Cursed Villainess’ Obsession

Chapter 36

“What, …what did you say?”

For a moment, I thought I misheard.

“Did you not hear? It’s my curse on Raphne.”

But his words nailed it down, and I realized my ears were functioning.

“More precisely, I ordered it to be cast.”

“Why… why would you do such a thing…!”

A terrifying curse rendering interaction with others absolutely impossible.

A curse upon Raphne.

A horrific curse forcing one to live in solitude for a lifetime.


Why you….

“…Answer me!! Why did you do such a thing!!”

I stood up and grabbed him by the collar.

Depending on his answer, I would beat the crap out of him. I might even break something.

I wouldn’t let up until he begged for forgiveness.

Rage filled me to the brim.

I’ve watched Raphne suffer.

Right next to me this whole time.

How hard has she struggled because of that curse.

“…There’s a lot to explain if I give you the reason… But to summarize it in one word.”

Ignoring my glaring gaze.

His expression was calm and collected.

Not a shred of guilt could be seen as he dropped the snake-like smile and spoke quietly.

“Because Raphne… is the Child of Prophecy.”


With that answer, I felt like I got hit in the back of my head, and my mind turned chaotic.

Child of Prophecy…?


And naturally, my weakened hand released his collar, and the now freed Adrian brushed off his wrinkled clothes.

He then sat back down, crossing his arms and gesturing.

“Have a seat; we still have more to discuss.”

At his words, I sat back down.

Child of Prophecy.

That term frequently appeared in relation to Emily at Epiris Academy.

The Child of Prophecy is a figure prophesied in the past by an official of the Kingdom of Lilias, who received a oracle.

It foretells that a Child of Prophecy will be born in this age, and that this child will have a descendant who will become the savior and save the world.

And in the context of the game’s setting, that Child of Prophecy could only be Emily Epiris.

Just one person.

“…Why is Raphne the Child of Prophecy?”

“Before that, let me ask. Do you know what the Child of Prophecy is?”

“The only Child of Prophecy I know… is Emily.”

“Fast talker, good to see!”

He hid his previous light smile and continued with a serious expression.

“You’re right; the Child of Prophecy you think of is indeed Emily.”

“So, why would Raphne be…?”

“That’s because there are two prophecies.”

Two prophecies…?

I had never heard of such hidden settings in all my playthroughs.

“That can’t be…! The prophecy handed down in the Kingdom of Lilias is…!”

As I expressed my confusion, Adrian immediately cut me off and answered.

“Raphne is not a character in the prophecy of the Kingdom of Lilias.”


And what came out of his mouth was something I hadn’t expected.

“Raphne is the Child of Prophecy from the demon race.”

Demon race.

That referred to the demon king’s army.

There exists a prophecy from the demon king’s side…?

Information I had never heard before. Not in the game, nor outside of it.

“What… is that prophecy about?”

“It’s similar to that of the Kingdom of Lilias. But it is entirely a prophecy for the demon race.”

The prophecy of the Kingdom of Lilias.

It states that a child born from Emily becomes the savior of the kingdom.

If so…

“A child born between Raphne and the Demon King will dominate the world.”

The secret he calmly told me felt like another blow to the back of my head.

“Ken~ What are you thinking about?”

Raphne had her arms draped over my shoulders from behind as I sat at the workbench.

After hearing that shocking fact from Adrian, I had been lost in thought since returning to the tower.

‘To protect her from the demon king’s army, this was the best approach.’

What followed from Adrian’s explanation was that the demon king’s army was targeting Raphne and had infiltrated the academy.

‘Not long ago, the woman who threatened Emily was also one of the demon king’s minions. The demon king is always… after Raphne.’

I had learned about the demon king’s invasions through various events in the game.

It was just that the reasons hadn’t been laid out clearly, leaving me puzzled.

Now the questions were resolved.

They were hiding here to take Raphne away.

‘If no living creature can come near, then the demon king’s army wouldn’t find out about her.’

That was the reason for casting the curse of fear on Raphne.

If her curse instilled fear and pain in living creatures.

Then it includes the spies of the demon king’s army.

They also wouldn’t dare approach near Raphne’s tower.

Thinking like that, this curse was indeed appropriate.


But does that mean Raphne has to live in isolation?

‘Is it for the sake of your future kingdom?’

‘…Do you know who I am?’

‘Is it okay to send one girl into hell for the future of a kingdom?’

‘…Yes. That’s my responsibility, and the reason I came to the academy.’

Adrian Faraday.

His real name is Adrian Arnold Lilias.

I had always wondered while playing the game.

Why is the first successor of the kingdom attending the academy?

Did they just cast the prince as the protagonist for the sake of the game’s romance?

I had simply brushed it off like that…

“Listen carefully, Ken. If Raphne falls into the demon king’s hands, it won’t be just a problem for the Kingdom of Lilias.”

His conviction-laden gaze lingered in my mind.

“If we lose Raphne, a war on a global scale will break out.”

To stop a war with just the life of one girl would be a bargain.

Adrian added.

“…Ken, is something wrong? Are you okay?”

When he called out to me, seeing that I wasn’t responding, Raphne pressed her face into my shoulder, looking worried.

I placed my hand over hers.

“Uh, Raphne.”


“Isn’t the tower stifling?”

“Not at all, I’m fine because you’re here. Hehe, were you worried about me the whole time? Thank you…”

Recently, Raphne’s expression brightened whenever she was with me.

She had changed so much since the first time I met her, when she looked depressed and desperate.

She cuddled up to me, buried her face in my shoulder, and hugged me from behind.

With me, Raphne felt at ease.


Conversely, if I were to disappear, she would return to that miserable state.

Just days ago during the Survival Event, when Raphne had come to me.

Her trembling hands, tears streaming down her face, pleading not to be abandoned.

Just being with me is only a temporary solution.

If I were to vanish?

What if an accident or unforeseen event prevented me from coming to the tower?

Then Raphne would be condemned to live here alone for the rest of her life.

No one would come looking for her.

Even if Raphne stepped outside the tower, no one would be able to come near her.

A loneliness she would have to bear for a lifetime.

‘Raphne didn’t choose to be the Child of Prophecy.’

That was too cruel.

‘…I’ve decided.’

Prophecies, kingdoms, wars.

Forget them all.

I wish for the person dear to me next to me to be happy.

To sacrifice my precious person for the many in the future?

Why should this girl be sacrificed for a group I don’t even know and who have done nothing special?

Their lives are their own to figure out.

It’s clear that in the future of this game, the demon race will inevitably wage war against the kingdom.

No matter what path Emily chooses, a war is bound to happen.

Perhaps the demon king’s army couldn’t find Raphne after stealthily infiltrating, leading to the war as a conclusion.

That’s why the demon king’s army must have attacked the academy right after the war broke out.

Yeah, a war is bound to happen anyway.

Whether Raphne is trapped here or not.

Then I’ll break her curse.

And just protect her.

From the demon king.

I can do it.

“Today you seem in a good mood.”

During our usual morning training, Siegfried said that.

“Really? Is that so?”

“Yeah, you’re smiling even after getting hit on the head.”

“Ah, haha.”

Why wouldn’t I be smiling?

“Today, finally… I can give you the present I wanted to give.”

I had finally completed it.

The Moonlight Necklace obtained from my previous deal with Anette and the Pure Mana Crystal I got as a prize from the Survival Event.

Combining those two with other materials.

I succeeded in creating it.

Named [Imitation Goddess’ Pendant].

Naturally, since I used the similar Moonlight Necklace instead of the necessary Goddess’ Token, I could not create the exact same item.

However, I was able to make something similar under the title of an imitation.

With this, I can surely block Raphne’s curse.

‘She’ll surely be delighted, right?’

Making this pendant didn’t require Raphne’s magic, so I secretly crafted it in the dormitory for a surprise.

And today, I would surprise Raphne by showing her the pendant.

Raphne, you’re free now!

I began to anticipate her reaction to those words.

“Alright, then we will wrap up training here.”

“Is it really okay?”

“Since I want to give you a present, I don’t think I can concentrate anyhow. If it’s a joyful occasion, it’s better to do it quickly.”

“Thank you!”

Siegfried smiled lightly.

Was he really that happy? The usually brutal trainer was letting us skip training.

“Then! Please tell Emily that I went ahead!”

I took advantage of Siegfried’s kindness and immediately moved.

I wanted to give this pendant to Raphne as soon as possible.

I had worked hard for this day.

With my heart racing, I boldly opened the tower door.


“Hey, Ken! Wow, you came super early today!”

I rushed up the tower not even feeling tired, and when I opened the door, I saw Raphne preparing breakfast.

It seemed my early visit interrupted her meal preparation.

Raphne loosened her apron and approached me.

Then, plop, she gently hugged me.

“Why are you so early today? …Were you missing me?”

I smiled and gently patted the head of her cute, teasing style.

“I have good news, Raphne.”

“Yeah? What is it?”

I briefly let go of Raphne, rummaged through my subspace pocket, and pulled out the pendant.

Before her, the noble pendant swayed.

“This is…?”

“I finally made it! This can help stop your curse!”


With a doubtful expression, Raphne accepted the pendant.

“Quickly, wear it.”

“Um, okay.”

Carefully, Raphne placed the pendant around her neck.

“…Hehe, does it suit me?”

Raphne smiled bashfully, perhaps a bit shy.

I immediately checked her status window.

[Name: Raphne Bell Martinez.

Unique Skill: Neural Acceleration

Unique Trait: Curse of Fear – Inflicts low fear within a radius of 50M of moving living creatures.

Ownership Trait: Despair – Current rate 16%, Dependency LV.6]


The imitation Goddess’ Pendant surely had an effect.

I might not be able to distinguish how different her state was because the curse didn’t affect me, but.

Clearly, the explanation of her status window had changed.

From inducing extreme stress and fear…

To inducing low fear.

“It’s a success, Raphne! Your curse has definitely diminished!”

“Re-really? That’s amazing.”

“Eh? Are you not that happy?”

“I-I am happy! But I’m just….”

Raphne lifted the pendant around her neck with both hands, smiling shyly.

“Hehe, I’m happier that Ken gave me a necklace.”


She didn’t seem as thrilled about being freed from the curse as I expected.

I thought she might cry and sob for a while, like when Emily broke the Loop curse.

“Ah, Ken, aren’t you hungry? I’ll prepare a meal! Just wait a moment!”

“Yeah, …thanks.”

Raphne hurriedly tied on her apron again and went to prepare the meal.

I sat down at the dining room chair, still dazed.

‘Well, it’s not like her immediate happiness is the priority.’

The important thing is that Raphne no longer has to live in isolation even if I’m not around.

She can go outside anytime and interact with others.

She has escaped from the precarious situation of relying solely on me.

“Let’s dig in.”

After that, as I savored the food Raphne had lovingly prepared, the usual cozy time passed by.

“It’s delicious?”

“Yep, munch munch, Raphne’s food is always tasty.”


Filling my hunger from training with the usual compliments, Raphne blushed with joy and laughed.

Such precious and joyful time.

“…It won’t be long until we can eat like this again.”

I accidentally became sentimental and muttered quietly.

And then.


“Uh, Raphne… did you drop your spoon?”

The blank stare stuck on Raphne’s face.

“Ken, …what do you mean by that?”

Ah, I messed up….

“Uh, no! That’s not what I meant!”

I hurriedly explained to Raphne.

Then I outlined the plan for her to reconnect with society.

“That’s because the curse has been solved, right? Now you can start meeting friends again, right?”


“Of course, I will be by Raphne’s side! But still, someday you must return to a normal life.”

Relying on me forever wouldn’t be good for her at all.

She needs a healthy mental state where she can meet others and be happy even without me.

It was crucial for her recovery to slowly start working toward that.

To do that, I thought I should gradually reduce my visits to the tower.

“So… it’s okay…?”

After explaining the detailed plan, Raphne listened quietly and then replied.

“Yeah, sounds good. Just remember to think of me. Thank you, Ken.”

She smiled sweetly.

‘So relieved.’

Unlike my worries that she would spiral into panic again, Raphne seemed calm.

“Oh, but Ken. Aren’t you thirsty? Want some juice?”

“Huh? Oh, that would be great.”

Raphne, appearing the same as always.

She stood up to prepare the juice.

‘Could it be because the curse has been resolved?’

I half-expected my slip-up would cause Raphne to burst into tears and for me to console her again.

But instead, Raphne seemed stable.

Could it be that she was feeling the change herself?

That she can now go outside freely.

‘Hope is on the horizon.’

I smiled faintly.

Honestly, I had felt a little overwhelmed planning for Raphne’s improvement by myself.

But seeing Raphne’s response, I gained confidence that her condition would indeed improve.

“Here’s the juice.”

“Thanks, I’ll drink it well.”

Looking deliciously gentle and smiling as usual, Raphne.

Right, slowly, little by little.

If we just keep moving forward like this, someday Raphne will be able to live a normal life.

And everything will return to normal…


Why does Raphne seem like two?


Somehow, I lost my balance and couldn’t keep myself steady.

I collapsed into Raphne’s embrace.

My consciousness…

Was fading away…

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