Curse of Gacha – A Melancholic Life of a Gamble Addict

Charles, the Flerken

After finishing making a deal with Rias, Touma returned to his home and went to the yard behind the house.

A golden card appeared in thin air and Touma quickly grabbed it. He looked at it and there was an image of a cute cat and ‘Flerken’ written at the bottom.

(E/D: Tentacale H*ntai Cat... Noice.)

(A/N: Oh no…what should I do with my editor?)

“I have always been a cat person, so this is a win for me. However, I just hope it doesn't devour my house.” Touma said and crunched, putting the card on the ground. “Summon.”

The card shone and dispersed into golden particles, which rearranged themselves into the form of a cat. It had golden fur and jade-green eyes.


“Oh, greetings my liege.” Touma jokingly said as he picked the eldritch cat up. “Now for the important question, are you a boy or girl?”


“Neither of them? Oh right, Flerkens were an asexual species. This complicates things a little…” Touma rubbed his chin and decided on a name. “What about Mary?”






“Nick Furry?”


“Ronkovitch Telnyarnokov?”


“I don’t know either…Hmm…then what about Charles?”


“You liked it? Then your name will be Charles from now on!” Touma said as he picked Charles up and petted its back.


“You are hungry?” Touma asked and Charles meowed in affirmation. Then he took a Senzu Bean out of [Inventory] and gave it to Charles.

Charles opened its ‘small’ mouth, letting a couple of tentacles stretch out and snatched the Senzu Bean away.

All happened in a span of a few seconds.

Touma blinked a few times, before shrugging his shoulders. He put Charles down and patted his head.

“Good boy, but you can’t eat any living being until I give you permission, understand?”


“Why you ask? Because we will get into trouble, a lot of trouble which you can’t just eat them,” Touma explained and took out a family photo he took with his parents. “Also, you absolutely can’t eat them! They are our family, so we have to protect them and not let them get hurt!”

 “Meow!” Charles meowed in affirmation.

“Good boy!” Touma threw another Senzu Bean in the air, which was caught by Charles’ tentacles.

‘They were supposed to keep a person full for ten days and Charles already ate two of them, but he isn’t showing signs of satisfaction yet.’ Touma thought, and suddenly an idea popped up in his mind. ‘What if…’

Touma got up and went to a corner of the yard. Charles looked at him curiously and followed after him.


“You will see soon.” Touma chuckled as he took another Senzu Bean.

He made a small hole in the ground and buried the Senzu Bean. Touma summoned a black key in one hand and extended his other arm.


With a swift movement, Touma opened a wound in his arm and blood flowed out like a river, falling right on top of the place where he buried the Senzu Bean.

The wound closed itself in an instant and Touma took a step back.

The ground shook for a few seconds before a giant bean tree sprouted from the ground and climbed all the way over the fence.

There were already matured beans ready to be picked. 

“This went better than I thought.” Touma said and he looked at the plant. 

Charles’ eyes were shining and the eldritch cat punched to devour all of the beans. 

Touma picked one and ate it. 

“This tastes like fish. No wonder Charles likes it so much.” He said and stored the majority of them in the [Inventory] before Charles devoured all of them.




It was late at night.

Touma was patrolling around the Kuoh, something he didn’t need to do, but he enjoyed the feeling of freedom from being alone at night. Not to mention it helps keep the city free from stray devils.

Amidst in his thoughts, his instincts suddenly told him to dodge, and Touma obeyed without hesitation. He immediately channeled mana through the Crest of Star and jumped back, in time to dodge a light bullet.

“Tsk almost got him.” Touma heard a voice a few meters behind him.

Observing the man who just shot at him carefully, he had short white hair and red eyes, but what caught Touma’s attention was the clerical clothing he was wearing.

“Exorcist?” Touma muttered but thinking again, there was no reason for an exorcist to attack him. “No, a stray exorcist.”

“Bingo! Bingo! You guessed right!” The man clapped his hands with a maniac smile on his face. “It seems you are knowledgeable about this side of the world, maybe I should have expected from someone who lives with those devil scums!”

‘Stray exorcist, exorcist weapons, psychopath, crazy, white hair, red eyes, this man is…’ Touma thought as he finally recognised the man. “Freed something, right?”

“It’s Freed Sellzen! And how do you know my name?” Freed shouted and pointed the gun at Touma. “Well, who cares anyway, you are a dead man after I kill you!”

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

(E/D: She shot me! She shot me! Bang! Bang! She shot me!)

The bullets travelled at high speed that couldn’t be seen by normal humans, but for Touma, they were slow enough for him to dodge without worry.

“What the–?”

In an instant, Touma covered the distance between them, but for Freed, it was almost as if Touma teleported in front of him.

With a swift motion, Touma carved his fist into Freed’s face and sent him flying with a few teeth escaping from his mouth.

“While I would love to end you right now, you are still useful.” Touma said and Laplace manifested beside him. “As an errand boy that is.”

Laplace’s fist glowed and punched Freed’s face, sending his other teeth out of his mouth.


“Whenever you have an Excalibur fragment in your hands, the chances of meeting me will be favored.” Touma muttered and an aura covered Freed’s body.

“Now, should I leave him here? Or toss him back to the church?” Touma pondered, but he shrugged his shoulders and decided to throw him in an alley, and of course, only after looting everything he had.

Touma turned around and was about to leave, but he jumped away and a pink light spear pierced the spot where he was.

“Seriously, why does it have to be me following this bastard around?” Touma looked above to the source of the voice and saw a fallen angel in the air, with another light spear in her hand.

‘A fallen with black hair and violet eyes, a very revealing attire, she is probably Raynare.’ Touma thought and sighed. ‘Why do they have to appear one after another?’

“Hmn? You dodged my spear? That’s surprising for a mere human.” Raynare said and was about to throw another light spear, but suddenly stopped and looked at him closely. “Wait, aren’t you quite cute? How about we have some fun? I might spare you if—”

Raynare was suddenly interrupted when a Black Key came flying her way, which she just dodged in time and only cut a few strands of her hair.

“I missed? That’s a surprise, I am sure I aimed for the head.” Touma said in a mocking tone.

Raynare clenched her fists and trembled in rage.

“You dare to cut my beautiful hair, you mongrel! Forget about letting you live, I will mince you until no one recognises you!” She screamed at the top of her lungs as she created another pair of light spears and threw them at Touma.

Touma didn’t say anything more and summoned the Spear of Longinus in his hand and deflected all her spears. He kicked the ground and threw himself at Raynare.

“Wai–” Raynare said and raised her arms in surrender, but Touma ignored whatever she was saying and thrust his Noble Phantasm into her chest, effectively killing her.

Raynare screamed in pain before dying and falling to the ground.

“Her companions will surely notice her absence and it will be a pain to deal with later.” Touma muttered before a portal suddenly opened beside him and Charles walked out of it.


“You want to eat her? Ugh…sure?” As soon as Touma gave permission, Charles opened its mouth and a series of tentacles wrapped around Raynare’s corpse and brought it to its mouth.



“...Still hungry?”


“Then let’s go find you more food.”



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