Cursed Explorer of the Arcana

Chapter 41 - Schemes upon Schemes

After a day of just lying around and being bored out of my mind, listening to others doing… whatever they do, I forced myself to go through the books. They were surprisingly interesting, not the way they were written or the story they told, no. It was the useful information contained in them that made me turn the pages unceasingly, curious to know more about the world. Probably the material of the lectures I’ve been missing out on lately.

Every day at least twice an arrogant lady visited me to restore my hand and invigorate my body. She always murmured something like 'careless child'’ and ‘wasting my time by harming herself’. Well, sorry lady but as a healer, this is your job so suck it up and do the damn healing. Martha later told me that healers are all like this, arrogant and stuck up, thinking everything depends on them.

On the fourth day around noon, I’m finally released from the confines of my bed, from the torture of bland food that’s easy on the stomach and all that crap. A good meal is what the body needs to heal!

With legs weak from lying in bed for days, I carefully scuffle down towards the mess hall like a food-deprived dog probably only a day away from actually salivating at the thought of a good steak.

As much as I hate to admit it I also need some company other than a hundred-year-old grandma, some secret maid cleaning the place, and that bitch of a healer. Seriously was no one else available?

I don’t like it here, I don’t really like the people or my room, or the Fort or the hallways… but the mess hall, this place is different.

I seamlessly move through the chatty and deadly bodies filling the room, making my way to the kids' corner as they call it. When I appear among the others my age there are a few questioning gazes and hushed remarks but I pay them no mind. As always I amass a small mound of food onto my plate and walk over to my usual spot, however, what I see almost makes me turn around to find anywhere else to sit. I might even settle for the floor.

“Oh hey Elyssia, you feeling better?” Victor calls out to me right when I’m about to leave. This draws the attention of the other two sitting beside him.

“Eli, Eli, Eli,” Who told Kayla she could call me that? “come sit, tell us what happened! How did you get so injured, we saw you being carried into your room. What did you do to the courtyard and why did Martha look so angry? Also, you missed a lot of lessons and practice you know? It’s gonna be re~ally hard to catch up.” She adds with a cheeky smile.

[Warrior lvl 19]

[Ranger lvl 21]

[Druid lvl 23]

Eh, it’s not that bad, after the Class up I think I’ll easily jump to level 25 or so. Even now I can’t decide whether a few hours of reckless super progress is really worth it or not. Objectively it’s a bit slower since I’ve just lost multiple days with my last stunt, however, dangerous and special situations do help make the System bring out the good stuff. Skill evolutions, a bundle of Skill levels maybe even extra juicy Class up options… It really makes you think.

“It’s okay Eli, don’t be upset I’m sure you’ll catch up in no time.” Kayla pats my head and it makes my mind do a weird failed backflip.

‘I wasn’t upset!’ and ‘Who the fuck do you think you are to copy my Dad?’ face off against the hunch that she’s just a kind and airheaded person who’s trying to do something good along with the fact that I weirdly like the headpat.

I still push her away with a frown because I find my last thought weirdly disturbing. My pride doesn’t allow it.

“We humans just progress a little easier you see,” Victor shrugs with an amused smile. “and Kayla here had a few pretty wild situations before arriving here and this one.” He points at August. “He’s the weakest link.” He whispers as I get closer but I’m sure everyone heard it loud and clear.

The dude in question huffs and turns away. “You just got lucky.”

Yeah, lucky… not Victor, not with his Blessing.

“What do you think Martha has in store for this evening?” Kayla floats up another question I’ll just ignore because I already took my first bite.

“It has to be something about the squad and the requirements they talked about in the planning room.” Victor thoughtfully plays around with his fork. “Something this afternoon.”

As much as I try to ignore them while eating this does manage to raise an eyebrow and stop the fork in my hand. A difficult decision. Should I break my own rules or risk missing out on some info?

Thankfully Victor catches on and explains. “She found us today during breakfast and mumbled something about forest, afternoon, and troublemakers. It’s not difficult to piece those words together.”

Okay, hold up, why did she never tell me about this? I’m not gonna be left out of the fun just because I’m a little weak, no no no, I demand to know more. After my plate is empty.


The investigation had to wait until after the lecture because I had no clue where Martha hid throughout the day. The old hag comes and goes as she pleases and doesn’t seem to be in the greatest of moods today.

“Go back to your room Elyssia, you need to heal.” Martha waves me off as I try to catch her after she tells us everything there is to know about the last two Azure Wars.

“Some little birds told me about an outing into the forest so no way! A deal is a deal.” I stand my ground.

I earned that shit, no going around my back and leaving me out.

“Seriously, who told you that?” She shakes her head with eyes empty and exhausted. It’s her turn to look like shit. “In case you forgot we need to mold the four of you into a proficient team in a short three years and it’s not looking great. As individuals you’re great for your age, all of you but other than that…”

She massages her temples and teleports behind me, walking out of the lecture room without looking back. I don’t know why she’s walking at all honestly but I of course take offense to that. I wasn’t done talking.

“That’s all the more reason for me to go, I need all the practice I can get and they all had their Class ups already, I’m the weakest.” I quickly run past the old woman whose speed is held back by her mood and not age.

“Oh don’t come to me with that. You and I both know you’re the highest level of you four, don’t act dumb around me. Your acting skills are poor.” She quietly adds. “I’m not in the mood to beat around the bush Eli so I’ll be frank. You’re the most problematic.”

Gah? Me?

“Me?” My thoughts don’t take long to escape through my mouth. “I’m the most normal among us. Logically speaking I’m the one-”

“It’s not about logic dear. People are not objects and you can’t use a single template to deal with all of them. Yes, Victor is goofy and his mind is a little twisted, yes, Kayla acts like a child a fraction of her age and yes, August is an unbearable little prick but they are willing to ignore the other’s faults and do what they need to.” Martha steps closer and starts knocking on my forehead. “You wrote them off the moment they weren’t to your liking. You think we don’t watch all of you throughout the day? Do you think I don’t see you trying to avoid them and push back? A team is not about logic or individual strength my little devil, it’s something much simpler.” She takes a deep breath and sighs with the force of the eastern winds. “And you really do need to heal.”

She does disappear for good this time. To say I’m flabbergasted would be an understatement. Imagine being the only one to act like a normal person in a group of four almost complete strangers with three other halfwits and being told you’re the problem. Like… this is insanity.

Was I really just told to step aside and let the other enjoy the benefits I fought for? Oh, I’m not pissed, no, I’m fucking fuming. Okay, now I’m definitely going to cause some headaches.

Acting defeated I return to my room along with every other kid around me and get dressed into our simple white shirt, brown leather pants, and comfy boots combo we wear during physical activities. Because there’s no way I’ll stay in bed any longer. After getting ready as quickly as possible I stop on the corridor and wait for my prey.


As unsuspecting and carefree as ever, walking down the hallways while humming a song that has one of the worst tunes I’ve ever heard. Like throwing a rock down a bottomless well.

“Hey, where are you going?” I intercept her.

She hesitates. She knows and was probably told to keep it a secret. And this is exactly what I’ve been hoping for.

“Ah, just to the courtyard but I’ve left something in the mess hall so you should just go ahead?” Did she seriously say that as a question?

This is too easy.

“Sure, but it’s the same direction so I’ll just tag along for a bit.” I throw in a smile fake as hell and drag her along.

“Sure,” She nods with a brilliant smile. One very different from mine. “it’s good to see you healthy again. You know, I was worried about you when you got sick so we snuck into your room with Victor to check up on you. I even brought you a glass of water but you were asleep so we just left and hoped for the best. I knew you’d be alright, you’re cool after all.”

Stop talking, please. I’m using you right now, I don’t think of you as a friend or colleague or anything… Stop being so nice Gods damn it.

“Really, thanks. I messed up a bit.” I giggle like normal kids should about my age but deep down I feel like throwing up. I’ll need to think about this once I’m done with getting things right. “You see, when Martha took me to the forest…”

The plan is to keep her talking, keep her distracted because sooner or later she’ll forget about all the secrecy and take me to wherever she and the others are supposed to meet. I know my methods are dirty but so is going behind my back just because I like to do things differently. I’ll show that old hag.


One of the guest rooms behind the receptionists' desks… smart. Also, what are all these people doing here? A few hundred people all armed to the teeth fill the spacious entrance hall yet the jovial mood I got used to from these people is nowhere to be seen. They look mean and ready.

Some wear metal, others leather, and a few nothing more than some light cloth revealing quite a lot, so I wouldn’t really call that armor. Although they survived this long with next to no protection then it must work somehow.

The weapons of choice are even more varied. Plenty of swords and bows, massive shields, staffs used to focus mana, large battle axes, massive war hammers, and… whip-swords? Huge curved knives, glowing tattoos, and of course the good ol’ fist. The only common thing is the signature colors of the Fist of Krieg, red and gray.

“What do you think they’re doing?” Kayla asks as we avoid all the deadly people and sneak around them in the shadows.

I say sneak but there’s no way they haven’t noticed us.

“I don’t know we should ask Martha.” I shrug no longer worried about exposing myself.

“Right.” And Kayla does not notice anything wrong.

Room 11, this is the place huh?

Finally, Kayla freezes just as she’s about to grab the door handle, her eyes growing wide and her jaw hitting the floor as she meets my smug face.

“You, you-” She stutters.

“I’ll make it up for you.” I appease her and enter the room myself.

As expected there are others already inside. Victor and August. Their eyes quickly meet mine, one looking amused, the other slightly bothered, both of them uncomfortable.

“That’s right, I caught you all sneaking behind my back.” I cross my arms and sit down on one of the mighty comfy-looking couches.

Wow, these things don’t just look comfy, the stuff they’re made of is better than my bed.

“Suit yourself.” August shrugs and honestly, I’ll do exactly just that.

“You’re gonna get into trouble and that’s exactly what we wanted to avoid, you know?” Victor comes to me with the excuses. “Don’t think we exclude you because-”

“I don’t care!” I snap.

Why do I feel a bit… betrayed? We weren’t friends and I had no expectations of them but… No, wait, I only know about any of this because they let it slip... on purpose.

My anger slowly cools as I stop fuming and start thinking.

It wasn’t even just a simple oopsie, but a proper clue shrouded in uncertainty. They snitched on Martha… Hehehe.

“I’ll deal with the old hag.” I nod with a fiendish smile on my face now instead of a savage sneer.

“Will you?” Damn, she has perfect timing. “I think I explicitly told you to stay in bed and allow your body to heal. We’re not a daycare, girl, those were orders from your superior.” I turn to meet her completely serious and cloudy face.

And I’m the one who needs more rest…

“You’re wrong.” I declare with full confidence. “I need to come along so we can… uhm, get used to each other.”

Yeah, that wasn’t weird at all.

“I really don’t feel like arguing with you on this one Elyssia.” Martha shakes her head and sits down or more like collapses in an empty armchair. “I’ve been wracking my brain ever since the big meeting on how to make this work. How to make the four of you work as a team without hurting your progress as individuals… And the most glaring problem with almost any proposition was you.”

Ouch. I don’t know why, maybe because the others sided with me on this one, but I feel like listening to what the old veteran has to say first before presenting my case. And to be fair I don’t want her to snap, ending up punishing me for good. I like the goofy Martha, not this swamp hag.

She continues. “Those three are thankful for every opportunity we present them with and do whatever they're told is the best for their progress. If they need to work as a team then they will do their best to work as a team. They are what one would consider good soldiers.” I don’t think that’s a compliment. “You think for yourself every step of the way and question everything with that measly experience and knowledge of yours. This in itself is not a problem but paired with your pride and attitude… You’re a difficult case. You’d make a disobedient soldier,” She’s right and I don’t like it. ”and a model Specialist.” Martha adds the last bit that makes my eyes grow wide.

I mean, it sounds special, and… okay special is not always good. I still like the sound of it.

“The concept is simple, I help August, Kayla, and Victor polish their teamwork while simultaneously pushing you, Elyssia, to become much more powerful than you are right now. When the time is ripe and your skills are adequate you’ll join them and become an indispensable part of the team. And let me tell you now, this is not a choice. For one, you’re too weak to go solo, that’s a position reserved for the strongest among our ranks, and two, we usually send full squads to the Academy. This means we’ll have to find two more suitable kids about your age by some miracle to make this whole thing work.” She rakes her fingers across her face with a groan after explaining things more or less.

Does this mean I’m too good? Yeah, that sounds about right.

“Anyway, I’m coming along, I won the bet after all.” I don’t relent and instead attack in a moment of weakness.

“It hasn’t even been a week yet, this is different.” She sighs again and I’m starting to pity her a little. “Besides, I’m not trying to fool you when I say you need rest. The last time I had mana poisoning, not even remotely as bad as yours, it took me a week to get out of bed.” She explains with seriousness oozing from her voice.

Then I really am just better, huh?

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