Custom monster system

Work through the pain

The commanders expression turned serious when he heard Alex's explanation of the unknow elder dragon. "Is it a threat?" he asked seriously. Alex shook his head 'I don't know everything about this elder but even after it got the drop on me it didn't show any hostility so I will assume not for the moment.' he said honestly. The commander nodded in understanding "I'll trust in your judgement on this matter until we learn more about this unknown elder. For now I suggest you go an grab the little one from the others since he has been in a terrible mood since you left." the commander said with a smirk.

Alex sighed but went to do so since he could only imagine the trouble that an irritated rathalos whelp could get into. The answer by the way was an incredible amount as when Alex entered the scholars area he was greeted by the sight of the little wyvern having a tug a war match with a scholar were the rope was a thick tome. It was a rather funny scene really as it was clear that even while obviously causing trouble the little wyvern wasn't actually trying to damage the tome.

There were signs all around the area of the chaos the little thing had been wreaking on the poor scholars. Alex chuckled and snuck up behind the little wyvern who was confused why the scholar had let go of the book. This confusion lasted all of three seconds before it found itself hanging upside down by its legs. Looking towards the source of it's sudden imprisonment the wyvern froze when it saw Alex stare back at it with an amused expression. The little wyvern knew it was in trouble but was far too happy to care and chirped at Alex excitedly.

'I thought I told you to behave while i was gone?' Alex chided the little brat sternly. It was rather funny to watch a large dragon giving a rebellious little monster a fierce tongue lashing while the little one had and almost shame filled expression. Alex eventually released the wyvern that then had to go and apologize to the scholars under Alex's stern gaze. Once that was taken care of Alex went to the stockpile to pick out some choice morsels for his dinner as he rather missed the chef's cooking while he was gone.

A nice meal later and Alex went to relax in his nest for the rest of the night by going to sleep early. The next few days were filled with Alex feasting on some easy to find traits like [armored scales] , [enhanced ears] , [swimming muscles] and [venomous claws]. Each of these trait went up by two , two , three and three levels respectively. This gave him a decent boost in a few areas that needed a lot of work. Alex also went hunting the tobi kodachi's in the ancient forest everyday in order to unlock the [insulated scales] trait that he figured he needed to get out of the way.

It was merely an uncommon ranked traits so Alex merely needed to eat a certain amount of thunder type materials. When he did unlock the trait wasn't surprised at all that it worked exactly as he had assumed by make his scales insulated against electricity. The way it did this was a bit interesting however as after he shed his scales for new ones he found that his new scales had a super thin natural rubber coating the inside of them. News had come in on the last last of the week from Zain and the handler that they had lost zorah's trail after it left the place it was supposed to go.

Alex knew that this meant that they were working on a deadline with the second and final siege on the horizon. This made him get a little reckless in his training as he jumped up the difficulty by cutting into his sleep to get more done. This sudden increase in work didn't go unnoticed by the people of astera but when asked about it he merely said that his gut told him it was necessary.


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