Cursed Explorer of the Arcana

Chapter 83 - Expensive Treatment

“Shit.” I quickly turn on my heels and rush back to the unconscious Valka already drawing a crowd. Especially with her hair now back to its original white color.

Judging by the eyes and attire of the ones approaching her their intent is not so much to help the poor helpless girl on the street but rather rob her blind while they have the chance. In broad daylight, in the middle of a busy road.

Thankfully everything we own and wasn’t extorted from us is with me, and I’m fast enough to arrive before things could take a grim turn.

“Move!” I’m not afraid to raise my voice and get pushy. “Get away, you piece of vultures!” Or get aggressive if need be.

A pair of men malnourished and clearly from the streets are already crouching by Valka’s side and if words don’t do the job I’m totally willing to get practical. The scrawnier one proves wiser in the end, backing away after just one warning however the other one ignores my words and starts patting down my defenseless friend.

To say I’m in a murderous mood would be an understatement so when the sole of my boot kisses his face I feel only disappointment for going easy on a piece of human trash like him. The crowd barely reacts to my blatant aggression or the entire commotion I’ve kicked up whatsoever… This is not like Granhall. People don’t walk around with the same purpose and spark in their eyes, the sense of security within these walls is not the same and the people are the root of it all.

They are not worse, not by birth at least, only forced to adapt to these wretched circumstances due to the country’s situation. But that still doesn’t make their actions right or any easier to forgive.

My kick, a normal if irked boot from a low-level Mage, fails to deliver the intimidation factor I was hoping for but at least it does earn me my target’s attention. He throws me a nasty look but since I don’t feel like mincing my words coating my arms with bright orange flames yearning to burn the fucker’s face off is the last warning he’ll get.

And it works, no surprise there. Most creatures learn to fear fire pretty early in their lives and this is not the sort of fear you can overcome just with a smidgen of dedication.

They take off and I take over poking the unconscious deadweight on her cheeks.

“Hey, wake up!” I try gently first, everyone deserves that one chance. Before resolving to more effective measures. “And here I was hoping to visit a proper inn and have a real feast…” She still doesn’t respond.

So I just dump some water on her face.

I feared she wasn’t faking it, I knew the promise of a feast should’ve been enough to wake her from even the deepest slumber but… confirming it myself is even more frightening. Wasting no more time I scoop her off the ground through great effort almost like lifting a hefty bag of rocks except even more unresponsive, before continuing my search for someone to take the remainder of our money in exchange for saving her life.

Closed stores, dilapidated buildings, smashed windows… and let’s not forget the eyes constantly watching around every corner and from every shadow. Where there is civilization there is crime and nothing will ever change that, but even then… isn’t this a bit too much?

Constantly being on the edge while traveling the wilds is one thing with beasts lying in ambush in every nook and cranny but to suffer the same thing in a city? In a place of safety and civilization? Not to mention I’m not in top-notch condition and escaping anything, even someone with two broken legs would be quite a task with Valka on my back.

I want my money back, this is a scam.


Closer to the city center the outlook improved somewhat and I finally dared to ask passersby for some directions since they looked like proper people and not thieves trying to blend in. Needless to say, I got ignored and shooed off numerous times with my looks only slightly above an average beggar with a clearly dying young girl on my back. That was until a kind old lady finally came to our aid. For two silver coins…

The alleys leading to the healer’s hideout were teeming with crawling shadows and dangerous gazes looking for even the smallest weakness but I already knew this game. Intimidation is a battle before the real thing and one’s confidence is all that matters.

As it turned out no official healer resides in Solermo simply because people are poor and the amount they can afford to pay is equal to the taxes demanded from the doctor. It’s really not anyone’s fault… okay, there are multiple people at fault here but at least this means his services should be cheaper, right?

With that said your eyes aren’t supposed to say ‘Come at me I dare you!’, oh no, that’s too childish. “You will die!” That’s one and only message that everyone understands.

“Three gold.” He ruthlessly names his price after taking a quick glance at Valka.

She’s already losing color and her breathing is becoming weaker by the minute. The previously unstoppable and lively brute is now in a terrible condition and all I can do is… nothing. Fuck me I’d even hand him over the money just to have Valka cured at this point because I fear arguing over the price would just put her life at risk but that’s money I don’t have.

“One and sixty silver.” I present my counteroffer completely fine with giving him everything I have at this point.

“You know where to find the door,” The middle-aged man, already balding yet in perfect health completely disregards my offer. “Next!”

“Wait!” I’m not good at the art of bargaining and I’m desperate but even so… “Three is way too much.” And that is a fact not just me trying to plead for a discount.

“Listen here, girly.” The man locks his fingers and leans forward threateningly, his figure illuminated by the cracked window behind his back. “I only have so much mana to spare and if not you then someone else will come around and give me what I ask for to save their loved one.” His words don’t sound like a threat, more so a lecture. “Her death will not weigh on my shoulders, nor would the demise of someone else I can’t save because of the mana wasted on saving your little slave. Life has a high value and in this city, you see… my mana is life so either pay up or leave!”

“I- In that case, I have something else that could maybe pay for her treatment.” And the Hadron crystal emerges from my bag.

This small item possesses immense tactical value and in our case a considerable monetary one. With that said the tactical value of a Valka far outweighs that of a piece of rock.

“Now we’re talking. This should be enough.” He reaches out for the small fortune I’m presenting yet his hand never reaches the white piece of rock.

“It’s worth far more than three gold.” I’m desperate but not stupid. Paying five times the already outrageous price… my ego wouldn’t survive the humiliation.

“Not the time for haggling but go ahead and look for a merchant then. I can wait.” The healer nonchalantly shrugs. “Not so sure about your little friend though. The time is ticking.”

And this is where he made a mistake.

Until now his words conveyed reason above all else, making solid arguments for his scam and offering me a choice to accept his price or look for an alternative. It was an unfair deal but I was desperate enough to accept.

Until he openly threatened Valka’s life that is.

“Now you listen to me,” A strong gust of wind slams the door shut behind my back. “You will heal this girl even if that is the last thing you do in this life, you understand?” To reinforce my words two swords of raging flames materialize behind my back. The light playing through the window shrinks back at my magic, shifting the shadows and roles alike. “Do anything funny and this entire place burns to the ground with everyone inside, even me if that’s what it takes. There’s only one life I care about here so do your job! The time is ticking.”

Am I crazy enough to actually go through with what I promised… Maybe. I’m furious to an indescribable degree and I can only barely restrain myself. So let’s just say Valka’s death might just be the thing to push me past that certain tipping point.

“HELP! GUARDS!” He cries for the men stationed outside to save his skin. But I locked all air movement around the door the moment it closed shut.

“It’s pointless.” I whisper, pointing my swords toward him. “Heal her, NOW!”

“You can’t- you dare?” Arrogance and fear vie for the right to express themselves on the bastard’s face in a comocal race so I provide some help in making up his mind. By sending one of the swords flying just past his face.

The man might be easily twice my level but the lack of combat capabilities is not what makes him an easy target. He’s not necessarily a coward or anything just… normal.

Thankfully he’s also a smart one. He steps over to Valka on trembling legs and places one hand on each of her terrible wounds. By now the flesh and meat are barely recognizable and I’m actually thankful she is not awake to see her body in this condition.

“Try anything funny and you’re dead. Leave the job unfinished and you’re dead. Hurt her and… guess what?” I giggle menacingly.

Of course, I’m only bluffing. If he’s dead who’s gonna heal Val? Not that he’ll realize that in his growing state of panic but that’s all the better for me.

At last a gooey layer of gently shimmering light crawls out from under his palm, spreading until it claims every part of the vile thing trying to eat Valka alive. The light jelly grows in intensity, only a little squirming slightly as it does its job of visibly sucking whatever is killing the girl out of her body and restoring her flesh as it should be.

The work only takes seconds yet the exertion is clear on the healer's still frightened facade now adorned by the sweat of an honest job.

“You will regret this.” The healer seems to have finally found courage after finishing his task. Maybe it’s because I’ve calmed myself. “You’re just a grain of sand in this city and the consequences of-”

I never hear the end of the threatening rant.

And that’s because I knock the man out cold now that he has no use. The last thing I need is him yammering for the guards when I’m about to leave, likely still with Valka on my back because she’s still very much not awake.

“Hey, are you feeling better now?” I gently shake the slumbering lovechild of beast and beauty. Her only reaction is a satisfied sigh before curling up like a cat without a worry in the world. “You’re such a handful…”

Childcare is not what I signed up for, hell I’m not even ready to take care of a pet but she doesn’t leave me much choice. I mean I could try to break her nose or zap her to high heavens to see if that’d wake her up but even I have some conscience. And it’ll be faster this way.

Tired as I am after all the physical work, anxiety clawing at me since last night and a complete lack of sleep I still do my task. Just as the Fist drilled it into us. Just always ask yourself the question; ‘Would you be rather uncomfortable or dead?’

I swiftly close the door as I leave the room, carrying my burden and lying to the guards as the situation requires it. “The doctor wished for some rest.” I inform them and they seem to accept without much doubt.

I keep up the facade of a normal satisfied albeit robbed customer all the way until the crumbling corner house is no longer in sight. From there I… do something that resembles running barely at the speed of a lazy jog.

We need to get the hell out of this city. Having the local authorities after us is one thing because they seem just as corrupt as incompetent. But those armed men back at the healer’s door… I doubt they were working for that cowardly scammer.

Honestly, if I just dumped Valka and looked for another settlement where crime isn’t as rampant before entering this shithole my journey home would’ve been much easier. Beside the identification part. She’s the one with a warrant and I’m the idiot who’s completely aware of the danger, tags along anyway, and drags even more shit onto our necks while trying to fix things it seems.

And I’m fine with that.

I’d rather have her with me than August or… heck even Kayla if I’d end up in the middle of nowhere and I could choose my partner. I’ll even call her a friend, although not out loud, that’s embarrassing.

Anyway, we need to leave, this neighborhood, the slums, and this fucked up city as a whole. However, without any tricks to smuggle Valka out that won’t be easy and I can’t see myself just straight up carrying her through the gates without anyone raising an eyebrow. The big baby comes to life, we cook up a brilliant plan and then we’re out of here, easy…

My first brilliant idea is to take shelter in the sewers just like in all those adventure stories but the environment doesn’t seem to favor that approach. We’re in the slums, with shit and piss all over the streets and barely any stone covering the ground. Looking for a way to the tunnels below would be like fishing in the desert, there is no sewer system.

My second idea is just to flop through a crumbling wall, lay flat in the dust, and hope for the best. Since this plan is still better than its predecessor I refine it a little, use the good old think with your enemy’s head method, and start digging.

Yeah, this place is full of perfect hideout spots like abandoned houses, collapsed houses, half-collapsed houses, still inhabited houses but without a proper owner and just used by a bunch of druggies, whore houses, and a plethora of other welcoming places… Yeah, no thanks.

“Hey you, this way! I can help.” Whispered words call out to me from the shadow of an alley.

How reassuring…

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