Custom monster system

Alien presence

An event happened right at the start of these high rank monsters appearances , a small group of scholars from the third fleet arrived in astera looking for Zain. Alex eavesdropped on the conversation and what he heard made him both excited and VERY nervous. According to them they had found a strange creature and brought it back to their base and wanted the fleet commander and his best people to take a look at it. Alex remembered this quest from the game as one of the more irritating ones as it was a crossover event with geralt of rivia.

Alex was really hoping that the events like this wouldn't happen but it was clear that the world didn't care about his wishes. 'I'll take you all over there myself to see if I have ever seen anything like it during my hunts.' Alex said when the fleet commander was making plans surprising the group a little. "Any reason in particular you've offered this sid?" the commander asked curiously. 'I've got a feeling this is very important and don't want to waste time on traveling from here to there.' Alex said seriously which wasn't technically lying so much as leaving out his actual knowledge of the event.

"I see. How many people do you think you can safely carry to the third fleets base at a time?" the man asked seriously without doubting Alex at all. 'Four if you want to remain apart from each other and five if you have no problem being cramped.' Alex said honestly. Thanks to the unique shape of his body and wings Alex could carry slightly more people on his back than an elder dragon the same size as him like teostra. "That won't be necessary since only Zain , his handler along with my son and myself are going." the commander said calmly.

'I hope none of you are afraid of heights.' Alex joked and the commander chuckled "I think we'll live." he said with his own smile. Alex didn't play any pranks on his passengers this time so the trip was nice and smooth. Alex was amused at how nervous the third fleet was when he landed outside their base. Unlike astera the third fleet hadn't interacted with him before he was already powerful and large. This meant that they were still wary of him despite the many reassurances of his harmlessness.

"I can see why Zain doesn't ever stop talking about the view , it truly was breathtaking." the commander said with a content smile. 'I was just lucky enough to have wings is all.' Alex said dismissively. "Perhaps , but that doesn't make any of us without them any less jealous." the field team leader said honestly. Alex could only shrug at that since he couldn't really argue with that logic. "Let's go see what this unusual creature is supposed to be then shall we?" the commander said ending the conversation there. Much like in the game while everyone was discussing the small hairless goblin creature a portal opened and dropped geralt into the base.

Unlike in the game however he froze when he found himself literally face to face with a dragon. 'Cat got your tongue stranger?' Alex asked teasingly snapping the man out of his shocked state. "You speak?" geralt asked gruffly with obvious confusion. 'I am Obsidian and you stranger seem to be very far from home.' Alex said calmly before pointing at the commander nearby 'Hes in charge here so I suggest talking to to him first before coming to see me outside if you're still curious.' Alex said before crouching down to just barely squeeze through the bases door.

If it wasn't for the people of this worlds habit of building very wide doorways to cart in materials Alex wouldn't have even been able to fit through the doorway to begin with. Even with this habit however Alex needed to crouch and tuck his legs under him in order to barely enter due to his size. Alex knew that he had no part in the discussion that was about to go down and had decided to wait outside where he wasn't uncomfortable due to the small size of the walls.


my patrons can read an extra two chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.


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