Cursed Villainess’ Obsession

Chapter 30



The sound of wooden swords clashing echoes through the quiet forest.

“I’ve improved a lot since the first time.”

Unlike me, who is sweating profusely while swinging my sword passionately, my opponent defends with minimal movement, looking all sharp and dapper.

Siegfried wears a light smile, seemingly pleased with my progress.

“I think you’ve lost a little weight too.”

“Really… uh, just a bit, though…”

As Siegfried said, I have indeed lost about 5 kg recently. I guess our teacher’s Spartan training is really paying off. Who knew Raphne’s diet would help with weight loss?

“Now, stop moving. Get to it, Ken.”

“Yes, Sir!”

It’s been about a week since wrapping up the time loop event with Emily. The bizarre woman who caused the time loop was hypnotized and handed over to the academy’s security department. They’ll probably find out where she came from through interrogation. Once they know she’s with the Demon Lord’s army, things will get messy.

Well, trying to prevent that seems pointless anyway.

This time loop event is one of the random invasion events from the Demon Lord’s army in the game. Since Dedris Academy is filled with the progeny of the upper echelons from various countries, the security level is akin to that of a royal palace. Yet here’s the Demon Lord’s forces secretly breaking in. They are always searching for one thing: the Child of Prophecy.

In the game, the Child of Prophecy is one of the character settings for the protagonist, Emily, yet for some reason, the Demon Lord’s army is actively hunting for her. Although the academy is heavily guarded, strangely, they show no real interest in Emily herself. This reason is not even mentioned in the game, so I’m curious about it too.

“…Ken, this.”

After finishing my morning training with Siegfried, Emily, who had been watching during our sword duel, handed me a drink made from lemon.

“You don’t have to take care of me every time.”

“…Well, still.”

Even if she says that, I’m grateful. I received the drink Emily handed over and gulped it down. The beverage seeps into my tired, dehydrated body from the workout.

A few days after the loop event ended, Emily started coming by for my morning training like this.

“Mary is usually right beside me at the academy…”

While I was drinking, Emily muttered something softly beside me.

‘There’s no need to go that far for me.’

I feel a bit guilty. It must not be easy to come out here every morning to take care of me. I can’t shake the feeling that she’s doing this as an apology towards me.

“Here’s a towel. You worked hard today too.”

Instead of handing me the towel, Emily wiped my face directly.

‘Isn’t this normally something you just hand over?’

It feels like she’s not just wiping but kneading my face somehow. Is this a massage or something?

“Um, Ken….”

While wiping the sweat from my forehead with the towel, Emily spoke up.

“I’m just a bit curious, but is this training something you do every day…?”

Emily hesitated for a moment, then cautiously opened her mouth.

“…Is it because… I was so mean to you?”

The thought of her stomping on my head during those days flashed through my mind. Looking back, our relationship has changed a lot. She used to say things like:

‘Lose some weight, you pig!’

Just thinking about it makes me want to laugh. But unlike me, Emily looks at me regretfully.

“Don’t worry about that! I was just being cruel back then… You’re already… more than attractive enough without losing weight…”

She seems to misunderstand things just a tad. At the end, she says something that might imply I got hurt by her words. There’s no way this chubby guy can be attractive.

Emily can’t even look me in the eyes to lie properly.

“No, that’s not it. I just want to get stronger, so don’t think too much about it.”

I took the towel from Emily’s hands and wiped my head myself. I hoped to put her at ease, but for some reason, Emily looked a bit disappointed.

“You two get along well.”

Then, Siegfried’s commentary on us continued as he observed the scene.

“Zieg…! When did you get there?!”

“I’ve been here from the start.”

“If you’re here, please let us know!”

“…Hmm, understood. I’ll be sure to do that next time.”

Emily was awkwardly trying to pin Zieg for his sudden appearance while Zieg was responding nonchalantly.

“Um, and… I’ve been watching you two for a while now…”

Then, with rosy cheeks, Emily continued to protest.

“Even if it’s training, isn’t it a bit too much? You can’t just hit someone with a wooden sword like that! Couldn’t we go a less violent route?!”

“Well, that’s…”

“If the aim is just to get stronger, then you don’t have to take hits! We could do endurance training or maybe improve sword technique or something…!”

Emily strongly pressed Siegfried. Apparently, she finds the current training method to be way too harsh. It seems like this time he couldn’t keep his usual indifferent demeanor.

Siegfried looks troubled. As one of his students, it’s only natural to help out.

“I’m fine, Emily.”

“…Ken, but…!”

I stepped in front of the pushing Emily, pulling her away from Siegfried. From her perspective, I must look pretty battered, so she’s worried about me.

If that’s the case, I just need to reassure her.

“I’m used to getting hit! I can take it!”

After all, I have a wonderful skill called ‘Physical Resistance.’ A bit of bashing with a wooden sword brings me more joy as experience points than pain. So I’m just trying to convey the message to ease her worries.

“…I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to….”

Yet, for some odd reason, Emily became gloomy and hung her head.


This isn’t the reaction I expected.

“Zieg~! If you’re done, hurry up! Breakfast… oh, huh? You’re here again…?”

At that moment, Elise, who appears at the same time every day, noticed Emily and her expression stiffened.

Elise approached closer, subtly standing next to Siegfried and blocking his path.

“You’ve been coming here often lately…? Hehe, do you have some business?”

And with a stiff smile, Elise asked Emily.

“…That, um.”

And in response to that question, Emily started mumbling awkwardly, her face turning red, while Elise looked shocked, as if she had seen a ghost.

Elise scanned between the flustered Emily and the unbothered Siegfried.

With catlike eyes, she meticulously observed the two. It seems like she’s concerned about the relationship between Siegfried and Emily.

Are they developing a competitive relationship like this?

“Well then! Zieg! The food is getting cold, so let’s eat quickly…!”

“Ah, true…”

Elise pulled on Siegfried’s arm, eager to get him away from Emily.

Siegfried, who was momentarily lost in thought, then asked Emily.

“Since it’s a special occasion, would you care to join us for breakfast?”

He usually offers me the same, but I’ve turned him down every time because of Raphne’s issue, so he hasn’t asked me in recent days. Likewise, he’s probably just lightly asking Emily.

However, to Elise, it doesn’t seem light at all.

“Zieg… You wouldn’t mean…?”

Unaware of his childhood friend growing pale, Siegfried maintained his typically relaxed expression.

As for Emily, her eyes glanced over at me for help, looking rather troubled.

I’m not exactly sure what the current favorability status is between Emily and Siegfried, but I’m a steadfast fan of Epiris Academy.

If I can see the couple I ship right before my eyes, there’s no way I can’t cheer them on. I’ll side with Elise here.

“I’m sorry, senior.”

I grabbed Emily’s arm and pulled her toward me.


She appeared flustered, yet came along reluctantly. A bit forceful, but what can I say?

“I have business with Emily. I’ll ask you to postpone breakfast until next time.”

“Hm, is that so. Alright.”

Siegfried replied with indifference and suddenly, Elise’s expression brightened as she looked at me like a hero.

Hehe, gratitude is the fruit of love.

“Then see you both next time!”

Elise waved her hand as she dragged Siegfried away.

I could faintly hear their voices as they walked off.

“Zieg…! Why did you say that just now?! Do you have feelings for her…?”

“Her? Who are you talking about?”

“Duh! It’s obvious! Are you, perhaps, in love with her?!”

“Ken seems like a pretty good guy.”

“Not what I meant!”

Watching the two bickering cheerfully put a smile on my face.


“…Huh? Oh man! I’m sorry!”

I had gotten so absorbed in their interaction that I’d forgotten I was still holding onto Emily’s arm. I quickly released it and apologized.

“Uhm, it’s fine. …But what did you want?”

“Ah, that…”

Truth be told, I didn’t have any business to attend to. I only hoped not to disturb the sweet time Elise and Siegfried were having together.

So I decided to answer honestly since I had no particular excuses.

“Sorry, but I actually didn’t have business. I just hoped those two would get along, and Elise looked troubled.”


It seemed Emily understood what I meant.

Maybe because of that, she looked a bit disappointed, her expression darkening.

Could it be that she wanted to have a meal with Siegfried too, and I just messed up?

“Um, are you interested in Siegfried, Emily…? If that’s the case…”

“Ah?! No way?! What nonsense are you talking about?!”

Sorry I was going to apologize, but upon hearing my words, Emily’s face flushed in anger.

Whoa, hold on! Don’t press me so hard…

“I seriously have zero interest in Siegfried! Not even a little! Not at all!”

“Um, oh?”

When suddenly charged with red cheeks and confronting me, I stepped back in surprise.

“By the way, Ken! You had a strange misunderstanding with Adrian during the festival too! We’re just friends with Adrian too!!”

“Is that so?”

“Yup! So don’t get any weird ideas! We’re really nothing at all!”

It seems like she’s even more riled up than when she was arguing with Siegfried about training.

Her face is flushing, and she seems confused, as if her mind is spinning.

Hmm, am I the one misunderstanding here?

No, wait a sec. If it’s not Siegfried or Adrian, then who on earth is she interested in…?

She must have built some level of favorability with one of the main characters, but if she’s denying it so vehemently…

“Hold on, Emily, do you, by chance, have a crush on someone right now?”


This is a crucial matter. Depending on who Emily develops a romantic route with, the circumstances leading to the ending could vary slightly.

To prepare for that, I must know who her crush is.

“Well, um, it’s not that I don’t have someone….”

Emily, flustered, kept her eyes downcast, rolling them.

Looks like there’s someone, after all.

Damn it, how did I miss this after so many game runs?

Let’s take the chance while it’s here.

“Who is it? Is it someone from our year? Or a first-year? Or maybe a fourth-year?”

“Um, uh? Th-that…!”

“Is he tall? Maybe wears glasses? Or is he a bit on the smaller side?”

I’m sorry for being a tad pushy. But this is a matter of my survival, so I had no choice.

However, under my barrage of questions, Emily stammered awkwardly.

“N-no! W-why are you even curious about this, you fool!!”

She squeezed her eyes shut and yelled, turning red and bolting away.

“Ugh, I must find out, no matter what.”

I clenched my fist, watching her disappearing form.

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