Cursed Heroine

Chapter 28: Aftermath

Chapter 28: Aftermath

The conversation with Sophia’s mother went surprisingly well. She had apparently had her own fun with girlfriends when she was young as well. Without even batting an eyelash, she gave Sophia a few tips and pointed out the existence of some specialty shops as well. When Sophia mentioned that the events last night had been an accident due to the girls not being careful picking out massage oils, she simply shrugged her shoulders and said that she would inform nana so she wouldn’t be taken unaware of any blowback. Sophia went back to her room to look after the girls and I started making some food. I reheated the food from breakfast and made some sandwiches with it and left it on the stove to keep warm.

“Mistress, I gotta say, your family is much more...nonchalant than I could have imagined.”~me

“I did tell you that elves were very open about sex. Your jaw dropped expression while we were talking was amusing.”~Sophia

“If it is as simple as that, why all the reluctance to tell her before?”~me

“It’s still an embarrassing thing to talk to my mother about.”~Sophia

“Food is ready. I reheated the food from breakfast and made brunch for all of you.”~me

After Sophia informed me that the girls are waking up, I make my way back to them. I go through them one by one and give them a light healing. We all get into the bath to get cleaned up from last night and I show each of the girls just what it was they had picked out from the oil shelf. Once again, I give each of them a massage. They are careful which oils they pick out this time however. When it comes time to reward my services, none of the girls are willing to leave. Sophia ends up telling them about another one of my curses and I end up being rewarded by all of them. I communicate with Sophia to leave me here to recover and have them all go down to eat brunch. After some convincing, they all leave the room to go eat.

I take a moment to recover as I lay on the massage bench, currently unable to move. Right before I start to heal myself, fox girl came back in. She looked at me for a minute as though debating something in her mind. Then she came over and sat down beside me with a slight blush. I noticed her eyes gain a look of determination just before she leans down to give me a deep kiss. Her tongue reaches into my mouth that was already hanging open from shock and proceeded to dance around in my mouth. When I start to feel as though I might suffocate, she finally comes up for air. As I lay there shocked with a blank expression she whispers to me, “I’m not mad about last night. Let’s do it again some time.” I snap-to when I hear a whooshing sound as she flees, and I am once again left alone in the bathroom.

“Mistress, I don’t think you need to worry about fox girl being mad.”~me

“Really, why do you say so? She disappeared on me when we all went for brunch. Thanks, by the way. They all really enjoy it. Her name is Tiffany, just so you know. The one who was wearing the pony set was Amy and the younger girl with her last night was Britney, Brit for short. Jill is the other girl.”~Sophia

“Tiff was just here. She gave me a deep kiss, said some suggestive things and then ran away.”~me

“Wow! Giving her a nickname already, huh? Did you just get a new girlfriend? Should I be worried? Speaking of nicknames, is it fine to call you Lily from now on? I’d also like you to call me Sofy.”~Sophia

“Ha ha. I can feel your teasing tone. I’m good with Lily and I can agree to think of you as Sofy, but I insist on continuing to address you as Mistress, or Miss if you like?”~me

“Still can’t win that argument, huh? Well at least I’ve made progress. We don’t need to worry about the other three either. Jill has been quite clingy with me since she woke up and it turned out that Brit had picked out those oils for Amy and herself knowing full well what they were. It’s been quite fun watching the two of them sorting things out during our meal. Ah, Tiff just came back.”~Sofy

“Sounds like everything worked out okay. Want to go ahead and invite them to explore the dungeon during the break? Three of them have larger qi pools than mana. Odds are we can at least get one more fighter and a couple archers. That would leave us with two mages and myself.”~me

“Wait a minute, I’ll check.”~Sofy

“We’re all set. Brit and Amy are trained in the use of sword-shield combos, Jill is from a notable family of archers and Tiff is a mage. I can complement the roles of mage/archer and you can fill the roles of scout/healer. They all are at stage three and have access to flying mounts. All of them are excited to go and said their families will have no problem with it since there will be a stage four going with them.”~Sofy

“Have them confirm things with their families. Let them know that I’d be willing to prove my ability if it is necessary and that they should make adequate preparations for the trip. Up to three weeks in the dungeon and two days of travel in the cold air on flying mounts. They should prepare small packs with a few essentials that they will each need and let them know that they’ll all be allotted one cubic meter of inventory space for extra gear.”~me

“You’re willing to let others know about your inventory? Well, I guess it isn’t too uncommon and a stage four having one does make it less unusual than when you were stage three.”~Sofy

During our conversation, I’ve healed myself and once again bathed. I think this is my third bath in less than twelve hours or is it my fourth? Now that she mentioned it, I don’t think I’d particularly mind having another go with Tiff, in a proper state of mind of course. She has a soft body with an average six foot height, cute round face, generous cleavage, curvy waist, slender toned limbs, sexy long legs, wavy blue hair and the most startling piercing blue eyes. The other girls have pretty good looks as well. Jill is much more reserved than the rest, a shy and quiet type of girl. She has a small lolita build, but is still taller than me by a lot and isn’t flat as a board like the term lolita would usually make you think. Her crimson red hair spells trouble though. I somehow get the feeling that crimson is this world’s version of gingers. As close neighbors, Amy and Brit grew up together having looks a little above the average with spry athletic bodies. Amy has pink colored hair and eyes. Brit’s are purple. I can’t help but associate her with the typical isekai stories that depict purple-haired beauties as chaotic troublemakers after what she did to Amy last night.

On the next free day after our sleepover, I had to duel with Tiff’s father to prove my ability before he would consent to our trip. Sofy had the other girls each invite over one of their parents so we might only need to do this once. Tiff’s father was also a fourth stage mage, but had much higher attributes than myself. He’s probably at the peak of fourth stage. Using my dragon’s perception to watch his energies, I was able to accurately predict what spells he was going to cast. I could only just barely hold him off by using spells of the right counter-element for his spells. The duel only ended when we had both used up most of our mana. He gave me a slight nod and turned to Tiff, voicing his approval. Tiff shrieked with glee, gave him a hug and then ran over to me. She practically threw herself on me while rambling about how amazing our duel was and then proceeded to press her lips to mine while locking me in place by holding the back of my neck. I couldn’t help but stare up at her dazed for a time, even after she had already released me. When I managed to come back to myself, I’m currently being pet by a beaming Tiff as the parents are conversing with each other about the duel, seemingly not at all concerned with our earlier display.

It takes me another week to finish with my redesign of the magic system. That evening in the library, I show it to Sofy and explain how it works. She read through a few pages and skims through more before closing the books and dragging me out of the room.

“Mistress, where are we going and why the rush?”~me

“To see nana. Sorry for pulling you along so fast. I’m just excited.”~Sofy

“I don’t understand.”~me

“Argh! That comment makes me want to pinch your cheeks. What you made is amazing. This could revolutionize the whole magic system, not just helping me study. Hold on for a second while I speak with nana.”~Sofy

*knock knock* We arrived at nana’s study and Sofy knocked on the door. I stood to the side rubbing my now sore cheeks. She had followed through with her earlier words.

“Come in.”~nana

We stepped inside her office and Sofy starts to explain that I’ve created a new system for magic learning to nana, who simply raises her brow and looks to me. As I hand over the first couple of books, she takes a few minutes to look through them before looking up at me to ask if there is more. I pulled out the almanacs for the stages of runes up through the fourth and the various grimoires that I had written. She finishes skimming through them and looks up at me again with sparkling eyes. There’s no more books written yet, so I respond with a small shake of my head before pulling out the diagram I’ve made that details the books still needing to be written. It outlines each stage of knowledge including a sort of tech tree that describes what prerequisites are needed and even has a section off to the side reserved for the missing runic knowledge that I’ve labeled as manipulators. My precious work was confiscated by nana with the promise of returning it after a few days.

“Don’t look so glum. Nana is only borrowing them for a little while, not stealing them. She likely wants to have copies for herself made through the magic department’s resources. Although she retired from her position as the council’s magic advisor, she still works in the department as one of the leaders. It wouldn’t surprise me if your books begin to show up in my mage lessons in the future.”~Sofy

“But now what are we supposed to do for the rest of our night, Mistress. I had planned to start teaching you with those books during our free time until class resumes on Earthday. It’s only the evening of Fireday now.”~me

“You are just looking for an excuse to use the new toy that got delivered today. The one you ordered the last time we were out. I already would have agreed without the roundabout way of asking. It must be something special since they even returned our money with extra as a thanks for the design.”~Sofy

“YAY! Fufufu...don’t expect to get out of bed until Earthday!”~me

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