CxD:Lord of Valor

Ch. 2


After Rokuhara-san left the room, I breathed in relief and turned toward Tsubaki. "

What do you think Tsubaki? Why did Onee-sama send him here? "

" ...Hmm, I'm not sure as the information about him is pretty mundane, there's no connection from the supernatural side to him at all other than the fact that he enrolled in Valencia Culinary School with the governor general's recommended letter. What does Serafall-sama say about him, Kaichou? "

Tsubaki said her opinion.

I turn my phone on and open the messaging app that contains the text and files from my sister and shows it to Tsubaki.

" I truly don't know what to think of this at all Tsubaki... Is she just joking or is he really going to become my brother-in-law? But for sure, he is someone Onee-sama interested in. "

Levi-tan: So-tan So-tan.

Sona Sitri: Yes, Onee-sama, what do you need?

Levi-tan: Can you get someone in the academy for me? Pretty please So-tan!

Sona Sitri: ...Student or Staff?

Levi-tan: Staff! I'll send his file to you now.

Levi-tan:-send Valen Lancaster Rokuhara.PDF

Sona Sitri: ...He passed for the position overall, but who is he Onee-sama?

Levi-tan: Your brother-in-law∼ Anyway, thank you So-tan, I LOVE YOU!

" ...Maybe she just joking Kaichou, but is Rokuhara-san even a human? He has a lot of mana leaked out like a dam that is about to collapse. Or maybe a sacred gear? Should we need to be concerned about him? "

Tsubaki ponder.

" Well, we'll know in time, but for now I have to tell Rias that my sister has a dib on him oh, and tell others to keep eyes on him too just in case, "

I conclude my decision on him for now.

" Understood Kaichou, but what about Ravel Phenex in the middle school section? "

Ask Tsubaki who points out the existence of the daughter of the Phenex clan.

" ...Right, Tell her too just in case the Phenex mistaken Rokuhara-san for involving in the Gremory-Phenex shenanigan."

I guess, Nee-sama is being overprotective again and decide to send him for guarding my safety but using someone outside of our house is rather new.

I wonder if she consult with Lucifer-sama for it yet? Probably not, or else Rias would be whiny about it already as she does not like someone monitoring her activity. Grayfia-san still does though.

Rokuhara Lancaster Valen...Hmm...Let's see what Tomoe says about him for her impression.

I still did not interact with him enough to say anything about him.

" Nee, Tsubaki how much do you think Nee-sama tell him about me from his reaction? I did not notice at the time. "

I decided to ask her about it.

Tsubaki put on a wry smile which is quite rare to see and speak up.

" When he said that he know too much about you, I did notice that his eyes trace across your body then nodded to himself and muttered something like "B77 huh?" I guess, he really does know more than necessary Kaichou..."

B77? eh? Wait, that number is—!

I speak up in despair.

" ...Nee, Tsubaki, what kind of sister tells a friend about her little sister's three sizes? Is that normal for her generation? Is Rias have the same thing occur to her too? "

" Maybe, he is really your brother-in-law, Kaichou. *giggle∼."

Tsubaki seems to enjoy her share of schadenfreude, huh?

I'll have my revenge when something amusing happens to her like yeah...if she becomes interested in someone.

But both I and Rias have all-girl peerage...wait no! Gasper Vladi is a boy I forgot.

My next one is also a girl too, Saji Shiroha, she is a bit of a tomboy and rash with her words, but she seems to be able to get tasks appropriately done when focused.

I have let her in the council right now, but not the peerage yet.

Momo seems to enjoy teasing her from time to time because of that contradiction.

Tsundere is the word for her, I guess.

*knock knock*

" Ahem, Come in."

Thankfully, someone came before, I bury myself in the thoughts again.

" I'm back, Kaichou∼! "

It's Tomoe and she seems to be in a good mood.

" Welcome back, Tomoe, What do you think about our new staff? "

" Rokuhara-san? Hmm..., He's kinda a bit frivolous a good kind though and feels like a neighborhood Onii-san as he is very easy to get along with. *giggle∼. And then—"

She voices her opinion in a joyful mood.

Hmm...I glimpse at Tsubaki and find that she also has eye contact with me too, then We both stare at Tomoe again and see that she still speaks about Rokuhara-san while playing with her hair in between a sweet giggle.

We both nodded to each other as we came to the same line of thought.

"—Ahem, Tomoe, I think it's enough, thank you for sharing your opinion."

I cut her short, as I get it that someone just got their first crush.

Sigh...What do I do with this now...Nee-sama...He is not truly your target, right?

"—Ah, Fue!? It's not like that Kaichou, Tsubaki! Please stop looking at me like that! "

She tries to deny it while still blushing.

" It's fine Tomoe, Rokuhara-san is someone that can be trusted, Onee-sama did recommend him, after all, I don't mind if you gonna pursue him, but please do not forget about your duty, alright? "

Yep, as long as the task is done I don't mind it at all.

Suppression against this kind of thing in the peerage is rather counterproductive.

As long as they(my peerage) are happy and they are no risks involved in the target, I'll allow it.

" Nooo, Kaichou, please listen to me! You know that I like someone younger not older! "

She still denied it as expected since this is just the beginning phase after all.

" Alright, so Kaichou who will be assigned to observe him? Or should We wait until everyone interacts with him first and then arrange it? "

Tsubaki questioned while ignoring Tomoe's plight with a little grin visible from my view.

When did she become like this? I wonder...

" That's a good idea Tsubaki let's give it a week before we decide then, for now, please go inform Miss Ravel for me, I'll go to Rias myself and Tomoe, you're dismissed and also, it's lunchtime you should get going before the cafeteria becomes crowded,"

I conclude our morning today and dismissed them before grabbing the lunchbox that Onee-sama sent to me every morning and went to the old school building.

Or where the occult research club or where the Gremory is.


It's been around a week and a half, since I integrate into my new life, first of all, the work is pretty chill as I'm pretty much a glorified head chef.

And only busy from 9 in the morning to noon, the cleaning only takes 1 hour or hour and a half for someday and after that, I'm basically free for the days. Nice∼.

Kinda like my last job in my previous life, to be honest.

But better as I don't have to wake up at 4 in the morning anymore, and even though the job end around noon I still feel exhausted all day long after.

I don't miss the human body at all, Hurray for god slayer's body or whatever I am right now!

Anyway, onto the new environment, I have interacted with all of Sona's peerage, but not Rias's as they seem to avoid me for some reason.

Why though? Did Sona prevent them?

...Hmm, Whatever, Oh, by the way, Issei is very alive and well.

I see him getting beat up by the kendo club girls every two days.

I have to go and drag him to the infirmary afterward as his two friends abandon him and run away leaving him getting beat up alone.

Oh, his body is surprisingly sturdy as he did not get a concussion from that at all. Fascinating.

Is it due to a Chichigami blessing that he can somewhat influence causality I wonder?

Anyway, onto the boost gear in him, I can confirm that he indeed has one as when I pick him up my fighting instinct alert like never before due to Ddraig in it.

Well, Issei if the heretic gods start showing up you're going to be excellent bait for them.

Ahh, shit! Vali gonna be a pain to me ain't he? Is Vali even a dude here?

Since Lavinia calls me Va-kun, I'm a bit curious.

Moving on to another thing I found is that the other two male character doesn't exist and seem to get replaced by a female version of themselves instead which is nice.

So, it is Kiba Yuumi and Saji Shiroha now, and Yuumi's appearance... Man, the fact that Issei did not bone her in the canon timeline is such a mistake... for her personality...

well, this is a pre-Excalibur arc, so it is to be expected that she still has those fake smiles and puts on a wall-off stance to all excessive interaction, etc so, I digress.

For Shiroha-chan, a Tsundere tomboy is such a blessed combination.

She has shoulder-length blonde hair tied up in a high ponytail and brown eyes.

And the absorption line presence did not trigger my instinct that much guess, it was due to Vitra's soul not being whole.

Overall, I have fun teasing her from time to time along with Momo-chan or Hanakai Momo, another girl in Sona's peerage.

Kiryuu Aika is being Kiryuu Aika overall kinda fun talking with her.

Maybe, I should speed up her process of becoming a magician by having Lavinia teach her now instead of later.

Hmm..., a thought to consider. I'll bring it up to her if things went well in my talk with Lavinia.

" Valen-sama, am I doing this right? Hmm..., cooking is harder than I thought."

Said a beautiful young girl with dark blue eyes. She has long blonde hair tied into twin tails with large, drill-like curls and blue ribbons keeping them in place.

The front of her hair has several bangs hanging over her forehead, with a V-shaped fringe hanging over the bridge of her nose.

And [B85-W59-H84 cm] height is 153 cm and body weight is [47 kg].

Uh-huh..., oddly enough, I'd remember her info from the wiki in that area...

" Ah, sorry Ravel-chan I was distracted with my thought a bit there sorry. And...Hmm, you're doing fine so far, Being able to endure the heat in a kitchen like this is more than praiseworthy you know? Not everyone wanna be in a hot cooking station after all, even in Valencia half of my classmates choose an appetizer station or other instead of the main dish due to heat too. "

Yes, I was teaching Ravel Phenex in the school kitchen... Why is she here already?

Either Riser sent her here or the Phenex house using a more friendly approach by sending one of their offspring to Gremory territory for the trust, I guess?

Well, whatever devil politics is not my concern nor it ever will as I rather have Athena causing a heretic god apocalypse than deal with the politic.

Yes, I'll even fight her without a sword of salvation unless Aisha shows up with her fairy corridor.

Shit, did I just jink that? Maa...It is what it is.

" Did you forget that I am a Phenex already Valen-sama? This kind of heat is not even compared to the process of creating a tear at all."

She proudly presents her bloodline with pride.

"—And done! Valen-sama what should I do next? " and then prompts me for further instructions.

For now, I should focus on this little Phenex first then deal with the shenanigans that fate demands of me as a god slayer.

" Un, This is delicious, well done, Ravel-chan, you're natural at this, let's get to plating, shall we? "

I taste the food and compliment her for it then continue to the next step.

" Yes! " She smiles sweetly at my comment on her cooking and went to grab a plate and thing for garnish.

" Thank you again for today's lesson, Valen-sama. For allowing me to learn that cooking can be this fun and fulfilling."

The Phenex princess bowed toward me lightly.

" ∼Un, It's fine, Ravel-chan, teaching you has been fun for me as well since you learn very fast compare to me also, you can always ask me if you want to tackle a baked good or dessert, later on, okay? This is my job after all."

I unconsciously run my palm across her hair gently.

!! " She dazes and steps back a bit, so I stop.

" ...I will, Valen-sama, Ano... Eto..., you can continue, you know? ...I, ...don't hate it."

She blushed and confess in a small voice.

'cute...' So I continue to pat her head after getting permission.


"" !? "" The sound of something hitting the door made us stop.

When we look at the door we saw a boy with short spiky brown hair, with two short locks of hair behind his head, and light brown eyes glaring dagger straight at me.

" Good afternoon, Issei, what do you need?"

I wave at him in a friendly manner.

Well, Miki-obaa-san did ask me to look after him, so I've to oblige.

And nope I don't hate Issei at all.

" ...Well, Aniki, Mom told me to come and invite you for dinner, so I have been waiting in front of the room for a while now, then I got curious about what took you so long, and found that you're bloody busy flirting with a girl again! A petite blonde this time!? Do you wanna kill me with jealousy that much!? "

He explains his reason and starts complaining.

" Sure, I'll go, and Issei if only you keep your perversion in private, and not scream about it every time someone asks. You would be able to land on some girl at this point—No, I'm certain you'll be able to! so...for the love of Odin, you should try to become a closet pervert like normal people. "

I nodded and lecture him a bit.

" Okay, I'll tell Mom that you'll come, and Aniki hell no! Denied me the right to preach about oppai is an act of heresy same as not telling them about my dream too! A man must be committed to his path wholly! Amen!"

He then left after declaring his fierce way of life.

The dude got a spirit alright...I can only shake my head at the sight. Boy, that was cringe.

" Sorry about his antic, Ravel-chan he may be a pervert, but he's not a bad kid at all,"

I said while putting on a wry smile.

" Uh-un, I'm used to it Valen-sama, as my brother is like that sometimes with his peerage, but Hyoudou-senpai seems rather very passionate in his lust for a human... I wonder if his ancestor is related to the original Asmodeus..."

She chuckles dryly at her silly thought.

" Right..."

That's Issei for you Ravel-chan, she just shrugs it off like nothing huh?

No wonder in the canon timeline she is his secretary and handles pretty much everything, isn't it?

I shrug off the thought of canon, then proceed with the cleanup of kitchen equipment, etc. so I can finally go home.

" Then see you next week, Ravel-chan!"

I wave at the girl from across the street.

" See you next week too, Valen-sama! "

She replies while waving back, and then we both went separated way.

On the way home, I did not meet or sense any stray devil at all as I've hunted them to sate my blood thirst every night and did not run into the name stray one like Viser just yet.

Also, I did not use my authority at all as that thing would alarm a lot of people in the area and those who probably observe this place like yeah, Khaos Brigade. Cao Cao and his lackey gonna be a pain too ain't they?

Onto the thing I used is just good old fist and feet that's it, as the strays, I have met so far are just a bunch of mindless ghouls, no need to use magic, so they serve as training dummies for my CQC pretty well.

I swear Imperius' authority has influenced my mind in that aspect.

Can't Nemesis or Nike show up soon?

I need that juicy karmic justice buff just in case for true Longinus and other DxD bullshit stuff.

If Ren can stock Zeus's Astrape as a counter imagine accumulating a bunch of attacks in this world.

That would be juicy...Hmm? Who is in front of my house?

I saw a small silhouette wearing a full-body black robe sitting duck at the entrance.

Is fate finally kicking in? With that in mind, I walk up to the guy slowly.

But the robed guy spot me first and jump up then run straight for me.

" I finally found you, Valen Lancaster! "

a clear girl's voice uttered from that robe individual.

I also see a glimpse of a red dress behind the black robe as she approaches me in a flash, her hood also fell off.

Finally, see her close up, what I see is a doll-like appearance with long wavy light blonde hair, deep red eyes, and a beautiful face similar to that of a Western doll.

She also has a pale skin tone similar to that of a corpse.

" Take responsibility Valen Lancaster!"

She demands loudly.

I can only put on a stiff smile and ask her.

" Eh... You're pregnant?"

" No! Not that, look at the sun! "

She blushes angrily and then points at the sun that still shines its evening light.

Well, I ask just in case as I have a bad drunk habit...

" See? Thanks to you, I can't go back home now! They chase me out because they thought, I involve with the Tepe somehow even though, I never step foot into old Wallachia! So take responsibility now Valen Lancaster! "

Demand Elmenhilde Karnstein with teary eyes.

I get what she means by that now...and no, I did not sleep with her yet, Camilla's vampires are mostly indifferent to men or even hate them.

Elmenhilde is in the indifferent category, but I did open her up when I get to know her last year and she drink my blood, so here we are.

But if she gets chased out due to being immune to the sunlight then that means the Tepe has already been using Sephiroth graal.


Then I turn my focus back to the petite vampire in front of me.

" Calm down, Elmen, I know I'm at fault for that, but to be fair, I did not know my blood would make you immune to sunlight completely like this. "

I did initially think that it would power up her somewhat, but immune to the sun like a dhampir. Neat.

"...Shut up, I know it's not completely your fault either!, but I been stressed over this, you know? Suddenly everything I know and love comes crashing down all at once like this..., ...huc...huc—"

She starts crying.

Sigh...shit how do I deal with this?

What do I do in this situation?

Don't know what to do I let my instinct take over, and decide to gradually embrace her in my arms, while gently running my hand across her hair to soothe her.

" It's okay, it's okay now, Elmen, I'll take care of you don't worry."

I try to say in the most delicate voice possible to me.


I wait in silence for 10 minutes for her to calm down.

" Thank you."

She uttered in a small voice.

" Hmm? What'd you say?"

" I said Thank you! For taking responsibility. Valen Lancaster,'ll not go back on your word,...right? "

She said in a moody tone at first then slowly turned to a sweet one at the end.

" Of course, I'll do what I said, Elmen don't worry, I swear on my name, Rokuhara Lancaster Valen will take care of Elmenhilde Karnstein from now on til death does us pass!"

I wink at her.

"Ouch! Why? "

She pinches me while blushing red.

" Baka! If you said it like that, I'll misunderstand your intention! "

She said with a red face while trying to not smile at me.

" Hai, hai, my vampire princess, I got you, so let's get inside for now. I'll show you around."

I smile at the sight of her now in a good mood clear of any visible stress.

Then we both went inside in a pleasant mood.

That how Elmenhilde Karnstein come into my life fully and she'll not be the last one who came to my door like that.

*Bird flying away*

However, I did not notice the bird that had been flying away that evening would bring an unprecedented impact on this world.​


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