent was left on the wall.

Then, Lian gathered a small "Sha" at her fingertips and shot it out.

"Sha" rushed along the previous trajectory, smashing the man's already bloody face and his entire head, leaving only a headless body.

The gathered believers were frightened by this scene, and they all stood there in a daze. The previous lively scene in the assembly hall was completely gone.

While the members were stunned, Lian slowly walked up to the podium where only one member was present.

After a "friendly" exchange, Lian handed a USB flash drive to the member and asked him to play it in the backstage, while Lian picked up the microphone, as if preparing to give a speech.

Whoosh... whoosh.

As Lian's blowing sound came from the speakers, the members noticed Lian who had already walked up to the podium. They looked at each other, as if they were puzzled by the young man wearing a white T-shirt on the stage.

"I'll give you one minute. Before the music starts, either leave here immediately and never participate in any activities related to the Panxing Cult, or... become a 'headless knight' like the guy over there who has lost his head." Lian said in a slightly threatening tone.

Hearing this, many members who had just joined not long ago immediately ran away, fearing that they would become "headless knights", and then no one would write them into the Strange Stories.

Some cowardly church leaders tried to blend into the crowd, but they were all killed by Lian the moment they left the room. This move frightened the remaining leaders so much that they dared not move.

Seeing that there were still many ordinary church members left, Lian issued an ultimatum: "It's almost time."










When she was about to read the last number, Lian paused for a few seconds, trying to let the fear drive the remaining people to leave here as soon as possible.

As the last number fell in Lian's heart, it meant that those who chose to stay at this moment were either completely crazy or senior personnel who participated in the "Astral Plasma Elimination Plan".

At this moment, a round of melodious music sounded. This was an old classical music, composed by the famous composer Ludwig van Beethoven in the 1820s.

Many of the believers present immediately recognized what the song was.

"This... is this Ode to Joy?"

"But why is it Ode to Joy?"

As the music sounded, Rei gently put Riko down, and then he slowly walked down the steps towards the believers.

The believers looked at the young man approaching in horror. They tried to resist, but everything was in vain in front of Rei's powerful strength.

"Hypostyle - Zero."

Rei's tiny voice was drowned out by the melodious music and the cries of the believers who rose up in resistance, but as the technique unfolded, everything around him fell into silence.

But for some reason, the music that should have stopped seemed to be still playing at this moment, and the beautiful melody echoed in the wide hall, like a dirge, telling of death and despair.

1, 2, 3...

Every time a note fell, a church member's head was smashed, making a dull sound. Lian's figure shuttled among the crowd like a ghost, and his hands were full of magic, ruthlessly harvesting lives.

The blood was stagnant the moment it splashed, and no drop of blood could successfully stain Lian's snow-white T-shirt. He was like an angel from the original myth, cold and resolute.

In this bloody massacre, Lian's eyes were always indifferent, without the slightest mercy and sympathy. His movements were precise and swift, and every move was full of deadly killing intent.

"Time, start to flow."

When time returned to normal, the entire assembly hall had turned into a red purgatory.

The originally clean and bright space was now filled with a strong smell of blood, which was disgusting. The blood dyed every inch of the wall and floor red, forming a terrifying and distorted picture.

What’s even more terrifying is that in this sea of ​​blood there are all kinds of broken limbs floating, scattered everywhere, giving people an indescribable feeling of fear and nausea.

These ugly lives who once committed sins have now become victims of this bloody judgment. Their bodies are in pieces, and they are not even hideous.

The air is filled with a strong smell of blood, intertwined with the melodious music, forming a weird atmosphere.

Lian stood in a pool of blood, his presence filled the entire space with fear and despair. This killing seemed endless, and the shadow of death shrouded every corner.

Thick blood splashed on the wall, outlining two strange curved arcs. These two arcs, as if pulled by a mysterious and powerful force, slowly flowed down the wall, gradually converging into blood marks.

Standing in the distance, the two blood marks were like a pair of wings extending from Lian's back, weird and sacred, and the whole scene gave people a strong visual impact.

This scene can't help but remind people of the scene in the classic anime, in the desperate cry of the protagonist, the purple body he drove grew wings on his back and was upgraded to a god.

The podium where Riko was standing was the only place that was not contaminated by scarlet. The pale light illuminated everything in the entire assembly hall equally. Compared with the scarlet around it, the podium that escaped the disaster because of her existence was like the paradise hidden by the underworld in mythology, peaceful and holy.

At this time, a church member trembled and walked out from the corner. He was trembling all over, his face was as pale as paper, and his eyes were full of fear and helplessness. The reason why he survived was because he had just played music for Lian, so he was lucky to escape.

Seeing Lian approaching, he closed his eyes and shouted hysterically:

"Don't come over!!!"

After a few seconds, when he opened his eyes, he found that he was not killed. Lian ignored him and walked straight towards Riko.

Lian picked up Qingqing Lizi and turned to leave. Before leaving, he glanced at the believers who had been stunned for a long time and said in a cold tone:

"Get lost."

Hearing this, he instantly came to his senses and realized that the man in front of him did not intend to waste time on him, so he turned around and ran without hesitation. As he ran away, he looked back in fear, fearing that the scary guy would catch up with him.

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