CxD:Lord of Valor


“ Urg… Morning?…Hmm? Why the I sleeping on the wooden bench? "

" Arg-Damn, …my head. Curse, you Kouki. "

" Should’ve listened to Lavinia …Valen, why are you like this?”

Of course, Valen is referring to me!

Hey hey, people, Rokuhara Lancaster Valen, here.

Twenty years old, half-Canadian half-Japanese.

Technically still single and nine teens as my birthday is the 7th of April.

Seem like either, my mother or father is likely a Romanphile as I have the name of their emperor.

The one that died on the battlefield too. Wonderful.

Though, why the hell do I monologue like I’m some kind of a novel protagonist?

Anyways, good thing that my body is tough enough to be able to sleep essentially anywhere, so my back is not hurt at all. Great success!

“ Now, now, Kinda remember I got tossed into the train by someone, that means I should be in Kuoh now, right? Hmm… ”

Kuoh is the name of my hometown, I used to live with my grandmother until she passed away around five years ago.

And from the surrounding in this park, I wake up. look very familiar and nostalgic.

So it should be close to my house according to my memory if things did not change much after all these years.

Regardless, I probably should get going, but first, let’s check my body if anything is missing as I don’t trust my drunken self one bit.

I’m probably as bad as Rossweisse in that regard. ahaha… Hah…last time I met her was like two months ago during YuletideMmmKinda miss her already…

That shitty geezer sure knows when I was available.

I swear, he is as worse as my dearest uncle…

What’s wrong with their kidnap fetish? Are you guys Olympians?

Can’t they just call in like normal people? Don’t you guys have a phone?

“ Nope, nothing is missing. both my wallet and my phone are still here. Good.”

Enough monologue, for now, let's get me home first.

Wait no actually…, I have another place to visit first.

*clap clap*

“...I’m back, grandma, grandpa, dad, mom. …These five years have been very fulfilling... To say the least.”

I sit on my knee and offer my prayer in front of a tombstone that holds the name of my late grandmother and next to it holds my other family members as well.

The house I’m about to move in is empty as my family has always been just me and grandma.

That’s why I have to visit her here first before I get home.

My grandfather seem to have passed away before I was born as he was already in his eighty.

And my parent also, gone when I was like five…

Sigh…why I’m talking about this let’s change the topic.

But before that⎼.

“ I think…I have to change the way I live from now on…You always said that I shouldn’t take the relationship between men and women lightly, but…Well…I may have gone a bit too far. Funny, right∼?”

I’m kind of a bad personality type of guy as not only I’m playing around a lot, but may also unintentionally seduce many girls who can or will pursue me to the end of the earth if I did not accept their advances.

Unlike me, they want more serious relations not just playing around.

I’m still in my early twenties give me a rest…Sigh.

“—Anyway, I think if I don’t change, sooner or later it going to blow up in my face, ahaha∼. ”

I make a little water ball in my hand and slowly pour it over the stone as a ceremony.

Thank the gods, I can use magic without relying on Merlin’s system that required a math Ph.D. to use.

“ Well, no need to worry though. My body is tough enough to handle a couple of stabbings∼! so…Mmm…I’ll update you next time.”

I look at the tomb one last time then left the cemetery.

I kind of feel a bit empty, but also fulfilling, weird…

Anyways, to the house, we go.

“ Ara∼? Valen-kun? ”

As I was about to open the door to my house the voice of a woman called out to me.

So I turn toward the voice and see the ordinary middle age woman with brown hair carrying a grocery with her.

“ Aa—Hai… Eto…”

Who is this? Neighbor? Hmm…

Though she looks a bit familiar… She is about to enter her house as well and it’s next to mine…oh!

“ Oh my! It’s really you, Valen-kun. You’re all grown up now!”

“ Ah…yes, It’s been quite some time… Miki-oba-san. ”

It is the neighbor I knew, the Hyoudo family has been living next to us, Rokuhara since before I was born according to my grandmother.

If I remember correctly they have one son in the family, though, I never bother them much aside from seeing them talking with my grandmother.

“ It is! Since Yuuna-san passed away. We never thought you would move aboard abruptly like that!”

Yuuna was my grandmother’s name by the way and Aunty Miki was right. After the funeral was done, I pretty much just disappear from this town.

“ahaha…Well, I kind of got a scholarship aboard even before she passed away so…I have to.”

Not really, but Grandma did say I should go see the world, so I take it literally.

No regret, following her word, to be honest, as thanks to that words…

I…got to see the world for what it truly is.

The gods, many phantasmal beings live among men, the danger that lurks in the shadow, and the wonder of mysticism and the temptation that came with it.

The supernatural world or the real world is a beautiful yet, terrifying place.

And of course, the girls were wonderful and deadly!

“ Oh, I see. Still, it’s good to see you’re all healthy like this. Did you get a job here? I don’t see why would you move back to a boring town like this. Sorry if it sounds like I’m being too nosy, Valen-kun. You don’t need to answer if it's too much.”

“No, It’s fine, Oba-san. Yes, I did get a job here, that’s why I come back. It’s a cafeteria supervisor for Kuoh Academy. Since I’m from graduated from culinary school and kind of ran into their recruiter while I’m aboard, it’s a weird coincidence.”

I chuckle thinking about certain devil kings that love to cosplay magical girls.

Serafall…meeting her has been a surprise and welcoming occasion.

She pretty much changes my prejudgment of the devil as the source of my info about them has been their enemy like my dear uncle and neutral like the shitty geezer.

Serafall Leviathan is surprisingly very chill and fun to hang out with.

For a devil king, she is sure, to be free enough to visit me once a month.

I have known her for like half a year and it’s due to her that I come back here.

“ Truly!? That’s great! My son also enroll there as well! He’s a first-year student, so you’re gonna meet him for sure, but well…he’s not that hard to spot...(sigh)…Issei…I’m sure you’ll understand as soon as you see him, but he’s not a delinquent or anything just a bit hormonal. ”

Sound like a typical teenager aunty. I have high tolerant thanks to my many misadventures all these years, I’m sure he not gonna top the people I have met.

“ Anyway, see you around Valen-kun. ”

“ A-Hai, Miki-oba-san.”

Before I can say anything she say goodbye and went inside her house.

Well, time to go in and see if my dearest uncle sends my stuff from Valencia correctly or if I have to ask Lavinia to teleport me and gather what’ve been missing.

"—!? Spiritual energy...So...he did connect my house to the leyline. What for? Oh, I see...for the ward, huh? Neat∼. "

As soon as I step inside the wall of my house I can feel an overwhelming sense of refresher as the ambiance of spiritual energy is more intense in this place like those of old gods' sacred groves or temples.

Guess, He hired the Keikain to set it up as far as I know my uncle cannot set up this type of thing by himself. No offense to Suzaku, but Kekkai or wards are Keikain's specialty.

Though, It reminds me of the Temple of Apollo in Delphi a bit.

“ I’m back…”

As I step my foot inside the house hallway I say out of habit and obviously, no reply came. Only the sound of birds and a wind chime on the terrace rang to welcome me.

My house is a Japanese style house and it’s large enough to fit two generations of a family in it.

It has ten bedrooms, two bathrooms, five powder rooms, one big living room, and next to it an open kitchen well equipped enough to function as a restaurant kitchen.

Also, a large backyard with a Japanese storehouse and then a garage that fit two cars.

Yeah, we’re kind of well off as a family and sadly it was only me and my grandmother that’s been living in it, and now it's just me.

In this empty house.

“ Hmm…so…I don’t need to unpack anything now. Why did he arrange a bookcase in the living like this? I know, I’m living alone, but keep my weeb stuff in my room will you, uncle?”

As soon as I finish checking the house and went back to the living room I find that all of my novels and manga were arranged in the bookcase in this room.

I’m sure this is one of his little pranks for sure, but I don’t get why he would do this.

“ Well, he probably gonna said thing like, My goal is beyond your understanding! like he’s reverse flash…Hmm? Shiniki no Campiones? When did I have this—Urg.”

As I pick up a random light novel to see I got a headache assaulting me it feels like I was stabbed or shot in the head.

“—My head…What’s wrong with me? Where did this pain come from—Urg. Fucked…Oh…I see…shit… Fuck me sideways. This is a scam…”

I can only smile bitterly for the cause of intense pain in my head as a certain memory has been unlocked.

“ Freebie my arse, you goddamn scammer…I have to wander a literal desert for this damn authority! Also, it’s taken almost twenty years for memory to resurface. Just wonderful…”

Damn, my old-life personality sure loves to swear… As I don’t swear that much even face with a ‘grade A’ personality like those pure blood vampires…

Yes, I’m being sarcastic.

The only noble vampire I can tolerate is Elmenhilde.

Hope she is still well, as last week I heard that things start to blow up between Wallachia and Transylvania.

“ Still, bloody fantastic job to me…(Sigh). Why the hell do I know all of those big shots, especially degenerate ones… ”

The shitty geezer I’ve been referring to is, of course, Odin. and my dearest uncle is…*drum roll*…Azazel.

I do know a somewhat normal grandpa, but that’s also Vasco Strada…

Damn, Rokuhara Ren’s trait is real.

Plus side I also get along with a lot of female characters as well.

I knew Lavinia for almost four years. Same for Rossweisse as I often hang out with her employer.

Asia for three years along with Le Fay, Meredith, Arthur, and Elaine.

Yes, I have a normal male friend.

Arthur and I have been barhopping together from time to time.

Serafall, I already tell you. it was half a year ago.

“ And recently would be the rest of the slash-dog team, huh? Sigh…”

I place the book back and ponder to myself a bit more.

“ Well, nothing gonna change by staying here, but probably be best to note down the thing I need to fix asap. also, future threads and stuff. then move along.”

Where to note this down…nevermind I have a smartphone for a reason…

Anyway…for now, I have to get to the Academy first to sort out my work schedule and plan things from there.

Also, I have to contact Serafall to let her know that, I'm already in Kuoh or she will force me into another magical girl anime marathon or worse do a show with her in the underworld…just no…

I rather fight a god than do that.

It is still February, I have a couple of months to jugglings around before shit hit the fan.



Here's the new prologue what do you think? better?


Yes, he's not an orphan anymore.


And now I have to go edit all those flicking chapters to fit the narrative...Fucked...


I wish I have an editor or a beta reader...

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.