Cursed Villainess’ Obsession

Chapter 32

On the morning of the Survival Event day.

“Don’t go, huuuuuh, Ken, please don’t go…”

After finishing breakfast, I was about to leave on time, but as expected, Raphne stopped me.

She wrapped her arms around my waist and wouldn’t let go.

“R-Raphne. I really am coming back. I promise.”

“But, but…”

I could hear her mumbling with her face buried in my back.

She seemed to have accepted it until breakfast, though she looked downcast.

I loosened Raphne’s grip and turned to face her.

“I’m doing this to break your curse. Just wait a little. I’ll definitely be back in 5 days.”

Uuuuh, huuuuh okay…”

Even though Raphne was stopping me, she must know that I would return.

Eventually, accepting it, Raphne opened her arms with a tear-streaked face.

“…Just hug me once.”


Reluctantly, I stepped into Raphne’s open embrace and wrapped my arms around her shoulders.

Raphne’s hands tightened around my waist.

As if she didn’t want to let go, she buried her face in my chest and said,

“You’ll definitely come back, right? No lies?”

“Really, I promise.”

It’s just a 5-day survival event, not being drafted into a war or anything.

So why does it feel like I’m getting dragged into one?

I gently stroked Raphne’s head as she sniffled in my arms.

There’s still a bit of time left, so let’s wait until Raphne is satisfied.

Huuuuh, uuuu, K-Ken…”

“Alright, then I’ll really be back.”

As I closed the door and walked down the tower, Raphne’s sobs echoed from above.

With this going on, how can I not come back?

I need to finish the event as quickly as possible.

I can’t imagine how Raphne’s mental state will be during these 5 days.


A clearing surrounded by a forest.

I took my place in front of the platform at the center.

Upon arriving at the designated area, a large number of students had gathered there.

I had assumed they would show up as enemies in the game, but wow, there are way more participants than expected.

“Now, let me explain the rules for this tournament.”

A teacher, who seemed to be in charge, stepped onto the platform to explain the rules.

This survival event is a side-content event that isn’t very crucial in the game.

So, the rules aren’t too complicated.

Participants will enter the forest one by one and survive for 5 days.

In the game, food and shelter weren’t that important, so I didn’t realize this, but apparently, the organizers will provide basic food.

And there are tents and basic survival supplies hidden throughout the forest.

Well, it’s a world with magic after all.

Getting fire or a tent without relying on hidden supplies would be easy.

So, what’s important is the next part.

The element that determines the winner of this event.

It’s a badge that each event participant will acquire.

The person who possesses the most badges by the end of the 5 days wins.

There are a total of three people who can win a prize.

The first person gets to pick a prize of their choice, and third place is left with the last prize.


Near the end of the explanation, Mary approached me.

“I’m going to give it my all in this tournament.”


Mary’s face was expressionless as usual, but I could see a firm determination behind it.

“So, even if we bump into each other, don’t expect me to go easy.”

“Sure, anytime.”

Honestly, Mary is one of the two people I’m most wary of right now.

Since this survival event is a badge scramble through force, Mary is a notable contender at the academy.

Can I win if we face each other?

But then, Mary’s stiff face suddenly looked away, and her cheeks turned red.

“S-Soo, if I win a prize… will you go with me? …To the restaurant.”

Ah, I just realized that Mary had never directly invited me.

She seems to want to clarify that part.

“Of course! I’ll definitely go!”

At my answer, Mary changed her anxious expression into a small smile.

Speaking of which, Emily and Mary both pushing to go to this restaurant… how delicious could it possibly be?

I’m starting to get a bit excited.

“Alright, now it’s my turn, so I’ll be going ahead.”

With that, Mary waved and entered the forest for her turn.

As I waved goodbye to Mary with a pleasant smile…


Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my side.

“Why are you grinning like that? Happy?”


Turning towards the direction of the pain, there stood a displeased-faced Emily.

“Um, I didn’t really catch what you said there.”

Caught off guard by Emily’s pouting expression, she pressed her side into me and spoke.

“…You’ll go with me, right?”

Her gaze looked a bit cautious.

It’s probably about the restaurant.

“Of course! Why wouldn’t I go?”


Upon hearing my response, Emily smiled gently and pulled back a bit.

Satisfying answer, it seems she’s stopped tormenting my side.

“I’ll do my best, then! Good luck to you too, Ken.”

With that, Emily waved and left the area.

Thinking of Emily’s frustrated face from before, I waved back with a smile as much as I could.

Everyone is sincere about this.

“…Well, should I go now?”

Thus began the small event that was important to each of us.


In the quiet woods.

Among the students participating in this event, Albert was walking carefully while keeping an eye on his surroundings.

His reason for joining the event was like most students.

The restaurant meal tickets.

This high-end restaurant is one of the best-known places in the city, and a single meal there costs quite a bit.

As such, many students, especially couples, come to the event just to win those meal tickets.

Albert was one such participant.

‘Somehow… I’ve got to aim for at least third place.’

Of course, given that the first place gets to choose their prize, he wasn’t sure if the meal ticket would still be available by the time third place rolled around.

But he had resolved to do his best for his waiting girlfriend.

‘I’ll definitely get it. Just wait for me, Laura.’

With thoughts of his beloved girlfriend, Albert moved cautiously and meticulously through the forest.

Half a day had passed since the event began.

The event that started in the morning had already well surpassed noon.

Various students must have settled into various spots within the forest by now.

Thus, Albert decided to search for a suitable place to set up his base.

He wouldn’t just be here for a day.

Surviving for 5 days in this event means that the most important things are food and a base.

The amount of food provided for the event isn’t that much, and he might need to find some on his own in this forest.

In that light, the best location would be by the river.

He needed to establish a base near a water source.

With that logic, Albert was currently searching for the waterside.

‘…Who is it?’

Suddenly spotting a figure at the edge of his vision.

Concealed in the shadows of the forest was an indistinguishable figure, and Albert immediately went on high alert.

‘P-Please let it not be Adrian…’

Upon hearing that Adrian Faraday was participating, he had considered dropping out of the event.

He couldn’t imagine winning against Adrian, even among the other students.

Sweating nervously, tense, Albert watched the approaching figure.

And soon.

The unidentified figure revealed itself.

“Oh? Hello!”

It was a round-shaped guy.

Albert recognized him well, being in the same year.

It was Ken Feinstein.

Albert hadn’t considered him a target at all—he was that weak student.

“Hah, what the heck. So it’s you, Ken? You’re really unlucky!”

Albert immediately drew his sword from his waist.

Of course, killing is absolutely forbidden in this event.

Even if a fight breaks out, if the other party shows their intention to surrender, the fight is immediately halted.

The one who admits defeat hands over their badge.

Albert had anticipated it wouldn’t even come to that situation.

After all, Ken was just a bullied loser, a pudgy guy in his grade.

Hiding behind Mary Hyde’s strength, not even managing to be a decent man, he thought he’d just get scared and give up his badge if he was a little threatened.

“Now, hand over your badge and get lost.”

Albert pointed the tip of his sword at Ken.

Though he had no ill-will towards him, this is a badge scramble event.

To avoid unnecessary combat, Albert spoke strongly.

But Ken, strangely, was smiling.

“Um… sorry. You seem to know me, but I don’t know who you are.”


Albert was baffled.

It made sense that Ken wouldn’t know him.

After all, Ken was popular because he was in a more prominent position in their grade, but Albert was just an ordinary student.

The reason he found it confusing, however, was not due to that.

‘Why the hell isn’t this guy scared…?’

Did he look weak?

No, that couldn’t be. Even in a competition held by the academy, this was a scramble event mainly revolving around combat.

Albert, confident in his physical strength, entered this event.

That could be clearly seen from his trained physique.

“…Albert, …Albert Kaiman.”

“Oh, Albert! I see…”

Why is he asking for names?

Is he attempting to create a friendly atmosphere to escape from this situation?

If so, it’s a hopeless dream.

I’m not the kind of student who would easily hand over a badge for a few friendly words.

Just then, Ken Feinstein suddenly asked.

“Um, Albert. I see you’re using a sword… Are you primarily a close-combat fighter?”

A useless question.

What does he want by asking that?

Albert was starting to get irritated.

Why doesn’t Ken just hand over the badge and leave, instead of making himself sound like a nuisance?

“What if I am? I can beat someone like you without using magic.”

His voice, laced with anger.

But even with that threatening tone, Ken simply grinned.

As if he had received the answer he wanted.

His previous pleasant smile vanished, replaced instead with a snake-like grin.

“Then… is your unique skill also close-range?”


Then Ken Feinstein slowly approached Albert.

“Wait… hold on, stop moving!”

Albert flinched and warily watched him.

Why the hell am I feeling tense against this blubbering idiot?

Questions arose in his mind as Ken’s voice echoed throughout the quiet forest.

“…Calorie Burn.”

As the resonance of that voice, filled with magic, hit, Albert doubted his eyes.

The rotund figure he had seen moments ago was now—


Transforming before his very eyes into a well-built man.

“W-Wait! If you come any closer…!”

Albert’s hands were shaking for some reason.

How did his appearance change? Was it magic? An illusion?

Yes, maybe he’s just using some magic to look different.

Perhaps he’s attempting to bluff his way out of this crisis.

In that case, Albert shouted to stop him from approaching.

But in the blink of an eye…

Ken disappeared from sight.


Sudden pain pierced his stomach.

The force was from Ken Feinstein’s fist which had approached him too quickly.

‘W-When did he—?!’

Just moments ago, he had been slowly approaching from quite a distance.

But as soon as Albert realized it, Ken had closed the gap between them in an instant and had punched him square in the gut.


Above all, what was alarming was the power of that punch.

Taking another hit like that would surely knock him out cold.

Tears and snot streamed down his face as he vomited up the breakfast he had eaten this morning.

Having emptied his stomach, terrified, Albert looked up.

Standing before him was a man who bore little resemblance to Ken.

He wore a kind smile, but there was not a hint of sympathy in his gaze as he looked down on Albert.

“Now, Albert. Hand over all your food and badges. Everything you have.”

Once again, he flashed a grin.

“Because we don’t have much time.”

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