Cute Beast Store No. 138

Chapter 82

Chapter 82

Jin Yu blackened his face and looked at the dead skin of the door. He used his claws to block the small green and big tail wolves. He thought about whether or not to let the two blacks bite them back, but did not wait for the Golden Boss to order. From the crack of the door that was only fifteen centimeters, two people came in, and the face had a subtle smile.

“Large brother, I have told you several times, the so-called black ink! In order not to let your IQ also change from positive to negative, you still don’t mix with the big orange!” Jin Yu looked Li Xiao’s face sighs, you said that this is a costume hero who is a fan! Look at the kung fu costume, look at the long straight hair and face-faced face, even if the taste is a bit worse, but it is also a figure that stands out and pulls the wind! But such a character, always with a rather speechless guy, not to mention the goods from the top to the bottom are orange light to see the eyes of the people, the kind of soil and ferocious two goods character ,It is really……! “Hey! I said gold! You can’t say that! What’s the matter with me? My handsome IQ is super-powerful. I have also won the Dark Youth Award of the Year. You say that Laozi is a big orange.” The beast wants you!!” The orange is scorned by Jin Yu, and the face is not happy. He has a standard of four animals and a car with a face and a youth! Walking out of the dark street can definitely cause a sensation. In front of this kid, dare to say that he is not good, but also let Xiao Xiao away from him? ! Hey, biting his teeth in his heart, don’t you know that disturbing love is going to be killed by grass mud horses? ! Does your love flow not mean that Laozi is also good? Laozi now has no small hands! ! Apparently, Jin Yu’s words made Li Xiao a little embarrassed, but anyway, he was an acquaintance. Li Xiao glanced at the big orange mouth that was grinding his teeth. He went straight to the sofa and sat down. His face was positive and he went straight to the subject. .

“Gold, I have one thing to discuss with you, you see if you can accept.

“Luo Xiao’s solemn face is to make Jin Yu slightly, and then immediately squinted his eyes: “Big brother, you said you are going to assassinate who, I will definitely give you full support!” ! “When the words Li Xiao slammed a mist, and the green lining who sat next to Jin Yu could not help but rolled his eyes, this person could not be normal.”

“Oh, what! Big brother, your look is so serious, it must be a great problem. If you can make it difficult for you to be a problem, you must be a level 8 hunter. You can rest assured that even if I am with this house, I will be a stranger.” Uncertain, my boss played, absolutely can also be directly kill!!” “That me,” “Big brother, you can rest assured, you directly say who, even the president, I am not afraid, but I do not kill good people…” The rest of the voice just fell, and the other with a bit of scornful sound rang, but the content is definitely not lightweight.

“Why should I work hard with my brother, I will give you a chronic poison, and I will keep the dead gods unaware of it ” Jin Qian smiled and leaned against the door, and next to him was a look of excitement. The big eye of the mountain Bailu.

“Boss boss! Is it necessary to assassinate the president?! Laozi has long seen that the guy is not pleasing to the eye! When are we going to start?!” So when it comes to this, it completely deviates from the original track.

Or, Li Xiao does not understand how the topic will be brought to this place… “Hey, hahaha!! I said gold, you, haha, do you still say that my IQ is negative? You can understand this ability quickly. It’s negative and infinite! Hahaha laughed and died, and also assassinated the president. Hey, this kid is a younger brother of gold? It’s as silly!” Orange Liang found a way to retaliate and dragged his scorpion’s laughter. The child is like preparing for the latest laughter method. It is so incomprehensible that Jin Yuxi’s mouth is pumping his mouth and directly turning to look at the boss.

“Ah, hahaha, huh?! Hey! Cough, cough, sputum… vomit!!” “Ah, hahahaha!! Are you laughing?! You laugh again?! I laugh at you!” Let you directly kill yourself is to look at our neighbors, and next time I laugh at Laozi’s site, let the boss throw spring medicine in your mouth! Toss you not to die!” Jin Yu looked at that Green, a big orange with a face squatting outside the door laughed, called a unscrupulous, boss really understands the extreme ah However, what he threw is not clearly seen.

“What are you throwing?” Jin Yu turned his head and looked at Qi Qinglin. At the same time, everyone in the room and all the beasts looked at him.

Yan Qinglin heard the words calmly with a hint of disapproval: “Knowledge the beast to try to make the best stinky tofu… Before I asked for my humanity to destroy, because I was too stinky to throw garbage.

“…the next ten times the magnified vomiting sound continued to sound in the Jin family’s yard, and all the beasts looked at the orange with a very sympathetic gaze. Xiao Bao snorted with pain in his eyes:” The best stinky tofu, I did not expect to know the smell of the beast that the guy can do so stinky! It is clearly a famous snack in ancient times! “When this is the case, everyone knows who is the culprit.”

And the culprit saw everyone staring at themselves, and the skin was tightly hidden under the belly, and it just said nothing, really.

“Oh, well, gold, let’s talk about business.”

Li Xiao slammed his eyebrows and did not give Jin Yu a chance to interject: “I and Orange have picked up a level A mission to discover a monument.”

Because the location of the monument is very biased and the surrounding environment is sinister, it is a bit difficult.

However, I and the oranges have small green, big tail wolf strength is good, but in the end, although it took a lot of effort, still found the monument.

“There are monsters in the monuments?” “Jin Yu is divergent thinking.”

And Li Xiaowen nodded and could not help but shook his head, smiled bitterly: “There is no monster, but a group of disabled animals.

“!! The look of Jin Yu became very serious, not only him, but the faces of people in the whole house were a little surprised.

“Scarred animals? They turned the monuments into old nests? Although the idea is quite good, if the monuments are discovered, are they not sent to the institute or humane destruction?” Shan Bailu was surprised Speaking of the words, it was taken for granted that Jin Yu gave a glance to the Yin Yin, and he almost ran for the conditional reflection.

However, the collar was stunned by the unscrupulous physician.

“So the brother came to want my brother to take in those beasts?” Jin Qian smiled. “Reassured, he will definitely agree.

Li Xiao listened to Jin Qian and shouted that Jin Yu’s younger brother did not understand much. He looked at Jin Qian’s face and gold glasses more and more and became more familiar. Finally, he slammed his hand and said: “You are not the next owner of the Jin family. ? ! The youngest special veterinarian? “”what! You are also surnamed Jin, gold, you are actually a Jin family? I said how dare you dare to go to the dark street alone, and still be able to treat these disabled animals…” Apparently Li Xiao did not think much about Jin Yu and Jin Qian’s surname, and Jin Yu was the Jin family. The person who did not wait for Jin Yu to face his face was ready to explain, and he said another sentence that made Jin Yu and Jin Qian speechless.

“I said, neither of you looks good.

“So Jin Yu grinds his teeth and says: “I have no responsibility with this unscrupulous physician, Ho, Guan, and Department! Your surname is Li, are you the son of Li Shimin? ! “When the words Li Xiaozhen stunned, next to Shan Bailu explained to the boss: “They are just the same surname, but the golden father has the idea of ​​wanting to be the boss to be a grandson.

“This is the internal news he got in the hospital for a long time.”

Li Xiaowen nodded in agreement: “Well, the gold brothers are very powerful and very capable. It is not unusual for Master Kim to have this idea.

“Well, I don’t have to say anything else. You said that there are a group of strange animals in the monuments. How many?” Now I have not found a suitable place for stocking and lodging. If there are no more than 50, I can directly pick it up.

Jin Yu looked at Li Xiao, his face was a bit strange: “But why do I think that there are definitely more than 50 different animals.”

“At this time, it’s hard to spit out the orange and half dead and come back. I continued to laugh at the two screams: “You are right, there are at least 500 disabled and sick animals, and we can see that There are also two a-class beasts, three b-class aliens, really playing, at least we can not account for anything cheap, so come to you.

The face of the huge number of gold and gold that the orange light said was completely unsettled, and five hundred disabled and beasts. This is the most common animal group that he came into contact with after he came here.

Moreover, these alien beasts will collectively evade in a monument, which makes him have to guess that there must be one in the group of beasts, whether it is strength or command power, which is quite high and strong, and such a small group exists. It’s not good, he’s not good to contact.

However, regardless of the thoughts of Jin Yu at that time on the group of strange animals hiding in the monuments, since they already know their existence, whether or not there is a site, he has to settle those animals to safety. Going to the place, communicating with the healing things, etc., settled down, and if possible, he hopes to be able to go to the earth before seeing those beasts.

Well, maybe that beautiful planet is not what it was originally seen at the moment, maybe there are many disasters that he can’t guess and anticipate in it, maybe it has changed a lot, but no matter how it is To change, his feelings for the parent star will never disappear.

“Today, take a rest and prepare for it. Tomorrow, let’s go to the historic site… Anyway, let those strange animals get safe in the first place.

Jin Yuchang took a breath and made the final decision.

Li Xiaowen said with a reassuring smile on his face. He patted Jin Yu’s shoulder and said: “I know that your boy is reluctant! Haha, OK, tomorrow, I will lead the orange, well, there are many different beasts, you better put Dabai, they all take it, just in case.

Jin Yuwen nodded and looked at the unscrupulous doctor next to him: “What about you?” “You said, are there any butterflies in the beasts?” Laozi ran three wild stars, and they didn’t find it ” The author has something to say: statement, this is the update on the 22nd, Minger has updated

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