Cursed Villainess’ Obsession

Chapter 74

‘What the heck…?’

The day I walked home with Ken. Raphne, who heard that Ken has ‘someone he likes’, returned to the dorm with tears streaming down her face.

She entered her room in the dorm, shut the door, and threw herself onto the bed. But the tears wouldn’t stop.

‘Why am I like this?’

Raphne couldn’t understand why she was crying. As soon as she heard Ken’s words, an unknown frustration and warmth burst forth from her chest, making her cry.

It’s incomprehensible. Just a little while ago, Ken was nothing to her. Just a clumsy, shy guy she used to tease and play pranks on.

But ever since yesterday, thoughts of Ken wouldn’t leave her mind. Even while crying in anguish over his comment, her heart was shouting that she wanted to see him.

She had never felt anything special for him, not even once.

At some point, she had changed like this, and Raphne was confused by the incomprehensible situation.

‘Fine, starting tomorrow, I’ll ignore him even if I see him.’

With tears in her eyes, she buried her face in the pillow and vowed that to herself.

Even if she was making that vow in her head…

“…But who the heck is that girl he likes?”

The words Ken spoke just now echoed in her mind.

“Ugh━!! So annoying━!!”

Thus, Raphne kicked her feet restlessly as she buried her face in the pillow and awaited the next day.

And then came the morning.

Raphne woke up with eyes all puffed up from crying all night, and as soon as she sat up in bed, she said to herself:

“Don’t care. It’s nothing. Why should I care about him?”

Even as she looked in the mirror and brushed her hair.

“Just because he lost some weight and looks a bit better? Hmph, Ken is still Ken.”

And when she changed into her school uniform, she looked in the mirror again.

“Ken, Raphne. Clumsy, shy, always crying. He’s not manly at all. Can’t do anything. Just a silly fatso.”

As she kept repeating this, her heart began to calm down little by little.

Getting quite the effect, she now smiled and spoke even more about that guy.

“Right! Ken! Isn’t your hair weird? You’re just a little cute! Kind and nice and smiling like a hunk, and I just want to bury my face in your fluffy belly every day!”

She burst out confidently with those words.

But then Raphne tilted her head.


Recalling what she just said.

“W-What’s wrong with me?!”

Ruffling her neatly arranged hair, Raphne fell into confusion again.

In the end, late for school, Raphne hurriedly left the dorm.

‘Why am I like this because of him…’

Frowning at her unfair feelings, Raphne rushed toward the academy.

She was clearly annoyed because of Ken, yet she felt happy at the thought that she’d soon be able to see him.

Even that emotion didn’t sit well with her.

‘I won’t look at him… I swear!’

With a firm resolution, Raphne dashed forward.

But she knew deep down why she was hurrying— it wasn’t because she was late.

In an instant, Raphne reached the academy, her heart fluttering annoyingly as she climbed the stairs.

Unwillingly, she kept looking around.

Wondering if that guy was passing by.

Like a puppy searching for a treat, her eyes sparkled as she ascended the stairs and passed by Ken’s classroom.

Normally, she wouldn’t have any reason to pass in front of this classroom.

Raphne would head straight to her classroom if she went up the central stairs toward the west.

But today, she took the eastern stairs instead.

‘……No one there.’

She quickly glanced inside the classroom, but the guy she was looking for was nowhere to be seen.

Unconsciously feeling disappointed, Raphne went on to her classroom.

Then suddenly.


She spotted someone at the end of the hallway, near the staircase across from her.


Just a moment ago, she had sworn she wouldn’t meet him, but the moment she saw him, that promise vanished, and her steps instinctively moved toward him.


Her pace quickened.

As she rapidly closed the distance between them, she spotted Emily, shyly looking down and trying to say something.

Seeing that, Raphne froze.

Ken’s voice from yesterday automatically played in her head.

‘I have someone I like.’

The sight of those two at that moment made Raphne think they looked like a couple confessing their love.


It felt like something in her head had snapped. Raphne clenched her trembling hands and opened her mouth.

“……Is it her?”

Then, Ken turned his head to look at her.

‘…I’m screwed.’

Immediately, a warning alarm went off in Ken’s mind.

The beast in front of him emitted a more threatening aura than the ancient dragon Tarlos.

He nearly pulled out Tirpione.

‘No, no. If I pull out Tirpione, it’s like pouring oil on fire.’

He couldn’t imagine Raphne quietly accepting the demonic sword that was embracing him.

“You’re asking if she’s that ‘responsible person’?”


Emily let out a small scream, her eyes fixed directly on Raphne.

It was like a rabbit staring at a tiger.

‘C-Calm down. Right now, Raphne doesn’t have her memories.’

No matter how much residual emotions lingered, it wouldn’t be as intense as before.

So he thought he could diffuse the situation sufficiently.

Ken knew that no matter how much he explained, Raphne wouldn’t be able to hear it.

But if he left it alone, her feelings would only intensify.

‘…No, wait a minute.’

Intensified feelings.

‘That means the remnants of the past Raphne will also strengthen, right?’

Ken thought he might be able to use this situation as an opportunity.

‘In that case, I won’t deny it. Instead….’

“Emily. Calm down and when I give the signal, hurry to the classroom.”


Emily, trembling, couldn’t comprehend what Ken was saying.

“I’m asking… Is she that girl?”

And a beast slowly approached from afar.


When she had gotten close enough, Ken shouted, “Now! Run, Emily!”

As he charged at her, Emily finally understood what he meant by the signal.

“S-Sorry! Thank you!”

Escaping from the fear of death thanks to Ken’s sacrifice, Emily desperately dashed toward the classroom.

“Shreeek━! Where do you think…!!”

Raphne tried to chase after Emily but then stopped in her tracks.


‘Got you…!!’

Suddenly, Ken lunged and embraced her, so she couldn’t move.

But it didn’t matter.

She could break free from this hold by sheer force and go after that girl.

No, she truly believed that.

With that mindset, Raphne began to struggle in Ken’s arms.

Of course, he blocked that, too.

“Good, good.”

Ken seized the opportunity and gently petted Raphne’s head before she could go wild in his arms.

“Uh, huh?”

Raphne unconsciously leaned her head into his chest.

‘Raphne is acting based on the feelings left in her. So, I’ll pull out different feelings.’

The plan was to leave the feelings of jealousy while drawing out new emotions.

If someone were to ask if he thought such a tactic would work on an angry Raphne, the answer would be…

It worked like a charm.

“Hoo, hoo….”

The familiar sensation made Raphne melt, and she immediately surrendered herself, relishing his gentle touch.

The scent she had craved for days.

A cozy, warm embrace.

Though the softness felt a bit less than what her body remembered, it was definitely the sensation Raphne had missed.

‘Phew, that was close.’

I let out a sigh of relief after the start of the first period.

Now peacefully sitting in my desk and attending class.

As expected, Raphne, swept up by emotion, was lured into allowing familiar and positive feelings to arise and soon returned to her classroom.

What I desired was this effect.

After resolving the urgent situation with Emily, I wanted Raphne to misunderstand between Emily and me, increasing those feelings for me.

It would be easier to recall memories as emotions from the past grew stronger.

‘…Of course, it would be troublesome if the emotions got too strong and she went berserk.’

Still, even now, my physical abilities are quite strong.

At this rate, I’d be able to handle a rampaging Raphne.

Of course, I wouldn’t know what would happen if she unleashed her unique skill.

‘I won’t die, right?’

The worst-case scenario would be taking a beating.

If that happened, it was still a worthwhile trade.

After finishing the morning classes, I ignored lunch and headed straight out of the classroom.

This was partly to avoid the flocking female students, but I also had business with someone else.

“Ah, Ken…! Aren’t you eating lunch…!”

“Sorry! Mary! I’ll eat with you next time!”

I spotted Mary urgently making her way to our classroom but waved my hand in disappointment.

I wanted to hear that guy’s opinion as quickly as possible.

So I went down the stairs.

Since first-years were gathered in that area.

“Wow, who is that?”

“Isn’t that a senior?”

“Oh my gosh, he’s so cool…. Do you know his name?”

Naturally, as I reached the first floor, the gazes of students gathered for lunch all turned towards me.

It wasn’t common for a second-year to come down to the first-year floor, but it was probably because of my changed appearance.

That wasn’t the reaction I had when I passed by here before my diet.

‘This is unnerving….’

I endured the intense gazes and scanned the classrooms for someone.

At that moment, when I reached the third classroom.

“…━Ah! Alicia!”

I spotted Alicia cheerfully chatting with some girls surrounding her and called out in excitement.

It had been a while, and I was happy to see her, but more importantly, there was no one as useful as her, so I wanted to consult with her right away.

The students in the classroom turned to look at me with my voice.

Then, a small scream of “Ahhh!” erupted from the girl students.

“Oh my gosh! Alicia! It seems he came looking for you!”

“W-Who is he? Do you know him? Is he perhaps your boyfriend?”

“Wow, as expected, Alicia…! The master of love advice! I respect you! Sensei!”

Alicia’s friends became ecstatic upon seeing me, squealing excitedly toward Alicia.

With all that attention upon her, Alicia stared at me with dubious eyes.

‘…Uh oh, maybe this was a bit of a nuisance.’

I hadn’t meant to call out so suddenly in my haste.

If I had known, I would’ve quietly asked someone else to call her.

It was a little misstep due to not getting used to this new face.

After talking to her friends for a moment, Alicia approached me at the classroom door.

Then, suddenly, she grabbed my arm and pulled me somewhere.

“W-Whoa! Alicia?”

“Excuse me, but could you please follow me quietly for now? Everyone’s staring.”


I fell silent, looking at the students who were all watching.

They were definitely all staring at me.

Alicia led me to the backyard of the academy’s main building, a quieter spot with fewer people.

After arriving at the backyard and reaching a suitable location, Alicia let go of my arm and gazed up at me.

With her arms crossed and a stern look on her face, she asked.

“So, what’s up?”

Feeling the different atmosphere from usual, I hurriedly presented my request.

“I-I need some advice, actually.”


Alicia’s reaction to my words was subtle.

It seemed to say ‘What, again that?’

At that look, I tilted my head, and then Alicia spoke up.

“Excuse me, but I’m sorry. In terms of love advice, I’m all booked up. Could you at least tell me your name? We can schedule you for later…”

With an expression of discomfort, she explained.

I was somewhat bewildered by her request for my name.

“H-Hold on! Alicia… It’s me! It’s Ken!”

I hurriedly interrupted her words, pointing at myself.

“……Huh? Sorry, but it’s my first time meeting you?”

Alicia tilted her head, looking at me with suspicion.

Feeling trapped, I finally uttered my name.

“I’m Ken! Ken Feinstein!”


Upon hearing that, Alicia’s eyes widened in surprise.

“W-Wait a minute?! Are you Ken, the Senior?!”

She was taken aback, her usual demeanor returning.

Why was she so surprised?

After all, Alicia had seen me when I used Calorie Burn…


‘Now that I think about it, the only time Alicia saw the current version of me was during the event.’

The last time she saw me was during the ten-day time-loop event.

If she hadn’t seen me since then, it would be no wonder she wasn’t familiar with my current appearance at all.

After I explained everything in detail, Alicia finally relaxed and smiled like usual.

“Wow! I never imagined there’d be such a handsome boy hidden in all that fat!”

She scratched her head, grinning.

“Now, what is this advice you need? Since you’ve given me your favor during the survival event and got gold from the mansion, I’ll make sure to give you a free consultation!”

Alicia added enthusiastically, rubbing her hands together.

‘…I see, seems like the survival event and the mansion event went as usual…’

I didn’t know the details, but it seemed I first met her during the survival event.

Even the mansion event must have cleared itself, and if I hadn’t cleared it, I wouldn’t have attempted climbing the Tower of Tarros.

It appears only the aspects of historical significance connected to the fated child changed neatly.

Anyhow, clearing the misunderstanding, I immediately explained my circumstances to Alicia.

“You want to find some lost memories?”

“Right. Is there any chance your eye of magic can do something about that? Like hypnotize me to retrieve the memories?”

Before I was reincarnated, I had seen a program where people recalled their past lives through hypnosis.

If that was accurate, Alicia’s magic eye might do something similar.

Thus, I had come to her for assistance, but…

“I’m sorry, but that’s difficult.”

Alicia shook her head with a sorry expression.

“W-Why? Isn’t it possible with your magic eye for that kind of mental intervention?!”

“I wish it was, but while I can erase memories with my magic eye, I can’t retrieve them…”

Alicia added an explanation, raising her index finger.

“For example, if I hypnotize you and say, ‘Heal your wounds!’ your wounds won’t heal.”

“What’s that?”

“Which means I can’t restore the lost memories as if they’ve been erased.”

After that, Alicia recounted a similar request she had received in the past.

It was a request to restore the memory of a noble young man who had lost his memories.

Alicia had tried her best to help him but in the end, it was futile.

“Oh, that reminds me!”

While explaining, Alicia brightened up with a smile as if she thought of something.

“That noble boy eventually found his memories!”

“What? How?”

“Um… I heard he experienced something similarly shocking within his lost memories, and that’s how they came back…”

Rubbing her temple with her fingers, Alicia recalled the memory.

“In short! He solved it with shock therapy!”

She seemed to gloss over the detailed part, winking playfully.

‘But that makes sense…’

Shock therapy.

I had indeed heard something like that before reincarnation.

A shocking event Raphne could re-enact from her lost memories.

In that moment, what flashed through my mind was…

My imprisonment.

And the first kiss with Raphne.

‘No, no. That’s a shockingly memorable experience for me.’

Though it wasn’t something I disliked.

In fact, it was a pleasant memory.


While recalling moments with Raphne, a sudden idea struck me.

“Whoa! Did you have a good thought?”

“Exactly! Thanks, Alicia! I’ll definitely repay you for this later!”

“Yay! It’s nothing! If possible, I’d be grateful if you’d do one favor for me next time!”


At my question, Alicia made a sly face and shaped her fingers into a money gesture.

“With a face like yours, there’ll definitely be tons of date offers! Then the gold that comes to me… hehehe.”

I decided to ignore her and quickly left.

“Ah, don’t you dare forget! You have to help me~!”

Another time, I’d just treat her to something nice.

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