Curse of Gacha – A Melancholic Life of a Gamble Addict


Touma walked out of the portal and found himself in an unknown street. And as soon as he looked around, Touma spotted a small manor that stood out from the rest of the houses next to it.

‘How did I miss such a place?’ Touma thought and frowned. ‘Maybe a barrier or something of sorts?’

Nevertheless, Touma could tell that the manor was probably the place he was looking for.

Charles wiggled and jumped to his shoulders. Then he found a comfortable position and rested there.

Touma walked to the door and rang the bell and after waiting for a while, the door finally opened. However, unlike the old man he was expecting, a silver-haired young man answered the door.

As there were few silver-haired characters and only one that was related to Azazel, Touma could immediately guess the identity of the young man.

‘Vali Lucifer, the strongest white dragon emperor in history.’ Touma thought.

From his posture alone, Touma could tell that Vali was an experienced warrior and despite his relaxed stance, Vali was ready to fight at any moment.

Meanwhile, Vali was analyzing the visitor as well.

At first glance, Vali could sense that Touma wasn’t someone normal and he was sure he wasn’t a delivery guy because he knew that Azazel’s “research materials” wouldn’t arrive today. Not to mention, Vali was getting bad vibes from the cat on his shoulder.

“State your business here.” Vali demanded.

“I am here to have a talk with Azazel.” Touma said casually.

Vali widened his eyes in surprise. After all, almost no one knew that Azazel was residing here! This was Azazel’s favorite place to either slack off or do important research, so he wouldn’t just tell anybody (even his secretary) about this location.

Vali was immediately alarmed and looked at Touma warily, ready to summon his sacred gear.

“I don’t know someone with that name.” Vali said and clenched his fist, ready to fight.

“Relax, I am here just to talk to him. Besides, I am just a normal human.” Touma lied as naturally as he breathed before an envelope appeared in his hand. “Give this to him, I am sure he will accept it when he sees this.”

Vali looked suspiciously at him and carefully grabbed the envelope. Using magic to quickly search for any signs of a trap, Vali found out that there was nothing abnormal in it.

He didn’t say anything and closed the door.

Touma didn’t mind waiting, so just stood there while playing with Charles.


“Yes, yes, I will give you tons of fish beans after this, my king.” Touma said as he rolled his eyes, but the smile on his face indicated that he was enjoying it.

Then Touma heard footsteps heading towards the entrance and the door was opened again. And now, Touma finally found the person he was looking for!

“Please enter.” Azazel said and had a serious expression on his face. “Make yourself at home.”

Touma nodded and entered without hesitation.

While avoiding stepping on a few consoles and alcoholic drinks on the ground, Azazel led Touma to the dining table with Vali leaning on a wall waiting for them.

They sat in front of each other and Touma noticed the envelope he gave earlier, which was now open, and with pictures of underwear spread on the table.

“Before we start, I want to ask something.” Azazel said as his hands interlocked, forming a bridge with his fingers in front of his face. “Where did you get this? This is something even I couldn’t get my hands on.”

Azazel pointed his finger at the pictures, which had Gabrield’s underwear in them!

It is as Azazel said, it was something extremely difficult to accomplish even for someone as old as him!

“I have my own sources.”

“Care to share your sources?”

“Sorry, but I can’t even if I wanted to.” Touma said as he shook his head. “But I confirm that I am in possession of the real deal.”

“...What do you want in exchange?” Azazel asked, realizing where this was going.

Touma only smiled at his question.

“I only want a few requests.” Touma smiled and adjusted his seat. “Have you heard about Khaos Brigade?”

This got the full attention of both Vali and Azazel for different reasons.

“You know about them?” Azazel asked in surprise.

“Yes, but only bits of it.”

“I thought no one knew about them since they have been acting behind the scenes.” Azazel muttered as he rubbed his goatee. “So, what does that have in relation to your requests?”

“Hmn, before I say it, I think it’s better to explain a little bit. Unlike what people think, this terrorist organization isn’t united under one banner. It’s fractured into different factions and each has a different goal.” Touma explained. “And I wanted to ask you to track one of these factions and give me their locations.”

“Not eliminate them for you?” Azazel asked as he raised an eyebrow.

“No, I have my own plans for them.” Touma shook his head. “They call themselves the ‘Hero Faction’, a group of powerful sacred users and some of them are descendants of ancient heroes. Their leader is Cao Cao and is the current user of True Longinus.”

“True Longinus!?” Azazel widened his eyes in surprise and clicked his tongue. “Can’t believe that the strongest sacred gear fell to the hands of the enemy.”

“It doesn’t end there.” Touma said. “They are also in possession of Dimension Lost, Annihilation Maker, and other sacred gears with subspecies balance breaker, but there is no need for confrontation.” He said and extended his hand. “So, do you accept it?”

Azazel rubbed his chin and thought for a while, before nodding.

“Alright, we accept it.” The leader of fallen angels nodded and shook his hand. He will check the veracity of the information later, but for now, he could use Touma to find some clues about Khaos Brigade.

“We have a deal then.” Touma said and as to fulfill his part of his deal, he summoned a case and handed it to Azazel.

The fallen angel didn’t question it and opened the case. 

“Holy…” He muttered as tears fell from his eyes. “It’s exactly like how I imagined…”

Vali flinched and took a step back from the holy element that it was radiating.

Azazel wiped his tears and turned his head to Touma.

“You…what’s your name?” Azazel asked.

Touma tilted his head in confusion, before finally realizing that he hadn’t told his name yet.

“My name is Kamiya Touma, a normal high schooler.” He said and chuckled at their reaction.

“Touma, have you ever thought of joining Grigori?” Azazel said, with stars in his eyes.

“Sorry, but I am not planning on joining any organization.”

“I see, that’s a pity.” Azazel sighed in defeat. “Then what about your other requests?”

Touma simply smiled. 

“First is money, it’s very essential for me. And second, could you upgrade my house and fill it with defense mechanisms?”

Azazel nodded as it wasn’t difficult to provide. “Very well, it will be done right away.”

“I will appreciate it.” Touma said and took out his phone. “And I have something to show you, please watch this.”

Touma played the recording and Azazel’s expression grimaced.

“Thank you for showing me this. I had noticed Kokabiel doing some things behind the scenes, but I didn’t know he would go this far.” Azazel said as he bowed his head slightly.

“No problem, consider this as a gift for our partnership. Not to mention, I also live here.” Touma said and got up.

After bidding farewell, Touma returned home through a portal.

“Put more strength behind your swings, but never use your full force!”

“Fool! Didn’t I already tell you to not stay flat-footed?”

“Your movements are too linear! Try to come up with something better!”

“What are you two standing there for? Hurry up and join them!”

A series of commands echoed through the grass field near Kuoh, as the members of ORC were trying their best to take Touma down.

“Damn you Sona…*Huff* *Huff* didn’t tell me that it was this difficult.” Rias groaned as her clothes were drenched in sweat.

“I feel so hot~” Akeno said as her cheeks were red from doing intense exercise and being aroused. “...and wet~!”

Rias ignored her comment as she layed on the grass. 

On the other side, Kiba and Koneko sat on the grass exhausted as they tried to calm their breathing.

(A/N: I know his first name is Yuuto, but it feels weird to call him that, so I will keep calling him Kiba.)

“Good work everyone!” Touma said as he handed everyone lemonades. “You are all better than last time.”

It’s been a few days since Touma started training them and he had to admit, it wasn’t as he expected. They were weaker than he thought.

It’s not that they didn’t train, it was a matter of mindset. They trained to keep ‘in shape', to practice their skills, etc, instead of training to become better. For that reason, Touma had to go the not-so-gentle route and start pressuring them, since he knew there won’t be much time left.

And the results were great, although they weren’t at an acceptable level yet, they improved each session they did.

“Now go home and take a shower, you are all drenched.” Touma said.

“Wait!” Rias called him. “Can we meet at the club later? I want to talk to you regarding the contract.”

Touma raised an eyebrow and waited for her to continue.

“I will accept the contract, I will pay you in advance in the club.”

‘Well, isn’t that good?’ Touma thought and nodded before returning home to shower and grab something to eat.

After a few hours, Touma went to school and entered the club building. As he was already familiar with them, he didn’t knock on the door and opened the door without hesitation.

As always, the entire peerage was present in the room.

“Oh, Touma. You arrived.” Rias said as she put down the papers. “This is our contract written there, you can check it if you want.”

Touma nodded and sat in front of her. Then Akeno arrived in front of him and put a cup of coffee on the table.

“Thank you.” Touma said in appreciation, he really liked the way she made them.

He grabbed the papers and read them carefully. After finding that there was nothing wrong with it, Touma sighed with his name.

“Good.” Rias nodded in happiness. “Then about–”

She was interrupted when a swirl of flames appeared on the ground as the Phenex crest formed in its center. 

Rias and the rest of her peerage immediately frowned as a man appeared inside the magic circle.

“It’s been a while since I've been in the human world.” The blonde man said and turned around. “I came to visit you, my dear Rias.”


So give me suggestions for next character summons and who to give the Boosted Gear!
The Boosted Gear can also be given to the summoned ones!

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