Custom monster system

I have the high ground!

Alex broke the standoff by shooting a jet of water at teostra from his mouth that caught the elder off guard causing it it to flinch in pain as the area it was struck cracked from the rapid quenching. Steam rose from teostras body as it's fire energy evaporated the water off it but Alex didn't waste any time at all after his attack connected to charge forward violently. The ground cracked and cratered slightly as Alex put his [lunging muscles] to the test. Teostra couldn't react in time and was forced to meet Alex's charge with it's body resulting in a clash that it came out on the losing side off.-

The power behind the tackle and the way Alex lifted on impact meant teostra lost it's footing and flipped onto it's back violently. "CRACK!" "ROAR!" Alex slammed his tail into the soft underbelly bruising the organs beneath the tough skin even if the sharp part of the tail failed to penetrate making teostra roar in pain and anger. Alex ruthlessly stabbed at teostras throat with his right claw but the elder knew better than to allow the attack to hit and flexed the wings on it's back moving it's whole body sideways. 'Tch , don't you know it's already over!? I have the high ground!' Alex roared in teostras mind causing it to pause in shock which Alex capitalized on to strike the same spot on it's underbelly with his tail again forcing teostra to spit out blood.-

Teostra kicked Alex in the chest with it's hind legs cracking the scales there slightly and pushing some air out of his lungs. Alex ignored that though and held his ground rather than let the force move him away since he had teostra pinned and vulnerable and he refused to hand over that advantage. Sure this meant he had to deal with much more pressure than if he simply let the kick fling him off but it was a small price in Alex's eyes. The elder clearly hadn't expected Alex to stubbornly resist it's attempt to get him off it and was left even more vulnerable for a moment.-

Alex viciously sank his teeth into teostras throat and pulled during this brief opportunity. Most creatures absolutely needed to their throats to survive and not a single known elder dragon was an exception to this rule , much less a well known one like teostra. Alex retreated once this fatal blow was complete because he knew that he merely needed to wait for the elders life to slip away from it. Alex very much doubted that the teostra wouldn't try it's hardest to take him with it during this waiting period and wisely decided to keep his distance.-

He was correct as well as a wave of heat rose from the elder as it used the most powerful attack in it's arsenal , supernova. This attack was what happened when the elder used a very large portion of it's energy in a single area of effect attack. In this particular case this particular supernova was fueled by the entirety of the teostras energy pool in an attempt to kill Alex alongside it. Unfortunately for it Alex had predicted this action and had gained quite a bit of distance from it already. Alex was glad he did too as the moment the teostra released it's attack the heat was so intense that the hardened magma liquified along to entire arena.-

Alex slowly approached the now dead elder from the air and grabbed it's corpse with his claws before taking off into the air. Once again there was a bit of a commotion when Alex landed with the corpse of a mature elder dragon in astera. Once again it was confirmed that Alex was definitely at least as powerful as an elder which made everyone happy he was on their side. The scholars once again insisted on studying the teostra but Alex put his foot down and told them no. They were helpless to gainsay his decision since the commander had made it clear to them that constantly antagonizing Alex over his hunts was rapidly wearing down his patience with them. They agreed that it wouldn't be worth dying to an angry elder dragon just for research they could complete later.


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