Cursed Explorer of the Arcana

Chapter 35 - Practical Experience VI.

“That fire,” Martha crouches down, moving her face a bit too close to mine. “show me!”

“With what mana?” I huff and roll to the side, away from her. “I couldn’t show you my magic the last time anyway, what makes you think this is different?”

Just as I push myself to all fours something else crawls out of a bush again and this is starting to get really boring. Like, what’s up with these bushes and beasts appearing in them constantly?

I instinctively raise my hand but Martha grabs my wrist and pulls it back down. “Don’t! This is not harmful.”

A cute little nose pops out of the blanket of leaves followed by the rest of the spiky body. A massive hedgehog. It looks around the clearing carefully before hurrying over to one of the brutalized locusts and digging in with gusto.

“These little fellas do most of the culling.” Martha explains. “They’re much better than any adventurer. Anyway,” She reaches into her robe around her neck and fishes out a medallion she’s wearing, one with an obvious purpose. “Use these, recharge your mana, and do it again!” She points at the nine sizeable Hadron crystals on the silver chain.

“Wait!” I put a hand up firmly and halt her enthusiasm. “Did I win?”

[You have triumphed over the enemy [Juvenile Devouring Locust - Fire lvl 31].]

[You have triumphed over the enemy [Juvenile Devouring Locust - Fire lvl 20].]

[The Class Skill [Mana Shield] has reached lvl 16.]

[The Class Skill [Mana Blade] has reached lvl 7.]

[The Class Skill [Mana Spear] has reached lvl 7 -> 8.]

[The general Skill [Pain Tolerance] has reached lvl 4.]

[The general Skill [Dodging] has reached lvl 18.]

[The general Skill [Reflexes] has reached lvl 17 ->18.]

[The Skill [Reflexes] has fulfilled all prerequisites to evolve. Evolve now?]


Okay, this is a bit too much… First.

“The first was 24, then 16, plus 28, plus 13, the scary one was 31, and the last one…20.” I recount the level of each and every beast that died by my hand.

“132 Eli, you won, and by a lot.” Martha nods with a half-smile. “And there’s almost an hour left.”

After everything I went through it would’ve been really fucking unfair to lose because my time ran out or because the sum of the levels was short by a few. Although in that case, I would’ve stabbed that hedgehog with my knife mercilessly.

“More importantly, the fire, the blue one!” Martha grabs my hand and forcefully puts it on the white stones with stary eyes and a goofy grin.

“But-” I try to protest before reality catches up to me.

Truth be told I’m also inquisitive about what that was. Fire is red and orange, always has been, and yet I did not only turn it white but made it become blue towards the end. Of course, street performers and numerous food vendors use colorful flames to draw in potential customers however to my knowledge the colors have absolutely no function. Sometimes it’s not even magic but some weird dust sprinkled into the fire…

Mine changed color to blue even though I only wanted to change the intensity and not the awe factor. Could I make things like green lightning or black ice… Those would look cool.

While sucking up the mana I bring up another important topic. “Martha,” I call her name absentmindedly. “Is a Skill evolution something good?” I mean, it better be.

Her eyes widen slightly and a small smile crests her face. “Oh, it came faster than I expected. It's Reflexes right?” I nod, I don’t even care right now how she knew. “Wonderful. Yes, Skill evolutions are beneficial for the most part. In some cases the change deviates too much from the original use or makes the Skill lose one of its core aspects that makes it useful to you, in those cases denying the evolution is the better choice. Just accept it and tell me what you see!” She looks somewhat excited.

Her face shows no sign of it, it's her eyes. The gleam in them, like a child expecting a present.

Just like when I'd accepted my first class up just weeks ago I give my Journey Guide the go-ahead and the words in my mind shift, showing three options.

[Instant Reaction]



So… I can choose?

The first one is like a better Reflexes, the second is literally what it says… just gut feeling in the form of a Skill and the third-

“C’mon, out with it!” Martha basically bounces with anticipation. I quickly name the three candidates and start reading their descriptions only for her to rudely interrupt. “If you give any credit to my words then pick Premonition, it saved my life countless times through all these years after all.”

Instead of outrage, my eyes widen, hearing her share the secret of one of her Skills. That's something even Mom and Dad were reluctant to do because accidents can happen even if I do my best to keep my mouth shut.

The stronger someone is the more careful they have to be about sharing even the most minute details about their Skills.

“Don’t look so surprised,” Martha chuckles. “All my enemies who walked away after meeting me on the opposing side of a battlefield either died of old age already or are retired just like me. The most action this old body of mine will see is watching you youngsters play in the dirt.”

This is not fair… I’m no longer even considering the other two options now.

“Why is one of the choices basically the same as Reflexes?” I ask while truly contemplating my choices.

Having even quicker reaction speed sounds amazing because if I had to pick a Skill from my arsenal for the title of today’s lifesaver then it has to be Reflexes with Quick Witted close behind. Savant doesn’t count.

“Good, you noticed, saves me some time.” Martha sits down next to me. “Let’s say you like a Skill the way it is and it’s incredibly useful to you, then one day you get a chance to evolve it. You accept and while every option is a clear improvement none of them are as beneficial to you as the original Skill was. You’d be screwed. Both Hunch and Premonition work very differently compared to Reflexes, and not every combatant could make the best use of those two hence the Journey Guide offering a third option, a slightly improved version of the original Skill.” Her explanation drags on as we watch the hedgehog clean up after my battle.

It really is a useful creature.

Better Reflexes would be great but the Skill has one major drawback… the Speed difference between me and the attacker. If I’m not fast enough then there’s no way I can dodge. Hunch could solve that problem but I’m not a big fan of relying on something as superficial as a ninth sense instead of my own thoughts. I like to be in control.

That leaves Premonition and the massive flaw the Skill comes with.

Premonition: Reacting to something that is already in motion is almost too late. Forgo the events, observe your surroundings, make deductions, be one step ahead. You’re able to judge the incoming trajectories and consequences based on your knowledge.

Unlike Hunch I can only dodge what I know about.

I’m still picking Premonition because… something in the back of my mind is telling me to, like a hunch. Ironic, I know.

[Congratulations, you’ve acquired the Skill [Premonition lvl 18].]

It’s a great Skill, a real allrounder when it comes to avoiding anything from punches to boogers. This also incorporates some of what Martha told me about ‘reading people like a book’. Just the thing I tried to do with Locust 2 when it was about to jump without the face part and thinking of the whole creature as one big puzzle.

“I told you, it doesn’t disappoint.” Martha breaks me out of my inner world with a mocking grin on her face. “Let’s get a move on, I really don’t plan on missing dinner.”

I can’t argue with that. I’m starving and gawking at the description won't pacify my belly. I still throw a few more glances at my new Skill levels, mesmerized by the progress.


Age: 9

Celestial Elf

Mana: 242/480

Free Points: 0


Might: 7

Intelligence: 46

Mana: 48

Speed: 11

Focus: 66(+3)

Willpower: 66

Endurance: 8

Dexterity: 10

Fortitude: 8

General Skills:

Savant lvl 18

Identify lvl 18

Running lvl 15

Dodging lvl 18

Pain Tolerance lvl 4

Premonition lvl 18

Stamina lvl 10

Quick Witted lvl 18

Inner Peace lvl 8

I. Class: Inept Magus - Arcane lvl 18

Arcane Mastery lvl 18

Mana Bolt lvl 8

Mana Shield lvl 16

Investigate Anomaly lvl 8

Mana Spear lvl 8

Mana Blade lvl 7

II. Class: *Locked*

III. Class: *Locked*

Maybe some risk is worth it huh? A few more runs like this and I’d be set for the class up with Skills maxed and maybe another upgrade under my belt…

“Don’t even think about it.” Martha is back to reading me. “I don’t need to look at you to know what’s on your mind. You’re not the first reckless kid I’m doomed to deal with and your minds all work the same.” Her face suddenly grows tired as she talks about kindred spirits.

“But I won the bet, didn't I? Doesn’t that mean we’ll come here to grind levels?” I ask in outrage, no dancing back from a deal.

“Oh sure, you did. We’ll come again. Sometimes. Maybe once a week.”

Wha-? No… I got played.

I realize my horrible mistake. We didn’t specify the terms…

“Just how much free time do you think I have? I can’t always chaperone you around. There are many other students for me to guide.” She says matter of factly. “You require a bit more… everything, but until you beat all of them with your eyes closed they deserve my attention all the same.”

Okay, that’s true… It’s like having twenty children, none of them simple to raise.

Just coming up with the best Skill setup for me alone took hours, then practice, fixing glaring mistakes, some duels and all remaining little adjustments. A nightmare wrapped in a child’s skin and multiplied way too many times. When I grow up I’ll stay away from her job like a plague. I’ll be content with just the ‘kill beasts or bad people and earn a bunch of coins’ part of the mercenary life.

This raises the question. “Martha, if you don't mind, just what level are you?” I ask cautiously. Still a sensitive topic, try not to make a bad impression. “I’m just really curious if you don’t-”

“I know what you meant. You’re far from the first kid who asked me the same question. Although be more mindful with others, if you don’t see someone’s level assume they’re that much stronger and make sure not to ask this question.” She lectures, not like it's my first time hearing this.

Then she continues walking without a word. Is she thinking or just ignoring the question?

“I won't give a concrete answer but let's just say I’m more than forty times your level.” She hints with a proud little smile on her elderly face.

Forty times that's like… times four and a zero to the end… level 700. By the Gods, no wonder she teleports without concern and looks only so old despite being alive for centuries. Mom and Dad told me that the mana in the body through the Endurance and Mana stats can increase one’s life expectancy and even so, this is ridiculous.

Also, some races like the elves live naturally longer, much longer than humans. BUT level 700? Wait, no 800?!?! She could wipe the floor with Mom and Dad without an issue. Wait…

“Is Bennett also-?” I really hope not.

“It is not within my right to share such information.” She answers in a blink as if the phrase has been ingrained into her brain. Then she smirks and says. “Considering he’s roughly the same age, served and fought in as many battles and retired a few years after me...”

Is this her saying Yes in a very roundabout way because of some weird but reasonable rules? Smart, also shit.

By the Abyss, he’s way off. I need to get back at him for the boar and the shitty food, oh and the promise he squeezed out of me to save my parents… He better live a long and miserable life until I catch up to him.

Maybe by chance or maybe on purpose, we walk past the remnants of the wolf which was by far my easiest opponent in the forest despite its level. The weakest should’ve been the lvl 13 locust… was that one the youngest?

“Martha, where are the baby beasts? I mean the really weak ones, level 1 and stuff.” I ask because the silence just makes the trip bag even more boring.

“Let me ask you something in turn then. When you were a baby did any beast ever come close to you? Did you have to face off against anything, did your parents allow you to wander off?” She raises an eyebrow and I get the gist of it. I can’t find any because they’re not meant to be found. “How do you think beasts are born? And last but not least, what separates a beast from a mere animal?”

“Beasts are stronger, bigger, more dangerous, aggressive?” I ask. She just shakes her head with a growing smile. “Okay then, beasts have elements… mana?” The second guess.

Her smile widens and she tilts her head to the side while raising an eyebrow.

Ok, I’m getting closer.

For a few more minutes I focus my entire processing capacity on the question when I get an idea. I didn’t have the System from birth so why don’t-

“Animals don’t have the Journey Guide.” I propose my final answer.

“Exactly, took you quite a few guesses.” She nods.”Can I get the knife and mana stone back?”

“It was only three.” I protest and hand her the goods. The Hadron crystal should be worth quite a sum if I’m not wrong.

“Lumping three questions into one still counts as three.” She stands her ground. “But yes, animals are without the grace of the System, living in this cruel world with so little power… Beasts are born one of two ways, either like us, unlocking the System as they age, or by an animal soaking up enough mana throughout its life and establishing its true mana vessel. While we’re at it, have you ever wondered why Identify tells you what they are as the name of their species and instead of a Class?” Now that she asks… I haven’t actually. That’s just the way things are.

You don’t ask why Solaire climbs the sky every morning, why the seasons change every few months, or how many beers a dwarf can down in one sitting. Some things just need to be accepted the way they are, although now I’m getting quite curious to know the answer.

“You see, we humans have three Classes as a result of partly our strength and mostly our intelligence. Beasts like that wolf you killed can also have three classes, however, their first one is more of a species slot than an actual Class.” What the fuck? Not three Classes? “That species slot is in no way inferior, quite the opposite I’d say. Imagine focusing on speed and receiving a boost from your stats while your body evolves alongside it, allowing even faster movement.”

Sounds nice, except I like the way I look. I don’t want more arms or longer legs nor sharper teeth or thicker skin. Although, I have been called thick-skinned a few times already. I’m pretty the way I am and it is right.

“I gotta hand it to you, Eli, you did impressively well. Only kids older than you get to practices and survival camps in the forest." This makes my chest swell with pride. “Bar the part about almost dying.” She adds, quickly deflating me.

“They also have to take down 100 levels worth of beasts on an outing? Without Hadron crystals?” I have a long way ahead of me then.

“Not a hundred, three times that.” She corrects me.

This destroys my self-esteem even more. Damn, am I that far behind?

She sees my conflicted face and flicks my forehead with an amused grin. “In teams of six, you little devil. We rarely work alone, usually taking on jobs in six-person squads or larger units.”

A huge smile crests my face.

Hold up! That means… I’ve done really well. Like really fucking well. I’m not just a helpless deadweight.

I’m sorry Mom, Dad I’m not so sure about that slow and steady promise anymore.

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