CxD:Lord of Valor

Ch. 7

After seeing Diablo 4 new trailer, man... I underestimate how Angelic's light and presence affect demons aren't I? Inarius is weaker than the 5 aspects as the world stone is already gone. Guess, I have to put those effects in full angel mode for Valen. Inarius' wings of light are flicking cool!


*Teleport circle activated*


" Ara? Welcome back, Koneko, you're pretty late today. Hmm? "


The young red-haired woman paused after noticing the cheery expression of her rook.


" Did you go to Sona's-in-law's house again?"


She asks while tilting her head.


The white hair girl who sat on the couch nodded, sighed, and talk.


" Un∼, that pervert prince said, I can come and go as I want anytime∼ ...And Rias-nee, I told you to call me Shirone when we're not in public though..."


She pouted.


The redhead only smiles wryly in response.


" Is that so? ...Well, If I did that your big sister would make a fuss again, and I think Koneko fit you just fine too! "


hah...Fine, I'll tell her off next time she comes."


She nodded in acceptance.


Then someone put a warm teacup down in front of her.


" Here you go, Koneko-chan."


" Thank you, Akeno-san. "


The catgirl then remembers to give something to the Himejima.


" Akeno-san, here is something that the pervert prince tells me to give to you."


Koneko then shows the number on her phone to Akeno.


" Ara, Ara? Did he try to hit on me? Ufufu∼, how sly∼. "


She just shook it off due to a misunderstanding of what Koneko said.


The nekoshou realized that she forgot to put in more context and show a picture that Valen has send along with Suzaku's number as insurance in a hurry.


" I-It's Himejima Suzaku's numbers, Akeno-san! according to him also here is the picture that, he added! when you ask for confirmation. Ah—"


But upon seeing the picture herself, Koneko's lip twitch a little bit.


The picture shows the smiling figure of Himejima Suzaku and Valen standing close together in the Blackdog bar not only that, but he also has his arm around her waist as well.


This picture was taken after Valen ask for it from Suzaku in the afternoon.


"—This pervert prince really did try to hit on the Slash-dog team's girls as Elmen-san said... "


She said in a deadpan tone.


" Uwa... Sona did have it rough too, huh? Is Serafall-san fine with this? "


Hearing Rias murmur the Nekoshou speak up.


" Probably...also, Rias-nee. She was here Rokuhara-san's house along with Sona-Kaichou and her peerage. "


" What!? " " !? "


The redhead was surprised and the beautiful blonde girl who sit silently in the corner cleaning her blade jerked up at the mention of Leviathan.


" ... "


Akeno still tried to process the picture that shows in front of her and ignored everyone else.


But one thing is sure she looks angry at the man in this picture.


He tries to mess with me, didn't he? How dare he try to seduce Suzaku-nee-san.


" Koneko, explain please. Why is Serafall-san here? Mmm... Today is Sona's turn to patrol, isn't it? Did she run into him? "


Rias asks as she tries to comprehend the situation.


" ...Sona-Kaichou seems to catch him with his vampire companion while he was out hunting and also, there's an exorcist with him too, so...she calls Serafall-san? I'm not sure too I got caught by her while trying to sneak into the house. "


Shirone ponders a bit then add additional information.


" Anyway, that exorcist is Umm...already 'retired' according to her and Rokuhara-san and her name is Asia...Strada? Pretty sure she also has a middle name, but I forgot. "


But before she can continue Rias speak up.


" Strada!? Wait! wait, Koneko. Is Strada like Vasco Strada? Asia Strada huh? Where did I hear this before? Hmm...Is it during the talk with Onii-sama? He has been nagging me about my lag in training lately... Hah... hunting Ayakashi is more than enough though..."


Rias mumbles about her brother nagging at the end then gestures to the catgirl to continue.


Shirone nodded and resumed.


" Yes, she was adopted by Vasco Strada as she refers to him as her grandfather too. Mmm... As for Serafall-san's actual business she said that you should wait for Sirzech-san and only discuss it with Sona-Kaichou and no one else for now. So Yuumi, don't worry she did not come to bother you about that magical girl stuff. "


She adds info to reassure her friend.


" ... "


The blonde sighed in relief and went back to focus on her sword again.


The redhead nodded to herself and ask.


" Hmm...So I guess, that exorcist is a no-go for recruitment, huh? Anything else I should be worried about? Aside from preventing Akeno to rash out on Rokuhara Valen. "


Rias glance at her queen who starts exuding a gloomy aura and giggling creepily while murmuring about trying to murder the man in the picture.


Didn't know Akeno is that protective of her cousin...Sigh...This is why I don't like to deal with frivolous men. Riser Phenex is more than enough...But He(Valen) seems to be attracting Ravel Phenex Hmm...enemy of an enemy is my friend, huh? Thought the red hair.


" Oh, Rokuhara-san is an angel, by the way. I almost forgot. "


Suddenly Shirone drops the bomb without realizing it.


"" Hah!? ""


Every ORC member is stunned by this sudden revelation and begins to interrogate the catgirl who is still calm about it.




-Valen pov.-

" If you put holy water in the humidifier it turns the room into a gas chamber for vampires—ack! "


Elmen bites my neck violently after I mumble that statement out loud while she sucks my blood like usual.


"Va-Kun..." " Bad Valen-san. " " Valen-chan..."


Everybody in the room just shook their head or roll eyes at my remark.


"ahaha...My bad...sorry, just a thought for the raid this weekend. I mean the Tepe is still not immune to holy water, right? Asia-chan? "


Well, I'm curious is the vampire in this timeline immune to it at all?


Elmen is already halfway to being a progenitor of her own vampiric bloodline.


" Sorry, Valen-san, I never had a chance to hunt a vampire before as my area of assignment involves mainly the western Europe side. Sometimes grandfather did bring me to Eastern Rome side too, but never been across the Danube. "


She said while looking apologetic.


" Ah, Don't mind Asia-chan. It's just a silly thought. Elmen your opinion, please. "


I forgot that Elmen is also DxD's vampire.


Sidenote there isn't a certain religion of peace here, so Eastern Rome did not get wrecked in the Heraklion era.


And persist through modern times thanks to the support from...*Drumroll*




It is because Heaven did absolute jackshit after god died, so around the fifth century during the fall of the Western empire. The crusades still happen in the eleventh century elsewhere, just not in the good old promise land.


The North Africa crusade did happen though, against the Vandals and other Germanic kingdoms in Iberia too.


The age of Vikings still happens after all.


This world map looks like a paradox game run...with less border gore.


Replace the Great Turkish War with the Great Roman War instead.


So the wing hussar arrives to wreck the Roman line, huh?


Well, we all know that HRE is not Roman nor holy or even an empire, but that's what's in the book here, Kay?


Somehow the Kingdom of Romania makes sense with a Roman tendency for civil war...anyway, back to the present.


" Probably work well against thralls and the lower rank servant may be a noble vampire too, depending on the quality of holy water. ah...never mind, I forgot, we got holy maiden and 'Archangel' here. "


Noted. Kinda hear a sarcastic remark on the archangel part, but I digress.


" Hmm... Should I ask Uncle to send a holy rain cloud seeding over Wallachia in advance? It should aid us during the raid well especially when withdrawing after we obtained both objectives. Lavinia? "


"Mmm! I'm up for it Va-Kun! It'll provide an edge to my Longinus after all∼."


Lavinia nodded approvingly.


...Right, Absolute demise can turn those rain into storms of ice easily. Holy ice storm over Bran, eh?


That's going to be a terrifying sight to see.


"...You two is this truly a raid? You make it sound like Grigori declare war on Tepe vampire just now you know∼? With that plus Reni-chan's Absolute demise, Tobio-chan's Canis Lykaon, Valen-chan's angelic power..., and other slash dog members that already reach borderline ultimate class in power. "


Serafall counts with her fingers and sighs.


" If you all unleash your power there the other pantheons near the area like the Olympian in Attika, the Slavic in Dalmatia, and the Scythian in Ruthenia will get nosy for sure as that is already enough to destroy the entirety of Wallachia! "


" Please, Sera, I and the Slash dog team are not that destructive in these operations."


Flashy sure, but wrecking a place like Godou and other Campione? ...Did I?


Well, Lavinia did nod along though.


"...Valen-san, one and half years ago, Sicily,"


Asia said with a stern voice.


"That's err..."


Grandpa Vasco kinda asks for it though. He said he needed to test my strength for his curiosity.


I did comply with that as I'm also interested in the might of peak humanity of the DxD world can do too.


Well, I got my ass handed by him...gotta admit getting stomped into a hill is not my favorite way of getting injured so far. My excuse is—I didn't use my angelic side at all only the Aspect of Valor—though I still lose pretty badly.


Well, he did say, that I pass after the 'fight', but... pass flicking what grandpa?


When did you got infected with cryptic words?


" Utsusemi, 5 clans, Satanael, and Wizard of Oz shenanigans a couple of years ago for your group. Reni-chan∼. You can't hide those behind the Nura unification war and Nue incursion∼."


Serafall also adds the event of the slash dog.


"ahaha..., too bad∼ then Serafall-san."


Lavinia just laugh it off.


" But I'm stronger and have more control over my power now, so everything will be fine! right∼? Va-Kun∼."


" Agree, I've known Lavinia for like four years, now? her magic control is really scary these days."


I reminisce about what she was like many years ago.


Mmm...She did become sunnier for sure as those shadows she used to have were gone.


I don't miss when she still calls me by my middle name at all.


" Also, Tobio did say that he only takes a stealth approach these days."


Then add the info I got from last weekend.


" Hah...fine, I understand that everyone on your team and Valen-chan is capable of. But! Be careful on the mission, alright?"


Serafall looks at both of us in earnest.


" Hai∼." " Got it, Sera. We'll be fine∼."


Lavinia replied in merry while I make a victory gesture and smiled.


" Great! Then Asia-chan∼, Elmen-chan∼, take care of him while I'm not around, please∼."


Sera turns toward the petite blonde group as she waves toward them merrily.


" Mmm."


Elmen nodded.


" Leave it to me, Serafall-san! "


Asia replied enthusiastically.


Serafall then gives nodded to Lavinia as well and teleports away.


Probably to Sona first, as she said Sona wants to consult her about something.


" Hmm? "


When did these girls come to an agreement on our relations? What the hell happens here?


I look around in puzzlement and notice Elmen shrugs when she catches my sight.


...I did apologize to them after neglecting them for three days straight, but when did Sera even converse with them?


While I was in the shower?


Hmm...DxD logic is at work here—so whatever, I'm not gonna ruin it.


*Oven timer goes off*


" Valen-san the cake is ready! "


Asia callout as she stood up.


" Right."


Looks like it's time to pay a visit to Pendragon's sibling.


Let's mess with Arthur a bit, shall we?




And here we are—At Hyde park estate, London. The Pendragon is rich after all, they did own the whole block or two or pretty much the one that covers this street in particular here.


Now, now, which one do they use this time of the year?


Damn it, Arthur, I know you're in a terrorist organization, but no one knows about that now! Not even me technically!


" Impossible!? It's not raining and has a clear sky! Is there a sun god in the city right now? Or is Arthur using Caliburn to cut the sky, so he can have a date with Elaine? That must be it. "


Behold the blue sky of the British Isle! This is a miracle! I bet there's either an Aesir or a Tuatha de Danann in the city.


It's still eight in the morning here, thanks to the timezone as I woke up pretty late.


" Va-Kun... it's just spring. "


Lavinia rolls her eyes while responding.


" Is he always doing that? Lavinia."


Said Elmen who look unimpressed.




Asia look around cautiously as she clutched the case of Excalibur blessing tightly in her arms.


Of course, Elmen and Asia did follow as they said I need to be supervised for my behavior after pulling that stun with Serafall.


Not like that will stop me, to be honest...but I'll try to be a good boy for them as compensation.


On another note, Elmen's mental issues did improve a lot thanks to Asia, who had been with her these couple of days without me to cling on.


I'm a terrible caretaker, aren't I?


" Anyway, Lavinia which building do they use now, by the way? Or should I just call Arthur or Meredith instead? "


I asked while pulling out my phone ready to call at once.


Also, this whole block of residential buildings is in the ward that Le Fay and Meredith set up, so I have no idea where they are as I'm not a magician.


If it were not for the ward I would be able to locate Arthur miles away due to Excalibur Ruler and Caliburn's energy signature.


" Let me try first, Va-Kun, I want this to be a surprise after all∼. "


Lavinia then focuses on her magic sense and pinpoints the location.


" Mmm...There! At the end of the street."


Then follow her along to the apartment she points at, but—as Lavinia is about ring a bell, the door opens.


" Ah! ...E-eh? ...N-Nee-san!?"


Said a sweet yet soothing voice of a girl.


She got long silky silvery white hair and heterochromatic eyes, her left eye is gold and has a draconic-like characteristic, and her right eye is silver like her hair.


Her appearance is petite and slender like Elmenhilde. She also wears a white and blue dress.


" Lili-chan! You're here too∼! "


Lavinia merrily reaches for the girl in a heartbeat.


" N-no! Nee-san S-stop it! Albion, help! F-fay-hime! A-anyone!? "


The girl cries for help adorably.


...Melusine? The girl looks exactly like Melusine from FGO. Holy hell!?


Did she just call for Albion!?


What happens to my boy Vali!?


I observe that girl, Lili, quietly and notice that at her waist there is a belt along with a longsword with a blue and gold handle hanging from it.


Hmm...yep, that's a holy sword, but why has it got a mystical essence more than a holy one?


Also, it looks oddly Arondight from Fate. Hmm...That sword is not a noble phantasm, right?


Dearest dead grandpa, this timeline is getting absurd.


" Who is that Valen-san? "


Ask Asia in a low voice as her eyes lock onto the sword on Lili's hip.


" I have no idea, Asia-chan. this is the first time, I saw her as well. "


I scratch my neck unconsciously.


" Dragon...Or is it a Fae? "


Elmen speaks up drawing our attention to her.


" Elmen-san? " " ... "


I wait silently for her to continue as I already had my bet on who Lili is.


" That girl's scent is like a dragon, a fae, and also, a devil as well Mmm... a half-blood or hybrid? Dragon scent seems to be the most prevalent than a Fae, as for Devil...Hmm, not much. "


She tilts her head while trying to determine Lili's race.


" Ah-sorry! Va-Kun, everyone, let me introduce her to you∼! this girl here is like a little sister to me, her name is Lilias∼."


Lavinia presents the girl, Lilias, who is still in her embrace to us, the latter has a grumpy mood and a bit of red on her face as she was released.


"Huu...Please to meet you..., I(Boku) am Mel—Lilias Du Lac. You can call me Lily if you want. "


She did stutter a bit then bowed to us gracefully.


Is this timeline a flicking lost belt? Also, Du Lac? You know what? I will ignore that. For my sanity's sake.


Also, everybody here seems to speak Japanese for some reason, so bear with it.




As we all exchange our greetings and introduction someone came outside and call out to us or just me specifically.


" What are you doing here? Lancaster. "


Voice an annoying tone of a tall blonde young man in his early twenties, who also wore a black and white vest suit like a bartender. He then gives his greeting to others besides me silently.


I grin widely and respond.


" I have a plan, Arthur! I just need money."


" Piss off with your weird reference, Lancaster. "


He rubbed his forehead while voicing his annoyance.


" Come on Arthur have some faith! "


Okay, let's stop I'm bugging him enough for this little dialogue.


" ...You know what? Come in everyone, Le Fay and Meredith already sense you guys since you step foot inside the bounded field. "


He gives up on my silly joke and welcomes us into his place. And we all follow along including Lilias as well who seems to lock her eyes on Asia for some reason...probably because Asia carries Excalibur Blessing.


She did glimpse at Elmen and mutter dead apostle though, and then stare at me, and tilt her head.


Likely, confused regarding why I had a divinity. Totally gonna ignore the mumble about Barghest and Gawain.


Why the hell we got Melusine instead of just gender-bent Vali?


God, why...? Never mind, he's dead.


Anyway, as we walk into the living room someone calls out to me again, but it's a girl this time.


" There he is! Look Fay the sinner who forgot an important day finally, appears. Oh, hi Lavinia∼!"  " Hmm! "


That is, Le Fay Pendragon and Meredith Ordinton or Windsor if she still wanna return to the royal line and cause problems like canon timeline even though Arthur and Le Fay over here hold a better legitimacy than the ruling royal family.


Can I blame Ishibumi for this? Arthur literally wields a flicking Caliburn, the sword in the stone!


Yeah, I know stone/aquatic rituals and weird women giving you a sword is not the basis for the system of government.


Anyhow, her appearance, Meredith is a beautiful girl, with a beautiful and fluffy face, long auburn hair which appeared to be braided with rope, and blue eyes.


She wore a witch-like black dress with a silly-looking witch hat that Lavinia used to wear.


And Le Fay is a cute girl with a slim body, shoulder-length blonde hair with curly ends, and blue eyes. She wore a sorceress-like dress with a huge blue hat with a black bow and yellow stars and a matching cape with pink flowers and a white interior.


" Hi, Meredith-chan∼, Fay-chan. Please don't be too harsh on Va-Kun, he has a lot on his hands now. "


Lavinia try to calm them down a bit.


" Sure, it shows, Lavinia-san, at least his taste is still consistent, Heh. "


Meredith sniggers after she caught Asia and Elmen's appearance.


" And Lily, you're still here? oh, Lavinia-san drags you in? I see. "


Le Fay still pouted at me. And I can only smile wryly at them. Sigh...


Alright, time to explain their circumstance to these guys, so my reputation not going down the drain too much.


Everybody and their mother knew that I'm a playboy anyway because I'd hang out with Shitty Oldman(Azazel) and pervert Geezer (Odin) too much. No regret...


"—I'm somewhat innocent this time as you can see and I'm really sorry for missing out on your birthday. Moving back to my parent hometown and getting a normal job has taken a toll on me a bit, you see? So please accept this as an apology from me, Le Fay-chan. "


Then I offer the carrot cake I bake this afternoon.


"...Fine, Valen-sama, I'll forgive you this time. "


She accepts and smiles softly.


The case was solved peacefully without any doubt left, now I'm a free man once again.


As I did explain everything that happen to both Asia and Elmen and also why they live with me.


Lavinia did confess that she also forget Le Fay's birthday as well, she give her some kind of magic grimoire as a present. Le Fay seems to like it very much.


" Then Lancaster, Are you prepared to receive my wrath? "


Said Arthur who draw Caliburn from his magic pouch.


" Relax Mister Morgan, this is not the place! "


So I continue with my RDR2 joke as I walk away from the table.


" Cease your silly gag, Lancaster! "


He gets into a sword stance.


Then I look at Asia who still holds onto Blessing's case tightly.


" Asia-chan, Can I borrow Blessing for a bit, please? I'm not confident enough to fight a sword that can cut dimension with barehand. "


Yes, Solarion can do the job easily, but that is my trump card, until shit happens I ain't spamming that.


Asia looks at others as if to ask that should she let us duke it out here.


" Don't let him off easily, Fay. He deserves some punishment. I want to seal his magic too, but his resistance is too high.  Hah..."


Meredith suggests to Le Fay beside her.


"...Got it, so Brother please don't use Caliburn's ability, alright? I don't want to fix up the place like last time you two went on a drunken rampage. "


She then looks at us with scorn.


We nodded as the last time serve as a good reminder that Arthur is rather weak at drinking games.


Also, Scheiss, there goes my easy way out.


" Looks like your luck run out today, isn't it? Lancaster. "


Said Arthur who rested the sword on his shoulder as if he wait for me to pull something out.


"aha, perhaps? "


I then channeled the angelic's light through my hand and harden it into a lightsaber-like form.


" Engarde! "


*Bonk!!* Then someone hit both of us in the head with a rolled newspaper.


" Who the hell—Oh! Hi, Elaine-san."


I dismiss the lightsaber after realizing who hit us.


"...Why me too, Elaine? "


Arthur rubs his head in bafflement.


" It's been a while Valen-sama."


She greets me gracefully.


" And Arthur-sama, you shouldn't draw a blade indoors, I said that before didn't I? Nevertheless, Both of you go play outside! "


Said Elaine Westcott, the caretaker of Le Fay, and fiance of Arthur.


She has black hair that is tied above her head and wears a maid outfit, carrying an air of elegance and the atmosphere of a proper lady around her.


We both nodded and walk to the backyard of the apartment calmly.


So the backyard We are at feels like a medium size park than a backyard.


There is even a fountain in the center and a bunch of flower beds here and there.


It's not just a small space like an ordinary apartment's yard as the pendragon owns the whole block, so there is no fence to separate them.


" Guess, someone sleeping on the couch tonight∼."


I jibe at him after we're out.


" Do you want me to use Ruler as well Lancaster? "


Arthur furrows his brow.


" It's treason then! "


I then form a lightsaber in my right hand again.


" You know what? Fuck it! Duel-wielding it is then, Valen. "


Then both of us dash toward each other.


Queue up the duel of the fates, please!


As the sword of light clashes against steel. it creates a spark spewing out everywhere.


We both quickly step on the grass that looks like it is about to catch fire instantly as we don't want to cause trouble for Le Fay and Meredith or in Arthur's case Elaine.


" Hey, you never told me about Mel—Lilias Du Lac before, care to tell me a bit∼?"


" ...For the love of gods, Lancaster this is why we hide her from you."


*Clang* He slashes toward my right then follow with another from the left so I have to deflect the first one and then use the counterforce to push away the second blow in time.


" Come on, I only wanna ask why did you hide Lancelot's 'descendant' from me at all, unless..."


Almost slip on that part, man. Melusine is Lancelot and also Albion?


Kinda forgot the detail on that lost belt. Anyway, back to messing around with Arthur.


"∼You secretly try to gather a harem of full round table descent—Wow! chill, dude! "


Almost got flicking cut in half there.


"Tsk...Alright fine - She is a colleague of the same organization as I. You and her just never got a chance to run into each other even though We met her almost at the identical period as you, that's it! She hangs around here from time to time due to us being descent from the round table and she seems to take a liking to Le Fay. "


He continues to swing toward me aggressively while explaining and I can only put on a defensive stance in response, no way in hell, I can win against a swordmaster like him in a sword fight, not yet anyway.


So, Arthur join team Vali around three years ago? I mean whatever the team calls at this point...Round table team?


Or is it the Fairy Knight team now?


" What about you then Lancaster? Those girls, the consequence of playing around finally catching up huh? Also, checkmate. "


My thought came to hold at Arthur's jab with the tip of Caliburn pointing at my neck while Ruler intercept my blade.


" it seems, but well, I don't hate it at all. "


I put my hand up accepting my defeat.


" I intend to take responsible anyway, also recently I cleared up one of my affirmations too. "


" Uh-huh, I see, but..., I don't wanna advise you, on how you should live, but Lancaster."


Arthur sighs as he sheath his sword and then looks straight into my eyes.


" Don't ever make my sister cry, I know you did not have that intention with her, but your action influenced someone's heart more than your thought, Don't forget this, Valen. "


"...Understood, If I have ever done that, I'm afraid, I'll be hunted down by you, Meredith, and the rest of roundtable descent for sure. "


I chuckle, imagining that scenario.


"Oh, you get the idea after all. Anyway, care to tell me, Why did you bring a fragment of my ancestor's sword here? "


" Well, I don't know why Asia-chan brings it with her, to be honest. I guess she doesn't trust the ward of my house which is fair, as I see two god-class individuals go in and out easily, and the house is also, in devil lend territory. "


Suppose, Asia-chan finds So-chan and her peerage unreliable and not willing to bet on Gremory's peerage either even though she only acquaint with Shirone-chan.


Understandable as Asia Argento Strada is a high-class exorcist like Dulio and other major exorcist characters.


Even if things go according to the canon timeline it would be around July or August that both Gremory and Sitri's peerage can be somewhat relied on.


I doubt the timeline of the event will stay the same after the stun, I am about to pull off this weekend.


After that, we just go on with normal trivia conversation, which just pretty much a whole lot of nothing worth mentioning.


That reminded me to send him the info about the demons that may or may not become a real issue in the future.


I also, add that he should tell Lilias and other people that he trusts about it as well.


As I can't be brazen that he should tell a certain black nekoshou.


Le Fay come out to ask us why we take so long, so we shrug in response and went back in with her.


I got interrogated about my relationship with Serafall immediately by Meredith, I decide to tell them truthfully that I like her, and she is likewise willing to attempt it with me even with my ethics.


Surprisingly both Le Fay and Meredith did not take it negatively—as if those three already tell them that Sera is okay if they wanna get in this messy attempt.


...So the legend is true, you did not choose harem life, only harem life choose you.


...Sorry for the shit talk in my previous life. oh, King of Anti-fate.


Lilias has been silent throughout this conversation only giving me a death stare for whatever reason.


Though I did ask for her number and take a photo with her as I need this to blackmail Azazel for hiding her from me.


I'm curious, about her circumstance after all.


I get bonk from Meredith due to my zero hesitation when it came to this type of thing.


Arthur and Elaine just roll their eyes when they saw it unfold.


And Le Fay sulks again and I have to kowtow her for my blunder.


Looks like trying to stop me from thinking with my dick has failed splendidly.




It's Saturday again, and the last two days have been just me getting back to usual daily life well, plus Asia, she has been looking after Elmen for me in the morning, and sometimes she did follow me to the academy to help in the kitchen too.


Also, sleep in the same Futon as me and Elmen as she demands equality in that too.


Not that I minded, as I wake up early than them anyway, so no awkward moment with morning wood so far. Phew∼


As expected, I can't escape So-chan preaching about disappearing from work suddenly without any head-ups.


Thankfully, this is the last week of this semester before spring break there isn't any class only a test and wrap-up for the 3rd-year graduation ceremony, so no one used the cafeteria that much as the school ended at noon, and most did not stay afterward as there's no club activity.


I did say that I have an important thing to do, So-chan, like..., creating an heir for Leviathan's house.


Suddenly the atmosphere went dead silent and everybody in the room at that moment give me a cold stare, So-chan tried to strangle me by herself which is surprising.


Seeing her lose her cool like that...Hmm, maybe So-chan is also a siscon like Sera after all.


Also, thank you, Tsubaki-chan for restraining So-chan in time and trying to calm her down, but...I may have started to enjoy seeing So-chan losing her cool a bit.


Tsubaki-chan seems to catch that as she sends me a knowing look and a wink.


...Anyway, onto the next one.


Ravel-chan sulked at me disappearing for three days suddenly, so I promise to make up for that later during spring break.


She also asks me for my contact number and said that - She'll try to arrange a schedule for our lesson as soon as possible, so I've told her that, I'm not available this weekend and next week, just in case things go wrong in the raid or after.


I bet Riser gonna hate my gut for this more than Issei trying to break off Rias's engagement.


It can't be helped, as spending time with Ravel-chan is relaxing and she is a sweet girl as well.


Gonna keep telling myself that I don't have a thing for blonde.


Though She also did tell me a lot of things about the devil, the underworld, and her family sometimes.


Ruval is still an heir, super competent in his work according to her, the second brother is still the CEO of a media company pretty much responsible for Phenex's propaganda, and Riser is Phenex's PR boy for the youth generation rating game though everybody knows that Sairaog is the strongest of this generation whereas Riser is more popular with the pillar house. Uh-huh, typical.




Shirone-chan did come by in the evening to join us for dinner like it's normal.


But Shirone-chan can you pay for the meal as well?


I know, I'm bankrolling by Grigori, but this amount of food expense would've made a regular household cry already.


No, stop right there! Why did you have a backpack and suitcase with you?


No! You can't live here not yet at least! Eh? Only till this weekend?


Cause, I'm missing out on feeding you? Are you my cat?


Fine, she can stay here, so Asia-chan stops giving me that face.


Elmen? She is reading Strike the Blood...okay, I'm not gonna bother her about this.


Please, don't try summoning blood beast in the yard okay? Good.


Is Elmen slowly turning into a weeb? She has been reading a lot of my books after all.


And my light novel collection occupied half of the wall in the living room and another half for manga.


In my room, there's a bookcase too, but solely for Western novels and plastic crack(Warhammer).


The hall of shame is full of unpainted armies and Astartes chapters.


Ah, never changes because I'm still too busy to bother with it.


Now, I think about it about fifty percent of the light novel here doesn't exist in the market as it's from another timeline. Hmm...should I? Nah...let's not, I'm not desperate for money like some fanfic protag.


I'm literally rolling in cash thanks to my job and My dear sugar daddy, Azazel, and Odin for some reason.


Probably, because I keep Rossweisse attention from him while we're out and about.


Looking outside the sun is setting it's time to go meet the slash dog team to prep for the raid that will start in...around six hours.


I then used telekinesis to grab a gray leather overcoat for myself as I wanna change my style a bit.


" Shirone-chan, you need to go home today okay? "


I look at the catgirl who just finished her meal and looks like she just lost a war or something.


"...Got it, please, come back safely, everyone."


She said while looking a bit solemn.


" We'll be fine, don't worry Sera did say that our firepower is enough to annihilate the Tepe faction by ourselves Shirone-chan. "


I gently pat her head while saying that.


She allow me to do it yesterday as it become my habit to pat someone's head thanks to Asia and Elmen who demand it every day.


Shirone's hair is very soft it gives a different texture than normal hair very addictive one almost like you petting a fluffy Persian cat.


Is this a trait for Nekomata/Nekoshou too? Hmm...will try with Kuroka if I ever run into her.


" Un! Just as Valen-san said, Shirone-san there's no one below high class in the operation, even I have this thing too. "


Asia tapped on a sword that hangs from her waist or Excalibur Blessing.


Asia wearing a nun uniform instead of an exorcist uniform tonight, by the way, as she going to be purely our support and healer.


" Don't worry too much, catgirl even if he seems unreliable and a playboy this idiot is strong. "


Is that a compliment Elmen?


" Good luck, "


Shirone said to us and vanished from the house using fear and senjutsu technique.




Then we teleport directly into a Blackdog bar this time as time is essential for tonight.


The holy rain cloud over Wallachia has already been seeded in advance by Grigori personnel.


" Yo, Valen, Elmenhilde you guys are quick huh? So this is Asia Strada that Lavinia mentioned? Maa...Welcome, "


Kouki greets us.


We then give our greeting to the slash dog team, Suzaku says her thanks to me as Akeno did contact her.


Shigune and Natsume seem to have a lot of things to say to me from their look but hold back as tonight we're going to do an important mission so that will have to wait for later.


Probably about Serafall from Lavinia. Oh, dear...these girls not gonna let me off easily like Meredith and Le Fay for sure.


Lavinia gives me nodded and then displays a map of Bran in a hologram on the table everybody then gathers around it to discuss how to approach it, engage, where to find the target, and a way out.


Then another teleport circle flash up and two figure appears.


" Evening∼, everyone looks like you guys are keen on this job eh∼? Oi, Valen! Look! I got someone you know∼! "


Azazel gives me a shit-eating grin then points at the person behind him with a thumb.


" It's been a while, Valen-dono. "


It is a voice of a beautiful young woman with long, straight silver hair and aqua-colored eyes who appears to be in her late teens. She also wears a full plate of armor in silver.


" Un, Rossweisse, it's been a while. "


I give her a gentle smile.


Looks like my dearest uncle bring her to mess with me.


" Lord Odin send me to give you this. "


She then presents another shard of El'druin.


This time it is the top piece. The one we have is the middle. then the one in Tepe's hand is the handle.


" And I'll be joining you on this mission as well so everyone, please take care of me. "


She then looks at the two blondes beside me and then straight into my eyes as if she told me to not run away.


Yep, it's truly gonna be a long night after all.


Karma is such a bitch sometimes.




Finally, be able to finish this damn chapter.

anyway, Valen wearing pretty much the same cloth as Joe from Bladerunner 2049 for this mission.

Dear lord, the last chapter drains me more than I thought.

The next chapter is kidnapping a dhampir time! oh right, the sword.

Please enjoy and give a like for my fragile ego, please!

Ps. Gotta confess I add Melusine because I like the idea from Re;Birth: Boobs and Death Flags by Dionesia on AO3.

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