CxD:Lord of Valor

Ch. 10 (Arc 2 start)



The sound of footsteps echoes across the quiet backdrop of a particular mysterious library, its wall, and ceiling are made up of green vines and living woods letting in the natural light.


The vines on the roof also contain embers or gems that let out a gentle glow like a lamp at night, but some would say it is like stars in the cosmos, among the floor of this magical library lies a row of tables and chairs likewise made up of living wood.


Perhaps, it is also due to the presence of the arrays of hundred of old paper scriptures lining up along with old leather-bound books, and the most unique of them all would be a stone pillar that stands among the shelves of these manuscripts blending in naturally.


The stone itself is unique, the runes of old were carved into it telling tales or sagas of many figures from ordinary warriors to the grandest of the gods. The runes themselves even illuminate mystically as the presence of people draws near the stones inviting someone to uncover the fables.


Then the sound of steps comes to hold as the sound of a book-turning draw nears.


There lies the charming petite figure of a girl with long silky hair that was fair like the finest silverware and a pair of aqua-colored eyes like an ocean. Though she wears a reading glass that compliments her scholar-like white garments with a long black skirt.


As she senses a guest intruding upon her little Eden, she turns her head toward the source.


" Heh∼. So this is a library of Odin, huh? located on the Yggdrasil's branch as well. This is much better than I expected∼. Tsk...damn, the geezer was right after all. "


The guest was an eye-catching boy with light brown hair and a pair of green eyes, who look around the same age as the girl.


" Please be quiet in the library. "


The girl let out of soft and cold voice as she glanced toward the boy.


" Ah- sorry! My bad. I thought no one was here since that geezer said it's exclusive to those that know him. Did I interrupt you? "


The boy apologized with a sheepish smile on his face.


" It is and you did, so please be quiet. "


The girl expresses in the same tone as before containing no emotion.


" Wow, how cold∼. anyway, I'm Rokuhara Lancaster Valen. just call me Valen or Len∼. You? "


The boy was unfazed by the girl's tone still giving his playful introduction and urging her.


" ...Rossweisse. Now please go away, Rokuhara-san. "


" You can speak Japanese as well!? Nice∼. Maa∼... I'm not going to interrupt you anymore rest assured∼! "


The boy then grabs a couple of books that are close to him from the shelves but contrary to his words the boy went toward the girl and sits opposite her nonchalantly.


" ...Why are you seating here? Are you trying to disturb me, Rokuhara-san? "


" Because I like it here∼. Don't mind me White-chan. though, do you mind me calling you like this? "


" ... "


The girl gave him a blank look and said nothing as she focused on the book she read instead.


Then many hours passed by and the only sound that rang throughout the place is the sound of a page-turning from both of them.


" Phew∼...Ano...White-chan, Wanna go grab something to eat? This is almost dinner now. "


The girl rolls her eyes at the words and stares at the boy blankly as she said,


" No, thank you, I'm not hungry, so you can go alone, Rokuhara-san. "


But the boy is still unfazed by her rejection as he looks at the girl fondly.


" Buu∼ comes on, White-chan, I'll pay. It's just a simple meal, not a date∼. "


" No, thank-(Grrrrrrr∼)—!? " The girl's face turns red as her eye widens in stupefaction at the sound of her stomach.


Showing her emotion for the first time to the boy gives him the confidence to pursue the matter in earnest.  " (chucking∼)...Are you sure about that, White-chan? "


" ...Fine, do as you please, then Rokuhara-san. "


The girl sighed in defeat and accept the invitation while pouting cutely.


" Ahaha... I'll try not to disappoint you then, White-chan∼. "


That is how the first encounter between the lonesome Valkyrie and the cheerful godslayer commences.






" Why do I have to play these pain-in-the-ass chess matches with you, So-chan? You already kick my ass for a couple of days already∼. Boo∼! Fight me in Starcraft! "


" ...Checkmate. "


" Micheal be damn!-ah! no offense, uncle. Amen. "


As Sona Sitri ignores Valen's silly protest and continues to beat him thoroughly in a game of chess, others in the room look at this sight with amusement.


" Why does he keep swearing at the seraph anyway? "


" Well, Tomoe. He said that the heaven system picks up anyone who knows about an actual angel and sends a message to them directly as their name is mentioned, so I guess Rokuhara-san just loves to mess with the angel. "


" ...No wonder he meshes well with Serafall-san...I'm curious why most people with that level of prowess always got a weird quirk... "


" Right∼? Quite hard to believe someone easygoing like him just obliterated a part of a county in Romania last week. And survive against someone on the level of dragon king class. "


Hah...That's just how ultimate class being is, Momo, Reya. We still have a long way to catch up with them. But by all means, we should not use someone like Rokuhara-san as a standard as he was not an ordinary human like us after all. "


" Well...Tsubaki-chan, it's rather hard to not feel like that when he is just 2 years older than us! Right? Tsubasa-chan, Saji-chan—"


While The members of Sitri's peerage converse among themselves the godslayer sighed and put on a weary grin then said,


" So-chan, I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to cheat a bit now as err...a cranky millennia-old loli grandma who doesn't get the joke in my head demands it...aha-ouch, ouch! stop it Areia! I'm sorry. "


" ?? ...When did you get an owl as a familiar, Valen-san? "


Sitri's heiress shook her head and glances at the godslayer with confusion as he gets pecked aggressively by a magic beast that looks like a snow owl yet has an aura that reminded her of her sister for some reason.


" Mmm∼. Last week and Areia is not my familiar So-chan∼. she's my partner∼! though an unwilling one, hehe∼. She's also very aggressive that's why I call her Areia(War-like) after all∼. Ouch-! See? "




[Cease your garish jest, Rokuhara Valen. And move the pieces as I command.]


Said the virgin goddess of wisdom and war in my head as she was probably too prideful to bother with ordinary mortals so she constantly remain in her owl form.


And to be honest, I preferably keep her secret for now, as I assume the two archangels' authorities I got are more than enough for the early DxD event...probably.


Gotcha! Athena-san∼.




Oh∼! She replies with a snort, huh? That's progress as she ignores me a lot at first after all.


Anyway, I mean the only threat that can harm me is probably Fenrir. In the light novel if I remember correctly it said that Fenrir is as strong as the heavenly dragons, though, I have my doubt as it got best by Vali and his gang with Gleipnir.


" What do you mean by 'cheating' Valen-san? "


" Mmm∼ That will have to guess it, So-chan∼. Anyways, you can go first. "


Then what happens in the next two hours is So-chan is bullied mercilessly by Athena in chess and here's the detail.


In the first half hour, the match was intense as it took a bit of time for Athena to checkmate So-chan, as she had pretty much enjoyed toying with So-chan by using a weird move and losing pieces on purpose that left So-chan baffled.


And well...she got bored and begin to checkmate or execute So-chan in a couple of moves at the start of the match like a grandmaster playing with a child who just starts to learn about chess.


Mmm...I kinda feel sorry for So-chan, well not really, seeing her expression go from confident, dumbfounded, then annoyed, and depressed like this is quite fun to watch.


" How...? What did he do? ...How is this even possible? ...Is he just been playing with me these few days? ...Cheating? ...How? I don't even sense anything wrong within the room. "


Looks like I broke So-chan a bit.


" Eto...So-chan, don't mind the result I cheat in these matches after all. "


" Then. Please...tell me, Onii-sama. How. Did. You. Cheat? "


So-chan said as she grab my shoulder so intensely that if I was a human my bone would have been crushed for sure.


Also, her weeb side is showing... and they said Rias is a big weeb So-chan is worse in my opinion.


Sure∼, Serafall is crazy about Mahou-shoujo, but if I remember right it's because of So-chan as well.




" It is—" *Door open*




"—Working for only 30 hours a week, So-chan∼. Adios! "


I give her a wink and then turn myself into an ethereal form immediately after the door to the student council opens.


Athena? She was already inside my soul as soon as she was bored from bullying Sona.





"—Eh!? What was that? "


" Ara∼? A magic mist? Are you alright, Rias? "


" Un. I'm fine, Akeno. Let's go in. "


As both of them entered the room, they were surprised at the sight of Sona Sitri, who let out an eerily giggle at her desk.


So they decided to ask others after greeting them regarding what has been transpired here that led Sona to turn out like so.


" ...I didn't see Sona like this for a while now...What happened to her? "


" ...A local archangel bullies her in chess so badly, Rias. He also tells her to fix her workaholic habit as well. that's why she becomes like this. "


Tsubaki explains in a hushed tone.


" I see... then that mist—"


" It's Rokuhara-san. Anyway, have a seat I think she gonna be like that for a while. "


" Looks like it... "


The Gremory's heiress nodded in understanding as she glance at her childhood friend who was still in a weird mood and take a seat alongside her queen and secretary who now hold a complicated expression.


" Akeno? what's the matter? Why are you brooding like that? "


" Ah- no, it's nothing, Tsubaki. I'm fine, thank you for asking. "


" Mmm...Looks like, Akeno is still mad about him seducing her cousin. "


" Oh- right, I heard of it from Elmenhilde-san. "


Tsubaki put on an awkward grin reminiscent of the word of the vampire girl, who lives with Rokuhara Valen.


'He actually trying to hit on multiple girls at once though...that means there's a chance∼.' She thought to herself.


" Sometimes I forgot we have a noble vampire in our territory. ...Mmm! This cookie is really good! Did you make it? "


" Ara∼, Tsubaki you sure getting better at making dessert now. This is delicious. "


" Thank you for the compliment, but it's not mine. Rokuhara-san make it. He's good at his job, isn't he? "


Akeno and Rias' eyes widen as they realize why certain members of their peerage always frequently visit the man who made it and why Leviathan wants him here not merely for her personal reason.


" No wonder, Koneko semi-move in with him. Hah... I can't lose this! For my cute rook's sake! "


" Hmm∼ ...I'll give him a chance for Suzaku-nee. "


" You got bribed already!? "


As Rias amuse by Akeno's decision to let go of her petty grudge against the man they never truly interact with, Sona seems to have recovered.


" Ahem- Rias you came here to talk about Ayakashi season this year, right? Is Kuroka-san going to help us like last year? As from latest my patrol, there are a lot of middle-class and some high-class Ayakashi arriving already. "


" I think so, Koneko said she gonna come by this week. Yeah...and She also said that 'fear' in this region has accumulated enough to blow up at us soon. we better be prepared. "


" I see. our side has two ultimate-class, six high-class, three middle-class, and six low-class. Mmm... This should be more than enough for this Ayakashi season. "


The member that Sona mention is, Rokuhara Valen and Toujou Kuroka for the ultimate class.


The high class would be, herself, Rias Gremory, Shinra Tsubaki, Himejima Akeno, Elmenhilde Karnstein, and Asia Argento Strada.


The three middle class are Ravel Phenex, Toujou Koneko, and Abe Kiyome.


The rest of the low class are, Yura Tsubasa, Kusaka Reya, Saji Shiroha, Hanakai Momo, Meguri Tomoe, and Kiba Yuumi.


Then both side continues their discussion on how to handle the event without needing to call for their respective family aid or hire outsiders to handle the problem like last year.


It is due to the Nue incursion occur last year and it humble the two heiresses on how to handle the thread above their level as having experienced a life-threatening situation for the first time in their life, if not for the respective household servants that observe them from the shadow both heiresses would be in a bad condition undoubtedly.






Now that we are outside the school premise, I can reminisce on what has transpired these couple of days. First, Azazel did send money for the job done, albeit he cut more than half from me due to the damage we caused to the region.


To be honest, I don't really care about the money, but as someone who used to live paycheck to paycheck, this still stings.


Oh well, it is what it is...


Moving on to my fellow housemate, Elmenhilde's mental health improve a lot thanks to Asia and others who keep her company during the day, but when night comes she still snugs up to me like always so a bit of progress on this side as she still has a nightmare from time to times...


Boy, praise be to this body's sturdiness as if I was a normal human then Elmen will surely rip me apart during the nightmare.


Another note Elmen's appetite in my blood increases a for real, she sucks like at least a litter per session now, I swear.


Hopefully, it stays at this as I have a dhampir to feed as well.


Valerie not gonna be like Elmen, right? Why do I have a feeling that these two gonna bring out the maximum of this body to handle blood loss?


Whatever, it is the problem for future me∼.


On the topic of my Italian battle nun, Asia finally settle down from her sulk and embarrassment today, as she finally let me into my kitchen that has been taken over these few days.


Though she forbid me from cooking any Italian dish and if I did not comply she will turn into the average angry Italian that will just look at me with disappointment and contempt eyes as she see me using the wrong ingredient.


And seeing Asia starts speaking with her hand as well like typical Italian is quite a sight, man...


Funny enough, she really obsesses with a fast-food when went around the town together. As she pretty much drags me along when she wanna try something, it is truly adorable sight.


Lastly, Asia said she wants to repair and look after the church of this town, ...yeah, the one where Cleria Belial got murdered and where the rogue Grigori members suppose to gather soon assuming shit did not already gone derail already.


So just in case, I persuaded her to not bother with it as this place is technically devil control and hint that soon she will have the opportunity to restore it without the need to concern with the faction politic.


I mean technically Asia is still a member of the Catholic church not expelled like in canon and more importantly, she is a flicking member of the Strada family.


Talk about the Strada... if I remember correctly, the son of Grandpa Vasco revolted after the brave saint system implement, right?


Well... Let's hope this timeline is not gonna be that bad... Murphy has mercy on my soul, please.


Oh, yeah∼. Ravel-chan still did not contact me yet, so I'm free for this week of spring break∼.


" Hmm... what to do now... Asia went with Elmen this morning. Valerie is still in a bad condition. If this was my last life I would totally go for no life away with my PC for sure...but it kinda loses appeal for me now, as it's bloody 2013. The stuff, I play still did not come out yet. "


Read some books? Maybe... but like with the game, most of the books I read still did not come out and some straight up do not exist here.


I wanna cry... The price of power is a different way...


Hit a gym? tempting, but I rather save my energy to bonk the Ayakashi tonight, a lot of them appear in this town lately.


I guess, the Nura and onmyoji clan did not give a damn about this town as it is devil territory.


I might need to call Suzaku later to purify these miasmas-like energies that become prevalent enough to ticker my sense now.


I know I can cleanse it with my Angelic light, but why waste the chance to spend time with a girl?


It's called 'fear'(畏/Osore), right?


I remember nothing of Nurarihyon no Mago lore. Ain't Ayakashi and Youkai pretty much the same thing?


Feels like I piss off several great youkai with that comment...


The demon still did not become active after Baal beat me up a week ago and it gives me a lot of concern.


" Baal, Mephisto, Diablo, Azmodan, Belial, Duriel, and Andariel. "


The seven rulers of burning hells. Only Azmodan and Baal will confront directly as others often scheme from the dark to let their target let down the guard becoming corrupted and then striking at the weakest.


Inarius and Lilith... I have no idea whether these two gonna be our enemies or not.


I rather have them stay in Sanctuary.


For the High heavens, only angels of valor domain are hostile to mortals and I have no clue regarding the real archangels are still around or not.


And we got a local asshole in the form of the Khaos brigade, with a hero faction, the old satan faction, and the Qlippoth faction.


Trihexa? Err...should still be fine as long as no one from that side knows about it.


Also, let's not forget about the heretic gods or proper gods from Campione-verse.


" Mmm... Should I try to seduce Ophis with a snack or a silent rune? "


I hang around with the Norse long enough for them to teach me rune magic after all∼.


" Valen-dono? "


Then the voice of a young woman pulled me out of my silly thought.


" Good afternoon, White-chan∼. Out for shopping? "


It is our favorite lonely silver hair valkyrie in a black and white tracksuit, she carries a bunch of plastic bags from a local hundred yen shop.


" Mu...W-why did you call me like that again? And yes, there aren't any shops like these in our territory, at all, and as you know Scandinavia is very expensive to live in, even for the supernatural side...Va- Len. "


She pouts then nodded and answers my curiosity with a weary smile.


Scandinavia is expensive...certain things never change, huh?


And yep, Rossweisse like to call me that way when it's just us alone unlike Lavinia. She calls me Len and I call her Weiss.


But Len... in Japanese sounds the same as Ren, so it feels a bit whimsical on me now, as I know Rokuhara Ren is very real, though I don't really mind. The dude is stuck in Devil kings civil war 2.0 anyway∼.


" ahaha∼...I'm just in a nostalgic mood and you've changed a lot since, Weiss-chan∼. I'm glad you're finally able to call me like that now unlike years ago∼. Though, if it is too much for your salary to live there, you're very welcome to stay here you know∼? "


" ...Tempting, but I still like my current job even though, there's an annoyance from my employer. And I think it's not just me that changed, as well. "


" Really? Too bad then, I would love to have you as my knight∼. But, I've changed, huh? I hope it for better. "


Think of back then I cringe at myself a bit, boy... even in this life I still do a lot of dumb shit in my teenage years.


" Knight? Ah- the godslayer's retainer thing... Hmm... You've become a better person in my opinion so far, Len. From what I see how you take care of Elmenhilde-dono and others. [sub]Too bad, it wasn't me who made you change...[/sub]"


She said with a sincere tone accompanied by a soft smile that make my heart pound for a moment.


" ...Thank you, Weiss. I'll try to stay this way, for you as well∼. " I wink playfully.


" ! "


She did not reply, but I can see a shade of pink form on her face as her eyes widen in surprise.


" ...So wanna grab a bite? It's already noon, after all, and there's a nice ramen shop around the corner, you gonna love it! "


" Mmm...I'll be in your care then. "




After the meal, we went around the town a bit until evening, totally not a date, yep...


I admit I do have fun spending time with her like this and she seems to have fun as well, so all is good.


She did not even mind when I fed her a parfait with my spoon, hell, she also did the same to me as well with a smile on her face.


" Mmm? What's wrong? "


" Nothing, just thinking why I have not visited a place like this since I moved back here. Guess, I should spend time more than just the Shoutengai(shopping district), and school. "


...Well, looking after Elmen did take most of my evening schedule... Though, I did not say it.


Mistakes were made and lessons learned, never talk about another woman in front of the one you spend time with.


" Mhmm...Is that so? You're more diligent than I thought, hmm? " She tilts her head.


" Hey! I can function like a normal human as well, you know? And more importantly, the sweets they got here are pretty good∼. " Then I take a couple of bites from the strawberry shortcake, I have ordered.


Living in Europe for quite a time makes me forget about Japanese-style desserts, huh? It is mostly soft and light and also not too sweet and I think I'm done with churros with hot chocolate for at least a year...


I have no regret, having it every night for the last two years, to be honest.


" Mhmm∼∼, I agree∼! but I didn't realize that you got a sweet tooth, Len. I only see you frequently in the pub with your friend or those human girls. "  She points out while putting on an awkward grin.


" Hey, actually, I've got a hobby to visit the local bakery of the place during my travel, you know? Also, I've limited my contract to Arthur and Kouki these days when I want to get wasted. Since I've chosen to live on the supernatural side completely, I can't risk those guys anymore. Lastly, Weiss, I pretty much stop my bad habit for almost a year at this point. "


It's true, I don't wanna deal with rogue exorcists or whatever that can threaten the livelihood of an average human, while in the presence of my non-supernatural friend, so adios, my dear drinking buddies in Valencia, you'll be missed.


Also, oddly enough Serafall met me at the right moment or maybe it's just her experience when it comes to dealing with people. Wisdom comes with age, indeed...heh—!?


Cold!? Damn, that killing intent is something... Hopefully, she doesn't know that it's me...


Anyway, thank the light, this world standard is not monogamy or I'll have to beat myself up for acting like that.


" Hmm∼, ...Is this so? I don't remember much, about when you come to visit Asgard during the last Ostara. "


" Heh∼, Cuz someone is busy chucking booze like no tomorrow and crying for being teased by co-workers again∼. "


" F-forget about that! " She points her spoon at me while her face heats up in embarrassment.


" No way∼. I like it when you speak your heart out like that, Weiss-chan∼. "


Her reaction makes me grin widely.


She pouts and murmurs, " Mu... [sub]You're also the same Baka-Len...[/sub]"


Seeing her cute reaction I decided to stop teasing.


" Sorry—,"


So I decided to apologize and change the subject...though, I do know why we got a weird distance in our relations like this with Lavinia and other girls.


During my time spend wandering around, I'm not the best choice of boyfriend material... for this Japanese novel logic world.


I swear this is due to Ren's personality that bleeds into my existence...


Yep, gonna keep telling myself that, totally, not because I have issues due to the lack of a mother figure and maybe a father figure as well, in this life. Sigh...tragic.


Sure, Rokuhara Yuuna or my grandmother did raise me, but well my teenage brain did not comply with those lessons until last year.


" Len. Thank you for today, it's been a while since I got time to relax like this. "


Anyways, seem we've reached the park and Rossweisse told me that, she'll be leaving as it's been five days since someone needs to look after that pervert geezer.


" You're welcome, and you'd help me with my fool errand as well, Weiss. This much is nothing. "


I still feel bad about dragging these girls into god slaying business. As this world is now more dangerous than the canon timeline with the threat of demons, heretic gods, and the gods of the mythical realm/Shiniki no Campioness' gods.


Gotta love this mess-up of a crossover timeline.


" Uh-un..., " She shook her while smiling, " I'm glad, I've joined you on the mission as I've learned a lot about you that I didn't know before, and..."


She seems to be reluctant about something maybe it has to do with what going on between me and Serafall, I guess?


" Mmm—!?"


Suddenly, she pulls my collar toward her and presses her lip against mine in quick succession.


"—Nnn∼∼! ...T-this is a payback f-for t-the l-last Y-Yule!—a-anywayseeyousoonLen!"


Then she bounces off me and disappears into the silver magic circle of Norse runes and Celtic knots in haste.


" What...? ...What the hell, have I done, last Christmas...? "


[fufufu, Illegitimate child of Epimetheus, indeed.]


Huh... Athena?


...Did she just call me an idiot?


Let's ignore genocidal loli-baba... Hmm... Serafall indeed gives the green light to these girls, huh?


I gonna need to spoil her a lot next time she comes by as a good boyfriend.


With some confusion in my mind, I decided to head home.




" Oh? Oi! Issei, what've you got there? "


Coincidently, I ran into a future oppai-dragon while on my way back home.


" Groceries. " He presents a bag in his hand sluggishly. " It's spring break and I've nothing to do except the usual in my room, so mom sends me to get it... hah... maybe, I should start drawing and working out like Kiryu said, huh? "


Then he starts mumbling alone in deep thought.


" Uh-huh. "


Kiryu Aika encourages him on that front, huh? Good for him.


Issei then nodded to himself and said, " Right, aniki. "


" Yeah? "


" Mom asks whether your group wanna join us at dinner. She seems to take a liking to Asia-chan especially... Hah...[sub] It's good that his type is consistent and their oppai is negotiable, I don't have to worry about Saji and Yuumi-san, huh...[/sub] "


This guy... has no idea how much Asia can develop, heh∼. but he knows Saji-chan, eh? And Kiba...good luck with her trauma in the Excaliber arc, dude, I ain't dealing with that type, same for Akeno.


Though he never met Lavinia so he thinks I am only interested in petite blonde.


" aha∼, She'd said Asia-chan is her daughter as well, after all∼. Sure, I'll ask them and text you later∼. Also..." I grin wryly at him. " Don't even think about it. Shounen! "


He deadpans and rolls his eyes, " ...Nah, I only think of her as a little sister, or Elmenhilde-aneki and Toujou-san will beat me up. [sub]Why does every petite girl I met have super human-like strength...?[/sub] "


He did meet Shirone during her stay at the house last week and duh...she beat him up for...well, Issei saying too much on a certain subject.


" You'll get used to it soon, Issei. especially, when April arrives∼. "


I am preparing to sell his ass to Rias, yep. Ain't dealing with shit alone, you coming to brazil-I mean the supernatural side, Issei.


Melusine? idea how to approach her as it seems not wise to tell her I'm also a reincarnator or should I just blame a certain Wizard marshall for it? Hmm...we'll see.


" I have a bad feeling about this...anyway, later aniki. "


" Un, Later∼. "


We then separated into our respective homes.


" ...Is Keikain's kekkai supposed to be easy to bypass or something? "


I could not help but utter as soon as I step inside my house and notice a large suspicious present box standing proudly in the hallway.



Yeah, this chapter is a whole lot of nothing as it's pretty much a prologue for this arc.

Next, chapter hmm... I guess I'll try to write a scene with Elmenhilde, first.

And I know my speed drops a lot as my brain is super uncooperative these days.

Anyways, Thank you for reading, please give me a like and comment to sustain my ego, please!

Also if you see a wonky bit point it out for me please and thank you!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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