Custom monster system

Armored up

It took a couple of days for Alex to get his aura completely under control but even then he was helpless to stop it from presenting itself in some form constantly. While he no longer had to worry about his aura actively trying to suppress everyone around him he still tended to make those around him uncomfortable with his mere presence. No one blamed him for this since he really did try to stop it but only the dead didn't have any aura at all radiating from them so he was out of luck.-

An interesting thing that happened during these two days was that the head smith had finally completed a prototype of Alex's new armor. It was a truly monstrous set as each piece was nearly three inches thick and covered in a layer of his own discarded scales both broken and intact. The armor consisted of shoulder plates , two partially enclosed plates over his upper and lower arms both for his front legs and back. A thick cuirass that covered his chest , back and belly that had narrow slits for his wings on his back that were left uncovered since armor would only get in the way.-

His tail was also left uncovered for the same reason as his wings while his head on the other hand got a form fitted thick helm that made him look rather demonic with it's design. According to the smith if Alex had an occasion to really need this armor he may as well look like death itself made manifest for extra effect. Alex very much doubted that any monster would care about this in that scenario but didn't feel like correcting the man after all the effort he put into this armor.-

Alex barely felt the armor when it was placed on him weight wise since it was only a few hundred pounds and he himself was nearly six tons in weight thanks to how dense his body was. Not to say that there wasn't a slight strain on his muscles from the armor , merely that it was negligible to him. Alex could only glare at the smith when he insisted on testing the armor against a literal cannon as a stress test. There was a bit of an argument between Alex and the man as a result but the smith proved far too stubborn for Alex and so Alex was taken to the arena for his armors test.-

It's probably not something that needs to be stated but getting struck by a twenty pound ball of metal traveling at super fast speeds hurt like bitch. To the smiths credit however the armor did hold up under the impact which was a success in his book. Alex disagreed on the principle that his side had a massive bruise from where the cannon ball impacted against the armor. Alex wanted to strangle the man when he simply shrugged and told him to walk it off like it wasn't bigger than the man himself.-

Besides that small event nothing of note happened save the argosy returning from the old world with a shipment of world crystals for Alex to devour. It was very difficult to get these crystals normally due to the powerful monsters that tend to live near them. So even after putting up a long term order for the things Alex had only gotten a quarter of the way to unlocking the [elemental flow] trait. He was helpless in this regard and could only accept the long time it would take him to unlock this particular trait.-

At the beginning of the third day Alex finally got news that the wind in the elder's recess was acting funny which was his que to go hunt kushala daora. This was one of the things that had Alex sticking around astera this whole time. Apparently in a majority of cases no two elder dragons occupied the same space at a time unless they are part of the same species or one is hunting the other. What this meant for Alex was that after hunting the teostra he needed to wait for a different elder to take it's place and luckily it was exactly the one he wanted.


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