Cyber Ghosts

Chapter 27

Chapter 27 Using My Sword as a Substitution of Tian Gang Blades

“My Serial True Fire Spikes includes eighty-one moves. Each contains dozens of variations. I was using the technique continuously. How could I possibly be stabbed by him?” Xiao Hong muttered softly with his hands behind his back, but I could hear his words. I could see that he was trembling slightly, and that even his face began to sweat a little.

Taking in a deep breath, Xiao Hong trembled his hands as he used his True Fire to expel the water vapor that had just entered her body. His mind recovered and he used his spear to stab toward me.

This time his speed was extremely fast. I could faintly feel that his spear tech-nique was different. For example, he should have been thrusting out his spear just now, but he retracted it back; he should have swung it back, but instead, he just moved it up, but I didn’t care about that at all. No matter what technique he took, I only focused on two things, one of which was how to avoid the tip of the red Flame Spear, and the other was how to hit him with my Water Sword. This method consumed my concentration, but the strange thing was that whenever I was low in spirits, this Water Sword would always make me clear, allowing me to wake up for a moment. In this way, we exchanged a few hundred moves, but neither of us could defeat the other. Before his spear could pierce me, my sword was already about to hit him, and just as my sword was about to touch him, he had already withdrawn his spear and promptly made another attack.

I didn’t know how many moves I had dodged, but when I saw the tip of his spear trembled, which caused the space around it to blur, I felt that this move seemed familiar. Indeed, he was thrusting towards the direction that I predicted. At that moment, I felt as if a bolt of lightning split through the night, illuminating the sky. ”That’s it! Though his spear technique is fast, he only have a limited number of moves, not like me making any moves as I wish to attach the parts he must defend. After he used up his techniques, he has to do it again.” Thus I took a careful look at her moves, and found that they were all within my anticipation.

“It’s coming!” Zhang Chi Hang called out at this time, then an object flew over from afar. I could know without looking that it was his kalasa coming back. It seemed that he had already borrowed the water essence of the entire South Sea. “Hao Ning, you have to stab his entire body for straight thirty-six times,” This time Zhang Chi Hang did not care about his identity anymore. He took the mi-crophone from Liu Shuai’s hands and said to me.

“Idiot! Stop dreaming!” Xiao Hong sneered and attacked even more urgently.

However, he did not know that I had been aware of his tricks. Thus I stopped hesitating any more. As I saw his left foot extending out and his right hand re-versing, I knew that his next move was about to pierce my lower body and jump up, so I threw aside the technique of starting late while arriving first, but attached him first and stabbed his right ribs. This time, since I already had a plan, my movement was much faster than before. As my sword tip shook a few times, I launched my attack for several times, while Xiao Hong obviously did not think that he would be hit, he subconsciously stabbed his spear in a hurry as he did before, but this time he was slower due to the injury. Seeing him putting away his elbows into chest, I knew that this move was a fake, and he planned to extend his spear from the side before he did the move, so I immediately flipped backward and switched the sword from my right to left hand, then stabbed toward him as I was flipping.

Changing hand was a very dangerous move in fighting, since one would lose ac-curacy due to unstable handling. However, I didn’t know why I would actually use this move, nor did Xiao Hong expect that. While he was still in a daze, I sud-denly stabbed him a few dozen times with my sword. This may sound complicat-ed, but all of the changes occurred while Xiao Hong was saying “idiot! Stopping dreaming”. After she said these words, his body had already been struck by thirty-six attacks, and he was covered in blood. I hastily retreated, and when I realized that Xiao Hong was not attacking, I focused and watched, which gave me a shock. It turned out that among my thirty-six swords attack, there were thirty-six transparent blade pieces on his wounds, which should have been the Sword Qi that I had left behind after I used Water Sword to stab him.

After that, Xiao Hong’s blood explode out from his entire body. He was indeed a hard person, that he seemed not afraid of the pain and was about to pull those blades out with her hands. Zhang Chi Hang didn’t allow him to do that, and be-fore he could make the next move, Zhang Chi Hang picked up the kalasa and fell to the side, from which the South Sea Water Essence flew out. Strangely, I originally thought the Water Essence should be transparent or blue, but it was golden, which made it even more dazzling under the sunlight. The golden Water Essence danced in the air endlessly after being poured out, and then split into five parts, flying towards Xiao Hong and forming five golden rings that locked his hands, feet and head tightly, making him unable to move. As Zhang Chi Hang waved his hand, the thirty-six blades as well as the Water Sword on my hand flew back to his hand. The Water Sword transformed into the stem of a willow branch, and the blades became the leaves. As I watched closely–

It was still the same unique Clear Willow Branch.

And ever-changing sword used to subdue demons.

At this time, Zhang Chi Hang flew over on his cloud, and I also flew over to Zhang Chi Hang’s side on my Wind Fire Wheel. Zhang Chi Hang laughed, “You demon has a profound mana. I know the Fire Controlling Technique is your third strongest skill. The second is your martial arts, and the first is your thirty-six Tian Gang Transformation Technique that allows you to transform into anything and even change the landscape. Only the thirty-six Tian Gang Blades can put you down.” Then he said to me, “Thanks to you holding on for so long. I did not borrow the Tian Gang Blades yet, so I asked you to fight with him and use my magic tool to trap him. Although the effects are the same, the effective time of the magic tool is very short since it’s not as useful as the Tian Gang Blades!”

Then, he sneered at Xiao Hong, “Demon, see what you did!”

Xiao Hong’s wounds had already healed by this time. He stubbornly said, “We all live on the trace of resources in the world. How could you interrupt my culti-vation while you enjoy endless donations from the mortals. It is the so called sheriff can set fire but not allow the commoners to light lamps? ”

I slapped my head. The reportage came back so quickly. Zhang Chi Hang just explained this phrase to us, and now there was a monster questioning him with that?

“Bah!” Zhang Chi Hang bellowed, “Your cultivation is to harm living beings. How could you still have the face to say that you’re just a commoner lighting lamps? You were actually making the commoners be the lamps for lighting. How could you talk such nonsense in this young age. Did your parents teach you a lesson ever since you were young. ”

Liu Shuai and I were surprised when we heard Zhang Chi Hang’s words. Shouldn’t a Bodhisattva always teach general principles to the common people? How could he “impart” someone by scolding him and blaming his parents?

Hearing Zhang Chi Hang’s words, Hong Hai’er expressed a little loneliness in his eyes, but that emotion flashed past. “Don’t ever bother me! I teach myself. ”

Zhang Chi Hang said with a stern face, “Let’s not talk about this for now. Who told you I’m suddenly a man and a woman? What did you mean I don’t have a distinct gender?” As he spoke, he used the willow branch in his hand to beat Xiao Hong. Xiao Hong was trapped by the golden water essence, and his body was placed straight so that he could not dodge but to undertake his whip attack. He was still stubborn just a moment ago, but after a few lashes, Xiao Hong couldn’t help but let out a cry of pain.

“Why you Bodhisattva so petty? Xiao Hong simply said a word of you. How could you beat him to such a state?” I muttered in my heart.,”what a stingy and petty Bodhisattva.”

Somehow when I saw Xiao Hong get beaten up like that, I felt something strange and immediately stopped Zhang Chi Hang. “Hey, are you a sadist? Even if you are, he is not a masochist. You have him under you control, just show some mercy.”

Xiao Hong looked at me with gratitude.

“Pah!” Zhang Chi Hang spat, but when I spoke of the term “sadist”, he blushed and stopped, “People always think that I am a woman, and there are even some heart apes scolding that ‘I should have no husband in this life’. I have different genders in different worlds and lives, OK? How many times in the past have I used a man’s appearance while no one speaks anything, while I become suddenly a man and a woman when I show a woman’s face? Why are all of them so uncultured?”

“Alright, alright, they have no culture. You do. You have great intelligence, so you don’t need to worry about that.” I hurriedly coaxed. Zhang Chi Hang was 1.93 meters tall, and I was much shorter than him, but at this time, it was me who had to coax. It seemed that everyone had a soft part in his heart, and he must have been haunted by this misunderstanding and would not be able to move on.

“Well,” I said, trying to change the subject, ” The golden band you gave him, is that the water essence? Why is it golden? ”

This question was not important at all, but Zhang Chi Hang gave an answer, “The South Sea Water Essence is always golden, and the band made by this golden essence is the most powerful. As long as I chant an incantation, Xiao Hong will suffer a lot. The band will grow into his flesh and not be able to be re-moved.”

“Is that so powerful? What’s its name?” I seemed to have an answer.

“En, I haven’t named it yet,” Zhang Chi Hang said thoughtfully, “Since it has flickering golden light, grows into flesh, and I can suppress a person with incan-tation, what about we call it—“

“Water Band Spell”, Zhang Chi Hang shoot the three words as he held the kal-asa in one hand and the willow branch in the other.

“Pfft —” I spat out a mouthful of blood.

“Shouldn’t it be called the Golden Band Spell? You Bodhisattva isn’t playing according to the rules! ”

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