Cursed Explorer of the Arcana

Chapter 62 - Darling of Danger

Spending two days among beasts hunted for their ferocity and feared due to their devastating might was quite eye-opening. They’re very much capable of complex thoughts and emotions, especially the older ones, although I have not interacted with the denizens of the Sancturay Meadow all that much in fear of angering them even over the smallest thing.

Except for Fluff.

I think he believes he adopted me as a pet… The little shit has been like a second shadow to me for the past few days, except this one eats my food and sleeps on my face. His cuteness pass still holds but things are getting shaky after all his shenanigans.

Sleeping on just simple grass or huddled up in a pile, eating whatever nature provides… It’s nice and all but I miss my bath, clean clothes, actual bed, and most importantly spices.

Turns out animals aren’t as… animalistic as I thought. There’s an actual hierarchy here with rules, territories, gangs, and distribution of resources almost as complicated as the one you’d expect from the slums.

With that said things are a lot less complicated here without a common beast language and all the underhanded stuff that has become a norm in every city. Turns out not every beast can talk right into your head, the elk is special, really special. Sovereign of the Sancturay Meadow, that’s what they call him although the translation is not entirely accurate.

It is not a linguistical hurdle per se, but rather a difference in worldview. Animals don’t perceive rulers the same way as we civilized people do, nor do they understand the concept of corruption. For them, it’s self-evident that the strongest and oldest ones stand at the top since they survived and thrived meaning their decisions are the correct ones.

If only things were this simple…

In my eyes, their system already has one massive advantage over the Valerian one I’ve known for my entire life. These beasts aren’t trying to kidnap me.

The lords, or in my case the elk, do surprisingly little when it comes to governing their respective domains. They establish a few rules that rarely follow any logic besides their own worldview, leaving it without any enforcing mechanism other than their subjects' fear and reverence.

Sticking to the rules here made by Big Fluff is pretty simple even if a bit restraining.

Yes, Big Fluff after his son Little Fluff. I know it should be the other way around. And he’s not even that fluffy in the first place. The great and mighty sovereign hates that name with all his being and yet can’t do anything against it because I’m holding his child hostage. I’m untouchable, not that I want to test it.

So, rules… Big Fluff isn’t a fan of unnecessary killing, aka any hunting for more than you consume. It was weird hearing this one. I always believed beasts don’t take unnecessary risks, and that slaughtering the weak is a thing only we Wielders do to push ourselves to greater heights. Looking back now, that’s naive thinking. Beasts are simple but not stupid so they must’ve realized getting their hands a little dirtier can come with huge benefits.

Other than that killing around the Sanctuary is forbidden, messing with Big Fluff’s family is forbidden, and destroying the forest or water supplies in any form is, you guessed it, forbidden.

Outside of that, it’s free rein. My problem is that I wanted to do exactly just that. Indiscriminate hunting I mean.

Even now I can only gather berries to fill my stomach, half of which are stolen by Fluff the moment they leave my hand. Straying this far from the Sanctuary’s clearing should be a death sentence on its own because according to my calculations and Survivor I’m deep in the central regions, right where the biggest and baddest creatures reside. But it’s not.

The only thing keeping me alive when I venture out like this is a piece of diamond-like bone I’m carrying around my neck, a gift from none other than the big boss around here. I used some of my own hair instead of any rope to secure the piece of antler that weirdly glows when I pour some mana into it.

Big Fluff presented it as a gift for bravely protecting his child, even if that isn’t exactly what happened, and told me this would act as a ward against unwarranted danger. Aka things won't attack me unless I attack them. Most of the time.

Now I’m no expert on beast customs but something is telling me this stuff is extremely valuable and probably an honor too big for someone as small as me. Maybe a good deed does have its reward.

“Hey Fluff, do you think your papa would believe me if I told him I killed five rabbits only because my eyes were bigger than my stomach?” Yeah, things are so bad that I started talking to an animal who can’t understand a word I say.

Still not as bad as rambling by myself.

Then something catches my attention, or rather the lack of it. The little glutton always reacts when I call his name either by hopping over to me or stealing more of my food, always. Not right now.

A quick glance up from the bush I’m currently stripping of all its goodies calms my heart when I see Fluff still standing nearby with his adorable ears twitching constantly.

“What are you hearing buddy.” My words go ignored again so I pounce. “Acting tough, huh?” I grab his legs and start cuddling the cure thing.

He barely reacts to my playful advances and instead tries to wrestle away from me with his head still held high and eyes staring at something in the sky.

“C’mon, there’s nothing there.” I flick his ear again. “All you can hear is the wind-”

I can’t hear the wind. As a matter of fact, the usual summer breeze playfully running around the glade is gone. I get to my feet faster than ever before, listening along with my little friend to the lack of background noise one would expect to hear in a place teeming with life.

“Let’s go home.” My whispered suggestion falls on deaf ears again.

Just as I’m about to take the first step a cold tingling sensation runs down my back and I wheel about to finally find the culprit to this madness.

“I feared we wasted three days for nothing,” A horse male chuckle echoes around me from every direction. “But that little campfire yesterday gave us a lead, good thing you were this eager to be found, little girl.”

I recognized this voice, I heard it cowering in my little burrow I dug at the foot of the cliff that ruined everything. He was there.

“I don’t know how you survived the fall or what fortune Pessus endowed upon you to avoid every predator along the way but it doesn’t matter.” The voice seems to fade into the distance before it gets louder again, almost as if someone is speaking right into my ear. “The Master will be pleased.”

The same feeling of wrongness hits me, this time from the side, and as I turn there a shadowclad figure finally reveals itself. A head completely bald, one eye red white the other emerald green, and a large scar running across the elderly face. The mocking smile on his ugly mug and the leisurely steps he’s approaching me with only creep me out even further which helps make up my mind on what would be the best course of action in this situation.

To get the fuck out here.

As if coming to the same conclusion Fluff bolts past me before I can even make the first step, leaving me behind again to save his own fur. I’m not mad or anything, that man is obviously here for me and the little calf is completely useless when it comes to combat anyway. Not that I have any chance against a shadow.

To my great surprise and even greater dismay, we aren’t pursued. The scarred hound only takes one aloof step after another, strolling in our wake and making my heart sink the further I get.

Something is still not right.

The feeling of wrongness keeps growing and festering as we keep on running without any hiccups or danger on our heels and soon I bump into the terrifying answer to to my worry. Quite literally.

It's there, it’s transparent and it’s incredibly hard. I didn’t notice it at first because I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going but now that the wall made its presence known I can only take a proper look.

Mana Perception quickly brings more color to the world, to the trees, the grass, the air and… not the wall. It’s blank and colorless and not a wall at all. We’re confined under a dome made from mana I’ve rarely seen in my life, used only by a single person I know.


This explains why it felt like the world had gone silent. We’ve been trapped all along. But this also tells me something about the man hunting me, something I’ve been taught never to do. He likes playing with his food.

“Do you need me to make the futility of your actions any clearer or are you finally ready to surrender yourself?” The voice returns, along with the man leaning against a tree just a few steps away.

I jump back in fright, only to hit the solid barrier of mana again, trapped between a shadow and a hard place.

[Mage lvl ???]

No notifications, he’s not that strong. Still, anything with just question marks can beat me without using a single Skill. I have an idea but I need time.

Putting my back against the arcane dome I start talking like my life depends on it. “So many of you have died and for what, to capture a girl who can barely fend for herself? Am I worth it?”

This isn’t even a question to stall for time, I’m genuinely curious.

“It doesn’t matter what I think little bird, we’re all just tools in his hand to shape the future.” My question is left unanswered as my hunter replies with reverence in his voice. “If he deems your life to be worth more than ours then that’s all we need to know.”

Okay, a tough nut to crack. Not that I’ll go on a revenge streak any time soon but getting some names already would be nice.

“Why not just request our service, and earn our loyalty without all this bloodshed? Words are just as powerful as the sword.” Now I’m bullshitting. Even as we speak my words feel mighty weak in the face of his sword.

“Loyalty…” The man frowns this time, stepping away from the tree and marching towards me. “You know nothing about loyalty. The feeble bond of servitude you speak of is nothing in the face of true devotion to the cause much greater than you.” He stops only a few paces from me. “You’d be unfit to stand by his side anyway.”

C’mon just a little more, I refuse to believe this barrier is so ridiculously thick.

“But I’m fit to be one of you?” I defiantly meet his gaze.

[Congratulations, you’ve unlocked the general Skill [Negotiation lvl 1]. Would you like to replace one of your Skills?]

Not now!

“Even the faulty tools do have their use. But first, we’ll need to reforge you, get rid of the needless flames of stubbornness, and freedom burning inside you.” He takes another step and grabs my chin. “Living in the shadows and serving the light is a noble cause, you’ll understand it with time.”

Please, please, please!

With a sound very much like when your ears pop an opening finally appears and I waste no time. I’ve been using Chaotic Touch on max output all along, hoping to free myself or in the worst case be able to at least make a commotion.

[The Class Skill [Chaotic Touch] has reached lvl 43 ->47.]

The shadow’s eyes widen as he flies into rage. “What did you-”

I don’t let him finish and pump as much mana through my arm sticking out the hole as possible. My signature blue flames burst to life, climbing up to the skies at breakneck speed, where they bloom like a flower. To make sure my call is noticed I add a sharp whistle, amplified by my magic before I’m finally silenced.

“I don’t know how you did that making a commotion won’t change anything. You’re alone, the beasts won't save you.” He shoves me to the ground and steps on my back. “At least you spared me the effort of calling my brother and sisters.”

Talk big while you can, just don’t regret those being your last words.

“No more tricks!” The man hisses before gagging my mouth and binding my arms with what feels like a pretty standard rope. Then I get hoisted up to my feet, waiting obediently with my head hung low just for show. “If you keep resisting we’ll-”

He doesn’t get to finish his boring monologue, the cavalry has arrived.

A brilliant flash is all I catch from the corner of my eye before something smashes into the arcane dome, shattering it to pieces. The flimsy mana wall stood no chance in the face of the mighty pair of antlers that might as well put any metal to shame.

The arrival of the Lord changes the entire atmosphere instantly, his overwhelming presence and furious eyes reminding me why I shouldn’t try his temper. I feel my captor’s hold loosen on me as he likely realizes how the tables have turned yet before he can take action the elk delivers a decisive blow.

The ever-swirling lines on his body flare up and a small jet of water barely the diameter of a needle lashes out vertically with speed way beyond my comprehension. By the time my eyes turn to where the water has passed, the results are already clear. Two arms gripping me just seconds ago, now completely severed and dropping to the ground.

As the man opens his mouth to scream I kick him in the junk for good measure before taking off and seeking shelter along with Fluff behind daddy coming to save the day. The injured shadow lashes out, sending beams of arcane in every direction without a care in the world while screaming his lungs out.

I know how arcane works, I probably know about magic more than anyone yet I never thought of using my mana like this. And that’s because this isn’t how arcane works. It isn’t hot or cold, heavy or light, sharp or smooth… even I don’t know what mana actually is but one thing is sure, something’s wrong with these attacks. They’re vile, twisted, and unnatural, turning nature inside out.

The elk blocks the attacks without much effort but even so, I can see a hint of hesitation in its eyes every time a beam scrapes any surface. I’m not the only one who thinks something’s wrong.

I quickly get rid of my mundane bindings by simply burning them off before looking for an angle of attack to stop the rampaging madman. The elk stands tall with a layer of light blue shimmering standing between us and danger, barely even flinching every time the ground turns into a blistering mess. However, it seems cautious.

As if to confirm his suspicion, an attack from a completely unexpected angle far in the distance smashes into our liquid shield. An arrow oozing darkness and dread, a projectile I know very well.

As if finally satisfied the elk retaliates, sending out his water jets in the dozens and carving the man snarling like a beast to pieces. I expected a shadow to be somewhat better, cope with his loss, and fight on as you’d expect from a professional but that’s clearly not what happened. He was twisted, just like his magic.

We don’t lower our guards just yet, the archer might still be around and… it’s not up to me anyway. I’m not the one fighting, besides, it doesn’t seem like they want to kill me just yet.

For a few more minutes the tension persists as we patiently wait for the archer to reveal his position yet no more shots arrive. He’s gone.


The elk seems to have come to the same conclusion.

Attack. Why?

“They’re after me.” I explain.

Although they can’t understand my words speaking helps me formulate my thoughts and I still need to think about what’s coming out of my mouth so they get my message one way or the other.

Danger, return?

The words are laced with uncertainty and a sense of guilt. I don’t need to be a genius to realize what’s on the old monarch’s mind.

“From what I can tell they’ll be back and kill anything and anyone in their path to get me.” I sigh before turning towards the elk and presenting an honest bow. “Thank you for saving me and your hospitality but I think it’s time for me to go.”

It’s not an easy decision as a ruler, picking between repaying your personal debt and fulfilling your duty… So I won’t make it any more difficult for him.

I know they could protect me, Big Fluff and the other elder beasts here, but many of them would die without a doubt while taking a portion of the forest with them if the shadows came back in force.

I rarely care about the death of strangers much less random beasts but the thought of so much destruction happening just because of me… not again. I lost my home once, never again.

Weak. Survive difficult.

“Look, I know I’m not the apex predator around here but I can look after myself.” I lie through my teeth. “It’s just…” How should I put this? “Which way would my chances be the best?”

Not back south where I came from that’s for sure.

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