Cursed Explorer of the Arcana

Chapter 80 - Eventless Camping

“Good enough.” I clap the dirt off my hands, observing the result of our work before lighting it on fire. “This should get rid of the rest.”

We’ve piled as much junk wood as we could find over the boulders blockading the entrance to the goblins’ underground burrow for the last few minutes to ensure they won't ever get out. At the same time, we gracefully left the right of choice to the little scoundrels… they either choke to death as I flood the tunnels with smoke or venture deeper where only the dwellers of the deep and certain death await them.

I plan to be thorough when it comes to exterminating pests.

“Now, it is time to exercise our right as conquerors.” I declare while basically committing what could be considered a warcrime by the Epros Accrods. If they weren’t goblins of course.

“Which is?” Valka tilts her head just like I did when I was younger.

“We take whatever we desire my friend. Time to plunder.” I giggle.

With that said… what valuables do even goblins have?


I always expected looting to be like some sort of treasure hunt but this was just straight-up disgusting. Rummaging through long rotten corpses, exploring goblin huts… Yuck.

We did manage to find some proper travelers’ tunics, actual boots, and the most godsent of all… pants. Actual clothes that make us look like weary travelers rather than shabby-looking barbarians. They need plenty of rope to not fall off and a good washing was a must before putting them on but it's still something.

“Please, anything but this.” Valka whines with sweat running down her in rivers. “Who came up with the idea of wearing more than a light dress in this weather?”

“It’s not even that hot, stop bitching.” I shoot her down with little sympathy to offer.

Endurance reinforces the body not just against blows but also other outside influences. Like extreme temperatures. Although considering where she came from…

“Say Val,” Yes, a nickname because I feel like it. “you really aren’t a criminal, right? I mean… when you pointed at your homeland on the map… Do you even understand how far that is?”

It’s hard to put it into words and even harder to believe. Someone dragged away and halfway across the world only to end up in chains in Turan of all places… Fate has really been cruel to her.

“Took you long enough to get it through your thick head.” She crosses her arms with feigned irritation on her face. “I didn’t do anything and I want to have nothing to do with this land or the humans once this cursed metal binding is off me. So help me with that as you promised. Eli.”

Heh, looks like at least she’s on board with the more casual approach. That’s the bare minimum after this many life-and-death battles together. With that said I don’t feel bad or embarrassed for doubting her, it was the logical thing to do and even now I’m not a hundred percent sure she’s as innocent as she claims to be. She needs me and manipulation is the least a criminal is willing to do.

Although if that’s the case she sure is going above and beyond.

“In that case,” I drop the newest pouch into my bag. “let us continue our journey.”

A handful of silver coins and plenty of bronze, a fairly useable dagger, and a hunters’ guild badge. These were the only items with any value we were able to find, however, to get some use out of any of them we first would have to approach human settlements of our own volition. Places where I’m pretty sure the local guards are already searching for Valka if not me as well considering she was meant to be a special delivery to the Battle Queen.

No biggie, the forest can provide us with everything we need to survive and more. We only need to be willing to claim it and have the strength to protect ourselves.

Leaving the smoking remains of the former goblin village behind we return to the green embrace of the forest, basking in the light of Solaire and enjoying the fresh breeze playing between the trees. The few days underground taught me how precious and wonderful living in a forest is and how much worse I could have it, even though it's still leagues below life back home or in Granhall.

Never think it can’t get worse because the world will think it is its duty to prove you wrong.

“That promise you talked about can I hear it?” I initiate some small talk as we leisurely walk through the woods, going east according to Survival.

I want to know a little more about Valka, learn about her friends, favorite food, plans, and her life before… this. I am aware our paths will part once I’m returned home but I doubt that will be the last time we see each other.

“I don’t mind, it’s nothing intimate.” Her words sound casual, or at least that’s what she’s trying to force. “We were a tribe of few and one day fell victim to the rule of the wilds. The strong came and we were left without a choice. My kind is strong and resilient so the humans used us for all kinds of hard labor until we could barely stand. But shortly after a new conflict consumed the southern lands of Koleth, making our captors decide to abandon ship and search for profit in these new lands.”

I hate tragic stories and this one is even worse than mine. I got rescued, if we consider Bennett gently kidnapping me a rescuing, but the same can’t be said about her or her people. And I feel like the worst is yet to come.

“We were dragged across countries performing odd jobs now or then for the right to eat but soon the slavers decided that we were no longer needed and sold us at an auction. Separately.” Her voice chokes, meaning we’re just getting to the promise part. “I swore to rescue them, to liberate my people even if that is the last thing I do. To give them even the tiniest hope and to do what my parents would’ve done in my place if they were still alive.”

“I’m sorry.” I mutter as more of a learned piece of courtesy than an actual response.

What am I supposed to say, ‘That’s just how things are’? She went through hard times and is on track to struggle some more out of her own volition. I do pity her sure, but if she’s anything like me then expressing that pity would come through as an insult more than anything.

“Yeah.” Valka simply nods. “Do you think I could get some of that money you found once I’m free? It might be enough to buy back one or two of my people.” She makes a pitiful request with a saddened smile and if it were up to me I’d tear her collar off and give her all my wealth here and now.

Although I doubt it’d be enough to buy the freedom of even a single person. Freedom… a valuable thing and thus a pricey one.

“I think I’m done with fighting for the next week.” I stretch, still happy to be out and back on the journey home. “These past days have been hectic but probably quite beneficial if you think about it. There’s no way anyone can follow us now.”

Good luck tracking footsteps or smells through ever-shifting tunnels, spider-infested caves, or an entire goblin settlement. Okay, we left some corpses, a bunch of corpses, but I think we’re good.

“Too bad it’s not entirely up to us.” Valka chuckles before adding for the sixth time today. “And I’m starving.”

Yeah, me too. Let’s kill something.


“No, that’s not how you do it, you’ll burn the bottom.” I chide and regulate the heat.

“Stop messing with the fire, I’ve got this!” Valka protests and lowers the cut of meat back into the flames again.

“By the Abyss stop doing that already!” I yell, extinguishing the fire and trying to pry the knife with the meat on its tip out of Valka’s hand. “Just what the hell have you been living on until now, dog food?”

On the outskirts of the woods, it is much harder to find prey large enough for the both of us to soothe our hunger. Of course, catching a bunch of squirrels and rabbits is always an option but I wanted something bigger.

Thankfully I have ample experience when it comes to hunting so it only took us about two or so hours to finally secure our prey. Dad really wouldn’t be proud… It’s already dark with only the three ladies of the night and the countless stars glancing through between the foliage watching over us. The campfire is gently crackling in the small clearing we found and there was peace… Until Valka decided she wanted to give cooking a shot.

“Just let me do it my way, you’re not my Mom.” She protests. “And give me back the fire!”

“You mean my fire, the meat I butchered for myself with my knife?” I ask, probably sounding like a damn spoiled brat but she started it. And I’m hungry and grouchy.

“Don’t make me use force, you’ll regret it.” Her voice turns threatening yet the playfulness in her eyes betrays the serious-sounding words.

“Oh yeah?” I raise an eyebrow, all the while shifting my weight ever so slightly in case I need to flee. “Big words from someone who needed my help against some goblins.”

“I knew you wouldn’t let that go you knife-eared prick. We’ll see who needs help with wha- AaAaAaaaA!” I shock her before taking off, willing to bear the responsibility of the first strike over the consequences of getting caught in her grasp.

I also snatch the booty out of her hand to add insult to injury, resorting to the good ol’ method of using my palm as a heating stone. I’m still hungry, it’s a question of life and death.

“ELYSSIA!” A roar echoes over the forest.

“Oh shit.” I mutter and pick up the pace.

It only took seconds for her to get back up, literally way too short of a timeframe for anyone to recover from a serious zap. The sound of branches shattering, and nature bowing before the absolute force of my hunter make my poor little heart tremble a little even though I know my life isn’t really in danger but the sizzling fats and mouthwatering smell give me strength.

That does not translate to outrunning the white monster closing in behind me.

“Be gone, be gone, be gone be gone!” I chant, throwing up obstacle after obstacle. Turning the ground into mud, felling trees, and raising walls but… It isn’t working all that well.

So I use my dirty tricks in combination.

When Valka catches up I turn the ground ahead of me into mud again, hopping up high and catching a branch to escape danger and stop my momentum. She’s heavier, faster, dumber, and in conclusion unable to stop, slipping on the devious trap I laid and faceplanting spectacularly.

“Hehehehe.” I cackle like a real villain after hopping down but put one cold glance promising painful retribution.

She’s hungry, dirty, and now totally pissed… and let’s be honest, it’s almost entirely my fault. No regrets though, I needed some fun after this depressing day.

But before legging it again I think the meal is ready to be served. Medium, just the way I prefer wild unseasoned meat… Yeah, beggars can’t be choosers.

The bite I take is slow, drawn out, and filled with delight just to spite my hunter even more all because she dared challenge me. I don’t take it well if others try to mess with me. If they’re willing to bite then they should be ready to be bitten.

And I’m so not ready.

The familiar steam escaping Valka’s mouth makes a reappearance, the herald of a punch so powerful it might even tear through steel. And her cold blue eyes staring at me like I just murdered her dog… Now I’m actually getting a little scared.

“Hey, we can talk about this.” I try the diplomatic approach before things get nasty. “I’ll make you a new one in no time but you have to- Eeeek!” I yelp and jump back slightly when Valka begins to tear the ground up to escape the mud trap.

Negotiations failed, time to run.

My legs carry me back towards the camp, following the light of the sleepy campfire and hoping to appease the white brute one way or another. I know I can be pretty mean and I might’ve gone overboard a little but her reaction feels a bit out of proportion.

“COME BACK HERE!” A yell comes from the darkness of the woods from behind and I feel my blood run cold.

Just what is wrong with her?

Before I could ask that question aloud however something sails through the air and sweeps my legs out from under me before I can react. It’s mud, a big ball of mud. I slam on my back with my meal in my mouth like a weird ragdoll and by the time the dizziness fades it’s already too late.

She’s standing above me with white locks falling into her face and the moonlight reflecting in her eyes.

“Waehf, ah wafnt-” I try to speak with my mouth full but the beast pounces before I can act.

Her hands grab mine and her chest presses against me, pushing me back to the ground with absolute force before leaning close and… biting the food out of my mouth.

My surprise lasts long enough for a palm-sized chewy piece of meat slab to disappear as if consumed by void magic yet the first to speak up it’s not me but the Valka.

“I told you you’d regret it.” She growls as a victorious smile betrays her previous act. “The next one is also mine, now cook!”

This bitch… I really can’t wait for that Class advancement now. Our trip is still long and I’m the type that neither forgets nor forgives.


“Man, if only I had some salt at least. Or butter, or pepper and maybe even some fresh bread…” I lament the taste of an otherwise well-made meal.

I can manipulate the fabric of the world but conjuring spices is one thing even magic can’t solve.

“Stop being so picky and give me that if you don’t want it!” Valka licks her mouth asking for more even after the fifth serving.

“I bet you’d take that back after eating a proper meal.” I huff, fully aware of what a foodie she might be once proper cuisine is introduced to her. “A little salt, that’s all I ask for.”

“I might have a solution to that problem.” A male voice answers my plea past the treeline illuminated by our temporary camp.

We both jump to our feet instantly because our opponent is dangerous. Despite eating merrily we’ve been keeping our eyes on the surroundings, listening to every noise piercing through the silence of the night and even the slightest of movements in the shadows. Yet he went unnoticed.

“I mean no harm, company and some rest is all I ask in exchange for some luxury.” Finally a man reveals himself.

Brown hair and brown eyes, clearly a human in his early adulthood with a bow over his chest and gear similar to that Dad wore whenever he went out to do his job back in Meliorport. A hunter.

[Ranger lvl 125]

He’s relatively weak and I suspect the two of us might be able to put up a good fight but I’d rather avoid the confrontation. We’re not animals and as long as he shows no ill intent I hope to avoid any risks.

“So, what do you say young ladies, may I join you at the fire?” He asks politely, holding his arms up to show he’s unarmed and came with no ill intent.

A random stranger in the middle of the night offering just what we need at the right time… Then I take a closer look and sense something bothering around his chest, something that makes my eyes itch, almost like an… An amulet.

This could end really badly.

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