Cyber Ghosts

Chapter 30

Chapter 30 Bodhisattva’s Trap


Seeing that Liu Shuai had comprehended something, Zhang Chi Hang smiled and nodded.

“Even though that’s the case,” I thought for a moment, “I’m a fake, after all. I can’t borrow the supernatural powers of others at my will!”

“Supernatural powers can only be understood by supernatural mind.” Zhang Chi Hang laughed, “Put down your mental barrier. Once there’s no barrier in your mind, you can understand the supernatural things…”

“Thank you, Mr. Zhang.” I was still not used to calling him Bodhisattva like Liu Shuai, “You make me feel a lot more comfortable. Then may I ask about the matter of saving Zhou Yuan and Yan? ”

Zhang Chi Hang waved his hand, “Mortals fear the effect, but Bodhisattvas fear the cause. You helped me and you’ve even successfully shortened Kong Ming’s life by 12 years…”

“What?” I couldn’t help but interrupt him, “When did I shorten Kong Ming’s life by 12 years?”

Zhang Chi Hang frowned, “Would you stop yourself from interrupting others? I asked you to stab Xiao Hong thirty-six times, and you actually did thirty-seven. In the last attack you tilted your sword. The Sword Qi hit Kong Ming directly. If not for Kong Ming’s skilled mana and a strong flame barrier, he would have died on the spot. My magical artifact is much more formidable than you could imagine. Would you like to know how to save the two guys?”

“Yes, absolutely.” I shut up quickly, but my mind was full of questions.

“Seeing that you’re suspicious, I might as well tell you everything. Not long later, when Kong Ming was on the verge of death, he planned to plea to the nether world to extend his life, but he didn’t know that you had already cut off twelve years of his lifespan. What a fate! Originally, he plead to Yan, but was rejected, so he could not extend his life and died in the end. But I did not expect that the cause and effect had come to you. It may be a fortune or calamity. I’m not sure.” Zhang Chi Hang thought for a bit, and stretched out his hand, allowing a willow leaf to float out of the willow branch. With a drop of pure water on it, the willow leaf flew toward us and stopped in front of us. After that, Zhang Chi Hang shook his finger lightly, and the willow leaf wrapped the water droplet into a ball, then quickly spun, turning into a green pill.

Zhang Chi Hang placed the pill into a embroidered box and handed it over to me. “Scrunch this pill, then you can give it to Zhou Yuan or put it on Yan’s mirror. Either way you can save one of them.”

“One of them?” Liu Shuai and I shouted, “but there are two!”

“So what?” Zhang Chi Hang returned to his previous carefree appearance, “You helped me once, so I’ll help you save one person, then the cause and effect will be crossed off. Are you telling me that when you have a hundred people who need to be saved, I have to help you a hundred times?”

“What the heck?” I felt like Zhang Chi Hang had laid a trap for me. Indeed, the furthest path in my life was the path laid out by the Bodhisattva.

“I did what I have to do.” Zhang Chi Hang waved his hand, “Now it’s your turn to think of a way on your own. Oh right…” Zhang Chi Hang looked at Liu Shuai again, “If you take this drop of water, it can immediately restore your mana. Your, uh, little brother, doesn’t need to wait half a year to work properly.” Then he turned to me, “The question is, whom will you give it to?”

“Bodhisattva…” The words hit Liu Shuai as a bucket of cold water. It turned out that the fate Zhang Quan had calculated for him was this bad.

“That’s all~” Zhang Chi Hang waved his hand.

Our visions got dark. When we could see again, we were downstairs at the office, and we were staring at each other, unable to say a word.

How could this be the result? I came here to save people, and we could indeed save a person in the end, but whom to save?

At the same time, Zhang Chi Hang was in his office.

“The Mighty One,” Zhang Chi Hang’s eyes were closed, as if he was speaking to the air, “I can feel you. After so many years I finally felt you again.”

“You used the word ‘feel’. That’s good,” a voice that did not exist appeared in Zhang Chi Hang’s mind, “You did very well. That’s what an embodiment of great wisdom should do!”

“I’m flattered. How could I dare to claim to have great wisdom in front of you?” Zhang Chi Hang didn’t look at all at ease and relaxed, “Are you here for him?”

“Yes, and no,” the voice said noncommittally, “Did you hide something between his eyebrows?”

“I can’t hide anything from you.” Zhang Chi Hang sighed, “I hope that could help him in the future. That’s what I can do.”

“I don’t know everything either!” The voice held neither joy nor sadness, “Although I know many things even I needn’t to know. Alright, you have your own reasons for doing this. It depends on his choice. This is a test for humanity!”

“Yes.” Zhang Chi Hang muttered, “Mankind uprises… Mankind uprises… But the true thing that needs to be upraised is humanity.”

Of course I knew nothing about that. Instead, I looked at the pill in the embroidered box in a daze, and then looked at Liu Shuai. After being silent for a while, I asked Liu Shuai, “Tell me, is this the same as Killing Three Warriors with Two Peaches?”

Liu Shuai was confused, “What? You like eating peaches?”

“Killing Three Worriers with Two Peaches!” I exhaled a breath. Liu Shuai was a good example of a science student. He understood all sorts of mana very well, but he didn’t know human stories. I patiently explained, “This is a story about Yan Zi. You know the story of Yan Zi’s visit to the state of Chu, don’t you? At that time his king had three generals who were very arrogant for their merits and posed threats to the king. The king had been worrying about them, so Yan Zi suggested him to call all three of them over, then announce that the king had obtained two very good peaches and wanted to give them to the three. He asked the three generals to argue who had contributed the most, and the peached would be granted to the two with the biggest contributions.”

Liu Shuai found it funny, “Why were they fighting for two rotten peaches? If it were me, I would say to the king, ‘hey, stop messing around, just buy another one.'”

I couldn’t help but laugh as well, “I don’t know either. I just heard this story. Maybe the peaches were expensive at that time.” However, what happened after that was tragic. Two generals were probably impatient, so they each picked up a peach and claimed that their contribution was great and that they deserved to take the peach. Thus, they told everyone their contribution. The third general could not bear to listen any longer and jumped up to fight the other two by announcing his merits. After that, he felt that he was being humiliated, so he raised his sword and committed suicide. One of the remaining two generals then felt that he had gone too far, so he also committed suicide. The one left was very grieved, so he also killed himself. This way, Yan Zi used two peaches to easily kill three generals. That’s the story of Killing Three Warriors with Two Peaches.”

Liu Shuai looked at me blankly and shuddered, “What you’re saying is really unbelievable. How could they commit suicide for two peaches?”

“Ah~” I looked up at the sky, “That was an era in which everyone cared a lot about their esteem. Everyone placed a lot of importance on their reputation.”

“I understand the story, but what does that have to do with us?” Liu Shuai scratched his head, “Bodhisattvas would not let you use this pill to kill the three of us, would he?”

I nodded, as an agreement with him, then shook my head, “This is my fault for not explaining clearly. Most comments on this story are about Yan Zi. The method he used was actually a reflection of his personality. So, people later detested Yan Zi’s method and thought of him as a sinister person. Now, I’m the one who give the peaches, haha.”

I looked at Liu Shuai and laughed bitterly.

“Got it.” Liu Shuai suddenly realized, “All three of us need this pill, and we all have a quite deep relationship with you, so you may give it to any one of us…”

“And I will be sorry for the other two…” I sighed.

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