Cyber Ghosts

Chapter 4

Chapter 4: This First Time To Use “Borrow Me Your Mana”

My legs went soft, and I almost sat down on the floor. I suddenly hated that I was so useless that I couldn’t even stand up. So I held the table in order to stand steady, but I pulled the bag on the table accidentally while the power bank, data line inside the bag fell onto the floor.

“What’s that?” Yan stared at the stuff on the ground and asked.

“This is a power bank of XiaoMi. Its shell is made of aluminum, and it is easy to carry because of its rectangle shape. It has 10000 milliamps that can charge iPhone 5 times. It is easy to use, and it only cost 99 yuan. You will not be cheated by the 99 yuan and you will buy nothing but it with the 99 yuan. You poor bastard …Oh my god, what I am saying!” I was obviously scared to death so that I even started to make an introduction of the product.

“No, I mean, is that a Kindle!” Yan stared at the back of my body. I took a look, and sure enough, that was my kindle which fell out.

I nodded with a frown. “Yes!”

“Are there any novels by Louis Cha?” Yan’s voice trembled slightly.

“Yes, there are. Such as Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre, The Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils, and The Smiling Proud Wanderer…”

“How many times have you read it?” Yan’s voice could no longer control himself.

“I don’t remember. Probably many times.”

“That’s great! Using the power bank to charge the Kindle. “Yan said excitedly,” We’ll be saved!”

Although I didn’t know what he wanted to do, I still did as he said. Yan grabbed my hand and pressed it onto the Kindle, telling me to follow his words “Borrow Me Your Mana”.

What?! My heart was full with questions, but I still chanted “Borrow Me Your Mana”.

The moment I said those words, my entire body was frozen, as the reincarnation had come to me. All of a sudden, there was a very instant and strange feeling flowed through my fingertips into my body, causing my lower abdomen tremble and warm slightly. Yan whispered a few words into my ear. “What you borrowed is …and…and do it as I said.”

“Holy crap, will it work?” I glared at Yan. “But that doesn’t make sense. Why —”

“Shut up with why.” Yan scolded, “Do you want your logic or your life?!”

“Oh …”

Looking around, there was nothing for me to use as a weapon. I picked up the LAMY pen on the floor, opened the door made of gold powder, and walked out.

“Hey!” I shouted to the two men who were smashing the wall madly, when they turned their heads and saw that I had come out, grinning and ready to pounce.

At this moment, the voice rang out again, “Fresh body and fresh soul, capture him and bring him to me!”

At the same time, Sister Lan who was lying on the ground not far away came to life again. She stood up tremblingly. At this moment, Sister Lan didn’t have the same look as she did during the day, her whole face had caved in and her tongue stretched out three inches. Obviously, the energy was unable to support her body anymore.

Without a glance, I moved toward the two men. Yes, I moved over, because I really didn’t know how to describe about it. Under normal circumstances, I should have run over or walked over, but at this time, even to use the word “run” seemed too slow. I felt so great about the extreme high speed. It was as if I had moved in a straight line, arriving at the two men with ghostly speed. I pulled out my pen, and with a light tap on one of the men, I retreated back to my original place.

All these actions were done in one go before the man could even blink.

The man didn’t know what had happened. He only felt something in his eyes started blinking, and before he could close the eyes, he felt numb. By the time he reacted, his eyes were already bleeding and he started shouting, “Aha! I can’t see, I can’t see!”

The other man who did not know what was going on as well. In his eyes, all he saw was his companion had gone blind within a blink. At this time, the blind man was screaming as he started to attack randomly. His punched the other man twice and made him flew out. It showed how much strength the man had.

Everyone, that’s right, the movement technique I used just now, was precisely the movement technique from the Sunflower Grimoire in The Smiling Proud Wanderer. I wonder what kind of secret technique Yan used, made me “borrow” the martial arts from Louis Cha’s novels after speaking “Borrow Me Your Mana”, but it was obvious that I was not proficient in using it, so I could only use the most powerful, and also the fastest martial arts to fight my enemies.

The other man hadn’t landed yet, and I was about to blind him in the same way. However before he landed, he threw out a punch, and before the punch was finished, he made two more, and then it turned into four, four into eight. When he flipped over in the air, he had thrown out eighty-four punches that carried with wind to protect his whole body, one punch after another, continuous and irremediable. He knew I was using a pen. Although he practiced Hard KongFu, his palms were soft, and he turned his palms into fists which I couldn’t get in.

I didn’t have time to wonder why his body was so nimble when I heard he said to the blind man, “Bro, we’ll attack together!”

When the blind man heard this, he immediately followed. Two fists turned into four, four into eight, and they attacked me together. I slightly smiled. Although your fist positions were tight, you still could not be faster than me. As I was about to move away, I found that the air was filled with fist winds, so I had no choice but to retreat. I tried a few times, but their steps were very strange. It seemed that they were very far away from me, but as long as I left my position, dozens of punches would immediately smash towards me. With my current body, even though my movement technique was strange, I definitely wouldn’t be able to block a punch.

At this moment, they were getting closer and closer to me, so I could only retreat until I reached the wall of gold powder. If I retreated again, their punches would land on the wall, and Liu Shuai would definitely be injured again!

We were in trouble now. Although I was fast and I borrowed the martial arts from novels, I didn’t have any inner strength at all. All of them were just style and no substance. It was rare for me to win just now and all this was rely on the fast speed just now.

While I was thinking, I could already felt the fist wind blowing at my face. If it went on, not only would I not be able to dodge, but I would even lose my life. “Damn, what’s the use of my fast speed? It’s all because I am sitting in an office all the day. I didn’t have any inner strength at all, how could I beat these two tough guys?” I couldn’t help but grumble, “In Louis Cha’s novels, there was no martial arts which didn’t need a bit of inner strength to fight with others!”

“Eh? Without any inner strength, how could I fight against someone with inner strength? ” In that very moment, I thought of a strange martial art, but it was so dangerous that if I wasn’t careful, I would die. I thought while dodging and that the two of them were getting closer and closer. Well, just fight!

At the same time, I dispersed the heat from lower abdomen to the entire body and reversed the meridians in my right hand, trying to touch the blind man’s fist as gentle as possible, as I slightly chanted: “The Lung Meridian on the hand go through Ren channel, it’s the Northern Meditation…”

This technique need extremely prudent. I could not be punched by him but also need to be close enough to him. Luckily, my speed was extremely fast and I could easily keep a certain distance. However, after dozens of times of trying, I started to struggle, but I was happy that I could feel the weak inner strength of his fist wind was slowly flowing into my dantian through my right hand. This inner strength was so minor, that he would not feel it at all. But after practising it a few times, I could clearly feel that the inner strength that I could absorb was gradually increasing!

The other man didn’t know what I was doing. He just called out, “Bro, this little bastard has nowhere to retreat any more. Let’s attack!” As soon as he finished, the blind man’s punches became heavier.

I laughed to myself. What I wanted was that your fist wind became heavier. I tried to touch his fist a few times. If it was just a drop of water just now, now it was a warm current flowing from my right palm into my body and gradually converging on my lower abdomen. At the same time, I didn’t feel hurt to touch with my right hand and even could hold off his punches from time to time.

Gradually, the blind man felt it was odd. Logically speaking, he had practiced his martial arts at a high degree and he could made his punch as he wished. Normally, he did not need to take a break for an entire afternoon to practice the Thousand-handed Buddha Palm. Why did he suddenly feel a little tired from just fighting for a short while today? He thought to himself, ”May be it is because of my blind eyes and it was a psychological effect.”

At this moment, I didn’t care what he thought. There was already some inner strength in my dantian. Yes, you were right. I used the Divine Power of the North which I just borrowed from one of Louis Cha’s novels. This was a famous skill that could help one absorb inner strength from others. The person who learned this skill could not have the inner strength from the start, and the most important shortage of the skill was that the inner strength he absorbed at the beginning couldn’t be too much, or it would be fatal for the absorber. This was simply designed for me, for I did not have any inner strength at all. As I can’t absorb too much at once, I would only absorb a tiny bit of the palm wind at an extremely fast speed. I was truly a genius!

After shamelessly praising myself in my heart, I continued to act with caution. I was worried that the other man who was not blind would see through my tricks, so I didn’t try to use it on him. Luckily, he was worried about my strange movements, and tried to get close to me gradually by using of Two Elements Steps. He didn’t brush to me, otherwise, with my weak body, I would fall down.

At this time, I was proficient in using the Divine Power of the North with my right hand already. I smiled, as my hands were covered with Divine Power of the North, my right hand was towards the blind man, and my left hand was towards the other man. In the beginning, I still did not touch their fists but only absorbed the energy from their fist wind. After dozens of punches, I could take two of the five punches, and after I took their punches, I could absorb even more inner strength. As the time went by, my inner strength had increased greatly.

The more they fought, the more shocked they were. They came to realize that something was wrong. With less and less inner strength, they could not stop, because they were worried that if they retracted, my strange movement technique would attack them all the time. At that time, they could not make a sound, because their inner strength had already been pushed to the max limitation. If they said a single word, their vital energy and blood would definitely be in turmoil and that would cause them to be crippled. At this time, Sister Lan’s complexion had already recovered. She stood by the side. Seeing that the two men seemed to have the upper hand, she was not going to attack right now. Instead, she was cheering for them by side.

I secretly rejoiced in my heart as the movements of my hands became faster and faster. I didn’t put much effort in my movements, but I could absorb their inner strength every time. Moreover, I could clearly feel that what I absorbed was not the inner strength that they usually preserved, but I was gradually destroying their dantian’s energy reserve tank and absorb more and more to expand my own tank. It was only then that I understood the question which had puzzled me for a long time: If one was to absorb normal inner strength, then the other party could recover himself by taking rest, but if one destroyed his dantian and energy reserve tank in his body, then no matter how long the other party rested, he would only be a cripple.

After hundreds of dealing, their faces became more and more pale. Seeing that the time was right, I suddenly grabbed their fists as their fists could no longer hurt me now. They were suddenly stunned, as if a rabbit had been grabbed by the neck by a hunter. Their faces were filled with fear, and wanted to escape. However, the more they struggled, the more strength they used, and the faster they lost their inner strength. Eventually, without any strength left, the two of them kneeled down on the ground.

At this time, Sister Lan noticed that something was wrong, and she slashed at my arm. I felt a cold wind was attacking my arms, so I shook my arms and the cold wind started to move towards the two men, instantly cutting off their arms. It was only then did I see that Sister Lan had a transparent crystal dagger in her hand, and if I did not look carefully, I would not be able to discover it. Fortunately, I had just dodged it, and used the Stellar Transposition and switch the blade to the the two men’s arms instead of mine. Immediately, fresh blood flowed from their wounds.

“Little thing’s kung fu is really odd!” Sister Lan didn’t hurry to bandage the two of them, but extended one of her hands to point at me. I suddenly realized that I couldn’t move anymore, and at this moment, the woman’s hand was grabbing the air, and the two men’s blood flowed even faster as their bodies were trembling ferociously.

Soon both of the men curled up, as though their entire bodies’ blood and energy were forced out. Blood was floating in the air, and forming into an extremely long blood pillar under Sister Lan’s hand. Suddenly, as her hand shook, the blood pillar struck the golden wall. When the blood pillar touched the wall, the wall seemed to shrink in fear, and gradually caved in and got to Yan’s side. At that time, Yan was unable to move but watched those sunken points reached his side. However there was a gap of gold powder between the sunken points and Yan. The golden powder could not be broken.

All of a sudden, Sister Lan bit her tongue and spat out a mouthful of blood on the blood pillar. The blood pillar brushed forth as if it had eaten a great tonic. It broke through the golden powder. At the same time, the blood pillar was like a hand and lift up Yan’s clothes and took the bottle with Zhou Yuan’s soul inside it. Meanwhile, as I couldn’t move, it pulled me and Zhou Yuan’s body to the side of Sister Lan.

At this time, Sister Lan’s face was in a deformed state again, that probably because her energy was almost used up. Zhou Yuan fainted when he took a closer look. That face smiled fiendishly and said, “Today, we have suffered a great loss, and we lost two warriors. But as long as we get you two, it won’t be called a loss any more!”

At this time, a voice came from the sky, ” Lan, come back now. Grand Mother wants to use them!”


Sister Lan grabbed us and was about to leave.

Suddenly, a voice called out, “Leave them!” I turned around and saw a golden light emitting from Yan’s body. Sister Lan had grabbed our hands and the blood pillar was emitting green smoke as if it was burnt.

“Aha!” Sister Lan shouted, and the voice in the air also shouted, “Are you crazy? You used your Yin and Yang Transporting Body to break the Immortal Tying Seal! Now that you will not be able to go for both Yin world and Yang world! ”

With a loud crash, we fainted.

I don’t know how long it passed. When I woke up, the sun was already up outside. I realized that we were still in our original room and nothing had been destroyed. Liu Shuai, Zhou Yuan lied on the floor as if what happened was a dream.

Heh heh, perhaps it was really just a dream. This dream was truly strange.

I laughed in self-mockery, and turned around to wash my face in the washroom.

I bent over to wash my face, and when I raised my head to look in the mirror, I found someone behind me. The pale Yan! Who was smiling at me!

“Aha!” I couldn’t help but shout. When I looked back, no one was there, and when I looked in the mirror, Yan was still there!

“Stop shouting, if I hadn’t broken the seal at the last moment, you would already be dead.” Yan said to me while smiling bitterly, “Unfortunately, I am now an unregistered man. I cannot either go to the mortal world, or go back to the Underworld, but only stay in this mirror. And …” He took out a bottle from his clothes, “Your friend’s soul is also here with me. He won’t come out as well.”

“Doesn’t that mean …?” I said powerlessly, “Zhou Yuan still has forty-nine days to live?”

“That’s right!” He waved in the mirror. “Right now, he still hasn’t lost all of his humanity, but after a long time, he will become a zombie. At that time, he will either eat someone’s soul or die.”

I fell limply to the floor and turned to look at Zhou Yuan, when he just woke up.

He was looking at me and laughing.

However, that was not his smile.

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