Cursed Villainess’ Obsession

Chapter 24


Chirp chirp.

The sunlight streams through the window, filling the room, while birds chirp outside.

In the end, Raphne, who had been keeping me company, is fast asleep, using my knee as her pillow.

And here I am, staring with bloodshot eyes at the status window, desperately trying to finish the work I started.

[System: Created equipment similar to the recipe through a unique method. Experience points are granted as a bonus.]

[System: “Imitation Thunder Spear” has been created.]

[Imitation Thunder Spear – A Rank

Type: Spear.

A spear made by imitating the divine Thunder Spear Aspetra.

Its structure is the same, but the crucial core has been replaced with spirit stone, so its rank is lower.

To mimic the output of the original, it uses all its power at once and then dissipates.]

“…This, …works.”

I muttered while utterly exhausted, both physically and mentally.

I worked all night without a single minute of rest, finally completing it.

Thanks to the accelerated work speed provided by my skills.

If I had been crafting in reality without skill assistance, it might have taken me years.

The physical toll was enormous.

I soon felt my eyes drooping and checked the contents of the status window.

‘…Rank down, …sure. …But it disappears after one use?’

What I created is a fake, where the core, the Thunder Dragon’s Crystal, is replaced with a golden spirit stone.

So I expected the rank to downgrade.

But it disappears after using it once…?

Does that mean it’s a one-time use?

‘Well, the rune design outputs a tremendous amount of energy with each attack….’

If it were the Thunder Dragon’s Crystal, its infinite energy could handle it multiple times.

But I had to forcibly replace it with a spirit stone.

Moreover, the rank has dropped, and even though I concentrated to imitate the runes, it’s clumsier and rougher than the original.

There’s no way this spear could last through one use.

‘Still, it’s an incredible gain.’

This spear will surely be useful someday.

I looked at the two Thunder Spears that look identical and soon put one into the subspace pocket.

Afterward, I moved Raphne to the bed and collapsed into sleep myself.


“Wow, finishing it in just two days, outstanding Ken Feinstein!”

On the promised day, Anette, who came in through the door for a status report, beamed brightly as she praised me.

“Now, quickly take out Aspetra!”

“Before that, if you could give me my reward first.”

I confidently extended my hand towards Anette.

It’s a natural order.

How many burly men are surrounding me right now?

If I hand the spear over first and stay quiet, I’d end up being the one who gets turned into warm soup.

“Alright, alright. You’re sharper than your looks suggest.”

Anette, looking a bit flustered, waved her hands and took off the necklace.

The necklace that hangs from her hand is undoubtedly the Moonlight Necklace I remember.

I promptly took it.

“It’s a precious item. Normally, it wouldn’t make sense to trade like this….”

“…But this is a fake, right?”


After receiving the necklace, I immediately scanned it with my material identification skill.

The result – a mere imitation made of simple metal.

“Ha, ha ha… It seems even a divine weapon fixer recognizes the truth. It’s just a little jest, I assure you.”

For someone joking, she was sweating profusely, crossing her arms and nervously tapping her fingers.

Anyone could see she was uneasy.

I’m glad I checked, just in case.

Since she usually plays the character that would pass the blame onto others in games. Pulling a stunt like this wouldn’t be hard at all.

“Sorry, but please give me an actual reward. My price isn’t just the repaired Thunder Spear.”


“As you know, my silence comes at a cost. If you give me another fake, I’ll pay a visit to the head of the Arnoira family directly.”

“Well, didn’t I say it was a joke! You’re a tough nut to crack.”

With that, Anette, who showed a bit of temper, finally pulled out a real necklace from her pocket.

“Ugh, how do I explain this to my father…”

With trembling hands, she offered me the necklace.

Without hesitation, I snatched it from her.

The emotional scan showed it’s genuine.


Yay! I got the Moonlight Necklace!

With a ta-da sound, I felt like doing a spin like someone in a green outfit showcasing an item.

After confirming its authenticity, I took the Aspetra out of the subspace pocket and handed it to Anette.

“Whoa! This is indeed a remarkable piece. Honestly, I half expected it to be a gamble… It exceeds my expectations! Ken!”

Checking the spear’s condition, Anette beamed with delight.

It seems the worth of the necklace I gave was justified.

Well, of course, it is; I poured my heart and soul into repairing it overnight.

I relished the feeling of pride and shrugged my shoulders.

“Well, it’s a precious item, but why do you need the Moonlight Necklace? It has value, but it’s tough to sell.”

Holding the Thunder Spear protectively, Anette suddenly asked curiously.

It’s understandable to be curious.

The Moonlight Necklace has a symbolic significance but doesn’t have any special abilities.

“Oh, well… there’s a girl I want to give the necklace to.”

That wasn’t exactly a lie, so I dodged the question.

“Hmm, so you’re taking a necklace meant for a girl and giving it to another girl? You must be a sinful man.”

“If someone hears that, they might misunderstand a lot….”

“Oh, am I just going to be left with nothing after having my fun…?”

“Anyone would misunderstand with that kind of statement!”

Anette pretended to wipe away tears in a playful manner.

But she should really speak clearly.

I didn’t take anything from anyone. I acquired it through a fair trade.

“In any case, I see you once again, Ken. What do you say? Why not work on the student council?”

“Even as a compliment, I appreciate it. But I’m afraid that’s too much for me.”

“Hmph, it’s not a compliment. I sincerely find capable men attractive.”

With a flirtatious smile, Anette rose from her seat and walked up to me.

Then she leaned in close to my shoulder and whispered in my ear.

“…Shall we trade something a little more grown-up next time?”


Flustered by the whispers tickling my ear and the softness pressing against my shoulder, I quickly pulled away.

“Haha! You’re quite the amusing man to play with.”

Anette laughed joyfully, clearly enjoying my fluster.

“Well then, I guess I’ll see you again later. Ken Feinstein.”

Thus, Anette Nell Arnoira’s repair request was safely completed.


“What did you get dragged into the student council for? …You also missed class yesterday.”

After wrapping up everything with Anette, Mary came rushing up to me as soon as she confirmed I was back at school.

“Well, it’s nothing major! I handled it well.”

“I’m glad it’s nothing major….”

The day I witnessed Anette dragging me away, she didn’t seem overly worried when she heard it was a student council matter.

But it seemed she was somewhat concerned about my absence without a word from the academy.

With cheeks puffed slightly, Mary showed her displeasure.

“Still, if something happens, I want you to rely on me.”

“Yes, I’ll do that next time.”

This incident was one where confidentiality was one of the conditions, so I had no choice but to keep the details from Mary.

“Well then, see you around, Ken.”

After checking on me, Mary waved silently as she walked away.

Ken’s heart flutters when he faces Mary.

With those feelings, he happily waves back.

It seems Ken has feelings for Mary.

‘Anyway, I finally came one step closer to the Goddess’ Pendant.’

Unexpectedly obtaining the key to crafting the pendant.

By making a copy of the Thunder Spear, it became clear that with substitute materials, I could create similar effect items even if they weren’t the specified materials.

If that’s the case, it’s reasonable to assume that this Moonlight Necklace can substitute for the Goddess’ token.

‘So now, I just need to obtain one….’

[Pure Mana Crystal]

If it’s this, I’m sure I can get it at the upcoming event.

As I hummed in anticipation of Raphne’s curse being lifted, I prepared for class.

But then.


A quiet call came from behind me.

It’s a familiar voice.

My body instinctively trembled at the sound of her, so familiar through our training.

My heart began to race.

I turned my head to look at the owner of the voice.

“I need to ask you something.”

The owner of the voice was Emily Epiris.


Emily, crossing her arms and gazing at me.

Having personally experienced her sadistic tendencies, I automatically tensed up.

But Emily seemed different today for some reason.

Instead of her usual confident and mischievous grin when trying to stomp on me.

She looked cautiously at me, as if gauging my reaction.

What could she want to ask…?

“Do you… have some sort of relationship with Mary Hydeia?”

Her question was unexpected.

No, I was curious as to why she even needed to ask.

What kind of relationship do I have with Mary? Well, obviously.

“W-Well, Mary is my friend?”

Hearing my answer, Emily appeared unsatisfied and questioned again.

“…If you’re friends, then aren’t you dating?”

“Me? No, of course not.”

“R-Really? But you went around together during the festival…”

She was unusually clingy.

But is it because I went out with Mary that it implies something more?

After all, Adrian and Emily also hang out together.

This misunderstanding could inadvertently bring trouble to Mary.

I need to clear this up for sure.

“It was just a coincidence that we got two tickets for the tournament and went to see it together. We happened to check out the festival as well.”

“Then why specifically go with Mary? There are plenty of other people!”

“Because there were no other people.”


If I say that, it sounds a bit heartbreaking.

Still, it looked like Emily understood the situation, her previously tense expression relaxing back to her usual self.


Well, compared to my standard, Emily smiling sweetly isn’t the norm.

“Haha, is that really how it was?”

All in all, she smiled, seemingly relieved.

“Honestly, there’s no way a chubby guy like you could date someone like Mary Hydeia. Heh.”

As if immediately transforming back into her usual mischievous self, Emily continued speaking.

I know that look well.

The expression she wears when enjoying tormenting me.

“You? With Mary? What a ridiculous match, right?”

It felt oddly refreshing, Emily looked in a good mood and playfully patted my shoulder.

Though it’s true, I can’t refute that…


Just then, a status window appeared before my eyes.

[Ken Feinstein’s immersion increases.]

[System: “Mental Strength LV 2” interrupts Ken’s immersion.]

‘…Wait, suddenly Ken’s immersion is increasing?’

The immersion of Ken only rises when he’s with Mary or being teased by Emily.

But why is it happening now…?

“Huh, do you actually have a girl you’d want to meet?”

And then I hear Emily’s mocking voice.

[Ken Feinstein’s immersion increases.]

‘…Wait a sec, does that mean…’

“Honestly, I could joke around with you a bit… but there’s no way it’s Mary. Heh.”

“No, um, that….”

[Ken Feinstein’s immersion increases.]

The cause became clear.

Each of Emily’s teasing remarks caused Ken’s immersion to rise, and it’s continuously alleviated by the “Mental Strength” skill.

“Given how Mary is, I can’t imagine her liking someone like you.”

[Ken Feinstein’s immersion increases.]

It seems every mention of Mary increases the immersion even more.

An inexplicable sense of unease washed over me.

Should I stop her?

As Emily moved closer to me, she gently pinched my cheek. It didn’t hurt, but it felt like she was teasing me.

“So how about you give up on useless hopes?”

[Ken Feinstein’s immersion increases.]

“Last festival, too. Ken, you’re rather naive, aren’t you? I was almost worried you’d get hurt if you misunderstood.”


[Ken Feinstein’s immersion increases.]

“I don’t like people who leave that kind of opening. What do they call it? A fox? It doesn’t appeal to me at all.”

[Ken Feinstein’s immersion increases.]

“If there’s a next time, don’t push Mary on me. It could cause misunderstandings again.”

[Ken Feinstein’s immersion increases.]

As Emily leaned in closer, playfully poking my cheek, she looked at me with her former sadistic smile.

“Ah, if it’s hard to find someone to hang out with, you could always ask me next time. I guess I can be available sometimes…”

And with those last words.

[System: “Mental Strength LV 2” reached its limit.]

‘Oh no…’


[Ken Feinstein’s immersion increases.]

I felt my bodily authority slipping away from me.

My mouth was moving not by my own will but by someone else’s.

“I must be crazy… to take advice from someone like you?”

That was undoubtedly the voice of Ken Feinstein.

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