Cursed Explorer of the Arcana

Chapter 13 - Numbers Go Meh I.

I’ve only ever seen a temple from the outside and the interior doesn’t pale in comparison at all. As expected from a place dedicated to the highest beings in the world I guess.

Finely carved statues, so life-like I’m afraid some of them will grab me if I walk too close, are illuminated by gigantic stained glass windows in one big open hall. All in all, big, shiny, and impressive.

I guess the people walking around in robes differing greatly are the priests, all dressed to the tastes of their own Gods. I don’t know why they have to pick one to serve instead of just devoting themselves to all of them… maybe it’s the same as with magic. Actually…

“How do the priests earn money?” I ask, considering some of their clothing is pretty fancy.

“Taxes, sweetie,” Dad says the first word with unmasked disgust. “A shared burden of all citizens to satisfy the Gods.”

“The Gods need money?” I stare at the statues in confusion.

“The people who carry out their will do. It’s complicated.” He strokes my hair.

I guess the priests do need to eat at the end of the day.

Mom and Dad break off, approaching a separate statue each. Despite the gender disparity being around fifty-fifty both of them have chosen Goddesses to say their prayers. The superior gender, just saying… One is an older lady draped in a simple robe and wearing a peaceful smile on her face while the one Mom seeks out has her face covered by a veil and holds a weird long flagon in her hand. How do I know it is a Goddess then? They carved her very… womanly.

They don’t lower themselves, or even bow but just put one hand on their heart and close their eyes before turning motionless and silent. Plain, simple and honest.

Just when I’m about to follow their lead a big question makes me halt my steps. What do I want? Maybe justice on the bastards who broke my leg and were never found, or a bunch of levels to speed things up, or just go with the usual wealth and luck combo…

I’m supposed to ask for something to make my life better but I can’t think of much. I really have it good, don’t I?

After some consideration I just stay where I am, in the middle of the temple without seeking out any specific statue, and follow my parents’ lead.

Librea, in case you’re listening, you could’ve warned me about the headache or the scam you pulled with this Blessing. I know you shouldn’t look gift Kodiak Rooster in the beak but throwing that damn headache my way without giving the full answer… Not cool.

I had to get that off my chest first in case she’s a God.

If anybody else is interested in me then… hey there, I hope we can… I just wish for everything to stay as it is and learn-”

“Still thirsting for more knowledge even after receiving otherworldly secrets shielded even from my eyes.” Whispers a voice in my mind. A deep and hoarse voice, making shivers run down my spine. “What else will you discover?”

“Which statue-” I try to ask out loud not because my courage allows me, but rather led by curiosity again.

“None of them as I am formless, constant and ever-changing.” To my surprise, the voice answers again. I wasn’t hallucinating. “Tread carefully, child of the crimson, the cracks of history are getting deeper by the day. Rely on your courage and curiosity as they are the fuel of achievement and show me, no… teach me more! I’ll be watching.”

This time the silence feels different, it’s gone, whatever that was. I take a deep breath, the first one since the voice appeared in my head, and almost collapse on the ground. Every word was so incredibly… heavy.

By the time I pull myself together the older generation returns and I quickly follow them outside, unwilling to spend even a minute longer in that weird place.


“I think I heard a weird voice speaking to me.” I mutter after we had our fill at a food stand and are on our way home.

“That’s… maybe you just imagined it.” Dad doubts me and I’m ready to fight for my right before he lifts a hand. “Eli, many people have claimed to have heard the Gods answer but it’s mostly just their imaginations playing them. Like when you heard someone whisper under your bed when you were three.”

“It’s different!” I still stand up for myself.

“And what did that voice tell you? Which God was it?” Mom asks maybe just to calm my indignation.

“I don’t know anything about it but it told me it’ll be watching, that I will teach it…” I mutter and gulp as I recall that otherworldly voice.

“Well, if that’s the case then all you have to do is show your best performance.” Mom ruffles my hair, treating me like a child. “Should we go back and ask a priest what you might’ve heard?”

“No.” I continue pouting.

After being met with only doubt, I really appreciate Mom at least trying to be genuine… even I don’t know what I heard. It could’ve really been just my mind messing with me, or the Blessing or a God… I don’t want to seek out a priest just to be made into a fool.

When we’re just a few streets away from home Dad stops at a house. “Another one. Aren’t they the third ones this week?” He asks Mom mostly because I have no clue what he’s talking about.

“Yeah, families just keep moving to different cities overnight. The house is left clean, all their belongings are gone and they don't inform anybody. I don’t know what the hurry is.” Mom shakes her head without making me any wiser.

It looks like any normal house to me, maybe they’re just at work.

“Who?” I ask finally. I hate being left out.

“You remember Ella? She was just about your age.” Dad asks as we continue walking down the street.

Oh yeah, I hated her guts. She always made fun of us for getting dirty and acted like she was a noble when her parents earned no more than mine. A real bitch. That’s Mom’s word of choice to describe women she really doesn’t like.

“Yeah,” I answer frowning at their mention. “are we finally rid of her?”

“I know you weren’t the best of friends,” Friends? Us? “but her parents were decent. Now that I think about it, the other two families had kids too…”

“Well, it’s not unusual to move and provide a better opportunity for your child.” Mom shrugs as we finally arrive home. “Now, let’s get you some Skills sweetie.”



“So what weapon did you think of?” I’m asked the question I really wanted to avoid ever since receiving my Blessing.

Picking a weapon of choice was almost as difficult as settling on a single element. Spear for its reach, sword for versatility, or something exotic…

“I'm not so sure about weapons anymore Dad. Magic might be the thing for me I guess.” I say with a sheepish grin.

I know both of them were very enthusiastic at the prospect of teaching me their weapon skills but things have changed.

“What do you mean magic is more suitable? Didn't you always want to run laps around the opponent and learn how to use the sword?” Dad tries to mask the disappointment in his voice and it's still fairly obvious.

They really wanted me to learn close combat just so we could have even more things in common. More parent-child bonding. A part of me wants to go melee just so they wouldn’t be dissatisfied while my rational part knows that would be stupid seeing my Status.

“I-I’m sorry.” I lower my head, unable to look them in the eyes. “I know you wanted to… Actually, maybe I should-”

“No!” Mom interrupts. “Don’t change your mind just for our sake, we won’t be the ones bearing the consequences of the decision.”

“Eli, dear, you have no reason to be ashamed, we are not angry or disappointed with you at all.” Dad quickly lifts my chin. “We did want to teach you how to wield a weapon but that’s just parental pride. As we said every time, whatever you choose we’re happy if you’re happy. If you feel like magic suits you more, we’d be disappointed with ourselves if we tried to change your mind.”

I quickly suck the snot and tears back before nodding with a relieved smile. If they wanted, if they really seemed heartbroken then I would’ve chosen to be a Warrior in the blink of an eye. There are things more important than strength.

“Thanks again.” The guilt has not completely faded but I’m trying to leave it all behind. “So, what Skill should I learn first, and what should be second, and what about the rest? Don't keep me waiting!“ I must sound like a spoiled brat right now.

“Sadly I’m not too well versed when it comes to the needs of a Mage.” Dad scratches his head and looks pointedly at the other adult around.

“Me?” Mom points at herself. “I’ve been a Warrior most of my life, the second Class is mostly for mana.” So we’re starting from ground zero. “I still think she should just take some of the basic ones, you can’t go wrong with those.”

“That’s fine but what do I need to do?” I groan as this is going nowhere.

“Well, the System doesn’t acknowledge anything we’ve done before the Initiation, however, it does remember what we’ve learned and achieved.” Explains mom.

“She means that you already have some of them. General skills represent facets of life that anyone could achieve independent of their Class. These are things that we never forget so the skills aren’t lost even when you swap them out, they just lose their levels and get stored.” Comes the actual translation from Dad.

"Oh, that's convenient. Thanks for the info, dad." I throw mom a look, at which she just snorts. "So how do I make this storage appear?"

"Oh that's easy, just think, General Skills." Mom chimes in to redeem herself. “Remember that saying things out loud isn't necessary.” She delivers a quick jab right after.

General Skills.

A window appears listing my available options.












Pain Tolerance



And the list goes on and on. Despite its length most if not almost all the Skills aren't actually useful, at least not for me. Like the Tantrum or the Picky Eater and Hugging Skills. Don't get me wrong, the last one is good but I don't need a Skill for that. And Tantrum? C’mon, I don’t even do that, I always explain things properly to everyone. Mostly.

There’s an option for everything no matter how mundane or unconscious the action is or how unnecessary the Skill sounds. Breathing might have some use but again, something like Nose Wiggling.

"So which one should I pick, like what are the must-haves for fighting?" I pounce on my toes.

"Well for starters I think Identify, Running and Dodging should be there, we'll get Stamina later and if you're going to be a mage then Mana Vision and Mana Shield are vital." Mom's analysis details. She does have a Mage Class, even if it was mainly chosen for the mana supply and passive effects.

"Definitely need to get her Reflexes or Reaction at least.” My parents make a great combination when they decide to work together. Although despite their momentum, those Skills feel a bit melee oriented which shows just how out of their depth they are when it comes to mage builds.

“What about Pain Tolerance?” A difficult topic but one I'm not willing to dance around.

It sounds like a basic one even if the requirements to acquire it are very much unpleasant. A bad topic altogether considering how I fulfilled said requirements.

They look at each other, sadness and defeat flickering on their faces. “Yes Eli, you should definitely take that one. Let’s hope you won’t need it any time soon.” Says Mom in a quiet voice. “I’m sorry sweetie you got that Skill this early. I use it, I know how difficult it is to get, and you’re way too young to have it unlocked already.”

I walk over to them and hug their waists, I’m not tall enough to reach anything else. “Hey, hey don't be like that. It was not you who hit me, it wasn’t you who decided to break in. And it was me who foolishly attacked them, but enough of that. Help me get the other ones I haven’t unlocked yet, okay?” I flash a radiant smile to drive my point home.

It’s still my birthday, no bad mood. Now, Skills.

[Congratulations, you’ve acquired the skill [Identify lvl 1].]

Identify: You’re able to perceive the general purpose of the target's strongest Class or their Species, as well as their level as long as it only exceeds you by 10 (+1/lvl) levels.

[Congratulations, you’ve acquired the skill [Running lvl 1].]

Running: You are able to run faster and a bit more proficiently on difficult terrain.

[Congratulations, you’ve acquired the skill [Dodging lvl 1].]

Dodging: Dodging incoming projectiles and attacks becomes second nature to you. Increased reaction speed and movement correction when avoiding on purpose.

[Congratulations, you’ve acquired the skill [Pain Tolerance lvl 1].]

Pain Tolerance: You’ve been through enough pain to make you lose consciousness. As someone familiar with suffering you endure the sensation of pain a little easier.

I don’t like the little part. Why can’t it be a lot, or so much?

I instantly use Identify on my parents.

[Warrior lvl ???]

[Warrior lvl ???]

[The general Skill [Identify] has reached lvl 2.]

I jump a bit at the random blue window and lines of words appearing out of the… well, blue. This will take time to get used to.

"Only one level up? Lame. Just what level are you?” I ask since the skill was of no help, yet the level-up sure indicates something.

“You're level one, remember? Or were you not listening again?" Now is not the time to be sharp Dad! "I’m 246 and your mother is 287.” He declares proudly after a short chuckle. Wow, I knew they weren’t weak but this is still very impressive according to my scale. “Oh, and command your System to compress the messages, it becomes easier to read.”

I do as told yet nothing changes, maybe I need actual messages to test if it works.

"I can have nine General Skills, right?” I ask just to confirm it and they do nod. “Then there are four slots left… How will I even upgrade these? Or level while we’re at it? My starting Class isn’t geared towards anything really so what do I need to do?”

“If I really have to answer the second question you’ll be on dishwashing duty for next week, maybe even the next month.” Mom threatens with a flat look and by some miracle, I manage to find the answer.

“I just have to use them, right… I knew it.” To be fair it wasn’t witchcraft, I just spoke before using my head.

“To answer your remaining question,” Dad chuckles and takes the lead. “you don’t really need to do anything.” That sounds convenient. “Just living your everyday life would get you there sooner or later, however, if you’re in a hurry then doing something new or special would speed up the process.”

“Or just put more effort into what you do,” Mom chimes in. “that also helps.”

Cool. Since we’re already in the backyard I start running partly to test Running and partly because I can't sit still anymore. As I pick up the tempo I notice… barely anything new. I’m a tiny bit faster, maybe, but nothing significant.

“So what about the other Skills?” I ask between breaths.

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